Monday, August 21, 2006


Go to everyone's favourite federal blogger's blog, the one run by David O Markus. The link is on the bottom left side of this page. Read all about the decision by Federal District Court Judge Cooke dismissing one count in the Padilla terror case.

Mr. Markus's blog has all the inside scoop on the legal reasons and ramifications of the decision. The post on the blog has all the case law and statutory authority that we deem thoroughly unnecessary to consider in our practice. However, it' s nice to see a Judge, albeit a member of the Federal College of Cardinals, make a courageous ruling.

The decision is sure to be reviewed under the “if the government wants to do it, it must be legal doctrine” espoused by the Circuit Court of Appeals.


  1. rumpole why dont the plaintiffs in the judicial races appeal by way of mandamus to force adjudication of there cases otherwise it will be christmas with all the recusals everyother day.

  2. In a darkened plane somewhere over the heartland of our country, a man labors over a yellow legal pad, his dim overhead light marking the only passenger not sleeping on the late night cross country flight. He gives out a soft sigh. Such is the life of the very best defense attorney. His life is marked by one trial after another. He hasn’t had a vacation in over a decade as the endless parade of trials marches on week after week. His closing arguments are marveled at in law schools across the nation, while top practitioners can only shake their head in wonderment at his cross examinations. Even they recognize that such brilliance cannot be taught.

    His personal life is a disaster, as the needs of the clients always came before the needs of his family.
    And now, in the twi-light of a career most attorneys only dream about, came the call from California. Perhaps the most notorious unsolved murder case in the last 25 years now has a solid suspect. And only one man can defend this most notorious of suspects.

    But, deep in the recesses of his mind, the aging attorney wonders. “Do I still have it? Can I put together enough magic one more time?”

    Prosecutors tremble when the doors swing open and he marches into court. Judges sit in awe, and appellate courts quote his perorations. I am writing about none other than Miami’s own.
    The man.
    The Myth.
    The _________________.

  3. mah blogga! He'da man.

  4. Alan, is he talking about you?

  5. Patty Culpepper?? She's not just a ticket chick ya know.

  6. Markus's blog page is not as fun as Rumpoles and nobody comments on his posts.

  7. Overheard in the polls today: Jorge Alvarez claiming to be the cousin of the mayor. Nice try...Didn't he endorse Judge Miller?

  8. September marks five years since 911. Never forget.

  9. The terror case is about the 4 horseman: Gonzalez, Hernandez, Alvarez and Pedraza. All 4 had over 50% UNQUALIFIED ratings. Their opponents all had over 70% qualified ratings. Can you say "no brainer"? Don't support ethnicity over competency.

  10. Pando is simply a bad judge. Notoriously late, besmirched with bar reprimands and terrible bar poll ratings, she is a disgrace on the bench. She's Ivan the terrible without D'Arce. Call her horribleAnna.

  11. blogger named Rumpole???!!!!

  12. Alan "double down" Sjuminer, the most notorious black-jack playing Swede there is!!!

  13. i will soon be giving my endorsements. for the most part, i do not pratice with the "bottom feeders" in county [kiddy] court. however today i endorse mike samuels.

  14. I voted today. I was thinking about all the talk about changing names and voting on ethnic lines. I tried to vote only in races where I had a personal knowledge of the candidates' qualifications, and race was not at all an issue. What I found was interesting...when you vote solely based on qualifications, you end up with a very diverse bench with all walks of life represented. Specifically, I voted for Murphy, L. Schwartz, T Marin, Joe Fernandez, K Mills Francis, S McWhorter, R. Bardawill, M. Tinkler Mendez and a few others...if everyone voted on qualifications, we would end up with a Black White Cuban Catholic Protestant Jewish Lebanese Bench. I think it is just ironic how race and ethnicity is such an issue, yet things end up so diverse and fair only when race is not an issue.

  15. What ever happened to Ed Franks? I haven't seen him amble through the courthouse in years.

  16. Thanks to Anonymous who said they voted for whom they believed to be most qualified.


    Rima Bardawil

  17. Yeah, but other than marin, Bardewil and Murphy, they got the others all wrong.

  18. Mayor Carlos Alvarez endorsed Judge Bronwyn Miller. In fact, it appears that the only endorsement that Jorge Antonio Alvarez has received is that illegal endorsement by UC Florida PAC and Concerned Voters - the palm card with the address for Penta Communications, to whom Jorge Antonio has paid large sums of monies for consulting services...

  19. Voting went fast! Here are the ones I voted for:

    T Marin
    Joe Fernandez
    K Mills Francis
    S McWhorter
    L. Schwartz
    R. Bardawill
    M. Tinkler Mendez

    and a few others. The above were choice of preference! Go vote early it is quick.

  20. The Women's Political Caucus would seem to have a good handle on this election They endorsed Cathy Parks. What does that tell you?

  21. The Women's Political Caucus would seem to have a good handle on this election They endorsed Cathy Parks

    FALSE unitl proven--I invite you to vist their site, under endorsements for their Judicial elected chose. I don't see the endorsement you said above occurred!
