Wednesday, January 11, 2006


We took a shot at Judge Young for addressing an email to “Howard” thinking he was talking to us (our email address).

Judge Young issued the following ruling:

Rump, I was commenting on Howard Rosen's suggestion not addressing you. I'm sorry you felt neglected.

Rumpole Responds: It must feel lousy to be accused of something you didn’t do, especially when there was evidence against you. Of course, of all the Robed Readers this could happen to, you are one of the last ones who would need the lesson. Your courtroom is a bastion of fairness where everyone feels welcome and knows they will be treated fairly. Accept our apologies for our unjust accusations. And thanks for reading.

SIGHTING!!!: Anonymous writes:

Rump was spotted at the viewing tonight.

Rumpole admits: yes, we were in the Rumpole mask.


A joint agreement for a “Pilot Project” between the courts, corrections, and the FACDL was announced today. Called “Bonds for the Fittest” all parties have agreed that in lieu of a Bond Hearing, newly arrested clients will be housed for 30 days at TGK or the Stockade where the fittest among them will obtain release upon escape. The rest will be transferred to DCJ for CTS pleas. With the decision against intelligent design, Darwinism is back in vogue and it is believed this program will withstand federal scrutiny.


  1. Must see live TV! The $ generated could pay For a new big-screen plasma set for the Director of the dept of corrections

  2. Funny how Judge Glick got his memorial posted without leaving it as a comment. Is he Rumpole's special friend or something???
