Tuesday, August 29, 2006



WHAT TO DO ON YOUR ERNESTO DAYS OFF? Rumpole has the solution: CLE!!

That pesky Bar requires we keep current on CLE:
(despite a popular myth, CLE does not stand for Come. Leave Early).

Today we have a quick refresher course on DISCOVERY IN FLORIDA:

Q: What is discovery in a criminal case in Florida?
A: Discovery is the bedrock principle that all citizens accused of a crime are entitled to view all of the evidence against them, speak to all of the witnesses before trial, and receive all evidence that tends to show they may be innocent.

Q: How does it really work?
A: At arraignment you ask for discovery. The prosecution responds that they gave to the PD who sneezed at the bond hearing, triggering discovery. The PD in court tells you to call their secretary to arrange to copy it. The secretary will be available on December 29 at 4:15 PM.

Q: But it’s August now.
A: Yes?

Q: Can’t the PD’s secretary make you a copy sooner?
A: No, their handwriting is not that good.

Q: No, I mean with a copy machine?
A: Hahahahahaha.

Q: What else can I do?
A: Log on to Amazon.com and purchase several large Russian novels and when they are delivered, go to the clerk’s office to request a copy of the file

Q: Then what?

A: Pick up your copy of the file on December 29.

Q: Let’s say you got a copy of discovery, what do you then do?
A: Nothing. The prosecution will revoke all plea offers, including CTS, seek life in prison plus court costs, sue you and your client in civil court, and order that you be stripped searched at the door of the court room if you actually attempt to use the rights guaranteed to your client and take a deposition before pleading guilty.

Q: That’s outrageous! Shouldn’t the FACDL do something about that?
A: Yes. As we speak, your Miami FACDL representative is busy scheduling a banquet and selling ads on the menu to court reporters and bondsmen.

Q: Well, thank goodness for them.

Q: Lets say we decide to subpoena witnesses. What do we do?
A: First, decide where you want to take the deposition. At the PD’s office or the SAO.

Q: What’s the difference?
A: Not much. However, an ever expanding list of attorneys are banned at the PD’s office, and will be forced to use the SAO. At the SAO you will be forced to wait in a long line to speak to a highly trained “deposition specialist” at the window on the SAO’s first floor.

Generally, the exchange will go something like this:

Attorney:” I’m here for a deposition”.

Highly Trained Specialist (HTS): “A what?”

Attorney: A deposition. “We sent you a notice. It’s in that book you have.”
HTS: “A what?”

Attorney: “Can you call the prosecutor?”
HTS: “Who?”

Attorney: ” I need a deposition room.”
HTS: “A what?”

Attorney: “My court reporter is here.”
HTS: “Who?”

You get the idea.

Discovery in summary:

Once you get a copy of the discovery (average time 6 months); decide to take depositions ( Plea offer becomes life at best) ;
get a deposition room (average wait: 2 hours);

you will sit in that room for the length of the time your depositions were set. Once the time expires, and no witnesses have appeared, get up, and leave.

NEXT TIME: RULES TO SHOW CAUSE. Fun with JA’s and getting a case on calendar.

CLE Rules: Carefully read and study the above re-fresher course. Print out the course and write your bar number at the bottom. Hand the form to one of the cashiers at Au Bon Pain (they have great soup lately) and in six or seven years your 2 hours for Discovery Re-fresher course will be applied.

Thanks for reading.

LATE BREAKING ERNESTO UPDATE: Its going to rain. And there will be some wind. Channel 7 (motto: "give us a rain drop, and we'll give you panic") reports, the end is near.


  1. Hey! Where is everybody?

  2. Isn't it obvious? Andy Cotsin is the Captain!
    And Alschuler is Rumpole, assisted by Lurvey and Lyons (the L&L twins)

  3. This Michael Catalano writing in from my villa on the Amalfi coast of Italy.

    As the killer storm approaches my beloved home of South Florida, and worried citizens turn their weary eyes skyward for prayer, please feel assured that I am monitoring the storm, as well as the elections. I pledge [waiter..garson..I little more crushed ice and lemon for the tea please] I pledge to do everything possible, including filing lawsuits, getting even with that ignoramus in West Palm Beach for defying me, and returning to South Florida to act as Chief Lawyer and Air Commander and fly over the poor and sweltering hot citizens of Miami before landing in Atlanta to spend a cozy evening. In sum, I will once again do all that I do to contribute to the quality of life in my poor beloved wrecked Hometown.

  4. Don't you just love a self-important snob? Really makes you want to kick the weenie in the weenie when he comes back to the U.S.

  5. Don't you just love a self-important snob? Really makes you want to kick the weenie in the weenie when he comes back to the U.S.

  6. Rumpole did you see the CABA judicial poll results !

  7. I don't know why I didn't think of it, Altschuler really is Rumpole.

    Didn't this blog start up right around the time he came back from DCF.

  8. Hey Rumpole - did you read the Caba Bar poll ratings article in the Daily Business Review?

  9. Ethnicity didn’t seem to be a factor in ratings of judges and judicial candidates by members of the Cuban-American Bar Association members in a poll released Monday.

    About 1,500 CABA members were asked to rate judicial candidates and judges as exceptionally qualified, qualified or unqualified. They also were asked whether the judges and candidates are sensitive to the needs of Hispanics.

    In Circuit Court races, the largest disparity came in the race between incumbent Dennis Murphy, who was elected to the bench in 2000, and private practitioner Josie Perez Velis.

    Murphy received an exceptionally qualified or qualified rating from 91 percent of respondents, while Velis was rated exceptionally qualified or qualified by only 43 percent — a gap of 48 percentage points.

    Murphy said he was not surprised by the results.

    “I hope it gets published in some Spanish-language papers,” he said. “That would help.”

    Velis refused to comment, saying her comments have been taken out of context every time she has spoken to a newspaper.

    Murphy received a 75 percent favorable rating while Velis received a 35 percent favorable rating in the Dade County Bar Association judicial poll released Aug. 17. The survey went to all Florida Bar members in the county.

    In County Court races, two Hispanic challengers seeking to unseat incumbents received the lowest ratings in the survey.

    If the CABA poll’s ratings are any indicator, former traffic hearing officer Juan F. Gonzalez will have a difficult time beating County Court Judge Steve Leifman.

    Gonzalez was rated exceptionally qualified or qualified by just 27 percent of poll respondents, while Leifman received a 92 percent favorable rating — a gap of 65 percentage points.

    Leifman said he was “gratified” to hear the results.

    Gonzalez did not return calls seeking comment for this story.

    The CABA poll mirrored the DCBA results in the high ratings given to Judge Leifman and the low ratings for County Court Judge Ivan Hernandez.

    Leifman received a 94 percent favorable rating in the DCBA poll. Hernandez was ranked unqualified by 59 percent in the DCBA poll and 57 percent in the CABA poll.

    CABA poll responses reflected another imbalance in a County Court race.

    County Court Judge Bronwyn Miller, who was appointed to the bench in 2005, received a 90 percent favorable rating compared with 39 percent for challenger George A. Alvarez, a Miami solo practitioner.

    Neither Miller nor Alvarez returned calls seeking comment.

    Miller received an 85 percent favorable rating in the DCBA poll, while 43 percent called Alvarez exceptionally qualified or qualified.

    But one judge bristled at the CABA poll results, saying that ethnicity played a role in his low ratings and his opponent’s high marks for a contender.

    In a close result among circuit candidates, incumbent Lawrence Schwartz was rated exceptionally qualified or qualified by 73 percent of CABA respondents.

    The 16-year veteran of the bench faces Miami solo practitioner Gina Mendez, who received a 78 percent exceptionally qualified or qualified rating, outpacing the incumbent by five percentage points.

    Mendez was elated to hear about the CABA results.

    “This really helps to validate what I’ve been working for,” she said. “The only problem is spreading the news.”

    Schwartz pointed to his opponents’ ethnicity as the reason for her high poll showing.

    “What’s her last name?” he asked. “I can’t give you any other reason.”

    CABA president Cori Lopez-Castro said the results didn’t surprise her.

    “People vote for the most qualified candidate, regardless of ethnicity,” she said. “That goes for the general population as well.”

    When CABA members were asked whether candidates were sensitive to the needs of Hispanics, two with the worst showings are Hispanic.

    Gonzalez was considered insensitive to Hispanic needs by 46 percent of respondents. He was removed from his post as a traffic hearing officer by Leifman after numerous complaints about his demeanor on the bench.

    Alvarez also was considered insensitive to Hispanic needs by 29 percent of respondents.

    Also receiving a high negative rating was Miami attorney Rima Bardawil, who is running against two candidates for a newly created circuit court seat.

    Bardawil was called insensitive to Hispanic needs by 34 percent of respondents. She did not return a call seeking comment before deadline Monday.

    Lopez-Castro said 225 members sent back valid survey forms for a return rate of about 15 percent.

    The poll results were certified by the accounting firm Perez-Abreu Aguerrebere Sueiro & Torres P.L.

    Forrest Norman can be reached at fnorman@alm.com or at (305) 347-6649

  10. For all you Larry Schwartz fans:
    Did you see his outrageous quote re: the CABA poll in this morning's Daily Business Review. The article's theme is how Anglo judges (Leifman, B.Miller, Murphy)did exceptionally well despite Hispanic opponents. When asked to comment. Larry Scwartz gave this brilliant response: "What's her last name?" (referring to Gina Mendez). "I can't give you any other reason."


  11. Can I please settle this once and for all?

    Andrew Cotsin is one of the meterologists at the National Weather Center and is issuing updates on Ernesto as we speak. Leave the poor guy alone and let him do his job already!!!!!

  12. Altschuler is Rumpole
    and Rumpole is Altschuler
    Oh Miami Can't you see?
    Altschuler is Rumpole
    and Rumpole is Altschuler

    he'll be buying drinks for us Thusday at 3eeeeeee!

    (sung to the the tune of the Migna song).

  13. did you read Larry Schwartz's response to the CABA bar polls? The whole town is talking about it. The article is about how it's obvious that ethnicity didn't play a part in the ratings because most Anglo incumbents outscored their hispanic opponents. EXCEPT Gina Mendez beat out Larry Schwartz by 5%. When asked his response Larry Schwartz said, "What's her last name?" OUTRAGEOUS!! Bye bye Larry. Enjoy your last few months as a judge.

  14. By the way Rumpole Your Buddy Ivan Hernadez was found Unqualified by 56% of the respondents in the CABA poll and Robin Faber Got a higher sensitivity to Hispanics rating than Hernandez!


  16. Anonymous said...
    andy cotzin is a partner at broad and cassel. he does white collar crime, health care fraud, represents doctors in licensing procedings, etc..
    great lawyer who loves online poker and walks on the beach at sunset.

    Monday, August 28, 2006 9:40:04 AM

  17. the most hilarious thing about the CABA poll is that all D'Arce candidates are not members of the CABA dispite being hispanic in a cuban part of the USA.

    George Alvarez Not a member, Cecelia "let me check with my husband if I can join the CABA" is not a member. Interesting.

  18. Go Leifman, Murphy, and B. Miller. We are behind you and support you 100%.

  19. hey, have norberto get us privates discovery from the pd

  20. Adrien has a cute court reporter. the Bahamian girl. what a body!!!!! I hope it wasn't her.

  21. Those numbers can't be all that accurate. Rima Bardawil received a 34.15% insensitivity rating while Valerie Manno received 30.65%. Rima, at least, is learning Spanish and talking to Hispanic voters while Valerie has to use translators. Ironically, Valerie's supporters are falsely telling elderly Hispanic voters that she is Cuban!

  22. Adrien also has a reporter that looks like the missing triplet to Glenn Close and Meryl Streep.

  23. So, 1:04, if you are hispanic then you are required to be a member of CABA? is that what you're trying to say? Half the time I go to the CABA meetings and the only people there are the anglo judges looking for votes.

  24. Is the Bardawil Bandwagon being blown away?

  25. NE US REGION "RUMPOLE" CHECKING IN. CHECK CHECK. Hi Miami. In the event your beloved Rumpole is incapacitated or (more likely, intoxicated) and unable because of the "storm" to continue his duites as Miami's un-official legal blogger, I will step in to run the blog until Rumpole (has sobered up) is able to resume his duties. While it is hot here in the Northeast, no storms are around.

  26. May I just say that any fears I had about Ernesto were laid to rest when I read commander catalano's post. Just knowing he is monitoring our safety while on his much needed Eurpoean vacation has eased my burden considerably. Knowing he would, at great personal expense, fly over us as we sweltered on the ground to give us hope ans succor...well I am at a loss for words.

    PS: I heard that in the 9th Ward in Wew Orleans, today was "Commander Catalano" today, honoring his unbelievable heroism and sacrifice last year.

  27. The Bardwil Bandwagon was safely secured in the Cedars Hospital Parking lot until the storm passes.


  29. Where can I see the CABA poll if I don't get the review? How did the Hispanic candidates do?

  30. From a historical prespective Lt. Commander jg., Andrew Cotsin, was an aide to Admiral Husband Kimmel, Admiral of the fleet at Pearl Harbor. At the beginning of December 1942, Kimmel sent Costin on a secret mission to Washington to get permission to move the battleships from Pearl. Cotsin, missed a train from Chicago to DC while playing in a poker game, and arrived late Friday December 5, instead of Thursday December 4. When he got to the White House, late Friday evening, Roosevelt said "Andrew, we can do this sometime next week."
    The batleships remained in Pearl and the rest is history.

  31. PS: Cotsin was never allowed to testify in support of Admiral Kimmel and retired from the Navy in 1946 and returned to his family rib business in Chicago (Costin's Ribs) where he never married. He was rumoured to drink a bit too much, and in a final irony, was killed in 1959 when his Japanese lawn mower blew up.




    MIAMI-DADE, FL - Many (so called) top attorneys from the South Florida area have offered to pay top dues to become part of the Ass Kissers Bar Association "AKBA" which rapidly replaced the half-bought "DCBA" Dade County Bar Association as well as the totally sold out "CABA" Cuban American Bar Association. Unfortunately for the Wilkie something association, no one takes them serious enough to include them. Proof is the fact that they are once again in the midst of changing their name in an effort to finally become acknowledged. (Sorry.)

    The new executive board of the AKBA has promised to comprise into their association all the benefits that DCBA, CABA and even the Wilkie something association offered. Some examples include their more effective polling methods. They obtain the phone numbers to the friends of their favorite candidates/incumbents in order to only poll them. This is also done in an effort to not waste stamps on the 10,000 lawyers who never respond to the bar polls. This will still provide the ever important 100 votes/responses the DCBA and CABA obtain in their polls.

    Additionally, AKBA promises to buy Guayaberas for all Judges as well as traditional African-American attire so that Judges can act like they care about the community.

    As well, AKBA has promised to hire mercenaries to effectively intimidate any unwanted opposition. The mercenaries will also keep the media on payroll, as they have in the past, to facilitate shady reporting practices.

    Membership in AKBA will also guarantee you many favorable rulings.

    The honor of operating the daily business of the association was handed to an infamous music promoter. The music promoter stated he was planning on taking the Judges on tour to Puerto Rico to sing with past members of CAMBIO.

    For more information on the Ass Kissers Bar Association (AKBA), please contact the establishment.

  33. Can we get a RBA (Rumpole Bar Association) rating of Ernesto (e.g., exceptionally qualified, qualified, or unqualified)?

  34. We're not quite sure what all of that means, but somebody put more than the usual 10 seconds of thought to a comment, and that's good enough for us.

    PS: WHAT is the deal with this Kotzin, or Kotsin, or Cotsin character? Who is he and why is he the number one topic of the comments?

  35. I already do endorsements, isn't that enough?

  36. As always, it all comes down to math: No court + too much booze = AKBA

  37. Everyone made fun of Mishkin flying to Colorado, but the case got dropped soon after he arrived didn't it? Go Stu!

  38. Andrew Cotsin of Cotsin and associates, is the accounting firm that certifies the CABA bar poll. He use to be a lawyer at the PD's office but was forced to leave after being found in flagrante delicto on a desk with a well proportioned secretary during the PD XMAS party in the early 80's.

  39. Andy Kotzin was the first person to graduate from drug court.

  40. This is written by someone who actually knows Rima. First, she told me that she never received a phone call about any CABA ratings. Secondly, I am offended that people who do not even know Rima, have not taken the time to get to know her, what she is about, the type of work that she does and about her credentials are actually ignorantly answering poll questions instead of doing the ethical thing and leaving it blank.
    As to any insensitivity ratings. Well that is the most offensive, inaccruate, false and scientifically incorrect information/study that could even be reported. Not only are 95% of her clients minorities (as she herself is), but she actually has taken the time to learn Spanish, and take a great and I mean great amount of pro bono legal work for both Hispancis (as she did for me) and African American individuals. In addition, even when she does charge, it is on a very reduced basis (I know b/c I have asked her for help). I won't even talk about all her community service b/c obviously most of those that incorrectly rated her on CABA don't care to know the facts.
    I really have to say, shame on anyone who rated her and does not even know her or took the time to fairly find out.
    Sorry to be so harsh, but since I cannot just let these falsities go uncorrected.

  41. Oh Juan(8:48) don't go whining and creating a post about so called AKBA the truth is that the surveys from both the Gringo and Ferrner American bar agree: Hernandez,Gonzalez,Velis,Alvarez Parks .Bardiwil and Chavez- Armenteros are unqualified to be Judges!

  42. Cathy Parks had to leave CABA's function early as she had a family emergency. I don't think they should hold that against her. At least she showed up!

  43. I am a cuban lawyer who practiced with Gina at the SAO. Larry's comments are not anti-hispanic. He was asked why she would poll better and given the fact this was a poll of a hispanic group he responded simply and succinctly that it was her last name. Indeed, that's the only reason Larry has opposition. Everyone aknowledges he's smart and runs a tight courtroom. The fact that he takes his job seriously and doesn't take crap from lawyers is a strength, not a weakness. Gina ran this race because she's a hispanic and he's not, pure and simple. If anyone is playing the ethnic card it's her. She is an opportunist and if you think Peter Adrien is dictatorial, wait till you see her in action. I already voted and Larry got my vote. My family did too. None of us blame him for stating the obvious.

  44. The comment about an alleged blogger was not posted, not because he/she is/not the blogger, but because you commented on their looks, which is verbotten.

    PS What in the name of hurricane ernesto makes you think we will reveal ourselves right after the election? Too many juicy new judges follies to write about.

  45. When an unqualified rating goes past 50% then that's beyond the beauty pageant numbers from supporters and detracters. That's reputation speaking loud and clear. When those numbers exist in the Cuban American Bar Association poll AND the Dade County Bar Association then that's a clear message that ethnicity has nothing to do with it. To all those that polled with numbers that big the fact is you don't deserve my vote. And I will tell all my friends the same thing.

  46. It's all just a b.s. thing about people voting for their friends. Everyone knows that, but if you don't know that you're an idiot.

  47. Anyone voting based on polls and not knowing the individual is a fool and does not even deserve the right to vote.

  48. Note to 11:05:

    I highly doubt that because Ms. Parks "had to leave CABA's function early as she had a family emergency" the members of CABA determined she deserved 46.84% UNQUALIFIED - one has nothing to do with the other.

    She is unqualified and CABA members determined SUCH based on her (lack of) qualifications NOT because she had to leave their event.

    46.84% UNQUALIFIED.

    Did Jorge Antonio Alvarez a/k/a George A. Alvarez (61.18% UNQUALIFIED) have to leave early (had to run home to watch Jack McCoy choose a jury – something he has never done) - is that why CABA members determined he is UNQUALIFIED?

    61.18% UNQAUALIFIED.

    What about Juan Gonzalez (73.04% UNQUALIFIED) - did he leave early (the Trinity was howling at him to leave)? Did Rima Catherine Bardawil (60.71% UNQUALIFIED) leave early? What about Nurse Val (57.33% UNQUALIFIED)? Oh, don't tell me – she left early too… And Patricia Whatshernamethisweek (48.10% UNQUALIFIED) – did she leave early (post-Dolphins game dinner with her dad, Dan)? Did Ivan Hernandez (56.55% UNQUALIFIED) leave early (attendance at deposition on behalf of Juano at SAO)? Did Pando (36.09 % UNQUALIFIED) leave early (got get home to watch Animal House; fat drunk and stupid is no way to through life…)? Finally, did Jacobi, Sari and Cecilia also all leave early?

    11:05 Please allow me to reiterate nobody really cares if Nurse Catherine left the CABA function early. These numbers from CABA are based on QUALIFICATIONS or lack thereof.


    Did Pando (36.09 % UNQUALIFIED) leave early (got to get home to watch Animal House, "fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life…")?

  50. Say what you want about the CABA bar polls but there are definitely people taking it very seriously. I have already received the Daily Business Review article as a mass e-mail sent out by two major civil law firms. So, someone thinks they're pretty important.

  51. Bye Bye Larry Schwartz. Remind me to visit you for newspaper quotes. It is obvious that you do not think before you speak. You are an idiot and deserve to lose to a qualified opponent. For you to simplify her exceptional ratings by the bar and others to the fact that she has a Hispanic name is assinine. Good luck with your new job. The 11th circuit will be much nicer without you.

  52. Here are some things about the DCBA and CABA Polls you forget to mention. Both organizations have the same people as members. Well, at least those who like to be thought of as active political lawyers (players) who are fighting the front lines for some candidates.

    As well, a poll which relies on less than 10% (for CABA) and about 3% (for DCBA) of those polled as a good control group is truly unrepresentative of any scientific process. Furthermore, and just to make a good point, if all the lawyers at the PD's and OSA's were to vote, you have your 200 something votes per (for most) candidates. Another example of vote whoring is when the big firms support a candidate and put pressure on the firm to vote a certain way. Even though not illegal in a bar poll, it is still wrong and if done at a regular election, a sure Felony.

    Just wanted everyone to remember that a poll should be scientific in nature and have a much higher number of participants.

    One can always make the argument that the 97% of DCBA and 90% of CABA lawyers who do not respond and vote do not agree with having polls about judges and would rather have general county elections. They only belong to their respective bar associations for CV purposes or to ride the wave of being PC. Sort of why people join the Wilkie Ferguson Bar Associations.

    Disclaimer: Just an opinion and the numbers are a guesstimate.

  53. Cuban_American Bar Association 2006 Hispanic Attorney Poll:

    Question # 1

    Is the judge/candidate Exceptonally Qualified, or Unqualified?

    Cathern Parks

    Total Votes: 79

    Exceptionally Qualified:

    38, (48.10%)

    37, (46.84%)
    Marisa Tinkler Mendez

    Total Votes: 81
    Exceptionally Qualified:

    35, (43.21%)

    19, (23.46%)

    and for Mario Garcia Jr. nothing showed on their poll.

    I don't usually go by polls, Although after reviewing the different polls, that have been available, my preference choice for candidate is Marsia Tinkler Mendez. This is because I feel she is the best fit under qualification for this seat and not because of the poll rating. I have done my homework and will be voting today.

  54. The last blogger completely misreresented the CABA poll. You guys ares so naive, to think that the entire electorate in Miami-Dade County knows or cares about the CABA vote. Lawyers generally don't vote. They're too busy generating billable hours.

  55. Endorsed & recommended by the following: The MIami Herald said "Ms. Tinkler Mendez has a quite confident demeanor, and it's clear that she knows her way around a courtroom"

    Also endorsed and recommended to the voters by:
    AFL-CIO & IT'S Affiliates
    Miami's Community Newspapers
    The Latin Builders Association
    The Miami-Dade County Fire Fighters
    & the Hialeah Fire Fighters
    Local 1102 & 1403
    The Police Benevolent Association
    The Wilkie D. Ferguson Jr. Bar Association;
    Transport Workers Local 291
    United Faculty of Miami-Dade College, Local 4253
    United Teachers of Dade
    Bricklayers-Machinist-Electrical Workers-Aerospace Workers
    Painters-Operating Engineers ALL AGREE---and the list goes on!

    Marisa Tinkler Mendez, you deserve to win this election, and those of us who support you will work hard until the last day! You have helped many and now we are here to help and support you all the way! Go Marisa, you deserve to win! Good luck and all the best!

  56. What---Lawyers generally don't vote. That's not true! They are one of the most people who vote! Besides, the Legal Assistant of Legal Scretary is the one that does all the billable hours.

    Lawyers just review the work once completed before submitting anything! I can tell you have never worked at a law firm, if you did, you would have not mention your statement.

  57. You clearly are misinformed. Lawyers make up a very small percentage (less than 1/10 of 1 percent) of the registered voters of Miami-Dade County. So, their vote is inconsequential. Too, a poll completed by only a few hundred attorneys is statistically insignificant. Rather than spending so much time bad-mouthing your friend's opponents on this blog, you should be out there working for your candidate.
