Thursday, May 25, 2006


From: the fickle finger of one Horace J. Rumpole, pot stirrer, instigator, rumor reporter, sometime criminal trial barrister.
To: Judicial Candidate Jose Velis.

Dear Ms. Veliz:
You are not our favorite candidate. You are probably not the favorite candidate of most criminal defense attorneys who believe Judge Dennis Murphy is an excellent Judge. We challenge you to report one thing he has done or not done that makes you believe he has warranted opposition.
In any event, you are not starting out on the right foot with our brethren in the criminal defense bar when you showed up at the FACDL dinner without 1) Paying for the dinner; 2) without RSVP’ing for the dinner.
Just who do you think you are that you can crash an event for some self sanctimonious promotion? At least pay for your dinner if we have to tolerate your presence campaigning when very very few of us think you are running for any other reason than your gender and name give you a chance to win.

Simply put: if you can pay the filing fee, you can pay for dinner.
Have a nice day.
No Fan Of Yours,
PS. As a member of the bar, we feel compelled to admit that as any good attorney is taught in law school, we’re all for free meals when our clients are paying for them, but not when you are putting the arm on us.

We were waiting for the below emails before we sent this memo, and much to our delight they arrived today. We are not admitting to being at the dinner or not being there, but lets just say this whole episode did not sit well with us.

Anonymous spills the Beans on a Cheap Candidate:

Let me lighten things up a bit... I found out why Josie Valez left the FACDL party in such a huff. After being ignored by everyone she approached, she was confronted by our very own Brian Tanennbaum. He then informed her that since she did not RSVP to the party that she had to leave. Nice work Brian.

Brian T wrote in to say this:

To be accurate, Ms. Velis and her husband showed up at the sold out FACDL-Miami banquet without having bought a ticket or RSVP'd.All judicial candidates that RSVP'd, bought their tickets and some even bought ads in the journal.When I saw Ms. Velis and her husband, I approached her husband and advised that the banquet was sold out and that to remain at the cocktail party (which cost a great deal of money) they would have to buy tickets.Mr. Velis responded "this is a ticketed event?" I don't know what about the event being held at The Biltmore with three-hundred people dressed in black-tie would make anyone think otherwise, but I responded "yes."Mr. Velis responded "we just came to say 'hi'."
I understand that they then inquired of others whether they could sit at their tables, and were not seen when the dinner began.Have a nice holiday.

Rumpole ponders…Brian Tannebaum FACDL president, former PD, criminal defense attorney…BOUNCER! Worth the price of admission just for that alone. Go getem tiger. Mr. Tannebaum will be working the door at the Shore Club this

weekend, so remember to tip him if you want to get in.

The Captain weighs in on Velis free-loading:

as Jerry Maguire said:"Show Me The Money"Thank you 1:50 for updating my report on the FACDL party - reference candidate Velis. You may remember that I first reported that Josie V., (it is Velis - not Valez), showed up to the cocktail hour and left shortly thereafter, quickly and quietly. To further update the point, actually, not only did Ms. Velis not RSVP, she also did not pay for the event. All other candidates that showed up did RSVP and did pay in advance.

Rumpole invites Ms. Veliz to log on, pay a few cents in electricity cost, and defend her penurious and parsimonious ways. When you read between the lines of the reports from the Captain and Mr. T, it seems clear that candidate Velis found few if any sympathetic ears or open arms at her presence at this august gathering of legal glitterati. Perhaps this portends poorly for her at the polls? Time will tell.

House cleaning: All readers should peruse Mr. Laeser’s post in the comment’s section. His post on the cases he has not filed and the suspects he has not had arrested should be required reading for all prosecutors. We may not see eye to eye with everything he says, but we respect his point of view.

Have a Nice Holiday Weekend (except for a one particular tight fisted wannabe) and see you in court Tuesday.


  1. Well said.

    If she drank or ate anything, she should be prosecuted for stealing.

    Food and drink are not free. The rest of the group paid $155.00 to be there.

    What kind of jerk crashes a party.....

  2. i crash parties at every turn but but my vote still goes to murphy.

  3. Not eveyone else paid. It seems that Judges and thier spouses eat and drink free. DEAL OR NO DEAL?

  4. No one can stop the bum rush. Getting bounced is for suckers.

  5. The hypocracy among all of you is amazing! As if ANYOF YOU have never crashed a lunch or dinner. give me a break! FYI, I know plenty of people that went hoping to get a ticket from someone while they were there, which I did. And by the way, I heard Brian was not very polite at all! typical!

  6. is she going to be the new judge postman requiring free donuts and free lunch @ joe's paid for by every lawyer!!! "schnurers" in yiddish...

  7. Brian Tannenbutt hates Josie Veliz becausehe hates Hispanics.

    Want proof? The new FACDL Board has no Hispanics on it. This is why she is running. Because Murphy stated he beat a Hispanic Woman before and could do it again.

    Good luck! I am not saying I am voting for Josie, but I will say that Tannenbutt is an ASS as well as a piece of Crapper.

    Hey Hispanics, stop listening to these crapp and start a Spanish Blog so that los greengos se pongan furiosos and no puedan leer lo que escribimos.

    Buenas Nights...

  8. Here is a true (joke amigos) story...

    St. Peter came to the Lord and said, "I have to talk to you." We have some Cubans up here who are causing problems. My flute is missing, mojo sauce is all over the place, they are making guayaberas from their (judicial) robes, they have domino tables in the cafeteria, and they're wearing baseball caps instead of halos. They refuse to stop making Cuban
    Coffee on the heaven's stairs and some of them are walking around with just one wing."

    The Lord said, "Cubans are Cubans, Peter. Heaven is home to all my children.
    If you want to know about real problems, ask the Devil.
    The Devil answered the phone "Hello? Damn, hold on a minute."

    The Devil returned to the phone, "O.K., I'm back. What can I do for you?"

    Peter replied, "I just want to know what kind of problems you're
    having down there."
    The Devil again said "Hold on, Hold On"
    The Devil said "I'm back. Now what was the question?"
    Peter said "What kind of problems are you having down there?"

    The Devil said "Man, I don't believe this...Hold on." This time the Devil was gone 15 minutes. The Devil returned and said, "I'm sorry
    Peter, I can't talk right now. Those damn Cubans have put out the fire all over and are now trying to install air conditioning."

    Moral, Cubans are obsessed to improve things and really good at it as history shows. Coming to a Court Room near you on September 2006.

  9. to 11:13

    Please let Hector Flores, Linda Lopez and Betty Llorente know that they are no longer considered Hispanic by you?????

    what a jackass; or for you "Chupa mi huevos, maricon"

  10. Criminal defense lawyers!What a bunch of self absorbed,bottom feeding, crime wave promoting , powerless Yentas!

  11. I know you are but what am I...Nah Nah Nah Boo Boo.

  12. LOL. Where's the APD who says that bad acts don't make bad people. I'm sure he'll vote for Veliz.

  13. How about the fact that it's a democracy we live in and people can run for whatever office they want, against any person they choose, and for whatever reason they have. It's not a right to be a judge but a privilege given by the people in a democratic election. In the end it's up to the voters to decide who we want as a Judge. Whether it be Veliz, Murphy or any other candidate.

  14. Nothing wrong with trying to get a free lunch. However, when you are running for an office that prides itself on good, fair, objective judgment?????

    Murphy is a good judge. However, I may have to vote for Velis just to see how vindictive she will be to Brian T when he eventually appears in her court room.

  15. The First Law of Thermodynamics says that ain't no such thing as a free lunch.

  16. Didn't Mcworter do the same thing at the PBA Gala that Veliz did at the FACDL event (i.e. party crash)? Was she asked to leave? What is wrong with people!

  17. Apparently cops get free donuts and judges get free banquets.

  18. if she is hot she shoule be allowed in for free.

  19. This is the APD who says that bad acts do not equal bad people, and I will be voting for Murphy.

  20. Go milk Bennett's tit

  21. Anyone who thinks it is OK to crash parties and not pay may be a fun person but, judges are supposed to be ethical and proper.

    Crashing a party that costs 155 bucks is not ethical or proper.

    Mc. Whorter is not nice and I bet she did crash a PBA party.

    Well... judges are famous for being cheap too!

  22. the first time i met Josie, i thought she was a dude with big breast. seriously...

  23. How long has her name been Velis? Will we awake someday soon to find out that she was originally Judge Elect Johnson, "the name you know?" Democracia in Miami.

  24. dude? big breast? i vote to let he/she in without paying. best of both worlds as i see it.

  25. we are sure you why did you leave the state Jay?

  26. True, answer Jay, why did you leave the state? We all know you were the worse prosecutor there ever.

  27. at 5:33 a.m.
    ANONYMOUS SAID: "Criminal defense lawyers!What a bunch of self absorbed,bottom feeding, crime wave promoting , powerless Yentas! "

    thanks, john rivera.

  28. worse? learn to write the english word you dumb bastard.
    but you are correct. to quote spicole, " that guys a fag."

  29. Disparaging a guy because of his sexual preference is no better than using a racial epithet.

    Let's try to be a little more enlightened. And original. If you want to insult a guy, try something like:

    Or, for the true, hardcore douchebags out there, I prefer...

    "defense lawyer"

  30. As a seasoned persecutor(sic)once told me: "anyone can convict a defendant who is guilty it takes a real good lawyer to convict an innocent one".

    Words that KFR and her godless minions can live and strive for.

  31. is this the same michael band who got bounced by kfr for fondling the breasts of his secrectary?

  32. Moral, Cubans are obsessed to improve things and really good at it as history shows.

    Some Cubans should be a little more obsessed to improve their grammar. Barring that, they might spare some time from their self-congratulatory back-slapping to ponder 40 years of failure to oust Fidel.


    I hope some of you caught the piece in the Miami Herald this morning about Congress: "Leaders demand rules on searches".

    The story focused on a search warrant that was executed upon Rep. William Jefferson's office. It appears to be the first time in the 219 year history of Congress that such a warrant has been executed.

    Despite the fact that this was a court-issed warrant, House leaders "want procedures established" that would curb the FBI's ability to conduct such a search.

    Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist said, "I want to know exactly what would happen if there is a similar sort of thing" in the Senate. Frist summoned Atty. Gen. Alberto Gonzalez to his office; apparently to express his dissatisfaction with the gall the FBI had in actually conducting a search with a warrant (as opposed to a warrantless search).

    House Speaker Dennis Hastert, concurred, "I am confident that in the next 45 days, the lawyers will figure out how to do it right."

    I guess applying for a warrant from a judge - as opposed to waRrantless wiretaps - just isn't doing it right!!!

    House leaders protested that 'the FBI had not notified them' in advance OF THE SEARCH - OH MY GOD - CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT - . As a result of the search, the leaders have directed Housel lawyers "to develop reasonable protocols and procedures ..." for future searches.

    and so, I guess, the 4th Amendment does still live and breath - at least inside the beltway of the Capitol.

    and the Captain has spoken .......

  34. captian
    your a turdlock.

  35. if you are going to call me a turdlock, at least learn how to spell my name - it's CAPTAIN


    CAPTAIN OUT ................

  36. CaptAin,
    You blog tooo much. Get a life buddy. Pick up a hobbie.

  37. Captain is Rumpole in disguise?

  38. Captain is Rump Ole in drag.

  39. You are making this Velis thing a mountain out of a molehill. Josie did the right thing by showing up and then leaving when told she hadn't paid. Candidates do it all the time. As a candidate, she likely attends 8-10 events a day So, sometimes things probably get out of hand or disorganized. Big deal! Get with it. And, frankly, if you think that the lawyers in Miami-Dade County make any difference in the voting electorate, get with it They are just a small percentage and really don't matter. Rather, it's the little ole ladies and men in Hialeah who vote. That's who matters. Judge Murphy might do well to be worried.

  40. Sounds like a Defense bar double standard to me. There's a rant missing around here. This is an outrage! How dare someone attempt to make a person or nicely dressed couple follow rules! You know who was 'just following orders' don't you? Everybody deserves a free dinner.

    All of you from the Defense Bar who crap on prosecutors for lacking decency, civility and common sense should have offered to give up a seat at your own table for that couple shouldn't you? Enforcing RSVP and Ticketing Guidlines sounds mindless and robotic.

    Whatever happened to party-crasher's rights? So fair, so just, so long as it's not your dinner they're invading I guess.

  41. i cant believe facdl actually had some ethics on this one. nothing even a few bucks stands in the way of the defense bar purchasing judges

  42. Great site lots of usefull infomation here.
