Wednesday, December 07, 2005



On the Judge Pando comment, we received this comment:

Rumpole you got your facts wrong here. My understanding is that the Pando thing had nothing to do with granting motions to suppress and everything to do with some rather intemperate remarks made by the Judge. I wont repeat them here becuase you have said that you wont a la judith miller go to jail and protect me. I also dont want a libel suit and I dont want to give any Judge the justification to ask Thier freinds in law enforcement to peer into this site.Seriously Rump no Judges get removed for granting too many motions to supress. Dont cry the defense attorney blues about how it is so unfair. Geez you guys Write five hundred dollar checks to these folks and they treat you like royalty. When I was a young ASA I recall that whenever a Bobby Reiff Or Mike Catalano went to trial and lost ( I know I know they claim that they have never lost but they have) the Fine Jurists of County Court would rarely if ever punish thier clients for excescising thier right to trial. If on the other hand, the client was a PD client and was a roofer instead of a stockbroker they always felt quite happy to sentence those folks to 30 days in jail.
--Posted by Anonymous to
JUSTICE BUILDING BLOG at 12/06/2005 05:08:03 PM\n",0]

Rumpole Replies:

Mike C and Bobby R are drafting the complaint for damages and libel as we write this.

We tried to be clear that we had no hard and fast proof why Judge Pando left the Justice Building like McCarthur left Corregidor- in the middle of the night on a boat. There was a great bit of discussion and there was a petition alleging that she was moved because of her actions on the bench regarding motions and trials.

The day we write a check for $500.00 for a Judge is the day we run ourselves, and not until then. We are cheap cheap cheap.

Your comment raises a great new topic:


One Judge we respect to no end is the Honorable Judge Federico Moreno. When we was on the County Bench, and the Circuit Court Bench, before the Federal Bench, he used to always comment that when he presided at a trial he learned more about the case. That meant that if a defendant was convicted the defendant could get more or less time than the pending offer.
The thing about Judge Moreno was that he meant it. He sentenced Defendants who lost trials to sentences below the plea offer or the guidelines as they existed at the time on more than one occasion. With Judge Moreno, you knew you would get a fair sentence.

But these days, the court house is full of stories of first offenders for DUI getting 30 or 60 days, or first offense for Possession of Cocaine getting 364, etc after getting convicted at trial . At least one Judge has gone out of HIS way to say he wants to be known as
MAXIMUM___________(insert Judge’s last name.)

Any comment about this?


  1. more guesses at rumps id

    Brian Tannenbaum-- your putting him in the role of person to out you is a sleight of hand that would make Mark Felt proud.

    Alan Shuminer-- maybe but with the wife as a judge he probably wouldnt risk it but the site is funny and Alan always had a good sense of humor.

    someone in the pd's office-- Your on the target stuff on laffaire brummer almost sounds like you have inside information. Your attacks on Rory Stein seem to stem from a real bitterness that can only come from actually dealing with him. And since you correctly point out that the last time he went to court was during gulf war one, I have to think that you must have had some unpleasant dealing with him at the pdo. Got to figure who you are though still working on that.

  2. Judges, seem concerned only with finishing early so they can leave the building and go about personal business. It is therefore necessary to charge "rent" for the courtroom, and hammer any one found guilty of anything.If word got out (god forbid),that you could loose at trial and get the same sentence offered before trial then evryone might want a trial. Holy 6th amendment Batman! cant try cases all day and still pick up the kids from private school at 3pm. It used to be that most Judges were older folk who had made tons of money and actually were taking a pay cut to become a Judge.They felt that they were giving something back, and had real world experience. It seems many judges now are young and got a large pay raise when they became a judge, along with much shorter hours(it's good to be a king),. They often rule against the defense so the herald won't get mad and give an opponet ammo in the next election

  3. Those remembrances of Fed Moreno certainly predate his ascension to the Royal Court. Once he entered the Fed Palace, he changed dramatically, punishing defendants for exercising the right to trial. Now, trial means a heavier sentence or an acquittal -- the only discounted sentences come on pleas, but that does not help the guy who may be innocent or less culpable than charged.

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