Wednesday, November 23, 2005


Scroll down to the "Under their Robes" post and you will see someone left a comment. Click on "comment" and you can read it. It's a sexist nomination on three current courthouse hotties.
The views expressed by those who comment are their own and are not necessarily the views of JBB or its affiliates. No portion of this blog may be copied, re-broadcast or otherwise disseminated without the express written consent of the National Football League, and JBB.

Here is what we received: a moving testament to one of our favorite Judges: Fast Gerry Klein. This comment, however right on the money it is, must be taken with the sad knowledge that the “rocket scientist” can’t spell “barrel” and doesn’t have enough sense to use his spell check before posting a comment. However, we corrected his spelling error, and we removed the crude language at the end. Since he is one of our regular – and only- commentators- we don’t want to offend him too much.

My vote for the coolest Judge in the Justice Building. The man who has been the litmus test for all that is hip for the last 40 years. The man hung out with Dean, Frank and Sammy Davis. It could only be Jerry "Ocean's Eleven" Klein. Lets face it , "Fast Jerry" or "His Fastness" never makes the wrong call. The guy is a f***ing gem. Kudos to the all time prince of the Fifth Floor.
Pickle Barrel Regular

Here’s a thought: what about some plaque, picture, or small ceremony, honoring the Honorable Gerald Klein for what must be over thirty years of dedicated service to the Bench in Miami? He is a good and sensible judge (not to mention fast) who always has the foresight and kindness to tell a client at bond hearing that the client has a good attorney. It makes those “hold-no bond” cases a little easier to get hired on.

We have always felt that if you took all of the third degree theft and drug felony cases that every judge in the building has, and placed them on a special Friday Calendar before Judge Klein, and arranged for waivers for bench trials on all the cases, he would settle most of them, try the rest, and still get on the Golf Course before noon.

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