Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Our favourite Bard wrote:

Tis but thy name that is my enemy;
Thou art thyself though, not a Montague.
What’s Montague? it is nor hand, nor foot, Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part Belonging to a man.
O! be some other name:
What’s in a name?
that which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet;

For Circuit Court Judge Ivan FERNANDEZ there is some frustration.
Judge FERNANDEZ, former City of Miami Police Major,
Former Assistant State Attorney, and Circuit Court Judge has nothing, repeat-NOTHING to do with County Court Judge Ivan Hernandez and his frolicking much mentioned JA.


We’re not a big fan tempting fate. While we are not suggesting that there is anything remotely similar between former Judge Alan Postman and current Judge Larry Schwartz, we did note that Judge Schwartz, currently in a re-election battle, saw fit to hang a large sign on a dilapidated hotel facing I-95 that Postman used as the same platform to host his hefty sign during his losing battle against current Judge Diane Ward.

It’s not something we would have done.

“n : delight in another person's misfortune .”

We’ve written about this feeling before.

Not much comment on former attorney Knovack Jones’ fall from grace. It must have been tough to have been Judge Schlessinger last Thursday as he contemplated the possible sentence for Jones.

On the one hand was ASA Gail Levine advocating on behalf of the children and grandchildren from whom Jones looted the estate entrusted to her by a member of her church.

On the other hand was the always eloquent and tenacious Larry Handfield reminding the Judge about the lifetime of good and hard work Ms. Jones had given to our community. Probation was in order according to Mr. Handfield.

In the final analysis Judge Schlessinger decided prison was a necessary punishment in addition to the restitution that the law requires.

We don’t know what the proper sentence should have been, but it occurs to us that these are the tough cases that shape a Judge’s career and philosophy.
It’s easy to send a criminal with priors to prison, even for a long time.
It’s much harder to send a first time offender who makes one huge colossal mistake in their life.

As we said, we wouldn’t have wanted to been in Judge Schlessinger’s shoes last Thursday.


Odds are that not every wearer of the black robes facing re-election will win.
We are wondering what any of these soon to be ex-Judges will do.

All of them are too young to consider retirement like former Judge Bruce Levy.

Only time will tell.

On the subject of jobs, we always thought that the Court along with the SAO and PD’s office should institute an exchange program for Judges. For a 6 month period during a 6 year term, every Judge should work a 3 month stint in the PD’s office and a 3 month stint in the SAO. Let the Judge find out (or remember) what its like to drive an hour in traffic to Metro West to see a client for trial on Monday only to be told that the jail is on lockdown and there is no way to know when the client will be available.

Let the Judge deal with recalcitrant victims who don’t want to come to court and testify on behalf of the prosecution.

We know this will never happen. The judiciary will never agree to it.
They became Judges precisely because its hard to get a good round of golf in on a Friday afternoon when clients need to be seen. But just imagine how much better everyone would get along in court if Judges got this six month refresher every six years.

See You In Court.


  1. Knovack Jones made a "mistake" stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars from a client?

    Making a wrong turn is a mistake. Driving towards someone and running them over is a crime.

    I'm a defense lawyer, no sympathy here.

  2. Mistake in the sense of doing something wrong, not in the sense of "woops". You lawyers...always so technical...jeeze.

  3. rumpole
    look in the mirror and say the following three times every morning:
    i'm a good lawyer and people like me.

  4. "I am a good writer
    People enjoy reading what I write"

    That is my daily affirmation

    Being a lawyer is for the birds and the constantly constipated.

  5. the bottom line of all this elections crap is that there is not one candidate that any prosecutor or defense attorney or civil lawyer can look at and say "wow, great lawyer, definitely her/her time to ascend to the bench."

    They're all kids or average lawyers.

    The last great lawyer to take the bench was Reemberto Diaz, and he was appointed.

  6. i'm good enought, i'm smart enought and people like me.

  7. Yea, let's see if Reemberto turns into Julio Jimenez come once he gets robed. Excellent Defense Attorneys often make lousy Judges, e.g. see Ward, Julio, Tunis.

  8. Rumpole, please forgive me for reposting this. I cannot let this one go and you should make a separate rant and rave above this post :

    I think we can all agree Juan's candidates are quite a collection. Let's review, shall we?

    In Group 1 we have Patty Whatshernamethisweek. She's hardly ever tried a case, changed her name at the last second to blatantly appeal to latin voters against a black face, and is trying to use a popular quarterback's team colors and name she now only partly shares to bring her home. Yup, she's a worthy candidate allright..NOT!

    In Group 4 there's Ivan Fernandez. Tanned and rested since he only works 3 half-days a week, he's got JQC complaints and corruption investigations swirling around his courtroom and chambers. If he's not indicted or impeached he should consider himself lucky. That's a candidate for the ages.

    In Group 12 there's Juan Gonzalez. He's got a terrible temperament, has no respect from anyone and couldn't try his way out of a paper bag much less run a courtroom in any competent fashion. He appears to be looking for a retirement job like his buddy, Ivan.

    In Group 39 there's big George Alvarez. A traffic guru with no real experience other than bleed (the client) and plead (the case), he's best known for his signs that don't even have his first name on them. To few and too late.

    And then there's Group 43 and Cecilia Armenteros-Chavez. Best known for filing at the last second against Sam Slom and then having to speak to her husband before she can say anything, she is yet another in a long line of losers and also-rans who Juan has talked into running judicial races this year.

    If anyone thinks that Juan D'Arce has any future in this, the writings on the wall. Moreover, every real lawyer should be doing their level best to ensure that none of them make it to the bench.

  9. do not forgive rumpole.

  10. I still cannot figure out whatshernamethisweek (part two) husband does Hugo Chavez ??

  11. Judge Ivan FERNANDEZ hired Juan D'Arce for campaign work in 2002.

    Thats a fact.

  12. Hugo Chavez is on the NLPOA website he is part of the family photo.

  13. whatshernamethisweek (part two) is Cecilia Armenteros-Chavez for those of us at the Juvi PD office

  14. Juvi PD Office = Robin Faber.

    Stop writing lies about your opponent on the blog. That is a violation of the rules.

  15. yea but whats his occupation Cop, Laywer? Not a Lawyer?

    Fernandez did hire him in 2002 so he is fair game.

  16. when you say family photo you mean this link ?


  17. When a candidate stoops so low as to write false information on the blog about his opponent or his opponent's JA it screams DESPERATE.

    Rumpole- Faber is pathetic and you should report him.

  18. A Chance of a lifetime has arrived. Thats right you get to meet and greet all the losers at one lunch. Get your picture taken with all the friends and family of Juan (prison # 234263) D'Arce (what a honor).

    You say what do I have to do to sign up and get this chance of a lifetime. Well its simple, just follow this link and your on your way to pictures with all the judcial crooks you want for one small fee of $10 per month. (please ignore the grammer on the application) we dont speak much english.

    To join the Juan and Friends and Famnily photo opportunity lunch simply go to this link for the complete PDF application:


  19. Rumpole, your comments about judges needing to be reminded about practicing law were recently discussed by Milton Hirsch in a National Law Journal op-ed. Here's a snippet:

    Whether Scalia's arguments fail as a matter of jurisprudence is a question I leave to wiser parties in converse. But his arguments are symptomatic of an institutional problem with the court about which too little has been said, and about which something needs to be said.

    Once upon a time, Supreme Court justices came to their high office from many different walks of life. Hugo Black had been a small-town Alabama lawyer who rose to U.S. senator. His contemporary, Frank Murphy, earned his spurs as a young municipal court trial judge in Detroit, presiding over the heralded trial of Dr. Ossian Sweet. Sweet was defended by Clarence Darrow, but it was Murphy's courage in the face of popular sentiment as much as Darrow's advocacy that enabled the African-American Dr. Sweet to be acquitted on charges of homicide of the white men who invaded his home.

    All of which invites the question: Who was the last Supreme Court justice who actually devoted most of his career, prior to his ascension to the high court, to the representation of people? Not to the representation of the U.S. government or Fortune 500 corporations; not to a professorial life at an Ivy League law school; but to the representation of people?

    Who was the last Supreme Court justice who, as a lawyer, had ordinary men and women walk into the office and tell him their troubles? Who tried cases to juries, made jail visits, appeared at arraignment calendar, took phone calls at night because the client didn't know who else to call, and got yelled at by a state court trial judge for no good reason? Who offered a client a tissue, or a shoulder, to cry on, or handed a court-appointed client a five-dollar bill (for which he would never be reimbursed) to get a cheap meal and a bus ride home after the acquittal?

    The entire article can be found at:

  20. its too early for a legal course

  21. Faber and his people at the Juvi PD Office should check their facts about those they defame before they speak. I recall Juan D being hired by Judith Rubenstein last election against Manno- last time I checked she was not Hispanic.

  22. obviously Juan D still has not been hired at the local McDonalds yet as he keeps posting here.

    I urge Kathy to seize the computer he is using to post on this blog.

  23. I also think Juan worked on Kathy Rundles campaign.

  24. thats Bullshit. He worked on her competitors campaign. Juan is republican and he cant stand Kathy Rundles.

    Get your facts in order.

    I vote for a fact checker.

  25. has any one read this letter at www.operationrestorejustice.com


  26. Hey all lawyers of good will,lets get together ,organize ,raise money and defeat Juan D'arce and his stooge Ivan Hernandez.What is at stake here is not just a judicial election but the very integrity of the judicial system.Let these people win and no Anglo Judge will be ever again be safe in a courtroom in Dade
    county.There are rats in the cellar of the courthouse and if you do not exterminate them the whole building will be infested!

  27. If Knovack Jones made a "mistake", how would you describe what disbarred atty Mark Valentine has done? A terrorist act on his clients, heirs and families? 50 to 100 times worse over decades. No one will ever know because the mainstream media most likely to be read or seen by most of his victims is not covering it. Only the New Times and Miami Review, so far have had smei-decent articles. State Atty investigation may go on so long that Mr. V. won't even have to report his address by the time they assemble details of scores of cases. Most victims will live and die in ignorance. Maybe Rumpole can do something about getting the word out?

  28. Mr. Hersch and I have an agreement: most rooms, even most courtrooms are not big enough for our respective, shakespeare quoting, inflated egos. He gives his speeches and articles to influential audiences, and we prattle on our humble little blog. He argues fourth amendement cases before the 11th Circuit, and we defend the poor, the weak, and the drunk and disorderly. Never the twain shall meet.

  29. I am sure he worked on Kathy's campaign because who would work with I guy like Al Milian?

  30. check your facts 10:55

  31. yes I just signed up for the chance of lifetime and sent in my application.

    I just cant wait for the photo opportunity with Judge Hernandez (soon to be in private practice) and the others. My dreams have come true.

  32. Boy is it fun to run into a judge who was a jerk and all of a sudden is back "on the street."

    List of bad judges who are now street "walkers."


    Any more?

    One problem... sometimes they get reappointed... like:

    (So so judges)

    Good judges now on the "Street"


  33. To the person who just cursed at me. You don't think I'm fair. Well, I just showed you how unfair I am. I removed your post and there isn't anything you can do about it.

  34. RE: former Judges:
    Nobody remembers MAY CAIN.
    What about everybody's favorite good samaritan who gives rides to anyone who needs them...Reggie Richardson?

  35. Lonnie Richardson is my favorite.

  36. Emas is a great judge...far from so so. Mastos is a disgrace to the entire legal community.

  37. Check your facts- Ferro retired he was not unseated.

  38. is everybody forgetting Loree Schwartz Feiler .. resigned from county ran for circuit and got her ass whipped

  39. Hey...leave Ted alone.

    Loree Feiler....talk about hubris. Talk about Karma.
    Talk about what goes around comes around.

  40. Its everybody's dream to be called "YOUR HONOR..."

  41. your honor, (I mean rumpole) what did the person say to remove the post. thats not fair :-(

  42. What happened to the first amendment right to be able to choose who to support in a campaign. Now its illegal for someone to support a candidate against a sitting Judge? I didnt know judicial staff lost their constitutional rights.

    If this were so, then Jackie Scola, Laura Milian, Ellen Blake, Karen Shwartz, Shelly Kravitz, Sarah Habel, Meryl Gold-Levy, Arthur Arnald, Sandy Shatzman, Joe Clark's wife, Celest Muir, Victoria del Pino and Juan D'Arce are all in the same boat.

    For these reasons, it is impossible for somebody to be indicted for working on a campaign. Do not make unfounded claims about unethicalness or illegal tactics unless you have substantial proof. Articles in the Herald about claims of extortion do not count- they probably obtained these rumors from a biased source.

    Rumpole just agree with me.

  43. ha ha ha ha ha ,,,, cough cough, ,,,, ha ha ha ha,,,,, lol, lol......

    oh Juan you are so funny

  44. The person wrote some disjointed post and then said I wasn't fair and then said "f-you rumpole."
    I am used to having clients and prosecutors curse at me and judges sneer at me, but I decided that I just don't have to allow unwarranted gratutious comments that are mean to me to stay up. Maybe I am just having a bad day.

  45. Rumpole, I like you sometimes.

  46. Miami Chapter and Miami-Dade Chapters of National Latin Police Officer Association have not notified most candidates of endorsement process.The "mission"and
    "statement"says it all:"the primary goal of the NLPOA is to increase the representation of Hispanics at the Federal,State,County level of the Criminal Justice System".
    It is understood to increase numbers of Hispanics in the system is appropriate,but it should be done properly or is this not a form of descrimination.Not giving all interviews is totally inappropriate.
    It appears that many Hispanic organization are picking and choosing to whom applications for and or endorsement should be given.This is improper to say the least,especially when we are deali dealing with judicial races.

  47. Rumpole announces the Miami Chapter of the National Association of Aleutian and Inuit Lawyers. The primary goal is to ensure that Aleutian and Inuit attorneys receive preferential treatment in the hiring of attorneys and appointment of Judges.

  48. KAREN MILLS FRANCIS is superior to little stevie millan in every way. She is a better Judge and a better person. He is a snake...a smarmy, gladhandling political monster, who will lose in a landslide. He is not worth the weight of his lapel pin in gold.

  49. were do I sign up what will the fee be

    rumpole I want a position of power in the organition

  50. Have you seen the pictures of the directors of Miami Chapter and Miami-Dade Chapters of National Latin Police Officer Association

    Is it me or is every member over 350 lbs.

    They should get jenny craig to sponsor them

    what say you.

  51. in case you need the web site


  52. I've been in the legal arena for a long time - the comments on the post on the possible or real connection between any candidates and Juan D are completely meaningless and irrelevant in these elections. Especially when the issues concerning this Juan D are "small peanuts". How many of you who post on the blog were friends of Knovack Jones or any other attorney who has unfortunately violated the law - are you any less of a person or qualified to move up in the legal career. If we are going to improve the judiciary, we need to focus on the qualifications of the candidates. If you dig deep, you will find that the incumbents have had controversy of their own in the past. Why is this not being brought up?

    Tuesday, July 25, 2006 11:02:47 AM

  53. Rumpole
    Your a thin skin little yenta.

  54. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  55. Hey 11:02:47 -

    This IS about who is qualified and who is not and Juan's actions are most assuredly NOT 'small peanuts'.

    Juan's a little rat who runs UNqualified candidates. The only reason he has Ivan on the bench is because he ran against a guy who picked up a hooker and tried to say it was part of his personal investigation of the Boulevard. Ivan has never sought appointment because he'd never make it, despite his Republican credentials and latin surname, he simply isn't qualified. The others are equally unqualified playing the same tired game of ethnic bias and legal incompetence.

    People hate what they're doing to our profession and what it represents to those trying to create a professional judiciary. I'm cuban and proud of it but I am not proud of them. Juan and Ivan and the others are an embarrassment to those who have worked so hard to put people with diverse backgrounds on the bench. People with dignity and experience and class. If it means I support an anglo or black over a cuban, good. I do it proudly and with a clear conscience.

    Everyone of those other candidates that oppose Juan's cast of clowns is qualified, all went throught the appointment process and even if not selected by the governor were vetted and interviewed and passed muster for consideration. Do you think Ivan or Juan ever applied? Do you really think Patricia or George would even get an interview? So they sell their souls to the devil and play ethnic politics at its worst and have the nerve to say they're qualified.

    This IS about qualification, sir, and they are not. There's nothing 'small peanuts' about it.

  56. Juan at 1:48:45 - who said Rump was jewish? So you are an anti-semite too. Looks like Slom was accurate after all. One more reason to ensure you are gone. By defeating your candidates you have nothing and that is the goal, to ensure you slither away and can never rise again. Can't wait to see you go.

  57. "Qualifications" is very subjective...someone who satisfies your idea of being "qualified" may certainly be the WORST Judge to ever sit on the bench.

  58. Tuesday, July 25, 2006 2:05:39 PM - Get off the blog Mr. Operationsrestorejustice.com

  59. well said Hector LomBana

  60. Last time I spoke to Juan, I told him he was the most talked about person on the blog...he told me he stopped reading the blog.

    Why would he be anti-semitic if he was hired by Rubenstein against Manno?

  61. Juan stopped reading the blog?

    ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

  62. I should have stopped reading the blog when he who shall not be named operationrestorejustice guy started writing on it.

  63. Didn't Juan also support Rothenberg against Al Milian?

  64. Rumpole didn't we agree last week that Juan was meaningless to the Judiciary and should not be talked about anymore.

    Why do Faber and Leifman's people not get it?

  65. Don't forget the sexist pig- Lombana.

  66. what did 2:05 pm say it was deleted?

  67. we all should stop reading this blog all the compliments for Juan are made by Juan. All the comments against Juan are made by he who shall not be named.

  68. rumpole, what did 2:05 say . what did I miss

  69. Hey! I complimented him and I am not him! And he who shall not be named cannot be making all these comments- he is not at the juvi pd's office...

    By the way, how did that guy obtain confidential JQC Records from Farina?

  70. who cares about the judges if they make a mistake we have the 3rd dca to reverse, so just calm down already

  71. you mean this confidential JQC document?


    I want answers NOW!

  72. Yes- Captain how is it that ORJ obtained documents which are supposed to be "confidential"...

    Do you suppose maybe one of the Administrative Judges provided it to him...

  73. correction 2:49

    The 3rd DCA does not hear appeals from County Court, were did you get your bar license in a craker jack box.

    so yes people worry....because its circuit court judges that hear the appeal from county court judges .... we are all fucked

  74. stop taking about he who should not be named because Rumpole does not need another e-mail threating a lawsuit.

    Plus we cannot be sure he has taken his meds todays and we all remember what happens....

  75. i do not think a letter written to the jqc is confidential.

  76. Regardless how did ORJ guy get it?!?! Who is his partner in crime?

  77. Rumpole, I know a guy from Inuit and someone from Aleutia. Where do they apply for a judgeship??

  78. I know a guy from Aleutia
    I know a guy from Inuit
    The first guy is pretty dumb
    The other is pretty stupid

  79. Speaking of Ivan Hernandez his campaign was found by the Dade County Bar Association to have run an ad in violation of canon 7a and he was accused of a" perceived lack of candor " in failing to disclose that the person accused of running the ad was his Wife and over his "lack of concern" over others running ads violative of the rules.

  80. enough already his name is DARRIN MCGILLIS why is everyone scared to same his name

  81. Rumpole you should run the findings of the DCBA in their entirety

  82. 3:40 how did you get that info?

  83. DCBA does not sanction for violations of the canons only JQC

    dumb a..

  84. oh who cares, he got the info.

    i'm more interested in whether this blog will accept mcgillis gorillis as a nickname for mcgillis

  85. the dcba has an ethics committee that issues opinions on judicial campaign ethics, or the lack of. No sanctions, just opinions

  86. Can we hear about the other candidates? This guy D'Arce's an idiot and his judge a bufoon, we all know that already.

    How about Millan v. Francis? Pando v. Addicott? Sanchez-Llorens v. Schwartz? Gonzalez-Meyer v. Samuels? What's up with them?

  87. Campaign violation by Hernandez? Is there a site to be able to read that?

  88. better question, if any of the above were lawyers, who would you hire?


  89. whats gets me laughing is that PHIL R. files a complaint with Farina against Judge Hernandez and that dufus JA , and then sends Hernandez a Check to help him get re-elected no joke here go to the link:


  90. I beleive that makes PHIL R qualified to be a judge

    goes both ways

  91. is that Philip Reizenstein ?

  92. 3:49 not so sure that fits. try again

  93. 4:04 the answer is YES

  94. oh who cares, he got the info.

    i'm more interested in whether this blog will accept mcgillis gorillis as a nickname for mcgillis


  95. "oh who cares, he got the info.

    i'm more interested in whether this blog will accept mcgillis gorillis as a nickname for mcgillis"

    whoever wrote the above is not anonymous...it's Pracitto

  96. for the 454 time Alvarez is NOT in any way shape or form associated with D'Arce!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  97. I gave Judge Hernandez a donation in November of 2005. I complained to Judge Farina about Hernandez's JA - NOT ABOUT HERNANDEZ- a few months ago. While I am disappointed in Judge Hernzndez's decision not to fire his JA the second he learned that the cretin was threatening judges and candidates, I did not have that information at the time I made the donation. I donated to Judge Hernandez because I tried a case in front of him and believed he was a competent Judge. That is usually the criteria I go by.

  98. Mills Francis is an excellent trial lawyer.

  99. Joe? Tom? Alan? Chris????

  100. I may just vote for Phil.

    1. Honest.
    2. To the point.
    3. answers controversal issues fast.

    oh wait sorry that means you are qualified as 1. your honest.

  101. thats great you want hernandez on the bench because of one trial in which you won. let ask the other side what they think phil

  102. there was no other side, it was a ticket. The other side was a desk


    The Family Policy Council is conducting its "Florida Judicial Accountability Project" for the first time this year,

    The Council wants Florida judicial candidates to answer questions on hot-button social topics such as gay marriage, school vouchers and abortion. The group plans to publish the responses in a voter guide to be distributed mainly through churches although it also will be available on the Internet, said John Stemberger, its president.

    These questionnaires were mailed out this week. I wonder if any of our candidates will respond?

    CAPTAIN OUT ..............

  104. they are prohibited from responding due to judicial canon 7

  105. captain are you afican american or black?

  106. Hey Captain,
    So much for asking our judges to be impartial, huh? Nothing like pre-judging an issue, no matter what the law is on it.
    I hope none of them choose to respond.
    Do legislative candidates get assailed like this as well? Or because they are allowed to have positions do these groups not bother them? Is this a 'trick' to find out judges opinions? You know, answer our questions and you'll get a perfectly meaning less endorsement to add to your list.

  107. Big tough talk from a person who is anonymous. I have no problem trying a traffic ticket. But I would wager I have tried more serious cases than you have clients.

  108. The above is not anonymous is was from me, Phil

  109. TO 6:03, What is the purpose of your question, "captain are you afican american or black?"


  110. captain sounds like a name a black person would come up with

  111. good o'le phil . let me ask which one of your "serious" cases I mean clients is paying for this blog time?

  112. I hear Phil R. is a back stabber.

  113. no way phil goes in the direction of the wind

  114. Loree Feiler was a conceited wannabe.

  115. CAPTAIN is short for Captain Liberty as in Liberty and Justice For All.

    I can't imagine why you would think a black person might come up with that, as opposed to anyone else.

    CAPTAIN OUT ..............

  116. Phil R for judge. he's been a commercial fisherman, airline pilot, police lieutenant and trial lawyer. not to mention a christmas santa at macy's 34th street on break from law school.

    you go phil!

  117. Ho Ho Ho...never a police officer

  118. Dade County Judge Steven Leifman has been awarded the United Way of Miami-Dade Public Service
    Leadership Award, the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce Health Care Heroes Award, and the National
    Alliance for the Mentally Ill

  119. Anyone with anything bad to say about Phil DOES NOT KNOW HIM. I guarantee that if you sit down with him for 5 minutes in the Pickle Barrel he will make you laugh, he'll have intelligent conversation with you (if you are intelligent) and then probably invite you to lunch. I don't know how anyone can say anything bad about him.

  120. he post under his name on a internet blog.

    not the lawyer I want representing me.

  121. LOL

    Thats because he is Rumpole.

    He also threatened to kill somebody...

  122. So she went to the best law school in the State. Who cares?

  123. were did patty whatshernamethisweek go to school?

  124. this race issue is such a shame putting hispanic against jews and blacks

  125. 1) courage.
    2) you couldn't afford me.

  126. dan? alan? chris? rick?

  127. George Alvarez and Juan D'Arce are associated just watch them at any large public event and you will see them working together.Remember that old Cuban saying "birds of a feather stick together"!

  128. we removed two posts listing the resumes of two county court judges seeking re-election. Not because we don't like them, but because their fans are not careful readers of the blog and do not know that we have repeatedly said that we will not let the blog be turned into the electronic equivalent of US1 littered with bill boards. Every candidate will have a chance to have their say.

  129. what do dan lurvey and rick freedman and this blog have in common? hmm...ask jon blecher in starbucks.

  130. Overheard at a local campaign headquarters:

    “Judge Ivan Hernandez reelection headquarters, can I help you ?

    "Uh…No Mr. D’Arce is unavailable at the moment.

    "Yes…Yes he does help out campaigns for money.

    "Why no, I do not think he would accept money to dress up as a clown and come to your child’s birthday party this weekend.

    "Oh..you don’t need him to change clothes? He can just comes as he is. I see. Yes, I see…well I’ll give him the message but I am pretty sure he won’t do it.

    "$200.00 ???

    "Hold on, let me get a pen. What is your address and when does he need to be there?”

  131. cincinatti stu mishkin

  132. 10 days jail or 20 days metro tree

  133. the ol tree..dem wuz da days...when bobby reif and essen ruled the first and second floors.

  134. amy agnoli...lane abraham...eric courtney...pope pius iv

  135. Lyons, Lurvey, Freedman, Shuminer - it's a fact, check it out - confirmed - they are Rumpole

  136. that juan post was funny funny funny..like campaign money...hysterical....a real belly buster

  137. that true rump...the ol split personality business?

  138. ok I give up what or who is pracitto?

  139. Think about this, the Marlins just played their 98th game of the year.

    It takes more than 6 years for the Dolphins to play 98 games, more than a year for the Heat or Panthers to play that many regular season games, but the Marlins just played their 98th game,

    what does that say?

  140. pracitto is the gum guy

  141. Chris Pracitto, the king of the DV court

  142. richard houlihan.....ed odonnell ....herb smiyth....sydney smith...clay kaiser....peter capua...hall o fame names

  143. the consultant to patty marino says

    any chance your last name could be gonzalez?

    I've always been Marino, but while driving through the toll plaza

    I thought, HEY, my husband's last name is PEDRAZA!

  144. pracitto- the relief given when you bitch slap yo bitch and get yo butt arrested.

    use: "I done slapped da bitch but the judge pracittoed me out."

  145. top ten reasons you should be a Judicial Assistant in Miami Dade County Court:

    10. you can start a perfume company outta the chambers of the court.

    9. prohibit litigants you dont like because of race from getting a hearing on there motions.

    8. start politacal campaign consulting firm right from the office chambers.

    7. free office space for your campaign activities.

    6. able to visit other judges chambers to extort them to hire you as campaign advisor.

    5. free health care

    4. free use of the computer to email judges and demand they hire you or else face opposition from hispanic lawyer with no qualifications.

    3. can pretend you are the judge and jury.

    2. use the office of the judge for profit and personal gain.


    1. when you fuck up your BOSS the Judge will never fire you even if his office is raided under a criminal subpoena and his computer is seized. The Judge will back you no matter what happens.

  146. That is not funny, its pure lies.

  147. 1-1 Pooler
    1-2 Shenberg
    1-3 Rosinek
    1-4 Ramirez
    1-5 ?

  148. kudos to schlesinger for having the balls to sentence knovack jones to 5 years. too often judges fall for that "if you put them in jail they cant pay resitution" nonsense and put people on paper for 20 years and they never pay the money back or get punished.

  149. Pracitto--the king of dv court

  150. Judge Hernandez also defends D'Arce, saying he does not do consulting work on court time. ``He has a constitutional right to do certain jobs outside, as long as he doesn't use my office to further his business.''

    Others think D'Arce's sideline presents a conflict. Among them: Gerald Kogan, former chief justice of Florida's Supreme Court, a former Miami-Dade circuit judge and ex-president of the Alliance for Ethical Government. ''This has the appearance of impropriety,'' Kogan says. Besides, it could create ``ill will and bad feelings amongst the judges he's campaigning against.''

    Says Kogan: 'If I had a JA who did that, he or she would cease and desist immediately. And if I were chief judge, I would immediately go to their judge and say, `I want it stopped now, or I'm going to fire him.' ''

    Bonnie Williams, executive director of the Florida Commission on Ethics, says it is against the law to use state time, property or resources to work another job. The law also says a worker may not ``hold any employment or contractual relationship that will create a continuing or frequently recurring conflict between his or her private interests and the performance of his or her public duties. . . . ''

  151. Farina knew that D'arce had a corporation and ran campaigns. Is he the one you are blaming?

  152. 1-5. loree renee schwartz feiler

  153. feiler was much later along with jack martin coe. The answer is

    1-5 Bernie Shapiro

  154. no farina reporter Judge Hernandez to the JQC so dont blame Farina.


  156. Question for the Captain:

    Other than telling us she never ran before, do you have any inside info. on who Marie Abigail Davidson is? Does anyone know her? Does anyone know why she decided to run against Antonio Marin? Inquiring minds want to know.

  157. ditto for Parks' opponents

  158. Florida Family Policy Council "survey" was mailed to candidates only....so who is posting here? LOL.
    They attempt to finese those candidates who will fall back on "ethics" as a refusal to complete their bogus survey by encouraging candidates to contact the Ethics Dept of the Florida Bar, which they must have reason to believe will say: no problem with the survey. However, anyone with an ounce of guts or self respect would tell them to take a flying leap...be they red or blue, black or white, "anglo" or latino. Oh, excuse me, those candidates have declined to run. : > )

  159. I think the public is entitled to know something about the judicial candidates.

  160. b/c lawyers don't always vote

  161. the candidates are completely intimidated into answering the questionnaires. If they don't, they can't hope to get the endorsement of the group.

  162. endorsements are very important

  163. www.operationrestorejustice.com

    “The time is always right to do what is right.” Martin Luther King

    -URGENT- Supporters of Robin W. Faber, for County Court Judge, CLICK HERE for the FLYER promoting Robin W. Faber for County Court Judge Print as many flyers as you can and post everywhere. We need your help now. Web Site Click Here.

    Operation Restore Justice has officially Endorsed Judge Bronwyn Catherine Miller to be retained as County Court Judge. The Mayor of Miami-Dade County Carlos Alvarez has also endorsed Judge Miller.

    06.28.06• MIAMI HERALD - Bar Association: Candidate violated canon of ethics. CLICK HERE

    06.12.06 • MIAMI HERALD - County Court 'Super Glue' Case now tied to politics. CLICK HERE

    06.10.06 • MIAMI HERALD - Judge Accused of Campaign Violations. CLICK HERE

    06.07.06 • Judge Ivan Hernandez, Judicial Assistant has E-mailed O.R.J. threatening to sue us for slander: CLICK HERE

    05.31.06 • MIAMI HERALD - touched on the facts surrounding this years testy judicial elections: CLICK HERE


    04.05.06 • DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW - Judge's judicial aide on leave without pay. CLICK HERE

    03.19.06 • MIAMI HERALD - New accusations against judicial aide. CLICK HERE

    03.02.06 • MIAMI HERALD - Courthouse computer of judge's aide seized. CLICK HERE

    03.01.06 • MIAMI HERALD - A political question in judge's chambers. CLICK HERE

    03.01.06 • DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW - Justice System Courthouse extortion claimed. CLICK HERE

    Highly respected, Chief Judge Joseph P. Farina, wrote to the Judicial Qualifications Commission "J.Q.C." regards several complaints his office received against Judge Ivan Hernandez and his JA, obstructing the access of litigants to Judge Hernandez's court. CLICK HERE to view the letter.
    Bennett H. Brummer, the top defender of the poor in his capacity as PUBLIC DEFENDER of Miami-Dade County, wrote to Chief Judge Farina complaining about Judge Ivan Hernandez and his JA, Juan D'Arce. CLICK HERE to view the letter.

    Highly respected, Attorney, Don S. Cohn, wrote to Chief Judge Farina complaining about Judge Ivan Hernandez and his JA, Juan D'Arce. CLICK HERE to view letter.

    In 2006, Judge Ivan Hernandez a South Florida County Court Judge decided to ignore his duty to promote public confidence by continuing to employ his Judicial Assistant after the Judge's office was raided by the Miami-Dade State Attorney's office under a criminal subpoena. Judge Hernandez court house computer was seized in early March 2006, as part of the Miami-Dade State Attorneys Office public corruption criminal investigation against the Judge and his Judicial assistant.

    The Judge's right hand and judicial assistant also made several anti-Semitic slurs against highly respected administrative Judge Steve Leifman, because the administrative Judge had informed Judge Ivan Hernandez that he was getting numerous upon numerous complaints from litigants about the judicial assistants rudeness and obstruction of access to the court.

    Judge Ivan Hernandez who is fortunately up for re-election this year will be facing opposition for his judicial seat. O.R.J. urges all who vote this year to restore justice and remove Judge Ivan Hernandez by voting for highly respected Attorney Robin W. Faber.

    In addition to the criminal investigation Judge Ivan Hernandez, recently had a "show cause order" (writ of mandamus) issued against him by the Third District Court of Appeal, after his judicial assistant Juan D'Arce was rude and repeatedly denied a litigant access to his Court. CLICK HERE to view order.

    Judge Samuel J. Slom (the Administrative Judge overseeing Judge Hernandez), tells the Miami Herald on May 30, 2006, that he has received numerous upon numerous complaints about Juan D'Arce being rude, insensitive and obstructing the access of litigants to the Court. CLICK HERE TO PLAY THE AUDIO.

    Take a moment to watch the below video of the oral argument in the Third District Court of Appeal were Attorney Miguel De La O, (who is friends with Juan D'Arce) attempts to defend the conduct of Judge Hernandez and his judicial assistant.

    Pay close attention to the rebuttal portion of the video



    The 3rd DCA panel on the pending main appeal was,


    The 3rd DCA panel that issued the show cause "writ of mandamus" order against Judge Hernandez, was,


    CLICK HERE to view order.

    O.R.J. Endorses

    Click for Biography
    O.R.J. Endorses

    Judge Steve Leifman for re-election


    Click for Biography

    Opinions of the Judicial Ethics Advisory Committee


    If you wish to report a violation of Chapters 104, 106, or Section 105.071, Florida Statutes, you can download a copy of the complaint form: CLICK HERE

    An Aid to Understanding Canon 7. Guidelines to Assist Judicial Candidates in Campaign and Political Activities (updated May 15, 2006): CLICK HERE

    Florida Supreme Court Justice R. Fred Lewis was sworn in as Florida's 52nd Chief Justice in a ceremonial session held at 3:30 p.m. in Tallahassee on June 30, 2006. To watch this historic event CLICK HERE. Chief Justice R. Fred Lewis, Biography CLICK HERE
    Notice of District Court Assessment Survey: The District Court of Appeal Workload and Jurisdiction Assessment committee is asking lawyers, litigants and the public to complete an on-line survey to help them evaluate the district courts of appeal. The assessment committee will examine the survey results as they consider whether a court’s performance in a specific area could be appreciably improved with a jurisdictional change. CLICK HERE

    "Operation Restore Justice" T-Shirt. Show your support for truth and justice. CLICK HERE

    Letter from President George W. Bush CLICK HERE

    Over - 90,000 - visitors and hits since June 7, 2006


    Operation Restore Justice is geared toward exposing corruption in the Florida Court system. The web site is here to expose the very rare cases in which a Judge or those under the Judge's control violate the publics trust.

    The Supreme Court of Florida has set a path of rooting out judicial wrong doing at all levels. The Supreme Court has released numerous opinions over the past few years making it clear to the general public that it will not tolerate violations of the code of judicial conduct either by a sitting judge or a candidate for judge. Recently the Supreme Court of Florida removed a judge from office because of violations of the code of judicial conduct that happened during his judicial campaign to become a Florida Judge.

    All citizens of Florida can be sure that our highest court will NOT tolerate violations of the Code of Judicial conduct at any level. Our supreme court is not shy in expressing its condemnation of any Judge who violates the public trust by not following the code of judicial conduct.

    Operation Restore Justice is under the control of a private citizen. It was due to the criminal investigation presently against Judge Ivan Hernandez and his Judicial Assistant, by the Miami-Dade State Attorneys office which has resulted in the seizure of the Judges computer under a criminal subpoena, that Operation Restore Justice was born in early 2006. In addition to complaints from numerous litigants of being denied access to Judge Hernandez court and Racial slurs by his Judicial Assistant against the administrative Judge.

    Florida has some of the best Judges in the world. We cannot let a handful of bad apples destroy the prestige of Florida's judicial system. The Supreme Court of Florida through its recent opinions has demonstrated that it will NOT tolerate judges who do not follow the code of judicial conduct.

  164. I like it! Good job. Go on.
