Monday, December 05, 2005


Anonymous wrote:

“I think Joan is one of the foxiest reporters around. “

Rumpole Responds:

1) Thanks for reading. We vented about her several posts ago.
2) Foxy or not, she did not give us credit. And as HE WHO MUST NOT BE NAMED * would agree, we hate not being given credit.
3) Most optometrists can see you on short notice.

* We had a very disturbing exchange of emails with an attorney who we allege, was very very upset with us. He ended the exchange by accusing us of being angry. He says he is a jolly fellow and loves “a good ribbing”. We disagree. We respect his privacy and –outside of him wearing a dress in court- or doing something else designed to capture attention: we have decided to no longer name him. He will forever be referred to in these pages as

ps: its not him:

Although he doesn't like us either.

And in response to our comment about the good Judge Pando, we received this missive:

Judge Pando is one of the finest judges in Miami-Dade county. She is a judge for the people, not simply a judge for lawyers.

Rumpole responds:

Thank you Judge Pando for participating in our blog.

No, seriously, we agree and feel that many of our colleagues would also join in your kind words. We (gently) chided Judge Pando for a proclivity to be a bit late for court.

Recall the circumstances surrounding Judge Pando’s removal from the Justice Building. A petition was circulated to protest her removal. This would have been a great cause for Rumpole to champion. It was alleged that a Dade County Prosecutor, a “Chief” of County Court as it were, was behind her removal for Judge Pando’s temerity in granting Motions to Suppress and actually rule against the Prosecution when warranted.

Bully for You! We say to Judge Pando. You are missed. You should return to the Justice Building like McCarthur wading ashore on Leyte in 1944.

Judge Pando was seen in the Herald in a picture,(not above- but she looked great) smiling as she had the honor and distinction of swearing in Hialeah’s new Mayor. Because she was involved in swearing in the new Mayor of Hialeah, she is now designated as a witness for the next Federal Prosecution. Not that there is any corruption in Hialeah or anything like that. Nooo….. And please, if we are outted, we don’t want the Chief Of Police’s sons coming to beat us up. We bleed easily.

Who actually had more Teflon, John Gotti or the former Mayor of Hialeah?
We hear ace Criminal Defense Attorney Jose Quinones actually named his new boat after the former Mayor. The former Mayor had more trials and hung juries then Elizabeth Taylor had husbands.

Back to Judge Pando: this blog can serve to publicize outrageous attempts by prosecutors to silence, intimidate, or remove Judges from the Justice Building. We are not naming the prosecutor behind Judge Pando’s transfer,
but if you look in the dictionary here:
You would see a picture of him.

See You In Court.

1 comment:

  1. Rumpole you got your facts wrong here. My understanding is that the Pando thing had nothing to do with granting motions to suppress and everything to do with some rather intemperate remarks made by the Judge. I wont repeat them here becuase you have said that you wont a la judith miller go to jail and protect me. I also dont want a libel suit and I dont want to give any Judge the justification to ask Thier freinds in law enforcement to peer into this site.

    Seriously Rump no Judges get removed for granting too many motions to supress. Dont cry the defense attorney blues about how it is so unfair. Geez you guys Write five hundred dollar checks to these folks and they treat you like royalty. When I was a young ASA I recall that whenever a Bobby Reiff Or Mike Catalano went to trial and lost ( I know I know they claim that they have never lost but they have) the Fine Jurists of County Court would rarely if ever punish thier clients for excescising thier right to trial. If on the other hand, the client was a PD client and was a roofer instead of a stockbroker they always felt quite happy to sentence those folks to 30 days in jail.
