Friday, August 18, 2006



Judge Sheldon “Shelly” Schwartz is well known to any and all practitioners of criminal law in Miami. A successful and well respected attorney for decades in Miami, Shelly Schwartz was elected to the County Court Bench where he has exhibited “Manny Crespo” like enthusiasm for his job. That is a compliment in the highest terms, as we all fondly remember that Judge Crespo was never happier then when he was in court working.

We have seen the same Joie de Vivre in Judge Schwartz.

Judge Schwartz frequently arrives early for court to handle routine motions so that by the time the attorneys arrive the work is done. Judge Schwartz has had his detractors and one infamously bad day when there was a long wait in court. But who among us hasn’t had a bad day? And Judge Schwartz stepped up to the plate on this blog and discussed the incident and handled it like the professional that he is.

His opponent, Migna Sanchez Llorens is a “Wellesley Woman” and for those who follow such things, its an important accomplishment. She has worked as a public defender for in the State and Federal system, which means that she has a wealth of criminal law experience. We worry that this is again an instance of someone choosing an opponent because they are vulnerable rather than because they merit replacement. However, unlike other races, Ms. Llorens does have the experience to be a County Court Judge, and in the final analysis, who are we to say why someone is running?

We do view races where an incumbent is being challenged with the question of whether the Judge deserves to be replaced? In this case the answer is clear: Judge Shelly Schwartz has done a fine job and should not be replaced.



Challenger Steve Millan was already roasted by the Herald for running a mean spirited campaign and he showed his inexperience if not ignorance in not being able to answer why Judge Mills Francis should be replaced. We choose to concentrate on Judge Mills Francis in this endorsement.

Only in Miami could you walk into a courtroom and witness a tall African American Female Judge, sometimes with brightly coloured hair, engaging in a raucous and intellectual conversation with attorneys arguing a case. There is no doubt that the courtroom belongs to Judge Mills-Francis. We have watched Judge Mills Francis on several occasions and what we always see is a no nonsense judge who can quickly and easily get right to the heart of the matter. Yet, behind what sometimes appears to be a loud blustery demeanor, is a caring and concerned individual. She knows what’s it like to be a defense attorney. She gives great care and concern to any person walking into her courtroom as a victim in a case. And she handles unrepresented defendants as well as any Judge we have ever seen. Judge Mills Francis doesn’t just deserve to be re-elected. She is a true REGJB original and a real treasure. It would be a terrible loss to both the bench, bar and the community if she is defeated at the polls.



  1. Sunny Goldin for Judge in 2008!!!

  2. "Only in Miami can you see a tall black female judge having intellectual discussions....." what the fuck are you talking about Rumpole?? Only happens in Miami? Have you ever been outside Miami? You sound like a weirdo.

  3. Give me a break, Judge Mills-Francis is no treasure. I find her to be loud, obnoxious, arrogant and weak on the law. And when it comes to being fair, particularly in sentencing, she's a mess. Bluster and arrogance do not pass for knowledge and confidence. Risque and Colorful is often a plus (like Judge Young), but in this case is merely a mask for her lack of judicial temperament.

  4. Rumpole are you sure that when you are running for election against an incumbent it should be because the Judge merits being "replaced" as you say? Shouldn't a mere desire to run and do a better job for an open and free democratic seat be sufficient?

  5. Rumpole I need this ASAP...

    "can I get a list of the 30-35% who said gonzalez and velis were qualified? There names should be posted on a list of dangerous people"

    Please forward to the nearest homeland security office.

  6. Sunny Goldin for Judge Now, 2008, whenever!!

  7. I love that giant statue Judge Mills-Francis has!

    I do regret that the first line of the endorsement mentions her race. I wish race didnt ever have to be an issue in anything; yet I know I am an idealist and for sad reasons race is always an issue.

    We are all human beings and we should treat each other as such. We are all brothers and sisters. Imagine a world where all the money, time, and resources that went into hatred and religious war were channeled into the betterment of the planet. We'd go from a hyundai to a rolls.

    But i am just an idealist, and it probably wont ever happen. very sad.


  8. Sometimes it can be racist not to mention a person's race. Judge Mills Francis race has nothing to do with the endorsement. Indeed we endorsed other Judges who are black or hispanic and never mentioned it. Judge Mills Francis race only came into play to the extent that she has a penchant for wearing her hair (is it a wig? i wouldn't know) in different colours and that is not something normally seen in a person who happens to be black. So to say she cuts a striking figure- tall, black, with coloured hair is just a remark about her appearance. However I do admit that if we were talking about say Judge Newman, and mentioned he was a large and imposing man, we would not be disposed to saying "white man." I do agree -because I have asked officers this question many many times- that many african amercian men are often labeled "Black males" while white men are just called "males". Now having opened a huge can of worms, perhaps we should hop on the ship and sale away.

  9. Somebody told me that a Golembe was a lawyer who used to be paired with super lawyer Stew Mishkin. Golembe and Mishkin? That just doesn't sound right. Anybody know about this?

  10. Sunny Goldin for Governor!!!

  11. Sunny Goldin for Senator???

  12. Sunny Goldin for chancellor of the exchequor!!!!

  13. Sunny Goldin for director of Homeland security!!!!!

  14. Now starting at RB for the Miami Dolphins, number 33, Sunny Goldin!!!

  15. And the Oscar goes to......

    Sunny Goldin for the short documentary "Traffic Tickets Matter."

  16. Its not funny
    all this chatter about Sunny

  17. Hey, did someone post a bond for Joel D's tormentor?

  18. anybody ever track down the rumour that Judge Newman was very very rude to candidate George don't call me Jorge Alvarez at a public function? Seems very un-Newman like.

  19. Cher as Leslie Rothenberg, in the Justice Building Original docudrama: Bury My heart At Wounded Knee.

  20. Sailing...takes me away from where I always heard it could be ...

    Right Rump?

  21. "Judge Mills Francis race only came into play to the extent that she has a penchant for wearing her hair (is it a wig? i wouldn't know) in different colours and that is not something normally seen in a person who happens to be black. "

    Rumpole are you insane. She didnt "happen" to be anything except who she is. I suspect Karen's personality and sense of style is what leads her choice of hair "colour". She's wear he hair the way she does regardless of her race. Like you've never seen Shaniqua or Chantelle in the REGJB with a magenta-red hairdo?

    Your comment reeks of racial profiling.

    And I suspect your not British or from Bermuda so get off your pompous habit of spelling words like a Brit. Its getting old.

    You carry only a scintilla of the wisdom, charm or wit that Horace Rumpole does. I grow weary of least recently.

  22. Jonathan blethcer as Eddie Haskell

    Alan Sjuminer as Lumpy Ruhterford

    Chris Pracitto as the Beaver!

    Stu Mishkin as Hugh Beaumont

    and John Lipinsky as Uncle Charlie

  23. Seperated at birth: Steve Amster and

    Fred McMurray???

  24. John Lipinsky as Uncle Charlie!!! LMAO!!!

  25. spell it right uncle charlie:

    "Jonathan blethcer as Eddie Haskell
    Alan Sjuminer as Lumpy Ruhterford"

    its jonathan blecher as eddie haskell and alan shuminer as lumpy rutherford. sheesh.

    mishkin is kermit the frog, end of story.

  26. Ima an idea guy, not a speler.

  27. Is Alan Sjuminer norwegian?

  28. ACLU- well now you are raising points of epistemology when you make statements about things just being as they are. A is indeed A and if we have an observation, not to make the full observation and avoid the mention of an individual's race would in and of itself be racist.

    Plus, I like the British way of spelling so go wank off.

  29. im dizzy, would someone look up epistimology. its the study of bugs right?

  30. isnt it time to shove off rumpole?

  31. study of knowledge... on second thought we should have said "metaphysics" which is the study of a branch of philosophy that attempts to explain why things exmplified in Aristotle's statement "A is A"

  32. ACLU wrote: And I suspect your not British or from Bermuda so get off your pompous habit of spelling words like a Brit. Its getting old."

    You mean "you're" right old chap?

  33. A "Sjuminer" is a fjord in the north sea known for blowing its top, toppling over, and getting its way.

  34. "skol skol sjuminer"

    is a very ancient viking chant

  35. And I suspect you're not British or from Bermuda so get off your pompous habit of spelling words like a Brit. Its getting old."

  36. Scene in the REGJB- February 2008

    Jimbo Best- walks into Judge George Alvarez's division-

    Jimbo: "Im sorry Judge I can't try your case, I'm picking a jury before Judge Jose Gonzalez."

    ahhhhhhwake me from this nightmare!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  37. There was a firm called Mishkin and Golembe.

  38. Nightmares??? Try this one on for size: April 1, 2007:

    Abe Laser walks into Judge Joise Velis Perez's division : "I'm sorry I was late your honor, I had a sentencing before Judge Gina Mendez. The State is ready for trial"


  39. no way dude! no miskin n golembe. no way.

  40. breaking news: Stu Mishkin is winging his way to Denver Colorado. Last thing the guy in Bangkok was heard to say as they stuffed him into a plane was

    "get me mishkinnnnnnnnnnnnnnn."

  41. alan..are we back up and running?

  42. yes Chris,,,we are back up and running. OOPS,,,sorry, I'm not Alan,,,I just see this s*** all the time, so I knew what to say! My bad!

  43. Let me see if I got this right:

    1)Karr was accused of killing Jon Benet Ramsay
    People seemed to believe he was guilty

    2) then he confesses- and now people think he's innocent?

    Why doesn't that happen to me in my cases???

  44. thats ok...yup we're up chris until another attack.

  45. The Miami Dolphins hired today as director of player personel none other than our favorite blog person Sunny Goldin..who stated that she would give up her campaign for every open office in Florida to help the Dolphins.

  46. is Joe Fernandez gonna wrap this thing up Sept 5??

  47. "Snakes On A Plane" staring Ted Mastos as the airline captain who's goning to "bring this baby down"; Alex Michaels as the ariline passenger nobody believes (or understands) and Judge Jose perez as the tormented Priest who finds his faith at 40,000 feet.

  48. And Bennett Brummer as the anguished chief of security who keeps saying "I knew I shouldn't have let that crate of snakes on the plane."

  49. Rory Stein as the chief of airline catering who said "load those crates of live mice on this flight please."

  50. Patty Marino as the passenger everyone suspects because she's traveling under an assumed name.

  51. Sam Slom as the cigar chomping chief engineer- "If anyone can bring down that plane, its Mastos" he growls to no one in particular every two minutes.

  52. Comandeer Mike Catalano as the pilot who called in sick: If anyone should be in that plane full of snakes, its me damit!!"

  53. Barbara Levenson as the sweet older lady who helps save the day.

  54. "Judge Gonzalez, would you please stop standing on the bench and yelling that Muldowny was a communist."

  55. "Judge Velis, you cannot dismiss the case at arraignment because the witnesses are not in court."

  56. Alan Shuminer as the angry passenger who demands his meal even as the plane might be crashing.

    Mark Panunzio as the guy who staggers on the plane wasted, falls asleep, and then wakes up after its all over.


  58. ohh, ohh, I know who rump is. he's a white older male by the initials of j.r. I figured it out. AH, AH.

  59. Judge Ivan Hernandez visits Judge George Alavarez to talk about the next six years of denying litigants access to the court and how to get Juan D'Arce out of jail.

    ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! wake me wake me!!!

  60. Larry "WiggleButt" Schwartz is out of his hammock and on a tear!

  61. Bronryn Catherine Miller, Catherine "Cathy" Parks and Rima Catherine Bardewill as the 3 stooges? LOL

  62. I have a dream, that no one will label all of the barnyard animals, that they are all animals and that we should not distinguish cows from sheep or pigs from roosters.

    If a goat disguises his or herself as a chicken, they are still a goat. Though arguably, both might make for a good Roti sandwich.

    E to the I to the Oh mon...

  63. Love, exciting and new
    Come Aboard. We're expecting you.
    Love, life's sweetest reward.
    Let it flow, it floats back to you.
    The Love Boat soon will be making another run
    The Love Boat promises something for everyone
    Set a course for adventure,
    Your mind on a new romance...

  64. "Skanks on a plane" seems a bit personal Rump. Could have cut that one.

  65. If the Catherines all win, we'll be okay.

  66. Thank you for your comments about Judge Crespo, I am glad to see that months after his death he is still remembered. He was a hard worker, a fair judge, a good friend, a great husband and father.
