Tuesday, April 11, 2006


A Reader gets write to the painful points:

1) Judge Pando is a wonderful judge and always has been.

2) The idea of Rumpole writing a column for the Herald is absurd and delusional. While we who work at the justice building may find this mildly amusing, the public could care less.
3) Rumpole must have one SLOOOOW practice and NO life to have so much time to write this

Rumpole responds: 1) yes; 2) ouch!; 3) unfortunately, yes.

Edward R. Murrow, “this is London calling” writes in:

I think that we should reelect Manny Diaz so that he can endorse Joe Arriola for State Attorney. At least nobody would be surprised by all these shenanigans. Of course we would all bitch and moan about it, but somehow everyone would get reelected as they always have around here. We're the ones who know the qualities of our elected leaders (or lack thereof). Don't like KFR? Think Don Horn is an incompetent lackey who sells out his ASAs at the drop of a hat, while telling his prosecutors that they're a team and a "family?" Lawyers who know what's up can actually do something about this mess, but we won't, so I look forward to many good times and many more scandals revealed on the blog.
Good night and good luck.

COME BLOW YOUR HORN: Rumpole lectures:

All this negative commentary in the comments section about Don Horn. Don was a great and well respected trial attorney under Janet Reno. We have always believed Fernandle was lucky to have him as a top administrator when he returned to the SAO from the big bucks of a large law firm civil practice. He may very well be the next State Attorney, and we would be lucky to have him.


Has anyone else seen Judge Rippengale campaigning with and for other

A reader writes in:

Hey Rump! what is going on with all this BS with the judges? I thought they could not endorse any other candidate or judge seeking re-election, publicly or otherwise? I went to an event last week where I watched Rippingle literally invite and bring up a young guy who filed against that female former hearing officer..her name escapes me...it's marty shapiro's seat...Rippingle introduced him to the crowd and it was obvious she was endorsing him...McWhorter too! what is going on? Can you tell us what these Judges can or cannot do? isn't this a JQC violation in the making? especially after Rippingle called albert Q. to keep his associate from filing against him.


Rumpole notes that Mr. Davidoff has joined the ranks of the "not afraid to sign my name club" that includes such distinguished members (and walking wounded) as Jason Grey, Bobby Reiff, Brian Tannebaum, Phil "Bulletts" Reizenstein, and many others. While we applaud Mr. Davidoff, we remind him that these pages can get quite rough, so buckle up and hang on, as Mr. Grieco and his cohorts have yet to fire back. Perhaps they are holding fire until they can see the whites of Davidoff's eyes?

See You In Court.

PS much like the county court judge who gets a label that they don't know anything about felonies, in response to the first post here, we object to the reader who does not think we could entertain the fair citizens of Dade County on topical (and tropical) topics. We are supremely confident that our view of events transcends REGJB and many people would find our musings on larger events enjoyable. If you thought we had fun with our old Pal Bennett Brummer, just imagine what fun we could have with Geo Bush, Brother Jeb, Dick “Bullets” Cheney (hey didn’t we already use that nickname?), and the crew at Miami City Hall.

Alas, hanging out an available for hire sign did little for our career.

We will just keep hacking around the REGJB, cashing those Court Appointment Checks and making sure that the level of alcohol in our body does not fall to dangerously low levels.


  1. great, davidoff, thanks. now my day is complete.

  2. Is Christmas so close Jonathan?

  3. Hey Rump, you are so wrong about Horn...now. I don't know what he was like under Janet. Now, he is completely incapable of running the office effectively. Are you really so naive to think that the low pay is the reason for the "1.4 year" carrer expectancy of new prosecutors? The answer is no. DH is "the Man" in control of the office. And, the shitty condition of the office moral and performance should fall squarely on his shoulders. If you don't think DH has changed, then answer why he was the gun slinging, officer prosecuting, prosecutor in the 80s, and the SAO is now affraid to prosecute the police for anything other than highly publicized and unquestionably illegal activities. Did you see the arrest in the Gables? The news piece on the officers threatening the undercover journalists who asked for IA complaint forms? The list can go on and on.

  4. I am sorry to defend DH, well actually not defending, but sharing the blame. First, the SAO has been in a spiral downward fall since the mid to late 1990s. The good old days with great DCs (like the pair that is now at the Federal PD) is no longer. Becoming a DC is as simple as kissing someone's ass on the first day on the job. DH was not in charge in 196,97,98, 99, 00, etc.

    Second, as bad as DH is, the buck does not stop with him. Remember KFR is the head of the office. KFR is out of touch with society, and she wants to run for a job in Tally?

    Third, there is internal issues. Look at Ms. Salamander (Lorna), she is the worst thing KFR could have ever done. Look at her fling, such a disgrace.

    Fourth, the old days of respect from the top for below and the below for the top is gone. The felony chiefs have lost it. The days of the big guys going in and defending the pit prosecutors is gone. Now, you cannot trust those people upstairs or the felony chiefs, what they say to a prosecutor is not what they actually do.

    Finally, it is a shame KFR pulled her race cards and won re-election. We as a society let her do it, we voted her in, and in, and in.

  5. Lorna would not be able to do any of those things if DH were an effective leader. If the SA knew what was going on, she would do something about it. The problem is that DH keeps her shielded from the truth. SHE is an effective leader, unfortuantely she focuses her energies on community outreach and state lobbying. The chiefs would not be the way they are if DH had any sort of an inkling to support the young prosecutors in the office. DH has agreed to run the office and has shown that he is not capable of doing the job. Shame on Rumpole for suggesting he should be SA. The office would be more of the same. As crazy as it sounds, Milian may not be such a bad thing there, at least he would clean house at the top.

  6. Milian would have brought some order to the office and over time prosecutors would begint o respect themselves, and the legal community would again respect the SAO. Under KFR and DH, the SAO has gone from a top 5 office in the country, to do not even consider applying.

    Lorna is a big problem, do not underestimate her evilness and problems. Look at who she shares a bed with, and look at what he got away with.

  7. DH is a capable attorney and he is black, if you haven't noticed. In Miami, where race cards are wild, that is enough to win.

  8. DH is not black. He has been insolated from the ccomunity while at the SAO. Further, the closest black thing to DH is the last guy he tried and got twnety years out of. If you want to see black see me, I's BLACK.

  9. Milian as SAO? Sure, that would be real good for the office! Talk about not backing up your prosecutors and cowtowing to the police! You would need to go all the way to the top to be able to plead a case to anything other than the max with that bozo (or should it be Bozo, as in the clown!) in charge!

  10. "Shame on Rumpole"???? For having an opinon? Shame on you! Look, we know Mr. Horn from his days as a DC in the 80's. He was good. He was fair. Like all prosecutors out of Reno's office, he was particularly concerned with fairness and making sure an innocent person was not prosecuted. His word was his bond. He may now be a bad administrator. We do not have the opportunity to see him work in this role (for those of you who secretly hoped Rumpole was an ASA- sorry).
    That is why we think he would make a good State Attorney.
    The morale issue at the SAO is another ballgame, and ripe for a front page post. The issue as we see it is that the SAO must follow the law, and those idiots in Tallahassee keep passing minimum mandatory laws despite people like Tannebaum and the FACDL. Thus, with no discretion, it must be hard to feel like a real lawyer when prosecuting those stupid GORT cases where the crime is burglary of a tool shed. We did hear an alarming statistic recently that over 70 attorneys have abandoned the SAO ship in the last year. At that rate, all they will be left with is the 655 chiefs and one Kommisar.

  11. Shame on you again for getting upset at gentle nudging. Don is in control of the office and the problem is not MM and discresion. The problem is that there is no set guideline. Depending on the division you are in, you may or may not have to go up the chain to obtain relief. In the end, the difference between going to prision for 10 years on a DUI manslaughter and 364 on the same charge is who the supervsor is, not the merits of the case. DH will side with management, even when the facts do not warrant it...that is not leadership, that is cowardice. Anyone who claims no discretion at that office is either lazy or tired of getting slapped down for wanting to use discretion on inconsistent "policies".

    I challenge you take another ASA poll: Who needs to go most from the office?

  12. For those of you that have been just as clueless as I:


    Pronunciation: 'kä-m&-"sär
    Function: noun
    Etymology: Russian komissar, from German Kommissar, from Medieval Latin commissarius
    1 a : a Communist party official assigned to a military unit to teach party principles and policies and to ensure party loyalty b : one that attempts to control public opinion or its expression
    2 : the head of a government department in the U.S.S.R. until 1946

  13. Greico is the best trial atty in the SAO. If you don't believe that, just ask Greico and he'll tell you.

  14. Tell me more. Who is Lorna sleeping with? What did he do?

  15. Rrrrugh Rough Rumpole...better start up that whole censorship/delayed posting thing again!

  16. He did. What is JF talking about?

  17. All I know Ms. Fleischman, (if that's really you), is that if you want the real scoop on why the office is a shambles, you should contact the ASAs who have left over the last couple of years, keep your promises of anonymity, get specifics on cases they've handled, and verify the facts; the reasons for why defense attorneys and judges are so frustrated with the dispensation of justice will become imminently clear. On more than one occasion I can tell you so many times when a victim has occupied so much of an ASAs time in meaningless paperwork and chief meetings, when a simple "Look sir, the law just doesn't support the prosecution of your claim" should have sufficed. We left the office because our legal training, judgment, an opinions were about as important to the powers that be as a warm lump of egret dung on the beach. There are some very good prosecutors in that office, to be sure. Take Gail Levine and Dave Gilbert. You may think that Gail, especially, is a pit bull and wants death for everyone. Love her or hate her you should respect that she isn't going to cower for KFR or anyone else. (not that anyone ever sees KFR around the office). Believe it or not, there are pit prosecutors, A's, B's and C's, who are dedicated to the highest ideals of their position, and who would be far more credible to the court and to the public who witness trials, if only they could make a statement in court without needlessly worrying that they would get the hatchet if the wrong victim complained to the right authority in the SAO. They don't have the luxury that Gail and David enjoy of doing the right thing without fear for job security. I left because I wanted to make more money, but mostly because I wanted more respect. If KFR's direct underlings would support their prosecutors more, which means letting them know that its o.k. to drop a stupid and unprovable case, I am confident that then the taxpayers would begin seeing a return on their investment in each of us. Defense attorneys and judges may still disagree with a prosecutor seeking the max on those GORT cases, but at least the reasons for such zealous prosecution would lie in the heart of the prosecutor who will actually be trying the case, who believes in the merits of the case, rather than out of fear for the explanation he'll have to write in his closeout memo. Also Joan, those memos are crafted and edited more artfully than the constitution, and I would be shocked if any reader of any "controversial" closeout memo could actually discern the whole truth from it. Not that they're inacurrate, but we all know that the terms of art are placed very deliberately, in such a way as to not offend the victim who we are certain is a complete liar, or the police officer who so grossly abused his authority or who was so derelict in his processing of evidence. God forbid we close out a case because evidence was never collected (it happens even in homicides, where a tv couch potato would have known to swab for blood), or because a confession was obtained under suspect or coercive circumstances. Bottom line is that any prosecutor with an open mind knows that many police officers obtain confessions in such a disgraceful manner that to argue against a motion to suppress is guaranteeing bad karma for that ASAs future. Not to mention its just plain wrong. But try and go into your average DC's office and tell them you're going to concede the motion. What you'll get is a smartass reply that you should join the PDs office. Enough bitching for one day. To those ASAs who are mightily struggling to do the right thing, I recommend you get your affairs in order, and start sending out your resume. If you don't leave before pursuing an unethical prosecution that the office won't let you drop, you will regret it. There are some higher ups that are sensitive to this dilemma, and pay more than lip service to this ideal. Jose Arrojo is one of them, and you won't know about the others unless you take the first step of not being so afraid to say that you just won't do it anymore. Its a good office with good people, it just needs a little reshuffling.

  18. Oh, and Joan, stop worrying about whose sleeping with who. Gossip is juicy and all, but give me a break.

  19. I agree with you 100%. HP, KH, LS, DH, and KFR are the viruses of the SAO. If you clean them up and dump some of the older (last 10 years or so) prosecutors, you maybe able to clean the place up. I cannot agree more with you.

    However to note, JF did not write that. I spoke to JF and she has no idea how to post.

  20. both the public defender's office and the state atty's office need to clean house at the top. set term limits!!

  21. but Ms. Hogue is the BEST thing the SAO has going for it! She is OUTSTANDING!

  22. Question: If JA D’ARCE cannot campaign on Court time, why can Grieco represent defendants on SAO time?

  23. That was a great post from the former ASA. It should be emailed and faxed to everyone who currently has anything to do with the office and sent to every possible media outlet (new times, anyone?) that would have the guts to follow up on it.

  24. New ASA's have to either bring their own common sense to the office, or learn it on their own time. At the office, their mentor and role model will be none other than Fraulein Oberstaatsanwalt Kommissar of the Dadesches Demokratische Republik.

  25. Pando a wonderful judge. LOL> She is one of the worst county court judges (if not THE worst) the county's ever had. Unless, of course, you appeared in front of her as a defendant or defense attorney.

  26. I'm a County Court ASA and we're so insulated over here, we know nothing. Who are the good Division Chiefs in felony land? Who are the bad? And who is LORNA?!?!

  27. The Lorna bashing makes me laugh. Truth is, she has the hardest and most thankless job in the office.

    I dealt with while at the office on a couple of occasions. She always heard me out and treated me fairly even when she disagreed with me.

    Blaming the administration is too easy. Yes, there have been mistakes (contrary to the above, Don isn't the problem; let's not forget that several top administrators who worked very well with Don left the office). Regardless, most of these young prosecutors (and, for that matter, young lawyers) don't work like we used to and still do (those of you with more than 10 years experience who remember what the SAO, PDO and private offices where like back then can't even begin to understand the changes). The sense of entitlement some of these new lawyers (and judges) have is nauseating. Just like at how these prosecutors treat the three year commitment ; they act like it means nothing (I remember the Reno days when virtually nobody left before 3 years no matter how miserable/poor they were because they gave their word. Those days are LOOOOOOOOOONG gone).

  28. Like many others, I would be back tomorrow if I could afford to. In the end, I did not leave because of the Office. I don't need a thank you from or the respect of a politician who makes it to a courtroom only when its time to bail Jr. or Jr. out. For four plus years, I lived and breathed the job, worked my ass off, and was rewarded with the abiliity to make my own decisions on cases. I was motivated from within and nothing else (well maybe a trial partner who you never want to let down). But, in the end, reality is bitch. Loans, mortgages, car payments, and a family make survival as an ASA nearly impossible.

    Special Ed for State Attorney! Tough on the field, tough on crime!

  29. I call bullshit on you old timer. Us young lawyers work our ass off also. It's just when you have lazy ass mother fucking 30 year government attornies running the show at both the State and the PDO, it gets old fast. Just remember, "you cant fight against the youth, cause were rude rude people."

  30. someone answer the question: Who the Fuck is Lorna?

  31. HAPPY EASTER!!!!!
    Now you know how the peeps feel too.

    Take an ASA at their word? right, and I believe the cops, too!

    JOan Fleishman is a cancer on society; get a life, loser!

    govt efficiency? oxymoron. for the most part govt work is for those who cant handle the real world (not all, most). Of the literally thousands of govt entitites, does one really stand out that you respect? of course not, they are run by the US Govt, so they are all but inefficient and barely working, simply the nature of the government.

    ASA, PD, DCF, DMV: all govt agencies, all run like govt agencies.

    Nice day......(xcept Joan, get a life, find some value in your own life so you dont have to find acceptance by snooping in ours. pathetic, she should be a govt employee.

  32. ...ride it like its hot....

  33. i love a guy who wakes up with so much anger.

  34. Its always humorous to listen to civil lawyers in elevators, especially the younger ones who talk about their cases as if their work product will end up saving the world. I was an ASA, and I didn't do it because I couldn't "make it in the real world." Civil law has its high and interesting points as well, but at the end of the day our jobs are hardly more important than those of the "civil servants." Inefficiency merely comes with the territory over at Gerstein. To Mr. 7:35AM poster, I would gladly meet you in any courtroom and school you seven ways from sundown; most of the ASAs and PDs would rock your world as well if your chest thumping actually got you anywhere near a courtroom. Continue burying your cohorts in paperwork, and fighting the good fight in the real world....

  35. County court ASA are the best. they think their case is the most important one in the world and will not make a decent offer becasue of it. It's all about a learning curve. and usually, they are still learning.

  36. just go to trial with the county ASA's. its fun to watch 4 of them stare at a file as if its the mystery thing in the suitcase in pulp fiction

  37. If County Court ASA's were made to intern in the felony division before going to County, they would have a better perspective about the system and would see the county cases for what they really are. I've heard felony ASA's say that after going to Circuit they realized how ridiculous they looked prosecuting misdemeanors as if they were capital cases.

  38. I want the prosecutors representing my community handling misd. cases seriously..."broken windows". Also, the difference between DUI and DUI Manslaughter is luck, those cases are very serious.

  39. Ah, the voice of Talpins.

  40. Ahhhhhhh, the voice of Talpins is true especially when he is not with KFR. LEt Talpins speak freely.

  41. 1. Greico is not a bad guy.
    2. Davidoff was a real dickhead when he was here. He was dishonest and sneaky.
    3. If you were Rundle, how would you control 400 lawyers and their egos?
    4. Deisy Rodriquez, the Komisar of Kounty Kourt is just that. She thinks the state is ALWAYS right and Bob Aaron from the PD's office thinks no person is guilty of any crime.
    5. This system is not all that bad. At least in Miami, the SAO frequently listens to the defense. No so in Broward.
    6. Did I say Davidoff was a real dickhead... it needs to be said again. Lucky for us, he left town.

  42. I had cases with Davidoff. He was not nice and could not be trusted to ever do the right thing.

    One has to wonder if Greico was his supervisor?

    I would not trust anything Davidoff says.

  43. Do you remember that guy, Davidoff... He was the guy who was rude to county court defendants who did not have lawyers.

    Nothing like kicking people who are down and out....

  44. Its not brain surgery: If you use common sense and evaluate your cases, most of your cases should plea out. If you work up your cases and ask the tough questions, generally there ends up being only a handful of cases that need to be tried. However, if try to plea get approval to plea out these sorts of cases from your DC or the administration, you are labeled a "trial dodger," which is a prosecutor’s the kiss of death. Unfortunately, the SAO is more concerned with trial stats than common sense and critical thinking. Consider a conversation I had with my DC before picking my SECOND jury of the week, (of course, a totally crappy case that should have plead out) while being sick with bronchitis and a 101 degree fever. Essentially I was told I needed to "toughen up" and that "I was whining like a girl." NEWSFLASH, I AM a girl and, apparently, the practice of law and football coaching are more analogous than I had realized. This is just one example in a person with zero people skills “managing” prosecutors at the SAO.

    Speaking of “managing people,” Lorna is the HR attorney KFR brought in to cover her behind on personnel issues. Be warned, despite appearances, her "closed door, off the record meetings" are the exactly opposite. Don't tell her anything you aren't ready to tell the Chief Assistants or the DC you are complaining about directly.

    ASAs have no perspective when evaluating their cases. Why? Because the office promulgates a clannish, “we are family” credo as well as the mentality that you can never work anywhere else and get the same satisfaction as you do at the SAO. They don’t want you to consider the “outside” which is why they promote cliques so that the SAO serves both your social and professional purposes. Having a bad day in court should not be the end of the world, but at the SAO--with the internal peer pressure and gossip mill that is practically endorsed by the admin-- you are made to feel like it is. Everyone is so concerned about getting chewed out by a superior and then having EVERYONE find out about it, that it takes away ASAs ability to reason and evaluate their cases with a keen eye. It is really too bad since most of us thought we moved passed this sort of pressure in the seventh grade…

    However, now that I know the reality of the "outside world,” I can’t help but chuckle at the incestuous clannish atmosphere there and feel like I got the last laugh. Not being in the SAO is significantly less stressful, allows me to work with more professional and intelligent colleagues, not to mention four times more lucrative. Additionally, I am able to be more meaningfully involved in the community than I ever was at the SAO because I’m not working those ridiculous inflexible hours. As most of us can attest, there is a world out side the SAO…but they can’t afford to let the ASAs see it.

  45. The poster at 12:23 today is right on the money. It's common sense of course, considering that Lorna's paycheck isn't signed by the prosecutor who has a legitimate grievance. About staffing: Deisy Rodriguez is a Hillah Katz clone and nothing more, completely beholden to, and afraid of, the administration. Both are completely cover their asses prosecutors, working for their boss rather than the people. Also, anyone who knows anything about the SAO can tell you that the idiot running misdemeanor DV was the wrong person for the job. Nobody supported that guy, and yet, somehow, while judges and experience defense attorneys stand bewildered, KFR lets the new DV attorneys get trained by him. He is a robot without a brain or a heart or perspective, and that's what he's churning out in the form of future felony prosecutors. Proves the point that the administration doesn't SEEK input from prosecutors who knew how incapable and stupid he is. That ship has sunk, the horse is dead and long since beaten, both are merely decaying and horse just smells worse. Skeletal remains of all the above prove failures better than any post ever could.

  46. http://www.miami.com/mld/miamiherald/14326055.htm

    Posted on Wed, Apr. 12, 2006

    Prosecutor's weekend DJ job new wrinkle in Taylor case


    Attorneys for Washington Redskins safety Sean Taylor plan to ask a judge to dismiss aggravated assault charges against him because the prosecutor in the case has a website that linked to articles about the Taylor case.

    Attorney Janice Burton Sharpstein claims the website and the link to news articles shows that Assistant State Attorney Mike Grieco is only prosecuting Taylor because he wants to be known as a prosecutor of the stars and in order to further his side career as a weekend disc jockey.

    ''The prosecutor is not interested in just the facts of the case,'' she said. ``He's interested in promoting his fame by prosecuting celebrities. He's using those articles to promote his business as DJ Esquire.''

    Grieco deleted the links on his web page on Myspace.com Wednesday morning after learning of Sharpstein's intention to file a motion to have the case dismissed.

    He declined to comment on Sharpstein's allegations.

    The State Attorney's Office says Taylor was charged based on reliable information and his prosecution has nothing to do with Grieco's side business or website. The office gave Grieco permission to do side work as a disc jockey.

    Taylor, a former University of Miami star, was arrested in June after police say he waved a gun at several people he believed were involved in the theft of a friend's all-terrain vehicle. His case was postponed several times so he could play football last season.

    It is currently scheduled to go to trial on May 8th.

  47. Who is the chief in DV misdemeanor division?

  48. grieco, you better plea that dog out before you get spanked. as warren sapp once said,"if you cant play with the big dogs you better stay on the porch".

  49. Well it seems as if Grieco is not the most honest guy, now is he?

  50. Davidoff was right.....

  51. grieco say it ain't so. dude, you can't be that stupid can you?

  52. I never, Had, Sexual Relations, With That Woman, Monica Lewinsky.

  53. Can Grieco possibly be so dumb?

  54. the motion to dismiss is kinda dumb also. the proper motion Might be a motion to recuse. but then you risk having a more capable prosecutor on the case. but what is the big deal? so the guy saves his press clippings in an effort to get laid on the internet. big shit. try the case and stop the dog and pony show. anyway, it smells like a plea to me.

  55. Davidoff was still a major league dickhead when he was a young ASA, Greico or no Greico. Losing him was like losing another Jon, Granoff; a day to lift your glass and wish the dickhead good riddance!

  56. davidoff was an still is an asshole of the highest order. but granoff is a good guy and a very hard working prosecutor.

  57. local10.com (channel 10 news) has an article with a link to Grieco's myspace site (since he finally showed some sense and removed it.) The kid is a total jackass. The SAO should fire him for his lack of judgment. On the my space site, there is a portion where you can answer a survey about yourself. At one point, it gives two things, and you have to pick which you prefer. One of the choices (obviously referring to color, not race as it follows things like chocolate or vanilla? Skim or 2%?) is "black or white?" That idiot responded by saying, "I love the black people." He has forfeited his right to keep his job as far as I am concerned, and is a ticking timebomb. It is amazing that his ego is so big that it propelld him to try to get so much exposure while being a huge jackass. Why couldn't he do ecstacy in club space?

  58. Why is Davidoff the focus? It appears to me the focus should be on the unethical doings of an ASA. Whether you like Davidoff or not the fact still remains that a set of serious allegations have been levied against an ASA in a very high profile case. To me the motion to dismiss is a big deal, I disagree with the 3:38 post. If the ASA used his position to promote his outside business that is completely unethical. Whether it is true or not I have no idea.

  59. As for the 3:55 post about about Deisy Rodriguez and Hillah Katz, anonymousaswell needs a random drug test to screen for hallucinogenic substnces. The content of his post, by itself, obviates the need for a DRE examination prior to the drug test.

  60. It is so apparent that Sharpstein and the D-Team are sending these posts about Greico to this site. You are ridiculous publicity hounds. What difference does it make if he said he is prosecuting the case or not? Do you really think his posting the fact he is prosecuting this case on an authorized web site is any different than Richard "I never met a camera I didn't like" Sharpstein giving daily updates on pleadings he is filing? You are not accusing him of manufacturing evidence are you Richard? I used to be sympathetic to your client, but since you jackasses are now trying to assasinate the carrer of a good person (albeit, one with an ego) to get more press...and your client is allowing that tactic...I hope your guy goes down on a 10-20-Life count. Shame on you all.

  61. Grieco is not a good prosecutor. Grieco is not a nice guy. Grieco is an ego and an unethical fool.

    Grieco step up to the plate and tell us why you are such a jackass.

  62. "[O]bviate", hmmm, there are only two people in the world I have ever heard use that term. Both of them were ASAs in County Court in 2001. It makes a person wonder anonymously.

  63. I was an ASA in county in 2001, but you can obviate the need to look into me any further, I did not write the post above. You must be oblivious to the fact that there are obviously a number of obsticles one faces in seeking the author of the obscure posts on this page.

  64. ["[O]bviate", hmmm, there are only two people in the world I have ever heard use that term. Both of them were ASAs in County Court in 2001. It makes a person wonder anonymously.]

    You've just met another of the millions of people in the world who have used the word "obviate".

    And, no, I've never been an ASA!

  65. Does anyone know a County Court ASA from 2001 who uses the word "obsticles"?

  66. I plead Guilty. The damm lack of a spell checker is an obstacle to looking smart.

  67. The Court: On defendant's plea of guilty, the court will accept the State's recommendation to enter an adjudication and sentence the defendant to a $1000 fine, $298 in court costs, 30 days in Dade County Jail followed by 6 months reporting probation special condition spelling school and stay away order from the Justice Building Blog.

    Ms. Rodriguez: Thank you, your honor!

  68. http://cbs4.com/local/local_story_102134023.html

    Hot off the tv screen.

  69. I am appealing of the sentence your Honor. May I post a bond?

  70. The Sharpsteins as D-Team? I hope I'm on the jury. Keep going on TV if it makes you feel pretty Richard. A good panel member will agree that he won't hold it against you, and then give the smack down to your client. Did you expect the witnesses against Sean Taylor to be priests or rabbis? A criminal waving a gun at criminals usually gets criminals as witnesses. Its the way of the world. When Taylor is convicted and witnesses a nasty shower scene in jail, that victim will have criminal/Taylor as a witness. And so on. Grieco is a self promoter, so is Sharpstein, and so is anyone seeking elected office. Its all a non-story as far as I'm concerned. And you're retarded if you think Deisy and Hillah are fair. Tenacious maybe, just like the rash on your backside that just won't go away. All the talc in the world won't soften that itch.

  71. Defendant: I am appealing of the sentence your Honor. May I post a bond?

    The Court: Is that ok with the State, Ms. Komissar?

    Ms. Komissar: Nyet.

    The Court: Any reason for the State's objection.

    Ms. Komissar: Da. The State will object to any release until my chief receives approval fron a chief assistant to agree to an appeal bond. At this time, it is the State's position that upon conviction Defendant should be taken into custody immediately to serve the sentence.

    The Court: Even on a non-violent misdemeanor spelling conviction?

    Ms. Komissar: Da.

    The Court: The Defendant will be taken into custody immediately. Have a seat in the jury box. Reset for report in 10 days re status of State's objection to supersedeas bond.

    Ms. Komissar: Thank you, your honor. Do svidania.

  72. are you a real lieutenant? why is your grammar and your concepts on par with a fourth grader? try to complete a sentence or a thought! and what is the "thing" that defense lawyers do that is not the butt of jokes?

    and why do defense lawyers get to be (or not be) the "butt" of jokes, and not the "brunt" of jokes, like the asa's.

    when a lieutenant (learn to spell it sir) calls a defense lawyer a liar, an expression about a pot calling a kettle black comes to mind.

    that cbs story on the sean taylor case was brilliant. all around academy award winner. we have a teenie bopper web site, a topless prosecutor, the name DJ ESQUIRE, shady defense atttorney dropping lewd and lascivious bombs, blond sidekicks whining about the constitution, an nfl baller, ferundle, did i mention the topless prosecutor?


  73. The late Fred Nesbitt, a great county judge (unlike the current crop), used to tell the new ASA's that their job was to do justice and protect the innocent and the defense lawyers' job was to win cases. (For the young crowd here: Once upon a time we did have learned, competent, and ballsy judges in County Court who knew the law well and had no political qualms about enforcing it.)

  74. ahhh the goody two shoes, ass kissing, do gooders always have the most interesting secrets don't they? It's true in politics, life, and law... "instant karma's gonna get you"..LOL

  75. As the author of the above, I suppose I should be honest and say "karma" has nothing to do with it.. it's your own foibles, follies and huge egos that wind up putting your names in the news and your careers on the rocks.. I find it so hard to believe that such goody goody people can be so incredibly self destructive.. I really don't take any joy in the fact you've ruined your own lives.. but I do have to wonder..."what's up with that?" From drug posession to questionable websites.. what the hell were you thinking? What drives people like you to PROSECUTE other people? Christ what EGO's. The problem with those huge egos is that when you build yourself up so very high.. the fall is very far.. What must it be like being holier than thou one day and waking up to find your name plastered across the papers and televisions the next day... all over some incredibly stupid lapse in judgement.. NO that's wrong!.. Incredibly stupid lapse in CHARACTER.. you know that thing you all pretend to have but DON'T. You're so perfect that you can always demand the max punishments and have zero tolerance for crime.. unless of course you become the accused.. well then.. it's a bit different. Then it's a "youthful indiscretion" or "boys will be boys" or "girls will be girls" mentality. Really, it all gets a bit old.. The one thing I'll acknowledge is that the rest of us really shouldn't waste our time complaining about the "hardline" prosecutors.. if history is any indicator all of us just need to sit back and wait until you destroy yourselves.. it seems you always do..

  76. Look, the website wasn't stupid, it was an effort at marketing himself. What was stupid and arrogant was posting a link to cases that have nothing to do with bustin' rhymes. Nobody who has amounted to anything didn't swing for the fences. When you hit, you hit big, and when you miss, you whiff bad and pull a muscle. Ego is a fine thing. (Just don't tie that ego to an internet link to a preteen Thai ladyboy porn site and you'll be fine.) Whoops.

  77. G, i'll donate a sawbuck to the "get G a grill" fund. I'd go platinum, as we all know gold is gettin' old. (i use diamonds to keep the crystal cols)

  78. anyone notice ferundle's grand theft was reduced to a trespass? i agree that was probably the correct charge - be nice to see that applied consistently.....i prefer the county asa's, they're cuter....

  79. LOL. Well said Lt., but you're wasting you're time. The poster is an idiot.

  80. Stop hating the prosecutors and cops. If it wasn't for them, our communities would be a lot more dangerous. Talking pleasure in their human frailities is just plain stupid. The fact is, the job tears you up. The stress is so high (for the ones who care), that it's amazing more of them don't crash and burn.

    If you think their offers are too high, take your cases to trial.

    What's more nauseating than sanctimonious prosecutors is self-righteous defense attorneys who claim all of their clients are innocent (and just short of sainthood), make absurd arguments, and try their cases in the press.

    Fact is, there's good and bad among all of us. Open your eyes.

    PS--maybe if you treated the prosecutors better, they might actually listen to you and make better offers. Wow, there's a concept. You're probably the same guy hating on Tannenbaum......

  81. no, im not the same guy hating. i try cases. i like most asa's. some cops ok. but when a lieutenant writes

    of course, when defense lawyers do a thing, its not the butt of any jokes

    i have to laugh. if that means i dont know how to do a direct exam, so be it. but im still laughing. all the way to the refresher course on how to do a direct.

    why do people speculate so much. i made fun of the guy for his poor writing style, alluding to the fact that people who write so poorly are likely not so bright.

    have a wonderful day, and "what happened next officer"

  82. ASAs get a bad rap for not giving good pleas. Most of our defendants out here are guilty as sin and deserve bad pleas. I wish they would lock most of these guys up for life and we have to go bankrupt. Society would be better.

  83. I was in division with Davidoff in County, and the guy's not nearly as slimey as the comments would have us believe. He can be a dick, but so what? Litigation can be competitive and the guy's a competitor. Anyway, the real issue is: Are his comments re Greico true? If so, it seems to be a serious lapse in judgement, at the least. At the worst, .....time to go away.

  84. by night: id like three hookers, 4 large pizzas and a six pack of coke.

  85. Don't forget the 2-gallon carton of Rum Raisin ice cream.

  86. Grieco likes hookers and Rum Raisin ice cream? Ben and Jerry's?

  87. Davidoff has a healthy appetite for food, drink, sport, and puss. Can't knock it.

  88. And why is that bad that Davidoff likes all those things? If he didnt, would he be a man?

  89. the cornber of 13th and Collins is a great spot to score some hookers.

    ...tryin to catch me ridin durty...

  90. Rump will be so disappointed when he gets back. Someone's going to get a spanking.

  91. Davidoff has a healthy appetite for puss? if anyone women other than a pro gave mr "I havent seen my dick in ten years" any puss I would faint.

  92. To the author who suggests in his/her PS that if we were nice to prosecutors they would listen to us and get better offers...... You're kidding right.. I mean presumably you were/are an ASA ... Did you give better offers to Defendants who had friendly lawyers that were nice to you.. That's quite an admission.. Does that strike you as ethical.. just wondering cuz it sounds fishy to me. As for Dadvidoff.. I was never a fan, but do we really want to resort to harassing him for his appearance? If you're down to that.. it's time to change the subject

  93. As an ASA, I never gave the "friendly" defense attorneys better pleas. But I was much more likely to give a decent plea to the attorney who was on the level and said something to the extent of "come on, can't you give my scumbag a better deal?" then the guy who claimed that the cops planted the evidence and/or beat a confession out of their guy ON EVERY CASE.

  94. the titanic is looking down on this blog

  95. "To the author who suggests in his/her PS that if we were nice to prosecutors they would listen to us and get better offers...... You're kidding right.. I mean presumably you were/are an ASA ... Did you give better offers to Defendants who had friendly lawyers that were nice to you."

    Not necessarily, but I was more willing to talk (let alone LISTEN) to attorneys who were at least somewhat respectful. The fact that you are having trouble understanding my post is symptomatic of your problem.

    I don't think I said anything controversial or confusing, but, for your sake, I'll try and explain what I meant further. Think about it this way: would you talk to someone who was abusive or lied to you (let alone trust them)? Neither would I or anyone else with common sense.

    Nobody is paid to put up with the kind of crap that ASAs get each and every day. I'm not saying that you have to kiss the ASA's asses. I'm just saying that you might get more by treating them with the respect they deserve as human beings. Some defense attorneys treat their lying, stealing, drug dealing, child molesting, murdering clients better than they treat the ASAs. That's just plain stupid.

    Get it?

  96. as a def atty i agree completely with the above poster. its just a job, and can be rewarding for all sides, and should definitely be civil. no need to be mean. asa's are the same peeps we studied with at law school, and we can all grow up and be a little more dignified. one note to some asa's: i know you're busy, but please return def att's phone calls (within a week is fine). peace....

  97. Ummm to the ASA who is "explaining" his/her post for "MY benefit".. what a load of garbage.. I've NEVER been accused of treating an ASA disrespectfully, in fact usually the reverse is true.. I try not to treat ANYONE disrespectuflly, but regardless of how "nicey nice" and respectful the Defense atty is, your plea offer should be what it is. If the Defense atty can CONVINCE you based upon his/her experience that your case sucks.. well that's another story..those are LEGAL arguments not "group therapy sessions". Presumably your "client" is the State of Florida and your plea bargains are based on what is in the best inerest of that client.. ie: contracts with the state for cooperation, testimony, etc in exchange for waiving minimum mandatory sentences.. It's NOT supposed to be a popularity contest ..."GET IT"? I'm thinking you don't and never will.. YES I am nice to my clients.. MY JOB IS TO LOOK AFTER THEIR BEST INTERESTS WITHIN THE BOUNDS OF THE LAW AND ETHICS. Why should I treat them "worse" than YOU? See, we work within this system.. our interests are ADVERSE to one another.. Hence the term ADVERSARIAL... "GET IT"? That doesn't mean I need to be rude to you and as a matter of course; I am not. I have experienced extreme disrespect from ASA's as have many other Defense attorneys.. I'm sure the reverse is true as well..

    FINALLY: Should I defend my client LESS zealoulsy if you are REALLY REALLY nice to me... LOL!! I hardly think so.. Why should your position change based upon how you feel about me.. easy answer.. it shouldn't. If it does and you routinely give inconsistent plea offers to similarly situated defendants based upon your moods, whims and feelings about the Defense attorney.... perhaps you better take another look at that "ethics" thing. OH yeah there's a statue called "Justice".. It's a woman holding scales with a BLINDFOLD over her eyes. You may have heard about it. It's not "erotic art". It means that justice should be BLIND.. ie: you don't treat an accused person differently because you don't like their attorney,.

    I'm glad this is anonymous ... it would be just too depressing to know who you are.

  98. Anonymous said...
    Ummm to the ASA who is "explaining" his/her post for "MY benefit".. what a load of garbage.. I've NEVER been accused of treating an ASA disrespectfully, in fact usually the reverse is true.. I try not to treat ANYONE disrespectuflly, but regardless of how "nicey nice" and respectful the Defense atty is, your plea offer should be what it is. If the Defense atty can CONVINCE you based upon his/her experience that your case sucks.. well that's another story..those are LEGAL arguments not "group therapy sessions". Presumably your "client" is the State of Florida and your plea bargains are based on what is in the best inerest of that client.. ie: contracts with the state for cooperation, testimony, etc in exchange for waiving minimum mandatory sentences.. It's NOT supposed to be a popularity contest ..."GET IT"? I'm thinking you don't and never will.. YES I am nice to my clients.. MY JOB IS TO LOOK AFTER THEIR BEST INTERESTS WITHIN THE BOUNDS OF THE LAW AND ETHICS. Why should I treat them "worse" than YOU? See, we work within this system.. our interests are ADVERSE to one another.. Hence the term ADVERSARIAL... "GET IT"? That doesn't mean I need to be rude to you and as a matter of course; I am not. I have experienced extreme disrespect from ASA's as have many other Defense attorneys.. I'm sure the reverse is true as well..

    FINALLY: Should I defend my client LESS zealoulsy if you are REALLY REALLY nice to me... LOL!! I hardly think so.. Why should your position change based upon how you feel about me.. easy answer.. it shouldn't. If it does and you routinely give inconsistent plea offers to similarly situated defendants based upon your moods, whims and feelings about the Defense attorney.... perhaps you better take another look at that "ethics" thing. OH yeah there's a statue called "Justice".. It's a woman holding scales with a BLINDFOLD over her eyes. You may have heard about it. It's not "erotic art". It means that justice should be BLIND.. ie: you don't treat an accused person differently because you don't like their attorney,.

    I'm glad this is anonymous ... it would be just too depressing to know who you are.

    Saturday, April 15, 2006 12:06:00 AM

  99. WELL SAID!! This ASA is worried about getting "respect" Meanwhile those uf us who have been doing this for 20+ years are treated like dirt by ASA's who've been out of law school for 15 minutes and "know it all" How about some respect for us? I don't dislike most ASAs but then most aren't like you.. Did they teach ethics at your law school?

  100. LOL. You guys are unreal. Take my comments out of context and unload. I wonder why you have so many problems with ASA's??????

    Again, I never gave a better offer because the defense attorney was nice. I was just much more likely to actually talk to the defense attorney and listen to what he or she said if he or she was pleasant to deal with and/or honest. I never punished a defendant because an attorney was a jerk. I don't understand why this is so complicated for you. Perhaps you should take a course in psychology since you obviously know nothing about human relationships.

    PS----I got along well with some extremely aggressive defense attorneys. You can be zealous and aggressive without being an asshole. Obviously, you don't get that either.

  101. cant....we...all just get along?

  102. to the 8:13:02 poster. Good stuff. True stuff. Now the ASA is complaing that you don't "understand personal relationships"! LMAO... WAAAAY too much Oprah!! Lt. You also make some good points.. but I know a LOT of ASAs APDs and private attys who STRIVE to be ethical.. Of course we can all fall short of the mark.. attys, cops judges, everyone. It doesn't mean we make some conscious policy that is inherently not ethical.. "If your nicer to me than you are to your scumbag client I'll give you a better deal.. " Whatever, it's Saturday, it's BEAUTIFUL out and I didn't plan on writing on this thing,.. Rumpole this is getting too addictive.. "My name is Anonymous and I'm a rumpaholic"!

  103. That's right 3:26, keep taking the statement out of context. LOL

  104. 11:33 is right.

    Top notch lawyers like Reemberto Diaz, Clinton Pitts, Joe Reyes (missed by all) and others prove that you don't have to be nasty to be great.

    This isn't about ass kissing, it's about professionalism. Diane Ward was supported by many hard core ASA's, and she was as tough as nails.

    You get better results by being professional and focusing on the facts, rather than the personalities. 'Nuff said.

  105. Only in Miami is the idea that a nasty/overzealous attorney loses credibility with the other side a novel or controversial idea. LOL

  106. Sherri Romano is one of the best attorneys in town, no one has mentioned her.

    I love how cocky some of us are!

  107. greico for state atty!

  108. If it were up to me, Grieco would be "taken behind the woodshed" and "handled." However, it is a southern thing, you people from Miami would never understand our way of justice.

  109. OH enough already... look.. I'm the guy who thinks that an ASA who makes a policy of treating people differently becaue of how much they like their attorney. is NONENSE.. in the meantime.. I don't even CARE... I have always treated ASA's with respect and have a number of ASA friends.. I've been doing this a LONG LONG LONG time.. I sure as hell don't need anyone telling me the "facts of life"... The ASA who continues to claim I'm taking her out of context (yes I DO believe it is a she I and DO believe I know who it is.. ) is a newbie.. out of lawschool for 5 minutes and telling me and my collegues how to handle HER.. give me a break... I have no time for this crap. "Out of context my butt.. that is a LOT of back pedalling on your initial posts.. YOU didn't write the Bible or some other HUGE literary marvel..you posted a few stupid e mails.. How can those be taken "out of contex" The context being WHAT??? GOD you have a hard time with really simple concepts.. There is NO CONTEXT.. only a few emails of a few lines each.. I don't even care anymore.. YOU are the one that will be looking for a job in the defense bar and wondering why you're not taken seriously.. YOU will be the one who continues to work LONG hours for LOW wages and very little respect or consideration from your peers or adversaries.. because you're angry at the "popular" people who harassed you in high school or WHATEVER..

    I'm a WELL-HEELED.. successful defense attorney who doesn't need to worry about my financial future.. do what you want but DON'T claim decency or morality or any other lofty nonsense about your most unethical policy regarding plea bargains.. Your OWN self ADMITTED policy which is all over this web page....Good luck to you (I AM actually serious) I hope you manage to achieve the level of success that I have AND that you can sleep at night.. I KNOW I do.

  110. For the other mental giants who state the obvious like "gee its always better to professional than nasty.." Well THANK YOU EVER SO MUCH! I've got to get off this freakin blog.. it's loaded with inexperienced lawyers who feel compelled to state the obvious..

    TELL me MORON.. when did I EVER say that a defense attorney should act unprofessionally.. or be nasty to an ASA... Of course I didn't .. What I said was.. I have NO problem with ASA's I like them just fine for the most part and I have good working relationship with most all of them developed over many years of dealing with them.. I don't do a lot of county court.. actually I may do 2 county court cases a year.. so I'm dealing with very experienced, sophisticated ASA's.. Now granted some county ASA's are VERY professional and polite.. I'm ALWAY's polite to them.. the point is it shouldn't matter re plea offers... I have a great deal of respect for career ASA's who believe in their work and are consistent with their plea offers and VERY willing to take cases to trial.. I have little respect for the ASA who spends 6 months there treating defense attorney's like garbage and then leaving the office.. and looking for jobs in the defense bar..LOL... The ASA's who get jobs in the defense bar are the ones we RESPECT!!! The ones who have a sense of justice and NOT the ones who's asses wanted to be kissed for a plea bargain.. The SA office produces a ton of REALLY good and qualified attorneys who are desired by the defense bar.. but weepy, hyper emotional , "please please be nice to me and like me" ASA's will not find much respect out there.. We want the ASA's who kicked our asses at trial and maintained their professional demeanor in the process.. We want the ones who stick by their guns and have NO problem taking the case to trial win or lose.. Let's face it. there are some ASA;s with pure motives and others who are just getting even with the world

  111. OH SORRY .. for the person that wrote ONLY IN MIAMI...blah blah blah.. Feel free to LEAVE,.head north or south or wherever it is you feel that justice is "better"...
    We do NOT need you here.. Davidoff my need some help in NY.. Keep thinking I95 NORTH

  112. OH SORRY .. for the person that wrote ONLY IN MIAMI...blah blah blah.. Feel free to LEAVE,.head north or south or wherever it is you feel that justice is "better"...
    We do NOT need you here.. Davidoff my need some help in NY.. Keep thinking I95 NORTH

  113. LOL yeah "only in miami".. you can go to some "other" place where they only speak ENGLISH.. why do I feel this an issue for you as well? I love the youngsters who out of law school BEG for any job they can get and WELCOME the Miami position.. THEN they can't stand the language the culture, the way we practice law.. Perhaps with a little more studying you would have had more "choices" consisten with your narrow little minds.. PS.. I am NOT hispanic.. but speak spanish fluently.. because I didn't expect Miami to change for ME~! Go shovel snow.

  114. LOL. Now race is an issue? Haha. Good thing you all are among the minority of lawyers who think acting unprofessionally is okay. Reality is, all attorneys (prosecutors and the rest of us) need to act professionally. And, judging by some of the stupid posts above, it needs to be said more......

  115. YOU GO BRO!! I'm so sick of hearing about people hating Miami.. just LEAVE,.,. I AM hispanic.. but I know lots of you anglos love this place too and were born here like lots of us. My favorite bumper sticker = WE DONT CARE HOW THEY DO IT UP NORTH!!!

  116. I LOVE Miami. But believe we can all make our lives a little bit better by chilling out and behaving more professionally.

  117. Ya'll are making something out of nothing. Nobody said that they give better plea offers to people they like. Reality is, all of us talk to (and listen to) people who treat us respectfully. This goes for both sides. We've wasted enough time on this nonsense.......

  118. Davidoff, you cannot talk of abuse of power. Remember that day at the bar when that guy spat on your face and called you all sorts of names. You waited until he walked away and ran after him with your ASA badge tell him you were going to put him in jail and that you had protections. Thing is, they guy did not know you were an ASA and you abused your powers more than Grieco ever did and you did it in public. By the way, when the guy turned around and told you he would still beat you to the ground you ran like a little girl. So, shut up and keep your comments to yourself. You as most of the crapp talkers on this blog are full of hate, envy, racist, haters, fulas, malvados as well as being full of yourselves. Face it, times are a changing and you are not adapting. Habla Castellano?

    BTW, Sarmiento and Grieco, I look forward to meeting you guys and having a COKE and A SMILE with both of you. Will tell you the story about Davidoff in person.
