Wednesday, December 14, 2005



Jason Grey said...
Having played on ice hockey teams with bobby I must confirm the rumor that Mr reiff spends a good amount of time in the penalty box . Cross check him and expect the same back. It's bad policy on the ice to let opponents get away with dirty play and do nothing, it only emboldens them.bobby won't put up with it there,why should he here.I have won a lot of trials , and I have lost a lot of trials, It is what tends to happen when one tries a lot of cases . Some of the best fights I've ever had were un -winnable at the time I laced up the gloves but you fight them anyway ,cause its in your blood, and sometimes.... things fall into place just right and with a little luck and guts, guess what you just won . nothing tastes better than that.sometimes clients go to jail. some times they should. I just want a Judge with guts enough do do what He/She believes is right, not what is pollitically safe.I contribute to the campaigns of judges not because I expect anything, But I fear that good judges will lose an election to some "name" on the ballot who has never been in a courtroom, much less a trial I try to help judges I feel have the stuff to make hard decisions.pardon my spelling and grammer I went to public school.

Jason Grey


At Least Spell The Name Right … [Hopefully] The Last Word On The Subject.Dear Anonymous:I would prefer not to “litigate” this in public, but your refusal to sign your name leaves me no choice, so I’ll address this for the last time. I took offense to your anonymous post on December 6, 2005 wherein you wrote “Geez you guys Write five hundred dollar checks to these folks [such as Judge Pando, who you were castigating] and they treat you like royalty. When I was a young ASA I recall that whenever a Bobby Reiff Or Mike Catalano went to trial and lost ( I know I know they claim that they have never lost but they have) the Fine Jurists of County Court would rarely if ever punish thier clients for excescising thier right to trial.” (spelling and grammatical mistakes in original).Now you write that I “should actually take it as a compliment when I mentioned you about not losing a trial. It was meant as a compliment and I in no way meant to compare you to the man who does in fact make the claim that he has never lost a case or had a client plead guilty.”If that original post was a compliment, I must have missed it. You write that you “cant believe that you can actually play ice hockey and be as thin skinned as you are.” (spelling mistakes, etc. in original). Sorry, but when you play hockey, if you get knocked down by a clean hit, you get up and skate back into the play. When someone hits you with a cheap shot, then the gloves come off.By the way, at least spell the name right; it’s REIFF, not Rieff.
I don’t go around spelling your name Anonymoose.
Bobby Reiff


Anonymous said...
Mr. Reiff I take your choosing not to argue with many of my main points as your admission that there is some truth In what I write about the disparate treatment between those who can afford the likes of you and those who are represented by the Public Defender.You really should take what I wrote as a compliment even if it was a backhanded compliment. If I wrote the same words and Instead of using your name I put in the name of some hack( I was going to insert a name but why?) who never goes to trial my point would not have been made.



  1. Is this petty bickering the best the blog can offer? This is more boring than jury duty.

    Having adopted a pseudonym and a suitable blog title, Rumps, you are obliged to fulfill the promise of your press comments. Find some dirt -- or at least some humor -- and leave the bickering to the comment sections no one bothers to read.

  2. What, are you in trial Rumpole?
