Tuesday, June 06, 2006



Candidate Stephen Millian, much discussed in the posts, is alleged to have written in and said this (memo to candidates: use your email address to us directly- we can verify your identity and your post will be put up in total).

To the uninformed bloggers 5:18 and 5:40, I have never identified myself as Cuban. In fact, in every conversation, I have said that I am Puerto Rican and Italian. In fact, it is my wife who is Cuban, and thus that makes my children part Puerto Rican, Italian and Cuban. Moreover, since I am half Puerto Rican that makes me hispanic by blood. Under the federal rules dating back to before the civil war and taken from Europe, 1/32 of an ethnicity's blood made you part of that ethnicity. Obviously that was done for reasons of national purity as it related to the rights of inheritance. If you ever want to know just ask. Don't assume anything. In fact, I have always identified myself as hispanic from school to hiring to social activities. I grew up in a bi-cultural house and have that much more of a richer heritage to offer my children. As the subsequent post noted, if you like Mills- Francis and her uninvolved, unprofessional and unqualified judicial tenure then vote for her. I am sure you did when you filled out the bar poll or was that maybe when you saw her at some community event. What I am talking about is the ideal of what it means to be a judge. Anytime you wish to discuss that intelligently, call me,--Stephen Millan. I am in the phone book. or better yet just stop me in the courthouse rather than talking or blogging behind my back. Just for the record, my last name had an accent on the "a" but that was changed at Ellis Island. In Puerto Rico, all of my family has an accent over the "a". I specifically decided to not correct it since this was the name my parents gave me and I am proud of it. It is also the name that I have passed on to my children. I could have changed it but then again you would be complaining that I changed it as a form of racial pandering. Yes, my Spanish is not perfect and perhaps never will be but that does not mean that I will not keep on trying. Unfortunately, my parents and grandparents felt that it was more important to master English since they had been discriminated against for speaking their own native tongues. With my children, I have tried to correct this and my wife and I have taught them both languages from birth. Lastly, I am campaigning in all communities in our county. I have worked in them and volunteered in them before I ran for judge and will do so after. What has Judge Mills-Francis done in any of them. I am not pandering to any one ethnicity or segment of the community. I am campaigning in them all and I will earn their votes.

The recently departed Senator Lloyd Benson, was able to tap out this post before he assumed room temperature:

Rumpole...I knew David Markus, I worked with David Markus, David Markus was a friend of mine...and you sir, are no David Markus.

Rumpole climbs up on his soap box: (imagine speakers corner in Hyde Park in our home town of London)

To the moron(s) who are posting lyrics and lengthy copies of posts from on line encyclopedias: Let the word go forth from this day forward. We will bear any burden…pay any price… to insure the blessings of this blog.

We have more time than you do. We can erase your posts and there is nothing you can do about it. Keep wasting your time cutting and pasting and posting. It takes us about a second to erase it. We just hit one button. You will learn the lesson that dozens of prosecutors have learned before: you don’t want to mess with Rumpole.

Anonymous wrote in:

Rumpole, I saw David Young release a defendant on the special conditions that he attend AA and Weight Watchers. David Young is a true REGJB original and I love him for the way he cares about people. Any thoughts? I’d sign my name, but I don’t want to endure the inevitable posts suggesting that Judge Young sentence me to weight watchers as well.

Dear Chunky: It may not be legal, but we agree that it’s a great REGJB story.


1) Ray Sarmiento. Welcome back Ray. Get right back on your horse and keep on truckin.

2) Former criminal defense attorney Tony Genova. We can’t extend the same warm greetings to Mr. Genova. A Sy Gaer wannabee who had neither the experience or talent of Sy to try cases the way he did. We have no idea if Mr. Genova has re-secured a law license. But if he has, we sincerely hope he amends the way he used to practice and puts in some time and work in any case he is hired on before he goes to trial. In our book (almost) everyone is entitled to a second chance, and we are willing to give Mr. Genova his second chance.

See You In Court.


  1. How did Young know a diet was in order and that the weight problem wasnt/isnt gladular/mediacl/psychological? Isnt his behavior a bit presumptive?

  2. Rump you are a bigot for erasing my posts which provided insight and knowledge about the languages spoken in the US.

  3. I want to hear what Judge Cohen has to say on her Anti-Hispanic comments. Also, can the Captain or Rump please tell us who were the Board Members and President at the time for CABA when this Anti-Hispanic comments were made. Maybe then, can we research what these HIDE ME attorneys have been doing in Court or if they are getting special treatment.

    Judge Cohen, I know you have Hispanics working for you, but I read the story about "Uncle Tom" and I am not impressed.

  4. Get over the Judge Cohen posts already. Its 4 years old and really yesterday's news. Does it really matter today what she said back then or moreover who was on the board of CABA? get a life!

  5. To 3:59- we are a bigot. You caught us red handed. We are bigoted against stupid, moronic, idiots who wouldn't have an original thought if their life depended on it. Please report us to the US Comission on Bigoted Bloggers so we can be properly punsihed.


  6. Blecher is Rumpole. I saw him yesterday in the Starbucks on US 1 next to Thai Moon with his laptop blogging. He was sitting in one of those comfortable chairs and I saw his screen through the window. I caught you "Rumpole"!!! You are now officially outted!!!

  7. Tell you what, KMF, if that lady is really your grandmother let's put you to the Peter "Camacho" Adrien TEST! Email Rumple pictures of you and her at you birthdays when you were 3, 5 8, 10, 12, 15 and of course 18 and 21.

    If you do not have any pictures, Grandma is a hired GUN and you are no worse than, well you know.

  8. The web site for CABA Sucks Ass!

  9. On the Oust list for 2008, I would like to Move that Judge Cohen be placed there immediately.

    Who else?

  10. Get over the Judge Cohen thing, that was ancient history. She loves everyone,do you hear me, everyone....throw out Farina. He is a little kiss ass. You should have outted Lederman when you had the chance...another kiss ass, doing nothing all-rhetoric bitch.

  11. Whats that post about KMF about? People who post about candidates should include their name. Blecher cannot be Rumpole. His volcabulary is limited. Who is the Captain? Screw Rumpole. WHO IS THE CAPTAIN??

  12. Hey Bennett, IT seems that the pit PDs have a cottage industry going. When a judge tells a defendant that they do not qualify for the PDs services and they need to hire a private, One of the PDs runs out into the hall and hustles the client to a friend(usually a former PD buddy). This of course is for a kickback of 25 to 30 % of the fee. This is happening many times each day. I saw it myself today on the 4th floor. Privates are getting screwed,(good pun), and pds are committing crimes. Bennett, The pds have something of an excuse since you pay them so poorly. It's like starving people "finding" food after Katrina. But either you are ignoring the situation or are so out of touch you dont even know it exists . What say you?

  13. Nope, JUDGE JERI BETH COHEN is the first to make the OUSTED in 2008 List.

    It is a free country and according to some, a democratic election. Let's support competition by giving potential candidates an idea as to whom should be ousted.

    Rump, can you list the Judges for the 2008 and 2010 election so we can vote on who goes and who stays please.

  14. Secretaries in the PD's office make under 19K a year. What the hell?

  15. Based on Rumpole calling London his hometown, is Rumpole none other than the former husband of our current State Attorney- Chris Rumpole Rundle????


    and I object to your asking Rumpole to provide information on who are the Judges standing election in 2008, etc.

    That is my job.

    And as for who I am, you may guess until your heart's content, but you will never figure that out, NEVER.

    CAPTAIN OUT ...........


  18. Captain can you provide the list so we can vote on what judges to oust in 2008 election.

    Ofcourse, we feel that the most effective way to oust bad non-hispanic judges would be by running hispanic judges against them since historically that has been the trend for winning!

    Would that make us, the readers of the blog, racists?

    I don't think so. I think we would just be called "SMART" and "EFFECTIVE" for doing so.

    Well, that is if our candidates are elected.


    Ivan Fernandez
    Mary Barzee
    Diane Ward
    Amy Steele Donner
    Margarita Esquiroz
    Jose Rodriguez
    Ronald Friedman
    Eugene Fierro
    Leon Firtel
    Daryl Trawick
    Jon Gordon
    Peter Lopez
    Ronald Dresnick
    Joseph Farina
    Orlando Prescott
    Roberto Pineiro
    Celeste Muir
    Leonard Glick
    Jerald Bagley
    Sarah Zabel
    Stuart Simon
    Kevin Emas
    Thomas Wilson
    Jeri Beth Cohen
    Bernard Shapiro
    Marc Schumacher
    Jeffrey Rosinek
    Jacqueline Hogan Scola
    Robert Scola
    Sandy Karlan
    Victoria Sigler
    Dava Tunis
    Spencer Eig


    Rosa Figarola
    Jacqueline Schwartz
    Nuria Saenz De La Torre
    Antonio Arzola


  20. RUMP! Start the Poll. This one looks promising!


  21. Captain, are you sure about the County Court list? Only 4?

  22. Yes, for now, only four. That list will grow with all the new appointments that have been made to County Court. Those new Bush appointments that did not run this year will be standing for election in 2008. Same goes for Circuit Court.

    out ..............

  23. You can also expect that, because of age requirements, at least three judges may not be running again for re-election; (I am not sure of their exact age):


    and I am aware of at least one other Circuit Court Judge who will be retiring, but I will not mention his/her name at this time.

    CAPTAIN OUT ..............

  24. What poll exactly do you want?
    This is a public service blog, of course. We aim to please (no one but ourselves.Who do you thinke we are, altruists????)

  25. I believe the capain and rumpole are two county court judges. Because their calendars end at 10:30 or so, they are the only insiders with way too much time on their hands. Are Ed Newman and Andy Hague Rumpole?????

  26. is it really bennett's job to micromanage the pit pd's, following each one out of the court room and inquiring, to every pd, if the person they are talking to is a pd client? if this is a problem, and this is the first i have heard of it, grow a sack, sign your name, and advise bennett of the problem.

    sounds like you are pissed you cant get clients.

  27. Dirty PD's....Dirty bondsmen..how does any honest lawyer ever get a case?

  28. I miss that idiot who posted under all those stupid names....I also like zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz a lot.

  29. Jeri Beth Cohen is one of the hardest working Judges on the bench...who cares what comments she may have made, she earns her $$$

  30. To the Tuesday, June 06, 2006 5:34:40 PM poster:

    Have you been doing drugs before going to court? When does any judge (who doesn't have media cameras pointed at him/her) ever find that any defendant
    does not qualify for the PDs services and they need to hire a private attorney?

    Why do you think they got rid of the department that verified PD appointment affidavits? All any defendant needs to write down is he makes $200 bucks per week and the bond was posted by his momma, girl/boyfriend or family and you've got yourself a PD.

    Otherwise, PDs are roped into "friend of the court" whether you like it or not appointments!

  31. IN THE WORDS OF TRICKY DICK NIXON, slighlty altered:


    I mean, please, Ed Newman and Andy Hague. The Captain never played for the Dolphins, nor did he ever work as an ASA.

    keep guessing .....

  32. Let's do away with the PD's office and sentence all indigent first time offenders to life.

  33. to my dear rumpole: please, sir, do start censoring this blog or you'll lose sensible readers and bloggers as myself. If I wanted to read long opinions that I don't understand, I would have gone to medical school. Even though we don't officially have an official language, most, if not all, of our government proceedings, even in the city formerly known as Miami, is conducted in English. That's why we have great translators in this part of town. I am bilingual, I speak German and English. When I'm here, I speak English. plain and simple. if my grandmother comes here, I will teach her Germglish. Can this happen? can Miami become trilingual? where would that leave all the non-English speakers? Learn to speak the language of your adopted country. that's not a lot to ask for all the free social services that you're using for abuela.

    a humble servant.

  34. to the narc who wants pd's to get in trouble for refering cases:
    your a turd of the highest order!
    it's not a crime for a pd to refer a case. call the fla. bar or ask captain.

  35. Here's who needs to go:

    Amy Steele Donner
    Margarita Esquiroz
    Eugene Fierro
    Jon Gordon
    Celeste Muir
    Spencer Eig


    Rosa Figarola

  36. Miami is trilingual we speak Spanish, English, and Creole (in that order).

  37. Damm, wake up. Even the chinese and the iraquis speak some English. they don't even freaking live here.

  38. Judge JB Cohen is a good example of a good person and judge going downhill due to "robitis" (the love of wearing a robe and having people rise when you enter a room). She once was a bright, hard working judge. Now, she's just an opinionated know-it-all. Sorry, but I agree, its time for you to enter the real world...either by drawing opposition and being voted out or by changing back to the friendly, fair-minded person you once were. Its your choice.

  39. Blecher has a better vocabulary than you might think. Its from all the time he spent in the "pickel barrel" doing the New York Times crosswords.

  40. Rumpole Claus:

    What I want for the Holidays (NOW) is a poll for all County and Circuit Court Judges who are up in 2008 so that we, your faithful readers can vote and see who needs to be OUSTED in 2008. This way, we can avoid the problems we are having now as we try to get rid of lazy, pompous as well as racist members of the judiciary.

    Please make this happen soon and let's start voting.

    An Elf

    PS Can you also list an additional poll with BHB and KFR asking if they have earned re-election.

  41. Iz thees captun a pilot?

  42. if we are cleaning house out at juvenile we need to get rid of Lederman, Eig and Butchko.

    JB Cohen came back to juvenile and has done more for families in distress in Miami Dade county than any other judge. sure her approach might be in your face but she's damn good at her job.

    WE'll keep Orlando Prescott too, he has a great judicial demeanor

  43. Here's some good trivia:

    Which Miami defense attorney, while an FSU law student interning at the PD's office, was assigned to assist pro se defendant Ted Bundy at trial?

  44. If we are tuly cleaning house at juvie;

    In this country, you gotta demolish the building first. Then when you demolish the building , you overhaul the system. Then when you overhaul the system, then you get the Judges.

  45. Blecher couldn't do a N.Y. times crossword for any amount of $.

  46. If Judge Cohen likes helping people sp much, she can join the Peace Core or Peace Corps or both in 2009 when she is no longer telling people to learn English or emptying our jails of Cubans to be happy. Hey, she can maybe work somewhere in Latin America and tell them they have no language.

  47. Rumpole, I have an idea for an additional poll.

    Since there are so many lawyers / Judges married to each other, let's do a poll as to which is the best looking couple and which is the worse looking.

    I say that Judge Barzee and hector Flores are the best. Collectively and separately.

    As well, I say Phil Reizenstein and Jacqueline Woodward are surely the worse. Collectively and separately, dead or alive.

  48. Let me state the following. I was a pass Board Member of the National Women’s Political Caucus (NWPC) and I have to say that I am surprised that some much BS gets on this Blog and not one person is even making Mr. Hector Lombada answer to his shameful comments in regard to women everywhere. We have a man who clearly and plainly said comments that are not part of the era we live in. Please join me in demanding justice by writing to Governor Bush, not voting for his like minded Judges, complaining to the Florida Bar and refusing to deal with this man who thinks women should be barefooted, pregnant, left at home and surely not practicing law. You Sir Mr. Hector Lombada are nothing but a Sexist Pig!

  49. I think poor Judge Hendon will get the boot again in 2008. I like the man, but he is just not getting the program. He is running on a Windows environment while being an Apple computer.

  50. Leave Judge Margarita Esquiroz and Judge Jon Gordon alone. Who do you want to be acting Chief, Judge Glazer or Judge David Miller? Besides, who will chase and shoot our bad guys. Miller is a putz. And Judge Esquiroz may be slow, but she is fun and fair. Cute too! ;-)

  51. Tell you what, KMF, if that lady is really your grandmother let's put you to the Peter "Camacho" Adrien TEST! Email Rumple pictures of you and her at you birthdays when you were 3, 5 8, 10, 12, 15 and of course 18 and 21.

    If you do not have any pictures, Grandma is a hired GUN and you are no worse than, well you know.

  52. Millan, do not argue with the Blog or the media. Let them be. Nothing good comes from arguing with the 2 broke lawyers who write about who they wish they were.

  53. You know why people speak Spanish in Miami and they are not forced to learn English? Because Miami is a welcoming City that has transformed and believe it or not, people are studying the amazing results. It is called the influx of Latin America and it is here to stay. In Miami-Dade and Broward. Thank you.

  54. to 12:13 am, who is the other broke lawyer?; only Rump whines about being broke all the time.

    to 11:29, and the trivia question about the FSU law student who assisted Ted Bundy, my guess would be Pedro Echarte

    to 11:29, who asks, "Iz thees captun a pilot"?

    the answer is no, Catalano is a pilot, ...

    I am the CAPTAIN, Captain Liberty, read my bio, .....

    CAPTAIN OUT ............

  55. I have one question, when is the JQC going to step in and investigave Miami-Dade County. Can't you people see that we do not complain because we are affraid of the system. HELLO! SOS! Get it? Help! Jeb! Charlie Crist! Chief Justice Pariente! Gerald Bailey! Federal Election Commission! JQC! HELLO! SOS!

  56. more importantly, i hear DJ ESQ is now doin crim def. what a tool and a hypocrite. i hope the ASA's treat him like he treated other people.

    leave town DJ. your song is over

  57. answer to ted bundy trivia question is : DAVID SCOTT MARKUS. ask him about the cast of bundy's teeth he has on his mantle.

    previous poster is right, no way i can do nytimes crossword.

  58. To 11:56: I am the "worse"? Hey Shakespeare, try "worst". Better yet, why don't you come to my house on a sunday afternoon so we can discuss this?

    Phil R

    For the truly humorless out there, let me state right now that I am joking. But while I admit I have no idea why my wife married me, I do take offense at your derogatory remarks about her. Sign your name if you have any guts, and lets see how beautiful you are.

  59. phil has got to be one of the coolest guys in the building. props to you, dog.

  60. I bet he applied for a job as an APD and was not hired.

    is it really bennett's job to micromanage the pit pd's, following each one out of the court room and inquiring, to every pd, if the person they are talking to is a pd client? if this is a problem, and this is the first i have heard of it, grow a sack, sign your name, and advise bennett of the problem.

    sounds like you are pissed you cant get clients

  61. Capatin, what is the best way to file a complaint against a candidate for the upcoming election? Would you say the FDLE, Federal Elections Commission, Charlie Crits, Ethic Commission of Miami-Dade County or KFR?

    Also, what and how would help.

  62. The Captain has been requested to provide the following information for someone who wishes to file a complaint against a candidate in the upcoming election.

    My suggestion is for you to go to the Florida Elections Commission website and download the Complaint form. You can do so with the following link:


    Happy Filing........

    CAPTAIN OUT ..................

  63. Rumpole and Captain,
    Do you know each other's identities????

  64. Word on the "row" is Bundy was a hell of a basketball player.

  65. Esquiroz needs to go. If you dont believe me, file a civil case and in six years when it actually goes to trial, you'll see.

  66. fuck that shit. you guys are all gay and need to quit being pussies about everything.

  67. no fuckin kiddin sound like a bunch of homos

  68. ASS TITS fuck piss shit shithole faggot homo fucking fuck motherfucking cock balls bitch cunt sloppyhole pussy ASS TITS fuck piss shit shithole faggot homo fucking fuck motherfucking cock balls bitch cunt sloppyhole pussy ASS TITS fuck piss shit shithole faggot homo fucking fuck motherfucking cock balls bitch cunt sloppyhole pussy ASS TITS fuck piss shit shithole faggot homo fucking fuck motherfucking cock balls bitch cunt sloppyhole pussy ASS TITS fuck piss shit shithole faggot homo fucking fuck motherfucking cock balls bitch cunt sloppyhole pussy ASS TITS fuck piss shit shithole faggot homo fucking fuck motherfucking cock balls bitch cunt sloppyhole pussy ASS TITS fuck piss shit shithole faggot homo fucking fuck motherfucking cock balls bitch cunt sloppyhole pussy ASS TITS fuck piss shit shithole faggot homo fucking fuck motherfucking cock balls bitch cunt sloppyhole pussy ASS TITS fuck piss shit shithole faggot homo fucking fuck motherfucking cock balls bitch cunt sloppyhole pussy ASS TITS fuck piss shit shithole faggot homo fucking fuck motherfucking cock balls bitch cunt sloppyhole pussy ASS TITS fuck piss shit shithole faggot homo fucking fuck motherfucking cock balls bitch cunt sloppyhole pussy ASS TITS fuck piss shit shithole faggot homo fucking fuck motherfucking cock balls bitch cunt sloppyhole pussy ASS TITS fuck piss shit shithole faggot homo fucking fuck motherfucking cock balls bitch cunt sloppyhole pussy ASS TITS fuck piss shit shithole faggot homo fucking fuck motherfucking cock balls bitch cunt sloppyhole pussy ASS TITS fuck piss shit shithole faggot homo fucking fuck motherfucking cock balls bitch cunt sloppyhole pussy ASS TITS fuck piss shit shithole faggot homo fucking fuck motherfucking cock balls bitch cunt sloppyhole pussy ASS TITS fuck piss shit shithole faggot homo fucking fuck motherfucking cock balls bitch cunt sloppyhole pussy ASS TITS fuck piss shit shithole faggot homo fucking fuck motherfucking cock balls bitch cunt sloppyhole pussy ASS TITS fuck piss shit shithole faggot homo fucking fuck motherfucking cock balls bitch cunt sloppyhole pussy ASS TITS fuck piss shit shithole faggot homo fucking fuck motherfucking cock balls bitch cunt sloppyhole pussy

  69. NO FLOOD CONTROL wooterz

    All games broadcast on WIOD 610 AM and WAQI 710 AM en Español

    Thu, Jun 8 Heat @ Dallas
    9:00 pm (TV: ABC, TSN)
    HEAT Tonight by Maroone
    8:00 pm (Sun Sports)
    HEAT Postgame presented by Pontiac & GMC
    Following Game (Sun Sports)

    Sun, Jun 11 Heat @ Dallas
    9:00 pm (TV: ABC, TSN)
    HEAT Tonight by Maroone
    8:00 pm (Sun Sports)
    HEAT Postgame presented by Pontiac & GMC
    Following Game (Sun Sports)

    Tue, Jun 13 Heat vs. Dallas
    9:00 pm (TV: ABC, TSN)
    HEAT Tonight by Maroone
    8:00 pm (Sun Sports)
    HEAT Postgame presented by Pontiac & GMC
    Following Game (Sun Sports)

    Thu, Jun 15 Heat vs. Dallas
    9:00 pm (TV: ABC, TSN)
    HEAT Tonight by Maroone
    8:00 pm (Sun Sports)
    HEAT Postgame presented by Pontiac & GMC
    Following Game (Sun Sports)

    Sun, Jun 18 Heat vs. Dallas
    9:00 pm (TV: ABC, TSN)
    HEAT Tonight by Maroone
    8:00 pm (Sun Sports)
    HEAT Postgame presented by Pontiac & GMC
    Following Game (Sun Sports)

  71. what the hell is going on

  72. Rumpole, remember this message to us?

    To the moron(s) who are posting lyrics and lengthy copies of posts from on line encyclopedias: Let the word go forth from this day forward. We will bear any burden…pay any price… to insure the blessings of this blog.

    We have more time than you do. We can erase your posts and there is nothing you can do about it. Keep wasting your time cutting and pasting and posting. It takes us about a second to erase it. We just hit one button. You will learn the lesson that dozens of prosecutors have learned before: you don’t want to mess with Rumpole.

    Apologize and mean it and do it daily to keep the Gods happy at your ugly fat ass you racist fool.

  73. Rumpole, remember this message to us?

    To the moron(s) who are posting lyrics and lengthy copies of posts from on line encyclopedias: Let the word go forth from this day forward. We will bear any burden…pay any price… to insure the blessings of this blog.

    We have more time than you do. We can erase your posts and there is nothing you can do about it. Keep wasting your time cutting and pasting and posting. It takes us about a second to erase it. We just hit one button. You will learn the lesson that dozens of prosecutors have learned before: you don’t want to mess with Rumpole.

    Apologize and mean it and do it daily to keep the Gods happy at your ugly fat ass you racist fool.

  74. Rumpole, remember this message to us?

    To the moron(s) who are posting lyrics and lengthy copies of posts from on line encyclopedias: Let the word go forth from this day forward. We will bear any burden…pay any price… to insure the blessings of this blog.

    We have more time than you do. We can erase your posts and there is nothing you can do about it. Keep wasting your time cutting and pasting and posting. It takes us about a second to erase it. We just hit one button. You will learn the lesson that dozens of prosecutors have learned before: you don’t want to mess with Rumpole.

    Apologize and mean it and do it daily to keep the Gods happy at your ugly fat ass you racist fool.

  75. Rumpole, remember this message to us?

    To the moron(s) who are posting lyrics and lengthy copies of posts from on line encyclopedias: Let the word go forth from this day forward. We will bear any burden…pay any price… to insure the blessings of this blog.

    We have more time than you do. We can erase your posts and there is nothing you can do about it. Keep wasting your time cutting and pasting and posting. It takes us about a second to erase it. We just hit one button. You will learn the lesson that dozens of prosecutors have learned before: you don’t want to mess with Rumpole.

    Apologize and mean it and do it daily to keep the Gods happy at your ugly fat ass you racist fool.

  76. Honor the Holly Cross!

  77. Honor the Holly Cross!

  78. Honor the Holly Cross!

  79. Honor the Holly Cross!

  80. Honor the Holly Cross!

  81. Honor the Holly Cross!

  82. Honor the Holly Cross!

    This must never again be written:

    Tuesday, June 06, 2006


    Candidate Stephen Millian, much discussed in the posts, is alleged to have written in and said this (memo to candidates: use your email address to us directly- we can verify your identity and your post will be put up in total).

  83. Honor the Holly Cross!

  84. its holy, not holly. learn english.

  85. http://www.law.com/jsp/article.jsp?id=1147696528969

    Fla. Judicial Nomination Screeners Focus on Motherhood, Philosophy

    Carl Jones
    Daily Business Review
    May 16, 2006

    The issue of improper questioning of judicial candidates emerged anew during last week's Judicial Nominating Commission interviews of applicants for a 3rd District Court of Appeal seat.

    During interviews on May 9, JNC member Hector Lombana, a Coral Gables, Fla., lawyer, asked candidate Barbara Lagoa, a federal prosecutor who recently gave birth to twins, whether she felt she could balance motherhood and the workload of serving on the 3rd DCA.

    The JNC chair, Ramon Abadin, later called the question "inappropriate." The panel subsequently chose Lagoa as one of six finalists it recommended to Florida Gov. Jeb Bush.

    On Wednesday, the JNC recommended Lagoa along with Miami-Dade Circuit Judge Israel Reyes, federal prosecutors Lisette Reid and Hugo Black III and Miami attorneys Sanford Bohrer and Douglas Stein as finalists for the appellate seat.

    The JNC, whose nine members were appointed by Gov. Bush, selected the six finalists from 19 judges and lawyers who had applied after two days of interviews last week. Bush now has 60 days to select one of the six candidates to replace departing 3rd DCA Judge David L. Levy. The new judge will be Bush's seventh selection to the 11-member 3rd DCA.

    Reyes is a former Miami-Dade detective. Black, an Assistant U.S. Atorney in Miami, is the grandson of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black. Bohrer is a First Amendment specialist and partner at Holland & Knight in Miami who has represented the Miami Herald and the Daily Business Review.

    Lagoa was a prominent figure in the battle to keep young Elian Gonzalez from being returned to his father in Cuba. Stein is a veteran appellate attorney at the Miami firm Anania Bandklayder Blackwell Baumgarten Torricella & Stein.

    The candidates who were passed over include Miami-Dade Circuit Judges Mark King Leban, Scott Silverman and Roberto Pineiro and Miami-Dade County Court Judge Rosa C. Figarola.

    During the interviews on May 9, there was one particularly rocky moment for the commission, when Lombana asked Lagoa, who's married, about balancing motherhood and a prospective judgeship.

    Over the past few years, JNCs in Broward and Palm Beach counties and in other parts of Florida have triggered controversy by asking that same type of question. The Florida Association for Women Lawyers and other legal observers have objected to such questions as discriminatory against parents, particularly women.

    Lagoa replied that she could handle motherhood and a busy career. Lombana, a Coral Gables lawyer, clarified his question by asking Lagoa about the amount of time she would be able to devote to work while her children are very young. Lagoa calmly said it would not be an issue, indicating that she had plenty of people to help with child care.

    JNC member Kevin O'Conner then interjected that he wasn't sure it was proper to ask such a question.

    "It's a question of short-term abilities," Lombana shot back. O'Conner suggested then that the commission "move on."

    The JNC took a break after the Lagoa interview and went into a closed-door session. When the panel re-emerged to interview the next candidate, JNC Chair Abadin announced that the committee felt Lombana's question was "well-intentioned but inappropriate."

    Asked after her interview whether she thought Lombana's questions were inappropriate, Lagoa shook her head no but offered no other comment.

    In an interview later, Abadin, of Abadin Jaramillo Cook & Heffernan in Miami, said the JNC would not ask similar questions of any other candidates.

    Deborah Magid, a Miami-Dade general magistrate who is a former president of the Florida Association for Women Lawyers, said she was shocked to hear that JNC members are still asking such questions, given the previous criticism. "It's really sad because it's almost two years later and apparently all the efforts we were making really didn't have as big an impact as we would have hoped to stop these questions," she said.

    Magid contended that discriminating against candidates based on their parental duties isn't just a women's issue. "Everyone has that issue with family life and work life," she said. "It's used as an excuse to hold women back."

    Kelly Overstreet Johnson, a Tallahassee lawyer who is a former president of The Florida Bar, said the incident is "unfortunate" because Lagoa is obviously a successful lawyer who already has figured out how to manage the professional-personal balance. In addition, she argued, it's probably easier for a judge to manage his or her time than for a prosecutor or private attorney to do so.

    During the interviews, JNC member Thomas R. Spencer, a Republican Party activist, asked a number of candidates about recent rulings of the U.S. Supreme Court that have been controversial among social conservatives.

    For example, he asked how the candidates would have analyzed the issues in the 2003 Lawrence v. Texas case. In that case, the Supreme Court struck down Texas' anti-sodomy law as unconstitutional.

    Spencer also asked several candidates about whether they thought it was appropriate for judges to earn income through speaking tours or books.

    Candidates also were asked to name their favorite judges. Most said they admired U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts Jr., Justice Antonin Scalia or Florida Supreme Court Justice Raoul G. Cantero III. All three are Republican appointees.

    JNC members also asked candidates about judicial philosophy and what they think the role of an appellate judge should be.

    The candidates mostly echoed the prevailing Republican Party line on this. Nearly all said they see appellate judges serving in a limited role and not "legislating from the bench." They advocated basing decisions on a plain reading of the statutes, giving respect to precedent and the rules of statutory construction and looking to legislative intent if necessary.

    One candidate was haunted by a statement he made in the past about civil litigation. Judge Pineiro, who previously has been a finalist for 3rd DCA openings, used his opening statement to address criticism over his past statement that civil cases are "all about money."

    Pineiro said that his statement was misunderstood and that he treats civil cases as seriously as criminal cases. Pineiro said what he meant was that in civil cases, he simply plays the role of umpire, calling balls and strikes during trial. But in criminal cases, he said, he often has to balance the competing interests of the defendants, the victims and their families and other people involved in a crime.

    JNC members asked Assistant U.S. Attorney Richard Boscovich to explain the circumstances surrounding a warning he received from The Florida Bar following a scathing opinion by the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals regarding alleged prosecutorial misconduct on his part.

    The 11th Circuit criticized Boscovich in 1995 for not revealing potentially exculpatory evidence until after a jury reached a verdict in a 1993 drug trafficking trial. During his JNC interview Tuesday, Boscovich said he is "haunted" by the 11th Circuit ruling. He explained that he made a judgment call at the time that the evidence was not exculpatory under U.S. Supreme Court standards.

    Jordana Mishory contributed to this report.

  86. http://www.miaminewtimes.com/Issues/2000-07-27/news/feature.html

    His Sister's Keeper
    Is Darrin McGillis a noble crusader for his late sister's kids, or a courtroom junkie who thrives on drama? Both, actually.
    By Lissette Corsa
    Article Published Jul 27, 2000

    For the complete story:

    Want legal advice, MCGILLIS gives it free on this site:


  87. McGillis also falsely accused Ricky Martin. Wow!


    Ricky Martin desmiente rumores
    Estados Unidos

    EFE.- El cantante puertorriqueño Ricky Martin desmintió rotundamente que hubiera sido molestado sexualmente por el directivo que orquestó el meteórico éxito del grupo Menudo en Estados Unidos, José Menéndez.

    Dicha información había sido publicada esta semana por el periódico sensacionalista estadounidense "Globe", que citaba como fuente de la historia al ex promotor del grupo musical, Darrin McGillis.

    De acuerdo con "Globe", McGillis declaró que uno de los investigadores que analizó la muerte de Menéndez, asesinado por sus hijos Lyle y Erik en 1991, descubrió que durante un viaje a Disneyland el directivo de Menudo detuvo el automóvil en la cuneta de una autopista e intentó tener contacto sexual con Martin.

    "Intentó bajar los pantalones de Ricky y tocarle", dijo McGillis, quien explicó que estas versiones surgieron durante las diligencias abiertas contra Lyle y Erik por el asesinato de su padre, y por el que fueron condenados a cadena perpetua.

    Según New York Post, el biógrafo de la historia de los hermanos Menéndez, Robert Rand, desmintió que hubiera ocurrido ésto, y afirmó que se trata sólo de una fabricación de McGillis.

    El representante de Martin, Kim Jakeworth, también rechazó esta versión.

    "Ricky nunca, jamás se ha reunido con el padre de los Menéndez ni con ellos. Ricky ni siquiera era miembro del grupo Menudo cuando José Menéndez era su representante. Pueden revisar los recortes de prensa de esa época", declaró Jakeworth a "Page six", según explica el diario neoyorquino.

    Sin embargo, parece que ambos coincidieron algún tiempo en Menudo, ya que Martin se unió al grupo en 1984, el mismo año en que Menéndez firmó un acuerdo para promocionar sus discos.

  88. Judge Cohen must have been super scared of the McGillis fella'. I just finished reading the whole story about him and his doings to the system and I cannot believe the havoc McGillis can serve. He should be Baker Acted.

    Read the story:

  89. does anyone know why (the details) attorney Rodney Robinson was placed on three years probation by the Florida Bar this week. I would like to know this, I was once a client of his and got royally fucked by him!

  90. Why is Margarita Esquiroz picked on ?

  91. Despite complaints about lateness, here are 5 reasons why Karen Mills-Francis should win this election:

    1. she encourages prosecutors to be reasonable, drop petty cases and cases that they can't prove

    2. she tries harder than any other judge to help people get licenses

    3. she considers the financial stress resulting from criminal cases and will work to find less expensive but equally punitive options

    -Anonymous APD
