Monday, June 12, 2006


Anonymous frets:

I saw the following post from I believe, "Super 'Koo Koo' Glue McGilllis" wrote:"Section 223(a)(1)(3), a federal criminal statute that prohibits anonymously using a telecommunications device to harass someone."

Then I saw this:"Nah. McGilllis is now a public figure. He is out of luck. If he does sue, the Rump will be uncovered.
Let's start a "Save Rumpole from being Sued" defense fund.
What say you?"
I am worried.
Let's protect the Blog.
Where do we send checks to keep Rumpole McGilllis free?
I looked at some of his many suits and I can see the probability of this Blog being sued.

Rumpole replies:

Unlike other super-heroes, we will not lose our powers if our mask is ripped off us. Some of our robed readers may take to denying bond or denying motions to suppress in some of our cases more often than they already do, and some attorneys may key our car in the REGJB parking lot, but other than that, we can handle it.

Of course this just applies to Dade County. Word has it that some Judges North of the Border have a “Wanted: Rumpole. Dead or alive” poster in their chambers. However, that is just one more good reason for us to err on the side of caution and refer our Broward cases elsewhere.

Within two weeks of the blog starting, we did an anonymous interview with Julie Kay of the DBR, and said something to the effect of being “mortified” if our identity was disclosed. We do not feel that way ( and have not for some time) anymore.

We think we have done some great posts, with some good writing. We have made our mistakes, and owned up to them. And we have always given the other side equal space to explain themselves. We are proud of our blog. It is true we would have to refrain from some of the less gentle jibes that we have given the judiciary ( and for which we know that many robed readers peruse this blog looking to see which of their brethren have been justly skewered ). But overall, we believe that Judges, lawyers, and even the odd defendant have been treated fairly and would not hold the blog against us.

On the other hand, there are those “learn to drive 18 wheelers and be your own boss” infomercials on at 3:00 am., that sometimes intrigue us.
Life’s great lesson is that as one door closes, another one opens.
(Either Buddah, or Sergeant Shutlz on Hogan’s Heroes.)

Also, it occurs to us that if we were somehow forced out of business, the Captain and the Riddler would pick up the slack. Maybe even Jason Grey would come out of retirement, lace up, crack his fingers, and begin posting again.

So….much like court costs and cockroaches,, one way or another, the blog would survive. Insidiously slipping like slime through the cracks of the authoritarian wall, the blog and its bloggers would continue to poke those who need poking the most. (robed readers, we are talking about you.)

We do take time to note that the very confident predictions of our favorite federal blogger David O Markus with a K and former FACDL president Brian Tannebaum, that we would be “quickly discovered” (or words to that effect) have been proven incorrect.
Of course, both Markus and Tannebaum predicted that the Heat would win in 4.
So much for their prescient powers.

We do not fear anyone! However, we would not like to have some half-wit pro se legal bull-dog on our butt. It would take away from the valuable time we have set aside for drinking château Miami River and avoiding bill collectors. So to the extent that anyone wants to harass us with subpoenas or threats, we hope they take the time to carefully read our humble blog and see the bit of humor and fun we have brought into the otherwise dull and dreary lives of those who labour in the REGJB.

For the moment, we request all interested contributors send their checks to the John Lipinski defense fund, c/o Sy Gaer, Miami, FL. (Sy is so well known that merely his name will get the post office to deliver the mail to him.)

See You In Court.


  1. Rumpole, I think you are going to become the next victim of D. McGilllis a/k/a "Darrin Super 'Koo Koo' Glue McGilllis”. Truly, I just read the New Times article on what he did and also did Lexis search under his name. The results are perplexing to say the least.

    The man has sued over a dozen people, including Judges (Hernandez, B. Miller, etc.), the New Times, relatives and roommates.

    Rump, I hope you keep your faithful Bloggers safe and that anyone who does know your identity, can keep from cracking once they start receiving 50 calls in a row as he did at juvi and or repeat faxing as he did Judge Cohen.

    I suggest you read the story and purchase protection and I do not mean Trojans.

    Here is the story:

    I can see your last blog entry now: "To Mock a Koo Koo Litigant, The End Is Near, A Tribute To Rumpole, How We Became Unglued"

    Here is an additional entry I just saw from your new best friend, "Super 'Koo Koo' Glue” that scares me off my shoes. (Notice the man cannot spell.) (For personal protection, I am going to say that is may allegedly be Mr. Koo Koo.)

    “Anonymous said...
    Hey Rumpole,

    When you get sued for lible, who will you hire to represent you?

    What about when you get arrested for acessory to ID theft related to all these people posting under different names?
    Monday, June 12, 2006 11:15:24 AM “

    Godspeed my friend.

  2. Most of those people whose names have been used are dead wrestlers. Plus, we're not the one using them, the readers are using them (actually it's probably one or two brain addled bloggers judging from the writing on most of them.)

    Why sue us, when any disgruntled post gets equal time? Just email us and we will post the complaint. We've been called everything from racist to ugly, and no one even knows what we actually look like.

    PS. No one, we mean NO ONE, knows who we are. No friends are keeping secrets. No Judge winks at us as she denies our motion to continue. We labour in pure and complete anonymity.

  3. "We've been called ugly"+Phil's been called ugly=you are Phil?

  4. Judge Shot, Wounded at Nev. Courthouse

    Associated Press Writer
    Published June 12, 2006, 4:03 PM CDT

    RENO, Nev. -- A family court judge was shot and wounded as he stood near a third-floor courthouse window Monday, and police sealed off the area and searched nearby parking garages for a sniper.

    Read Complete Story:,0,4384320.story?coll=chi-newsbreaking-hed

  5. careful readers will note we have long ago stopped denying our identity. Lets just say more than a few people will be eating crow when all is said and done.

    We believe Phil Reizenstein was labled the meanest defense attorney in the building, but while you're piling on, call him other names if you want. Why all the hate against him? He may be a bit standoffish, but is not mean. Certain rules of male behavior prevent us from even acknowledging whether another male is good looking or ugly, so we can't help you there.

    If you peruse the previous posts, people have called us names regarding our picture, and "fat and ugly" clearly stick in our mind for some reason. In any event, just call us "the me nobody knows."

  6. Rumpole, I readily admit that my prediction about your identity quickly becoming public was way off. But the Heat are still going to win. --DM

  7. I'm a little confused. (nothing new). Rump, your readers seem to be worried that some whacko is going to sue you for using this blog to harrass him? How have you been harrassing anyone? Are you sending obnoxious messages that pop-up on his computer screen? If anything, it seems like the intent of that other website is to harrass Judge H and/or his JA. But again, how is writing that piece considered harrassment? Obviously there are limitations, but don't we still have freedom of speech in this country?

  8. We may not be the only ones with crazy litigants.

    "Dios Mio, Help Us!"

  9. Hey, Monday, June 12, 2006 5:31:38 PM. Here is the answer.

    “Anonymous said...
    Hey Rumpole,

    When you get sued for lible, who will you hire to represent you?

    What about when you get arrested for acessory to ID theft related to all these people posting under different names?
    Monday, June 12, 2006 11:15:24 AM “

  10. Rumpole, please help! Will you please declare a moratorium on all these thinly-veiled judicial campaign attack posts? Most of us, I suspect, could care less who gets elected to be the grand poo-bah of the South Dade Justice Center. We are sick and tired of having to scroll through all these vicious, small-minded posts.

    And to those of you who feel the need to promote your candidate (yourself?) or denigrate your opponent on this blog: wake up! With no offense to Rumpole, what is the readership of this blog? 500 readers? A thousand? Whatever the readership is, it's a drop in the bucket compared to the electorate at large. What happens on this blog is irrelevent to the purposes of getting your candidate elected. This reminds me of how everyone in the PD's office viewed the Gabe-Bennett election through the prism of the office itself, never realizing that the PD's office, with its few hundred employees, is not an accurate bellweather for a county-wide election. So please, enough with the campaigning! I don't care who's gay, or has a coke problem, or has cankles, or a hot wife, or an allegedly corrupt JA, or has been endorsed by Hector Lombana. Enough!

  11. The only people we intentionally harass are those dear, sweet, somewhat dull witted Judges, and then we only harass them in open court, where, with enough prodding from their bailiff and the prosecution, they will rise to defend themselves by denying our motion for a continuance while they log on to so they can figure out the bad things we just put on the record about them.

    Always nice to see Mr. Marcus for the defense, even when he's defending himself and the Heat.

  12. Anyone that knows Phil knows that he is not standoffish. I would characterize him as almost shy and he is definitely on eof the nicest and most helpful attorneys in the building. He is also VERY funny. Get to know him b4 you talk shit.

  13. Come on, who would try to discredit McGillis or call him "KooKo, unstable, manic, etc.."? I think I know, the Judges office & friends posting anonymously and cowardly. Who else would become a player in this game. Personally, it's a shame to know this people work for us and do this kind of things. McGillis is a private citizen (not running for public office) who is simply seeking justice denied to him by an unfair judgement. Isn't such our right, but they want to silence him by making him look bad. And as for the insults posted here, I think standing up against the powerfull and connected is very brave, not crazy so where did you get your psych degree, Burger King University? By the way, I hope you are not doing this from your office, on our time and money, so get back to work.

  14. How come no one is sticking up for me being called ugly?

  15. I think Phil is awesome. Very cool, very nice, good lawyer...BUT, I don't think Jackie married him for his good looks...Sorry Phil. I still love you though. I am uglier than Phil, so I feel that I have earned the right to say that. Just kidding Philly...U are handsome baby...

  16. Let's get real, Reizenstein is a scared little puppy who hides in his empty corner and throws stones at the rest of the world to hide his own shit that he is full of and standing in the middle of. He's just a harmless creep; so leave him alone. There are a lot more dangerous people to attack.

  17. Does anyone know about the veteran that was evicted from his house by Judge Bronwyn Miller? Rumor has it that the mess she created was quickly covered up after a phone call from the Governor and some quick scrambling by the clerk's office.

  18. Phil is not ugly. Phil is "mofugly". Of course, with much love. Go to the dictionary to get the definition.

  19. Does anyone know about the veteran that was evicted from his house by Judge Bronwyn Miller? Rumor has it that the mess she created was quickly covered up after a phone call from the Governor and some quick scrambling by the clerk's office.

  20. A Tip For the Bench and Defense:

    Tips for judges on spotting really annoying litigants. "Want to spot the 'difficult' complainant? Go straight to the handwriting and keep an eye out for the overflowing briefcase. That's the advice from a psychiatrist, Grant Lester, who has given judges in NSW tips on recognising and handling such people. Writing in the Judicial Officers' Bulletin, Dr Lester says...[m]en are four times more likely than women to be 'difficult,' and middle-aged men with failing or broken marriages are the worst offenders. [He] says their written communications feature exclamation marks, underlining, the use of capitals, highlighting and, if typewritten, heavy use of the asterisk. 'Cut-outs from newspapers, personal diaries and irrelevant material abound....'" More (Sydney Morning Herald 06.09.2006). Comment. Judges don't need help from a psychiatrist in spotting annoying, typically pro se, litigants. After a few experiences with them, one can spot them a mile off.

  21. Let's get real, Reizenstein is a scared little puppy who hides in his empty corner and throws stones at the rest of the world to hide his own shit that he is full of and standing in the middle of. He's just a harmless creep; so leave him alone. There are a lot more dangerous people to attack.

  22. What are you guys talking about? I've known Phil for over 15 years and I don't know where these characterizations are coming from. What is he a "scared little puppy" about. He tries and handles more and bigger cases than almost any lawyer in the buikding. Okay, now and then he has to cover a ticket for his wife but it's no different than the price we all (men and some women) pay for that sweet thing we live for

  23. I was told about this site by a judge. The judge knows I do defense work thought it would be interesting. Why all the nonsense here? I hope the blog posts remain as intelligent as most of you who labor in the building.

    Does anyone else in the building (excluding ASAs and judges) find it impossible to understand how in 2006 a defendant can be held with no legal authority after a nolle prosse?

    It seems commonplace in the building. The pds never want to rock the boat and even Sy seems to put up with it.

    I mean a person is arrested, unable to make bond, sits in jail for 21 days, then a nolle prosse is announced and, even though there is no other holds and corrections has had 21 days to check id and prints, the person's liberty is taken for another 4-6 hours (sometimes more). This is insane! Those defendants are as free as the judge after the state announces the nolle prosse. Can we start a discussion about this? It is wrong.

    I will leave for another day the fact the decision to nolle prosse is usually made by the 14th day and the State feels it unnecessary to set the matter to let the now "free" person out of jail. Why doesn't the State just give the police an "I can lock poor people up for 21 days because I say so" card.

  24. You must be new to this field. The State regularly issues a "Jail Release" when the no action decision has been made on many criminal defendants.

  25. When puppies are scared they bark really loud and run around real fast.

  26. is ALEX FERRER still a tv judge? did his show get cancelled?

  27. PHIL REIZENSTEIN is one of the kindest, most generous and well accomplished lawyers in miami. i have seen him BRILLIANTLY prosecute a vicious violent teenager who got life and also have seen him represent a poor defendant for free when he felt like it was the right thing to do. phil, you are a mensch!
    sincerely, RONELL BAPTISTE


    The Captain is happy to report that Judge Alex Ferrer, aka "Judge Alex" is on every morning at 9:00 AM on CBS-4 locally. His show has not been cancelled; actually it has been re-upped for another season.

    On a separate note, the Captain is always ready to keep the BLOG alive and kicking should Rumpole somehow been forced to step back due to some ridiculous subpoena or frivolous litigation. And The Captain thanks Rumpole for that vote of support.

    CAPTAIN OUT ............

  29. captain and we take a poll on your position before we hand over such a important position to you.

    Please, I mean you have my vote, but lets me fair, as mcgillis may want to object and we are in a democratic society.

  30. why has the blog content here gone south?

  31. Dear new lawyer to the building. A nolle prosse is never announced on the 21st day, a no action is. You will find that when a case is no actioned on the 21st day, the inmate is usually already out as the State sends the jail release paper work to corrections, prompting the statement, "He's already been released" by the Corrections Officer in the court room.. When a nolle prosse or other form of release is entered in court, the person is usually released within the hour from the third floor.

    Sy Gaer (or a PD who is "afraid to rock the boat")

  32. According to her website?

    Victoria del Pino has distinguished herself as a county and circuit court litigator in the family, traffic, and criminal court divisions.

    Her practice has been enhanced by the perspective she gained through her service in the Public Defender’s Office.


  33. what happened to PD's who loved to rock the boat?

  34. HOLY SHIT! Rumpole-Fix the format so the text appears normal:

  35. the boat was rocked and the relolution was not televised.

  36. The "Captain" for President! At least of the Blog. Long live the "Captain!"

    Just Say No To Frivolous Litigants.

  37. Del Pino was married to JC Planas about a year ago. I am not sure about being a PD though. Del Pino used to be hot at one point (pre and after JC) and then not. I saw her this past weekend with Veliz and they look like sisters. Are they related?

  38. Hey 9:50AM (aka jacobi)...Delpino "served" as a CLI for a year in Crespo's Division, my division when i was a PD and second chaired felony trials, took many of my depos, wrote and argued motions. She then was hired as an APD for the Monroe County PDs office.

    People in glasses shouldn't throw rocks! Especially with your experience! what have you done? tough, tough attending those Uncontested Dissolution Calendars!
    Let me know if you need the address to the REGJB since you probably have never been here!

  39. Guess theese were better times with JC, huh Vicky?

    Stephen Bishop Website Guest Book

    from Vicky del Pino on 12/28/99
    Message: Dear Mr. Bishop: I am a big fan of your music and next October my fiancee and I are getting married. Your song "It Might Be You" has a lot of sentimental value for both of us and the time when we met in law school...I was wondering if you were planning on ever playing anywhere near Miami next year? ... Any chance I can convince you to play the song at my wedding?...kidding...would like to know if you are performing here any time soon though! Thank You, Victoria del Pino

  40. hey fleishman, if we are gonna gossip, i can tell you some things about Jacobi! let me know where i can contact you.

  41. 1) Anyone else having trouble reading or loading the blog? 2) Whats that nonsense about weddings doing on our blog?

  42. I am voting for del pino only because her father was president of CABA

  43. Dear D'Arce, Alvarez, et al.:

    Please do immediately stop using this blog for your negative anti-Miller campaign. Instead, please do try to find something (ANYTHING, ACTUALLY) positive to write about your candidate.

    Furthermore, please do be sure to include, during your next bout of negative campaign tactics (which we know is inevitable as you will not find anything positive to write and will, therefor, continue your libel against Judge Miller) the case number to make it easier for bloggers to verify whether or not you are making accurate statements.

    In this case, you referred to Judge Miller evicting a veteran - simply not true (therefor, libel). Bloggers, please be sure to view the Final Order on Cause online for Case No. 05-00044 CC 26 (02). Perhaps the link below will help, but if not please be sure to search for Southern Pine Isle Corporation d/b/a Pine Isle Mobile Home Park vs. Robert Slaven and All Other Occupants.

    Rump, please do note that I will not use the tactics of the libelous bloggers, who insist on cutting and pasting their false accusations on every earlier post, as I do respect the blog for what it is and do not use it to champion my pet causes (i.e., Alvarez' campaign for County Court Judge).

  44. phil is hotter than shuminer who is hotter than blecher who is hotter than pracitto who is hotter than brian t. who is hotter than milt hirsch, who is hotter than only neftali.

  45. Rump, are you gonna let people keep personally attacking candidates? just some of this stuff is plain mean!

  46. i agree - saying the following:
    Anonymous said...
    Does anyone know about the veteran that was evicted from his house by Judge Bronwyn Miller? Rumor has it that the mess she created was quickly covered up after a phone call from the Governor and some quick scrambling by the clerk's office.

    Monday, June 12, 2006 10:11:59 PM

    is just mean. oh, and it's inaccurate. and it's posted in approximately 25 different spots (now 26) on this blog.

    stop allowing people libelous freedoms rump. i say you verify if possible.

  47. No offense, but no one up here "North of the Border" really cares what is said on here. Sorry to bruise your ego. For the most part most Judges and attorneys up here dont even know you exist. For the few of us who do know of you, we find the website quite entertaining and boosts our confidence that we have a great place to practice law. No crazy JA's selling things out of Chambers or running campaigns. The people up here are happy with our judiciary, as seen by the fact that no one runs against them. No judges barring interpreters from speaking to family members.Come to think of it, we really may be living here in Pleasantville

  48. why do broward lawyers keep convincing themselves that they do not run against judges because they are happy with them.

    We all know its because they have no guts, except the ones that hang over the jeans they wear to court.

  49. Phil, you are a good guy (and I've know you for years)! Screw the people on the blog who just like to act like assholes!

  50. To our Broward colleague: We are sure your courthouse is a wonderful place to work...for you. What with Judge Aleman throwing attorneys in jail and denying bond to people dying of aids. But lets get down to the real nuts and bolts of our complaints: when (mis)fortune has it and we blunder into your courthouse and get a real broward beauty like Feiner, (Futch, when he was around) or your chief Judge, or Tobin, or any other old boy broward judge, and by coincidence our case is called last, bond is denied, the offer on a first offense is 364, then we have to wonder about southern hospitality. Feiner recently denied our request to hold a bench trial on a Tuesday when we told him we were out of town and flying in Monday afternoon. Did we mention your state attorney's avowed policy not to dismiss any case, even where the defendant is innocent and to "let the jury let him go free"?
    Our JA's may sell perfume, but at least they treat us with decency and respect. Try getting a date for a motion when you tell the JA you're from Miami. Can you say the day after never?
    The flip side is that when you Broward attorneys swoop down into Dade to take a case, you are taken out of turn, not singled out and treated with disrespect, the plea offer is the same, and your schedule is accomodated. We are not angry at the Broward lawyers, just your Judges who treat us like Sh*t.
    We have tried cases in several different Florida counties. Broward is notorious around the state for the way Judges treat attorneys from out of town.

  51. I heard Judge Miller drinks the blood of puppies. Just a rumour, of course.

  52. Ahh always back to Aleman, sadly its so easy to pick on her when once the facts of each case came out she was right. The sad aids person is still alive to this day. God forbid she asked for medical testimony to confirm the medical necessity of releasing the inmate. The attorney who got put in jail asked and begged for it. Now he gets to be the guy everyone pais to co-counsel on their cases to get out of her division. The worst judge in the world does not deserve the disrepsect he gave the judge.
    I have waited in Dade sorry to burst the bubble. Been cut ahead of down there too. That is life homers are always taken care of, that is the nature of the business.
    The stuff about JA's is a lie as well. Like the JA's know where you are from. You call and set the hearing, are you saying a JA asks where your office is before setting the hearing?
    Oh and so sorry Judge Feiner can set things around your travel schedule, dont ask for a trial if you not available during the trial period.
    As to your comments about Satz office, that one I will give you. Dade SAO are much more willing to put criminals back on the streets.

  53. How can you engage in a dialogue about Broward court judges without a mere mention of Judge Jeffery Levenson-who just might be the most sadistic, psychopathic, Bush-ideologue jurist in the southern district of florida.

  54. Levenson? that's funny. you must be a crappy lawyer

  55. Someone doesn't like a judge so that makes them a crappy lawyer? What kind of logic is that?

  56. If Phil R would simply say hello as he passed by people he knows in the courthouse, people would not consider him mean.

    Same goes for Jose Elortiqui and a few others.

  57. Hello, pro se litigant here, enjoying your blog.

    Makes me wonder why I didn't go to law school, so I could squabble all day long on a blog...

    My major complaint about the REGJB is this: the courtrooms are FUGLY.. and the lighting is downright funerary.

  58. i would like to see a clean crapper somewhere in the 33125 zip code.

    has the health department checked on those el banos lately?

    i have a nicer shitter on my '86 RV

  59. Who the hell is Joel Jacobi? I met him recently and wasn't impressed. Councilman from some city in North Miami. Big deal. He looks and acts like a big dumb jock.

  60. Jacobi filed against Victoria Delpino for County Court Judge.

  61. Elortigui is a lost cause!

  62. He is fine. Minds his own business, fights for his clients (I dealt with him as an ASA). Leave the guy alone.



  64. That




  65. To the guy who bashed Judge Levenson. I would love to know if you were the guy before him last Friday who got his ass handed to him. Thanks for making everyone else wait 30min and piss the judge off. I hope you are the same Jackass who complained about getting discovery late yet doing nothing in the three weeks after getting the discovery and shitting on the judge for not giving you a state continuance. Then to keep picking at the judge after it was clear he was not giving the continuance to the State, your client must have been proud. Sadly you are the reason why Dade lawyers get a bad name up here.

  66. Wow! A Judge has the right to deny lawyers/defendants without being on the paper? Must have not been about glue.

  67. Hey 6:42, that wasn't me. How do you know it was a Dade lawyer who appeared last Friday before Judge Levenson. Was it because he was properly dressed in courtroom attire? Was it because he advocated on behalf of his client and did not merely roll over and play dead? Was it because he did not play the "meet em and plead em" game?

  68. it's bleed em and plead em, not meet em and plead em.

  69. RIMA C BARDAWIL hasn't even been a lawyer 10 years and thinks she's qulified to be a circuit court judge. anyone know her?

  70. I met her a few years ago and she was doing Plaintiff side PIP work. (At one of those PIP mills that work with crooked doctors and chiropractors that scam insurance companies). I wasnt impressed. Tell me she isnt getting a seat.

  71. Was Hector working at the Mills as well?

  72. the PIP mills are a decent way to make steady, comfortable cash.

  73. I love lawyers ragging on PIP mills and the people they represent when Dade County is the home of the worst offending insurance company eve, UNited Auto, without them there would be no pip mills

  74. 11:00:03. You know so little about PIP that it is dangerous. South Fla is home to the worst PIP fraud rates in the country, somewhere in the area of 90% as per the latest grand jury on insurance fraud. As a result, we now have two prosecutors at the SAO that posecute nothing but PIP fraud. You can also attribute about $200 per auto policy to offset the costs of PIP fraud. It was worse before the statute change in 2002/2003. Thankfully, the PIP statute will expire in the next year or so and the newer version of the statute will be less able to be taken advantage of by crooked chiropractors, accident report runners and crooked lawyers. And no, I dont care about big insurance company profits, but I do care about ever increasing auto policy rates despite the fact I've never made a claim. If you dont think you are paying for the cost of PIP mills, you are naive. The insurance company is not going to lose money. Instead they make thier legitimate policy holders pay for the fraud of others.

  75. my car insurance has been the same for many years now, however, I have seen more and more people having a hard time getting their medical bills paid.

  76. I have a question. If good law students get hired in the good firms, why would a State Attorney or Public Defender be thought of as being possibly good judges? I mean, it seems crazy to turn down $100,000 to make $35,000. That reasoning is crazy as it is crazy to think that someone would make less than $100,000 for 10 years and then run for Judge. Seems like bottom feeders to me. May I have some good reasoning as to why this seems to be the thought process of this Blog?

  77. Florida Supreme Court Docket

    Case Docket
    Case Number: SC06-505 - Active

    03/15/2006 MOTION-STAY (PROCEEDINGS BELOW) PS Darrin Mcgillis BY: PS Darrin Mcgillis GRANTED 03/31/2006

    03/31/2006 ORDER-RESPONSE/REPLY REQUESTED Petitioner has filed a "Petition for Writ of Mandamus and/or Petition to Invoke All Writs Jurisdiction." Respondent is hereby requested to serve a response to the above-referenced petition on or before April 17, 2006. The petitioner may serve a reply on or before April 27, 2006. Petitioner's motion to stay is hereby granted.

    05/16/2006 NOTICE-SUPPLEMENTAL AUTHORITY PS Darrin Mcgillis BY: PS Darrin Mcgillis (O&7)

  78. Judge Levonson is the best looking judge in Dade or Broward, regardless of how he is in court. Can you think of a better looking judge? and don't say Larry Schwartz!!!!

  79. Darin, what are you fighting for? Fame? Want to say you beat two Judges? You are spending more than you wanted originally are you not?

  80. 1:29:22 PM, funny if SAO or the AG's office would go after United Auto you would solve many problems. Going after a chiro or patient is as useless a busting a kid on the corner selling a dime bag.

    United Auto does not pay any claims for anyone, without looking into anything. PIP lawyers dont want to change this because they are getting a min of 10-20k per file whether the case goes to trial or not.

  81. KFR, please. She is trying to be re-elected always. She would never do something that needs to be done. Is she still hitting the bottle?
