Thursday, June 01, 2006


In an effort to tone down the rhetoric (which we admittedly stirred up) we close out the day with Rumpole’s new” REGJB TRIVIA QUESTION OF THE DAY:

In honor of the topic of elections, our trivia subject is: REGJB Judicial Elections.

Two Questions. First Post with both right wins valuable prizes.
No purchase necessary.
Void where prohibited by law, good manners, and common sense.

1) A) Name the current judge who won election during which this campaign literature was released: “When the going gets tough…[blank] goes golfing.”
B) Name the current assistant state attorney who got blindsided by this election literature.

2) In honor of Judge Slom’s current victory: A) Name the current sitting Judge who won election (not re-election like Slom) when the other candidate dropped out.
B) Name the candidate who dropped out and what they did instead.

(you thought this was going to be easy? You have to earn your “valuable prizes.”)

The current judges mentioned (who we darn well know read the blog) should refrain from answering out of a judicial respect for fair play and sportsmanship.

See You In Court with all the answers as usual.

Current employees of Rumpole, the blog, or the subjects the trivia questions are not eligible to play.


  1. Mary Barzee was elected without opposition when her opponent, Yoly Roberson, withdrew to run for the State House of Rep.

  2. mary barzee vs. yoly roberson. roberson quit and went on to the state house.

  3. How did Sean Taylor get 18 mos. probation on a 1st degree misd.?? Isn't the max 12 mos.?

  4. 12 months followed by 6.....genius.

  5. What is the prize for anonymous Rumpole?

  6. I thought someone also foolishly filed to run against Judge Korvick and then withdrew towards the filing deadline.

  7. Question for Captain:
    I just read your previous analysis on the JNC and Hector Lombana. How come when I go to the Florida Bar web site and look under members of the 3DCA JNC I see Norma Lindsey's name? Is she a memeber of the JNC? Before, during or after she got her appointment? Is that allowed?
    Don't mean to pick on you judge, you're geting the hang of things on the bench, but it doesn't seem quite kosher to me. (and I eat pork)

  8. I heard that Jack Denaro, Joel Denaro, Larry handfield, Clinton Pitts, and Judge Blake have all thrown their delegates to Rod Vereen. Can the Captain confirm?

  9. Captain is on holiday, you turd fucker.

  10. Brummer will destroy Vereen.

  11. Vereen is a sex machine.

  12. Yea, Brummer shouldn't even lift a finger if that's his opposition. Brummer is awe-some!

  13. Captain is not on holiday and Brummer will likely die of old age before the next election so the Dem primary will be open.

  14. Here is a better set of Trivia Questions:

    The current Judge did the following:

    1. Used this slogan "In-sen-si-tiv-it-y" to open their campaign commercial?
    2. Appeared on the Daily Business Review Twice.
    3. Became the setter of US language standards by stating:
    "It is not appropriate to live here and not speak English."
    "You are going to learn English. You cannot live here and not speak English. It is not acceptable."
    4. Became the real anti-Hispanic in the modern world, but forgiven by CABA in a letter written on August 19, 2002 and never announced to the Hispanic Media when the Judge stated on the Record without any investigation or Miami Herald or Watchdog Report the following:
    "This is our big problem. If we deport people back to Cuba, we could empty our jails. We could have it made and be happy, but we cannot.
    5. Went on to state the truth of what was in that Judicial head that day:
    "He has no language. I don't know why you brought him here. He has no language, yet he has here two years." and "He does not speak English."
    6. This Judge is still on the Bench and because of this Judge, we have a divided Circuit.

    Who is this Anti-Hispanic Judge?

    One more hint, according to this Blog this Judge should know better and now the relative of the Judge she originally defeated is running for election.

    I imagine that once someone guesses who the Judge is we will see many comments on how sad and sick it is when in 2002 a Sitting Judge insulted, assaulted and made such racist comments about Hispanics who labor so hard and have been persecuted by so many for so long. Here is the true reason why many people are upset at the less than 16% of Hispanics on the Bench.

  15. brummer has been in office since 1976. he was sworn in on the same day as jimmy carter.

  16. All that matters, Rumpole, is race and numbers.

  17. Jimmy Carter's brother, Billy, reminds me of Rory without his AM danish.

  18. Ues, the one and only Anti-Hispanic Judge currently laughing on the Bench while Rump blames others for starting a war that began in 2002.

    Rump, what say you?

  19. trivia freak
    other then castro, who is the longest serving communist leader?
    a. mao
    b. stalin
    c. brummer

  20. Seems someone else said the same thing...

    Judicial Elections
    Qualified success

    May 15, 2006
    By Christine Jordan Sexton
    From the Daily Business Review

    Swartz's prediction that non-Hispanic male judges would face challengers came true for several Miami-Dade incumbents, but many more were re-elected without opposition. Swartz had served on the Miami-Dade bench for 10 years of experience before being unseated by Ada Revilla Pozo in 2004, a young lawyer who was admitted to The Florida Bar in 1997. After his loss, Swartz predicted that the 2006 judicial elections would be problematic for non-Hispanic male judges up for re-election.

    Indeed, two of the four Miami-Dade circuit judges who drew opponents — Judges Murphy and Schwartz — are non-Hispanic men who face Hispanic female challengers — Velis and Mendez, respectively.

    Miami lobbyist-political consultant Bob Levy, said the growing number of Hispanic judicial candidates is not surprising given that the about 60 percent of Miami-Dade's population is Hispanic but only 17 percent of its judges are Hispanic.

    "You can't run from the ethnic politics in Miami-Dade County," said Levy, who is working for candidate Velis. Americans "are entitled to a jury of their peers," he argued. "Why aren't you entitled to a judge of your peers?"

  21. Lets all call Levy a racist for being hired by Jose Velis, a hispanic candidate, agains a non hispanic judge.

  22. According to the latest evidence from this Blog and I quote “Make no mistake about this: we will seek every opportunity to speak out against any person, Judge, lawyer, politician, whomever, who believes that a person's race, sex, or ethnicity, and not their individual qualifications makes them entitled to any job.” Thus, Rumple will lead or join Slom and Leifman at attacking Judge Cohen for her Anti-Hispanic remarks or go down in history as Anti-Hispanic Hypocrites who target Hispanics and Opposing Candidates when it is convenient. Also, did Slom or Leifman react to Judge Cohens comments in their official capacity as Administrators? They were both there and knew about it, did they call the Herald, DBR or JQC?

  23. Only in Miami can a sitting Judge go on Hispanic radio and tell Hispanic listeners not to vote based on ethnicity and then cry discrimination as well as racism. If a Hispanic went on English radio and said the same, they would be accused of being anti-Semitic as well as lynched.

    What a double standard. If you do not believe me, listen to the recordings of Slom and Leifman on Hispanic radio. Thanks Ruby Feria.

  24. leifman is a good guy. dont lump him in with slom.



    Good question regarding Norma Lindsey. In fact Judge Lindsey was a member of the 3rd DCA JNC and her term ran from 2003-2007. Pork-eater asks then how can she be named a judge in 2006?

    Answer is FS 43.291 (2), which reads: "A member of a judicial nominating commission is not eligible for appointment, during his or her term of office and for a period of 2 years thereafter, to any state judicial office for which that commission has the authority to make nominations.

    Therefore, she could not have been named to the 3rd DCA.

    TO 7:02 - VACATION

    I wish I were on vacation and away from the heat and humidity, but I am committed to staying until the HEAT make the NBA Finals.


    Wrong. But not by that much. You stated that the bench is comprised of less than 16% Hispanics.

    Here are the true numbers on the bench in Miami-Dade County:

    In CIRCUIT COURT there are a total of 75 judges:

    There are 46 males (61%) and 29 females (39%).

    There are 16 Hispanic judges (21%) and 6 black judges (8%).

    Of the 5 Divisions, General, Family, Probate, Juvenile and Criminal, the largest concentration of Hispanic judges are in Criminal where 10 of the 25 judges (40%) are Hispanic.

    In COUNTY COURT there are a total of 42 Judges:

    There are 16 males (38%) and 26 females (62%).

    There are 8 hispanic judges (19%) and 7 black judges (17%).

    Of the 3 Divisions, Civil, Criminal, and Domestic Violence, the largest concentration of Hispanic judges are in Criminal where 4 of the 17 judges (24%) are Hispanic.


    I would like to open the discussion on this issue that has been raised by the gender/race/ethnicity question:

    The Florida Bar, The Florida Supreme Court and The Florida Legislature, have all addressed the issue in the forming of committees, recommendations, mandates, even legislation, to address the issue as it is reflected on the numbers of judges sitting on the bench.

    Question: Should the judiciary reflect the composition of the voters of that community?

    Question: Should the judiciary reflect the composition of the lawyers in that community?

    We all agree that judges should be well qualified, know the law, have experience; nobody will argue those basic principles. But, if the lawyers living in Dade County are 28% Hispanic, for example, should the judiciary in Dade County be 28% Hispanic? Or should the bench reflect the % of Hispanic voters in Dade County, who are more than 50% Hispanic?

    In Susannah Nesmith's article on Wednesday, either she or Judge Slom incorrectly states that woman are under represented on the bench. The exact quote was, “Slom suspects that D'Arce recruited Cecilia Armenteros-Chavez to run against him because as a Hispanic woman, she has a perceived advantage in a county where Hispanics and women are still underrepresented on the bench.”

    Completely inaccurate, Ms. Nesmith. The County Court numbers are actually quite shocking where 62% of the sitting judges are female. In 1970, females represented 3% of all lawyers. In 2000, they were 27% and in 2006 they are 32% of the members of the Florida Bar. Currently, females make up 44% of all law schools students. At 62%, they are way ahead. This is certainly not to say that those serving are not qualified; but the numbers are the numbers.

    And so, I open the discussion to those fellow REGJB bloggers; let’s have some intelligent conversation about the issue of gender/race/ethnicity on the bench..........


  26. Captain, can you give us total numbers with all combine and not that confusing breakdown? I am not good in math and just want the bottom line numbers. What is the percentages of White, Hispanic and Black. Just the bottom line please. Thank you.


    For 8:42, who Failed math:

    Overall, in Dade County, there are 117 Judges sitting on the Circuit and County Court bench:

    Males - 62 (53%)
    Females - 55 (47%)

    Hispanic - 24 (21%)
    Black - 13 (11%)

    now go buy a calculator.....

    CAPTAIN OUT ................

  28. oh i think i have finally figured it out ,Ivan Hernandez has an image problem!His problem is that people think that he is Juan D'Arce's puppet. Why doesn't he stand up for himself as a Constitutionally Appointed Officer and disavow that little corrupt,uneducated worm?People might then begin to respect him as person and as a Judge.Maybe D'Arce has some dirt on him that prevents him from doing just that?

  29. Anonymous at 8:12:07 PM said...
    leifman is a good guy. dont lump him in with slom.

    Leifman was a good guy while in the PDO and when he was first appointed as a judge. After losing the election and becoming associated administrative judge for the traffic magistrates, he did a 180 degree turn for the worse. Ask any traffic attorney and they'll tell you all about it.

  30. if you believe that a county with x percent of hispanics should have x percent judges on the bench, and y percent females must be represented by a proportionate y percent of female judges, well then, you are either promoting racial and gender differences, or obsessed with math.

    why stop at the judiciary. when i go to a movie, i want the people working the snack bar to be exactly representative of the community. i want two gringo's, some hispanics, men and women, an asian, a colombian, and a frenchy.

    if your store, firm, shop, etc only employs two or three people, you will not be able to be diverse enough, thus a racist operation.

  31. This one is for the Captain...Don't you believe an appointment and merit retntion sysytem would suit us all much better??? Am I the only one who sees this?? That way we could focus on gender, ethnicity oe race, which continues to make us look like a Banana Republic!!!! What say you Captain?? Anyonw else???

  32. The appointment and merit retention system doesn't eliminate the dirty politicking. It just moves it out of sight and concentrates the political power in the hands of the JNC commissioners who are pals of the governor and inject their politics into the system. For that matter, I'd rather have the the judges elected in open and democratic elections than have a few people select them in backroom deals.

  33. problem with appointments is that the political agenda of the governor (and jncs)takes over for the blindness of the electorate. witness the quality of the recent appointments in county, i.e lindsey and arzola...inexperienced, unqualified and purely political.
    and the list goes on....but i'll let the Captain name the other recent appointments.

    elections may be worse, though. the lemmings trot into the booth with their cards filled out and punch (wait, no more chads) select
    the name that most aligns with theirs, regardless of qualifications.

    moving to amsterdam.

  34. So let's make the JNC's less political.

  35. slom did not use words like ethnicity or race or anything like that while on the radio. i heard him and he told listeners that they should vote on qualification and that, unfortunately, that usually did not happen and that people tended to vote based on name, sex, etc. (obviously, a summary) moot point as he is now unopposed. however, if you did not listen to his comments you should not be "quoting" him.

  36. From the Miami New Times:

    This Prosecutor's Still Stingin'
    Just a lawyer with Web access:

    I am writing, not only to call you out for printing an out-of-date, recycled story, but to make a few clarifications and comments about Robert Powell's "Four Wheels, No Breaks" (May 25). I have never been involved in the prosecution of former Oakland Raider Barrett Robbins. I believe the author, who I actually think is a decent guy — and I am sure enjoyed the free drinks I scored for him a while back — confused this with the arrest of Antrel Rolle in 2004. I was assigned his case and, let's see, oh yeah, I dropped it.

    As to the recent case: Even though I have left the state attorney's office to pursue my own law practice, I will continue to honor my duty by remaining silent regarding the guilt or innocence of Mr. Taylor. It was never personal and I was only doing my job as a prosecutor, just as I had done it to the best of my ability for six years.

    I offered the guy probation and in turn his attorneys flipped my life upside-down for a big paycheck. I put those links on my online diary site to update friends on what I was doing with my life, and for no other reason. I am sure the defense's intent was not to cause me to lose my job (I hope), but they should have known their tactics would result in irreparable personal and professional damage.

    I am still smiling and standing tall, and they are the ones who have to look into the mirror at night — and it is probably a really expensive mirror. Fact: Most prosecutors are overworked and underpaid. I was one of them. I will never apologize for working through my weekends to pay my bills, especially when there are others at that office making six figures to play crosswords all day.

    But I do apologize if any of my former colleagues suffered in any way from my situation. I would like to say thank you to New Times for picking, by far, the least flattering picture of me out of the bunch to print and for making no effort to get a comment from me for the story. And finally, I would like to say a big "you're welcome" to all the lawyers, doctors, teachers, etc. who took down their MySpace page after I got publicly screwed for having a social life. And yes, it still stings a little.

    Michael Grieco
    Miami Beach

  37. Juance, Twice, Three Times A Lady...

  38. Weird how wanting equal representation on the Bench is called racist by all you bigots in Miami-Dade County who are freaking out of the changes to come. The whole US Government works on quotas and affirmative action regardless of any other idea. The thing is, according to current numbers Blacks and Hispanics a super minority on the Bench and it makes me wonder if they can have so few "Qualified Lawyers" or that the current system is broken or even worse that the current incumbents have created a wall so high and so scary to climb that they are afraid to seek office as their careers may be jeopardized. There is too much thinking by current Judges that they have ENTITLEMENT to be JUDGES.

    Here is another racist who things diversity is something that needs to be considered:

    Governor Bush's Philosophy on Appointments
    Governor Bush is committed to selecting the best judges possible, and relies upon the local JNCs to submit those finalists with integrity, commitment, and the vision to make our Florida judiciary even better. Judicial office today demands the best possible women and men. Each day, our judges make decisions that directly affect our lives, our families, our property, and our liberty. Even after Governor Bush leaves office, his legacy will live on through the judges he appoints.

    In making his selections, Governor Bush considers much more than just legal ability and professional experience. He cares about character, ethics, civic mindedness, impartiality, openness, intellect, respectfulness, common sense, values, compassion, firmness, decisiveness, persistence, temperament, due respect for the voice of the people as expressed through their elected representatives and commitment to principles of judicial restraint. Governor Bush also looks for diversity in his appointees and believes in selecting judges who reflect the people they will serve. Finally, Governor Bush seeks those who have broad life experiences, for he believes that being an effective judge requires an understanding of human nature and the wisdom that often comes as the product of life's seasoning.

  39. A question regarding Grieco's comments to the Herald regarding the Sean Taylor case: Did he ever offer Mr. Taylor a misdemeanor plea?

  40. Where are the Judge Cohne comments since we all hate people who hate bigots? Ah ha...

  41. Exuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse Me? Have you been paying any attention? Or just waiting to write something on the blog? Commandant Bush's appointments blow. Yes there are some actually qualified people that happened to squeeze through. But that was only because venus was aligned with mars that day. Most are individuals you wouldn't want representing you let alone acting as the neutral magistrate in litigation. Take a look; Arzola, Lindsey, Thomas, Hendon, Eig,and these are only the most recent group. There have been others. Don't give me this sanctimonious balderdash about the altruism of our fearless leader. He has an agenda and is trying to accomplish it, like all politicos. My problem is can't he do it with more qualified people. I don't care about ethnicity, culture, color, or creed I just want better candidates. Pleassssssssssssssssse!

  42. I believe the third question mark(?) should be a period(.).


    the only "seasoning" norma lindsey has seen is the mayo on her whitebread sammies. no clue about the real people that appear before her.

    as for antonio "i can speak louder and faster than you" arzola, his "seasoning" is way to picante for most of the average joes with a 4th grade education that show up in county court.

  44. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  45. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  46. Exactly right, look at Bush's appointment of Judge Eig. His decisions regarding the life and safety of children in miami dade county are so dangerous that everyone of us should go to bed at night praying the child won't be dead the next morning

  47. Exactly right, look at Bush's appointment of Judge Eig. His decisions regarding the life and safety of children in miami dade county are so dangerous that everyone of us should go to bed at night praying the child won't be dead the next morning

  48. Exactly right, look at Bush's appointment of Judge Eig. His decisions regarding the life and safety of children in miami dade county are so dangerous that everyone of us should go to bed at night praying the child won't be dead the next morning

  49. Sorry, but Jeb's appointees are people who he believes will uphold his viewpoint that this state (and this country) should be moving to the right.

    He clearly wants judges that will: (1) prevent a family from making such intimate decisions as to whether they should end the life of a loved one who is terminally ill (Sciavo); (2)prevent women from making personal decisions about their own bodies (abortion); and (3) that would permit public monies to be transferred from public schools to private religious institutions (vouchers).

    The best people are not being chosen if they do not meet his litmus test, plain and simple. While that is his right as the gov., the reality is that I don't want the bench packed with a bunch of right wing zealots.

  50. Cohen's comments are four years old. They're stale. Dead. Gone.

    Need more? Ask CABA. They looked into Judge Cohen's "anti-hispanic" remarks and concluded there was nothing there. NOTHING.

    Still not satisfied? Call and ask her hispanic bailiff and her hispanic secretary what THEY think of their judge.

  51. Bush will not be in power for much longer...Then maybe a better Governor will appoint better Judges, I still think appointment and retention is better...At least you can hold someone accountable, can we really hold an uninformed electorate responsible??


  53. We can all cross our fingers that the next Governor will appoint better Judges, but look at the candidates and you tell me which one will fit that bill?

    The only 2 "viable" candidates are more right wing than J.E.B. EVER publically admitted. Appointment and retention are just as "pregnant" with the possibility of political corruption by politicos who are unburdened by a moral compass. Look at the JNC and their hand slap of Lombano for asking the 3rd DCA candidate about the "challenges" of career and motherhood. (What is he a throw back?)

  54. Can we throw him back?

  55. Yes! We can throw him back. But what a waste of good fishing line.

    Seriously folks, the days of government (read judicial) entitlement and political pandering are WAAAAY out of vogue. We as members of the legal profession, can neither tolerate nor greet with nonchalance the corruption that has become our judicial election process. We're creative and bright when it comes to crime. Why can't we find a solution that really works?

  56. What did trivia freak win for getting the right answers?

  57. Jeri Beth Cohen a bigot? Please. Anyone who appeared in front of her or talked to her can tell you that she is as liberal as the day is long and can find the good in anyone (just ask those of us who prosecuted cases in front of her). She said something stupid. CABA looked into and recognized that she is not anti-Hispanic.

  58. Then why are others being held as bigots when she clearly said the worst things that can be said. Oh, since it is not about Jewish people it can be forgiven and forgoten. Bias as usual on this crappy place.

    By the way, who is CABA to say if something is correct or incorrect. What a joke to think they represent the feeling for the Hispanic Community or anyone for that matter. I want to hear from the JQC or the Supreme Court. A real entity where Hector Lambada was never a member. We are within the Statute of Limitations here. Can one of her colleagues file a complaint next week please.

    This is my freedom of speech.


  60. why is it insulting to ask someone who moved to a country whose officially language is english to actually learn english. how could you be insulted ny that. if a moved to poland, and after 20 (or 2) years didnt speak polish, i should be heckled daily.

    its not about race, its lazy assholes to lazy to learn a few things.

  61. Here's the bottom line, feign horror that JB Cohen made a comment about hispanics. But show me one hispanic who has never made a derogatory comment about jews?

  62. Who cares, she is a Judge and said it and maybe has thought about it 1 million times. Tell you what, tell her to run in West Palm and then you can hold her sign there.

  63. Rumpole, remember this message to us?

    To the moron(s) who are posting lyrics and lengthy copies of posts from on line encyclopedias: Let the word go forth from this day forward. We will bear any burden…pay any price… to insure the blessings of this blog.

    We have more time than you do. We can erase your posts and there is nothing you can do about it. Keep wasting your time cutting and pasting and posting. It takes us about a second to erase it. We just hit one button. You will learn the lesson that dozens of prosecutors have learned before: you don’t want to mess with Rumpole.

    Apologize and mean it and do it daily to keep the Gods happy at your ugly fat ass you racist fool.

  64. Rumpole, remember this message to us?

    To the moron(s) who are posting lyrics and lengthy copies of posts from on line encyclopedias: Let the word go forth from this day forward. We will bear any burden…pay any price… to insure the blessings of this blog.

    We have more time than you do. We can erase your posts and there is nothing you can do about it. Keep wasting your time cutting and pasting and posting. It takes us about a second to erase it. We just hit one button. You will learn the lesson that dozens of prosecutors have learned before: you don’t want to mess with Rumpole.

    Apologize and mean it and do it daily to keep the Gods happy at your ugly fat ass you racist fool.


    His Sister's Keeper
    Is Darrin McGillis a noble crusader for his late sister's kids, or a courtroom junkie who thrives on drama? Both, actually.
    By Lissette Corsa
    Article Published Jul 27, 2000

    For the complete story:

    Want legal advice, MCGILLIS gives it free on this site:

  66. DARRIN MCGILLIS, Appellant(s)/Petitioner(s), vs. DANIEL NESS, ET AL., Appellee(s)/Respondent(s).

    CASE NO.: 3D05-2339


    923 So. 2d 1178; 2006 Fla. App. LEXIS 5161

    January 24, 2006, Decided


    PRIOR HISTORY: LOWER TRIBUNAL NO. 05-6983, 05-7087, 05-296 AP.


    OPINION: Following review of the petition for writ of certiorari and the response and reply thereto, it is ordered that said petition is hereby denied.

    Upon consideration of the motion for sanctions filed by respondent Benjamin Ness, it is ordered that said motion is granted and remanded to the trial court to fix amount.

    Upon consideration, petitioner's request for sanctions against counsel is hereby denied.


    DARRIN MCGILLIS, Appellant(s)/Petitioner(s), vs. BENJAMIN NESS, Appellee(s)/Respondent(s).

    CASE NO.: 3D05-1230


    910 So. 2d 274; 2005 Fla. App. LEXIS 15963

    August 30, 2005, Decided


    PRIOR HISTORY: LOWER TRIBUNAL NO. 05-14334. McGillis v. Ness, 903 So. 2d 198, 2005 Fla. App. LEXIS 10168 (Fla. Dist. Ct. App. 3d Dist., 2005)

    JUDGES: LEVY, C.J., and FLETCHER and CORTINAS, JJ., concur.

    OPINION: Upon consideration of the emergency petition for writ of mandamus, it is ordered that said petition is hereby dismissed as moot. LEVY, C.J., and FLETCHER and CORTINAS, JJ., concur.

    DARRIN MCGILLIS, Appellant(s)/Petitioner(s), vs. BENJAMIN NESS, Appellee(s)/Respondent(s).

    CASE NO.: 3D05-1230


    903 So. 2d 198; 2005 Fla. App. LEXIS 10168

    June 15, 2005, Decided


    SUBSEQUENT HISTORY: Writ dismissed by McGillis v. Ness, 2005 Fla. App. LEXIS 15963 (Fla. Dist. Ct. App. 3d Dist., Aug. 30, 2005)


    OPINION: This Court's order dated June 14, 2005 is hereby vacated.

  67. Here is the most interesting part of the case you posted.

    Supreme Court of Puerto Rico.
    Angel Luis García, Carmen García et al., Plaintiffs and respondents
    World Wide Entertainment Co., Darrin McGillis, Defendants and petitioners
    No. CE-92-126
    San Juan, Puerto Rico, December 24, 1992

    "The plaintiffs alleged that both contracts were void because they were contrary to law, morals and public policy. As second cause of action, plaintiffs alleged that defendants (McGillis and boyfriend) had physically abused and sexually harassed the minor, for which they sought damages."

  68. Judge Cohen must have been super scared of the McGillis fella'. I just finished reading the whole story about him and his doings to the system and I cannot believe the havoc McGillis can serve. He should be Baker Acted.

    Read the story:

  69. Talking about candidates, why hasn't Abby Cynamon resigned? If she thinks she is above the law before she takes the bench, imagine what she will be like if she is elected.

  70. Super color scheme, I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.
