Saturday, March 25, 2006


A “chiva” writes in:

Moderation sucks and nothing Reiff,Catalano, Grey, Tannenbaum or any of the other self-righteous egomaniacs has posted has been at all confrontational or complex. The stuff they post can be postedon the FACDL email list or the CJAemail list where it belongs. If one of the purposes of this blog was to have a forum for confrontational issues regarding the criminal defense bar, then your moderation scheme will kill that.No one's gonna get hurt by a few little old words on an anonymous blog. I guarantee you most of us do not read this stuff for the boring, self-important statements made by your name only commentators.
We read this blog for the latest gossip, rumor and humor.
The Snitch

Rumpole responds: Although as a criminal defense attorney we have a well documented aversion to self promoting snitches, we welcome your comments and choose to respond.

In October of 2005 we started this little experiment and had no readers. Slowly people found out about the blog and now it is safe to say that most of the judiciary tunes in sometime during the week (usually during voire dire) and many attorneys read the blog almost every day.

What if you- Mr./Ms Snitch, lost a motion to suppress and in retaliation, wrote a post that the Judge was having an affair with the court reporter? Lets say the post was true, and known by some people close to the situation, but not by most of the Judge’s colleagues, including the Judge’s husband. (Lets face it people, you were imagining a male judge in this scenario. Shame on you sexist thinkers!) Another Judge, a friend of the husband, read the blog, was shocked, and conveyed the information, and the Judge got divorced and the couple’s children got involved in a real mess.

Now, many would say it is the Judge’s fault for having the affair. And that is true. What we are saying is that we do not choose to be the conduit for exposing that problem. If you, big bad snitch, want to ruin the Judge, then write a letter to the Judge’s husband with your name on it. Then the result is on your snitching conscience, not ours.

This is our blog. We made it, and we work on it a few hours most days. We want it to be funny. We want it to be enjoyable. And from time to time, like an upcoming post, we want it to be a place where Judges who are too big for their britches get brought down a notch or two, for the dumb things they say and do in court, not because of any indiscretion in their personal lives. (This last sentence ought to get our robed readers to tune in to see who’s going to get blasted this week. Stay tuned for “A is for…..” only on the Rumpole Blog.”

The simple fact is, ol’ Snitcher of snitches, if you don’t like this content, don’t log on, don’t have someone read it to you, and spend your time meeting secretly with cops and selling out your friends.

The last words of your post Snitch states that you read the blog for "gossip, rumor, and humor." That all can be accomplished without ruining a Judge or an attorney. It just requires a few more brain cells than your average client or snitch has. Try thinking before writing. It helps.

See You In Court destroying snitches on cross.

PS Our favorite Federal Blogger David O Markus with K may have made a fatal mistake to his career. He has invited us to be a guest on his federal blog while he remains held Hostage in front of a Georgia (thanks to the reader who corrected us) Federal Judge and Jury. How much damage to his reputation can we accomplish in one post? Stay tuned, and we will alert you when the post on his blog is up.


  1. MarKKKKKus is in Savannah, Georgia, not South Carolina, not that there is a real difference

  2. Fuck you snitch, snitches get stitches.

  3. Rump dont waste your time on the Markus blog as all he ever does is suck up to those in power. For someone who poses as such a rebel he has never written anything critical of anyone.

    besides all those guys in Federal court with their fancy degrees look down there nose at us State lawyers

  4. I'm sorry, what did you say ANONYMOUS? He (MARKUS) has never written anything critical of anyone/

    You're so bold ANONYMOUS

  5. Dear Brian Tananabaum
    re: your memory of Henry
    Don't you mean the trial that Sabrina P. took you on where you did nothing substantive. Go away dude.
