Monday, November 28, 2005


Read on McDuff (obscure Shakespeare allusion ) and find out why a Judge you know may soon be saying “Oy Vey.”

Its never too early to start thinking about the season. Not Christmas, but Judicial Election Season. Yes, those seasonal cards have started to arrive. Not Christmas cards, but endorsement cards, seeking $500.00 bucks and your name (quite frankly, its all about the money, your name is irrelevant).

Who has opposition? It’s a bit confusing (and we were the research editor on our law review in law school). The State Election web site has the list of Circuit Court Judges up for reelection, and candidates opposing them here:, but nary a mention of those over-worked (allow us a joke now and then if you please) and under appreciated County Court Judges.

Are you a Hispanic Female? Do you want to run for Judge? Then click here,

and scroll down to the judicial election link to see a list of all judges up for re-election.

Why do we ask if you are a Hispanic female? Because the wisdom around the courthouse is that Hispanic females are going to be running for Judge in droves, and the rumor is that they are targeting one particular type of Judge.

Ay Dios Mio, La Gata is out of the bag.

Perhaps it is the success of female Hispanics who ran and won in the last election, but this year, two sitting Judges have already received opposition from Hispanic females.

Circuit Judge Lawrence Schwartz has opposition from former Assistant State Attorney Gina Mendez. Mendez is one of those rare candidates: a Hispanic female who LOST a race to a white male: as she was beaten by Judge Murphy (four?) years ago in a race for an open seat. This year Mendez goes after former Assistant State Attorney Larry Schwartz, who was elected several years ago, running with a great campaign slogan “First a Teacher…Then a Prosecutor…Now a Judge”. Judge Larry Schwartz forms one part of the married Judicial Team Schwartz: Caryn Schwartz his wife, is a County Court Judge . In a bit of bad planning, BOTH Judge Schwartzs are up for re-election. This means it costs lawyers a cool grand if you are friendly with Team Schwartz.

County Court Judge Shelly Schwartz also has opposition from a Hispanic Female. The candidate is currently an assistant state public defender, and previously worked as an assistant federal public defender. We are tracking down the correct spelling of her name, so give us a few days on that.

Do we see a trend here? Are Hispanic Females targeting Jewish Males? Or are Hispanic Females just targeting bad dressers?

Sorry Shelly, but that red and yellow tie does not go with the purple robe and a blue/green shirt. Say what you want about Judge Shelly Schwartz, but he is always dressed appropriately in case a Gin Rummy game breaks out. Actually, Shelly is known for his colorful attire and we think it would be a great loss for the bench if he were beaten. Shelly Schwartz was a former criminal defense attorney for many years, and he brings a certain common sense and know-how to the County Court Bench.

Good Luck Shelly, our check is on the way.

Likewise for Judge Larry Schwartz. While not as loud a dresser as Shelly
( who is?) , Judge Larry Schwartz is a real pro. With a long stint as a State Court Prosecutor, and the social consciousness of a Green Peace activist, Judge Larry Schwartz brings fairness along with a great deal of experience to the job.

OK- so sometimes he’s a bit petulant during a long calendar. And not many people were fans of his 8AM Justice Building Soundings: but at least he put in a full days work for the job he was elected to do.

Here’s hoping that the trend does not continue and that these two fine Judges are re-elected. If they both lose, well, we can think of a lot of Judges (mostly male- many Jewish) who will turn several shades of green as their election year looms ever closer.

How can you say OY VEY in Spanish?

1 comment:

  1. Just curious.

    Who is running against Shelly?

    Did you get the name yet?
