Tuesday, January 10, 2006


(we held back posts for two days in Honor of our dear departed friend Judge Manny Crespo. Keep the comments and memories about Judge Crespo coming, and we will post them in the Memoriam Post.

Judge David Young wrote us: "Howard, I have proposed naming the Bond Hearing Courtroom in Manny's memory. Manny loved do bond hearings and it would be, in my opinion, a fitting tribute to the jurist who loved and respected everyone."

Rumpole reminds Judge Young: call us Rumpole, Rump, etc. We know the email is confusing, especially to some older Robed Readers. It keeps us safely anonymous.)


Josie Velis, has filed to run against Dennis Murphy.

And a pollster responds:

Murphy shouldn't worry. He's got Miami's Irish population nailed down.

And a political consultant weighs in:

Ms. Veliz is gonna get creamed.

Rumpole opines: Is there a better judge in the Justice Building than Judge Murphy? He is fair, friendly to attorneys, considerate of scheduling (despite our good natured ribbing about his 8 am Friday calendars). He conducts a good trial, and sentences defendants fairly. Well done Judge Murphy. You have our vote, and our financial support (you take British Cheques in Euros, right?)

These “challengers” should be required to put in writing one paragraph about why a Judge deserves opposition. Judge Murphy won election to the bench and we are very sure he will defend his seat with courage, honor, and send Jossie back to her pussycats.

Our Favorite dual named blogger complains about


Hey Rumpy-you write about the justice building-get our head out of thesand-there is no justice in Dade County or in Florida for thatmatter. Its just an illusion created with smoke and mirrors by judges tofool the people into thinking they are getting justice. Its like a leadbrick painted with a layer of gold paint-when you chip away the falseveneer for the most part you find judges who think their judgeships area birthright or a life estate that can be challenged by no one , for whom due process takes a back seat to case management for as we all knowRumpy-judges are evaluated by their case management skills not by their legal acumen. Justice is alive and well in Dade County-David Copperfield told me so . Ta Ta

Rumpole Responds: Thanks Comrade. Any Judge care to respond and put this cynic in her place? Or is she hitting a little to close to home?

ps. What is the term for a person who uses the same first and last name like Gayle Gayle? Our linguistic abilities have failed us in this regard.

Miss Trial?

Dear Mr. Rumpole,
Did you hear the one about the ASA who asked the Detective questions directly covered by the Motion in Limine? This was after the Judge took the time pretrial, to explain to ALL the State's witnesses Not to discuss these areas! Oh yeah, the ASA was present for this judicial lecture, but less than two (2) hours latter , he asked the lead a series of prohibited questions and caused a mistrial. So I ask the above question:
Is He Stupid or did he Purposely Provoke a Mistrial?

Sincerely yours,
Liberty's Second to Last Champion

Rumpole Responds: You tell us, you were there.

A famous legal scholar once said "stupid is as stupid does."

Jason Grey, charter member of the “not afraid to sign my name” club, raises an excellent point:

How many times do we have to see a Defendant sit no-bond for a month (waiting for the elusive Arthur to arrive), because he slapped his girlfriend/wife/boyfriend/husband/civil lawyer, through an open car window?Jason G

Rumpole quips: Slapping your civil lawyer is defined by statute as a second degree misdemeanor with a rebutable presumption that they deserved it. If you slap your divorce lawyer, you get bonus points and a downward guideline deviation.

Of all the over-charging examples, the domestic violence arrests are the most odious. Shouldn't the State Attorneys Office help the arresting officers undertand the difference between a misdemeanor and a life felony? Or do they like having people sit twenty and thirty days without a bond before the case is bound down?


It is time that I respond to the slander that has been written about me on this web cite. It is apparent that you, Mr. Rumpole, have sided with the evil men and women who continue to disregard and distort my life time of public service to the community. I hereby order you, as your elected public defender, to stop publishing and posting negative comments about me. Govern yourself accordingly. Bennett H. Brummer

And a Sharp eyed reader posts this:

Wouldn't you think Bennett Brummer would know the difference between a web cite and a web site....?

Rumpole responds: You can block a site, but not cite a block.

(readers will recall it has been alleged Mr. Brummer has blocked our site on his PD computers)
As to Mr. Brummer's "order" we respond that we are not his waiter and cannot take his order. We will send Mr. Stein to his table forthwith to take the order (watch the muffins) .

MOVIE TRIVIA rears its ugly head:

"Drinks are on the house" is a line from Good fellas by Robert De Niro playing Jimmy Conway, the Irish gangster. Prejudice against Italians in this day and age?

Rumpole reminisces
“…but what Jimmy really loved to do was steal.”

Ahh... for a client like gentleman Jimmy.


A reader who is a writer solicits our help:

2 judges/ 3 prosecutors/ 2 " defense attorneys"...i'm writing a book thatwill be a best seller and would like more juice on others that gotrailroaded/betrayed...etc. by these individuals...you will be praised in thebook ...if you can help

Rumpole Responds: Come to our courthouse every day. There are a million stories in the naked city, this is one of them…..


  1. Mrs Veliz, who are you anyway? O yes, your the one who got your head kicked in the last time you ran for judge. You were the only latin in a four person race and you did not even make the run off.
    Do us a favor, learn the rules of evidence, try a dozen felony jury trials and then maybe we will take you seriously a lawyer. Rumper can I get a witness?

  2. Heard from a U.S marshal this morning that there was an escape from the stockade . The guy was only in on a misdemeanor.any news?

  3. As a PD who thinks that all the anti-Bennett stuff is pretty overblown, but tries to avoid all of the politics, I can tell you that one thing is patently untrue. Access to the blog is not, and has not ever been blocked from the office. Since the day it went up, I have routinely read it over my lunch break, and have never had any problem locating or getting onto the site. Some of the things said about the office are true, others are not. That rumor falls into the not true category.

  4. Why in the world would anyone run against Judge Murphy? There are so many bad Judges on the bench, and Murphy is one of the best. he is fair to everyone and is such a competent Judge. Somehow, ASA's think he is great for the State and Defense lawyers think he is great for the Defense. His staff loves him, and even the Defendants love him. This is a really sorry statement on the bench in Miami, who runs for a seat, and why. Ms. velis, do yourself and the rest of us a favor and withdraw from the race. If you lose you have wasted your time and efforts, and if you win, you will have exploited an unknowing electorate to remove one of the best Judges from the bench. Maybe you should consider a county court seat.

  5. Ms. Velis will withdraw against Judge Murphy and file in county court as soon as she can find a white irish male in county court to oppose.

  6. Rump, I was commenting on Howard Rosen's suggestion not addressing you. I'm sorry you felt neglected.
