Monday, August 07, 2006




When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to choose among a group of individuals one person who shall have the right and power to exercise decisions of life, death, and driver’s licenses (to which the Laws of Nature and Chapter 316 of the Florida Statutes entitle them), a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that those who make endorsements should declare the causes which impel them to chose one candidate over another.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that not all lawyers are created equal. That while some lawyers are endowed by their Creator with certain degrees of common sense, compassion, respect for the law and human rights, other lawyers who seek the position of Judge are nothing more than failed hacks who see in the current political climate the ability to take advantage of their last name to secure a job for which they are neither prepared to do nor have the ability to do well.

Our system of Government was formed so that to secure the rights which we hold to be inalienable, Governments are instituted among Men and Women, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.

Our system of electing Judges was formed so that whenever any Judge becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to remove that Judge from Office and to elect a new Judge who is more and better prepared to perform the duties upon which that office they are empowered to embark.

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Judges with long experience should not be changed for light and transient causes. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is the right and duty of the people to throw off the bench such Judges , and to provide new Guards for the future security of the society that Judges are empowered to protect.

With these wise words to guide us, we begin the process of endorsing one person over another for a job unlike any other.

(The thoughts and ideas of 230 years ago play just as well today, even in the stiff hands of an old legal hack typing at the keyboard.).


  1. Rump - when I read this:

    "other lawyers who seek the position of Judge are nothing more than failed hacks who see in the current political climate the ability to take advantage of their last name to secure a job for which they are neither prepared to do nor have the ability to do well."

    I cried, happy tears though.

  2. It's true, so many of the Judges we practice in front of neither possess the emotional complexity, nor the intellectual acuity to discern right from wrong

  3. (sniffle sniffle) I cried when I wrote it. (sniffle sniffle)

  4. CAMPAIGN UPDATE ..............

    The Captain Reports:

    In the Group 9 race for County Court Judge, candidates Victoria del Pino and Joel Jacobi are trying to outdo each other in spending money on campaign consulting services.

    To date, del Pino leads the fundraising effort with a total of $67,128 raised along with another $20K of her own money for a total of $87,128. Jacobi has only raised $28,725 and has had to contribute $35,100 of his own money for a total of $63,825.

    Jacobi leads the expenditures: he has paid Susan Fried $15,000; Armando Gutierrez $10,000, Barbara Howard $4,500 and IKJ Services $2,676 for a total of $32,176 in campaign consulting.

    del Pino has paid Zaida Nunez $5,000; Josie Poitier $650; and in a very questionable move for a judicial candidate, has forked over to Quantum Results a total of $17,850.

    You see, Quantum Results is run by none other than Al Lorenzo, the famous campaign consultant who made a name for himself in the late 1980's when he borrowed a million bucks from the city of Miami to buy some properties in distressed areas. Unfortunately for Al, he wasn't a very good businessman and to date he has still not repaid his loan to the City. He has, though, managed to get several officials elected to office on a local level.

    CAPTAIN OUT ..................

  5. CAMPAIGN UPDATE ...............


    In the group 40 race for County Court Judge, candidates Don Cohn and Bonnie Rippingille face on. Cohn has only raides $18,790 and put in $22K of his own money for a total of $40,790.

    Rippingille has raised $72,247 and anted up an extra $175,000 of her own mullah for a total of $247,247.

    Rippingille also leads in campaign consultant expenditures: paying Armando Gutierrez $15,000 and Juan Serrano of Professional Networking $5,000. Cohn gave Ramon Alonso $2,500, Hipolito leon, $2,500, Glen Poole $3,500 and Stanley Shapiro $300.

    CAPTAIN OUT ...................



    IN GROUP 42:

    Lawrence Schwartz gets the nod over Gina Mendez. Schwartz, has been on the bench for 16 years. The herald said, "no one disputes Judge Schwartz's skills and legal knowledge, but some lawyers who practice before him complain that the judge can be abrupt and short-tempered. Judge Schwartz says that he doesn't easily tolerate lawyers who are unprepared or who poorly represent their clients."

    IN GROUP 78:

    Rima Bardawil gets the nod over Jose Sanchez-Gronlier and Valerie Manno Schurr, primarily because she has two names (vs. three for the other two candidates), previously applied to the JNC (although not sent up to the Gov.), and because she was born in Lebanon.

    CAPTAIN OUT ..............

  7. Okay. SO WHERE ARE THE ENDORSEMENTS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

    I need one bad!




  9. He realized he could probably be sued for it ...

  10. and because she is focused, confident, intelligent and passionate. Read on!!!

  11. any updates on the endorsements.

  12. Blah, blah, blah. I love the blog, but this build up for your endorsements is even sillier than the Hollywood movie trailers.

    Give your endorsements or don't. Just do something so these guys can start talking about something else.

  13. yes, please give your endorsements soon, or I may be forced to take an add out in the paper, swearing I will never read your blog again, for being an "anti-judgite"

  14. since the post have gone down I will leave also

  15. anyword on the shutdown, did he mean this week friday?

  16. Rumpole what does that name:

    Howardroark mean which is part of your e-mail ?

  17. Rumpole:

    are you one of the lawyers in florida with the last name Roark?

    Donald Alan Roark Gulf Breeze, FL

    George James Roark III Pensacola, FL

    George J Roark Jr. Cantonment, FL

    Kelley Susan Roark Miami Shores, FL

    Randall Alan Roark Honolulu, HI

    Can anyone guess which one may be Rumpole?

  18. Howard Roark is an Ayn Rand character.

  19. Howard Roark is indeed a fictional architect in the book The Fountainhead, which if you click on the logo on the left, you can order at a very reasonable price. It has sold over 25 million copies and is (in my humble opinion) one of the most influential novels ever written.

    As to Judge Hernandez the Movie, I applaud you for being one of our careful readers of the blog. Indeed, upon reading the Rules Of Professional Conduct, we were given to pause and consider whether, as a member of the bar, we can make fun of a Judge in that manner. We have a post which will probably be up Tuesday in which we explain out Dilema (anyone ever hear of a DeLuna Dilema in trial law? Bonus trivia question) and we seek the help of our dear and dedicated readers.

  20. L Schwartz is growing on me, and I do notice he respects when you are prepared, and i have seen him mildly let you know when you are not prepared. that is certainly respectable. we should always be as prepared as possible, to the extent we can.

    clearly he knows the law, and in my limited experience litigating legal issues before him, has applied it correctly. he has my vote.

  21. Captain: just a friendly ammendment. Jacobi spent an additional 1500 on Barbara Howard (AKA Miss International USA, Inc.) so that's I believe 6000 for Barbara can't call his funsraising efforts yet as he did not file the right report and we do not know what he did in July in terms of fundraising..He should have filed it on friday...OUT...

  22. 4:17, ok Larry your the only one who really cares................

  23. judge larry will be back at the sao . the day is long gone when a jewish mail can beat a hispanic female. ask martin kahn and others. being better qualified doesnt matter. and he has a habit of pissing of attorneys without or with cause. he has never got the schoolteacher, i know more than u out of his system.too bad, if he had a better demeanor he could have been a respected judge. maybe he suffers from schwartitis that infected alan,and jeffery but shelly has dodged it. bet on the females and give the points.

  24. it's only about names in dade county. nil about qualifications or endorsements.
