Sunday, June 25, 2006


"To punish me for my contempt for authority
fate made me an authority myself."
Albert Einstein

How will we be punished for our contempt for authority?

Maybe Governor Holly Go Lightly will appoint us to the bench.

Maybe the Cubs will win the World Series.

Maybe an idiot from Texas with a DUI will become president.

Stranger things have happened.


  1. Mr. Mcgillis- I know your posts, Unless you have an intelligent comment to add, you're wasting your time.

    To the idiot who can't read- you post with the insulting comments about the judge didn't make it. Sorry charlie, only the best tasting tuna are starkist.

  2. Abby Cynamon is married to an attorney, Jeff Cynamon, who recently won a $2.4 million dollar verdict in one case and was recently affirmed by the 3rd DCA in another.

  3. Ah, but Parks was named one of the "Top Attorneys in South Florida" by The South Florida Legal Guide. That gets my vote. Don't get care who is married or divorced.

  4. Cohn, Parks, and Pedrassa were all at the Key Biscayne parade.Working hard, Where were their opponents?
