Monday, October 07, 2024


Rumpole Request/Rant: Covid redux. Remember the early weeks of the Covid shutdown when a few, very annoying individuals would spam your emails (and the blog) "I have been in constant communication with the chief judges and there is something called Covid which is a very serious virus and everyone needs to wear a mask and courts are closed..."  and they would send this over and over for weeks after courts were closed as if anyone on earth had by that time not heard about Covid. 

Well, the same people are at it again with the Hurricane, forwarding over and over emails from various officials telling us that there is a hurricane coming, as if anyone in Florida does not know. "Hey honey, did you see the 14 emails from Billy Busybody and his partner Sally Saysitall forwarding the emails about...wow I guess there is a hurricane and courts are closed?"

"Yes dear, I just saw them, and thank goodness they sent them, because despite the two dozen emails from judges, mayors, and various officials, I was not sure what was happening until Busybody resent me all the emails and I am so glad he did because I was wondering how I was going to drive to court in 190 mph winds."

So do us a favor- STOP FORWARDING THE SAME EMAILS WE ALL GET OVER AND OVER. No one needs you to forward the email from the Chief Judge that courts are closed.  If anyone has not gotten the email and is stupid enough to actually go to court during the storm, then they deserve what happens to them. If you have this much time on your hands, go take a spoon and head to the beach and volunteer for the Sisyphean task of filling up sandbags. 

UPDATE - Courts are closed Wednesday and NOW THURSDAY for a weather related event that the same people who do not believe in a Covid vaccine, do not believe is caused by global warming. This is what happens when you ignore science- science does not ignore you. 

Update - the 11th judicial circuit has issued a media advisory  

Couple of thoughts: First, why is  the 11th circuit advising the media on the hurricane ? Do they feel the media is stretched too thin by the absence of former ace Herald reporter David Ovalle  and they are helping the media ? 

Second - not too sure,  but we think the last 11th circuit media advisory we saw was congratulating President Clinton on his reelection. So let’s just say you’re better off getting updates from TMZ than our own 11th circuit media division.  But we applaud the effort.  

Federal and State courts are closed Wednesday. 

Has anyone seen the Governor’s comments? How does he describe the phenomena without reference to words that he has banned (rhymes with mobile horning)?

Take over 43 KC/ Saints tonight if you need to get even. 

More important question if anyone knows- does Starbucks stay open if the courts are closed? We need our Pumpkin Spiced Latte (PSL for the insiders) every day it is available. 



11th Judicial Circuit of Florida
For Immediate Release
October 8, 2024
Contact:  Eunice Sigler, Director
Office of Government Liaison & Public Relations
Phone (305)349-7189 - Fax (305)349-7190 - Cell (786) 348-7381







Miami-Dade Courts Closed

Wednesday, October 9th, Due to Hurricane Milton



The Miami-Dade Courts and all Court Facilities will be closed on Wednesday, October 9th, due to expected weather conditions caused by Hurricane Milton.


First Appearance hearings will take place on a weekend/holiday schedule.


Questions regarding an upcoming hearing should be directed to the presiding judge’s office – a judicial directory is found here.


The Eleventh Judicial Circuit will continue to closely monitor the path of Hurricane Milton in the coming days, and any further closures or changes to court schedules will be announced as soon as possible.


Court closure information may be found at the Eleventh Judicial Circuit’s:


- Emergency Hotline at 305-349-7777

- Website at www.jud11.flcourts.org
- Social Media @miamidadecourts on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram



Please continue to monitor news and weather reports, and the Eleventh Circuit’s website, hotline, and social media for future announcements.





Anonymous said...

I’m calling the Shumie on Florida. We are cooked. This hurricane is going to wipe the west coast off the map. Shumie time Florida !!!

Anonymous said...

You cannot stand it that DeSantis' disaster response is always so on point, can you, Phil? You'd honestly rather people suffered more, than that a Republican governor did his job as well as this one does his.

But then, no surprise. Since in your view, those suffering from Helene more or less deserved it for being -- you assumed -- inclined politically in a way you oppose. (Which assumption suggests you've never been to Asheville, so that your bigotry isn't even very well targeted.)

Anonymous said...

Max Jail Time!

Anonymous said...

You didn't see the all the media advisories during the pandemic? I'm grateful and envious that you could be that detached.

Anonymous said...

We should all move our practices to NY Southern District and get out of Florida. It’s only going to get worse.

In every way.

Or just run for County Court Judge

Anonymous said...

Why does Rumpole still drink Santa Margarita Pinot Grigio?

Anonymous said...

Good thing we are in the east side.

Anonymous said...

Rump, if you're on the 11th circuit email list, you get these emails all the time regarding court closures and other such happenings. They also send them out to reach out to pro se litigants who would otherwise be calling the clerk's office and judge's chambers 42,000 times a day.

Anonymous said...

Really calling the Shumie on Florida now. We are cooked. Get out while you can. Grab a bunch of Shumie cigars and just run. Everything else is replaceable.

Anonymous said...

Cranky’ol Rump strikes again!!

Rump, time to retire dude. Pass on the torch. Let others with a less cynical view, a more optimistic streak, greater level of tolerance, and shall I dare say…more moderate (and not only politically), take the helm of your crown jewel blog.

Maybe cede the Master Poster throne to others while you focus your keyboardship on sports, stocks, cat memes, or other subjects that do not require a constant full display of your crabbiness, at best, or your seething insensitivity at worst.

Or, if your ego is as large as you’ve proven time and again - from the blog to the courtroom - and you don’t want to maintain this pearl of a forum for posterity by allowing others to take a more active role, then just shut it down. This ain’t rocket science after all. Any cigar smoking, scotch sipping chimp can replicate it.

Anonymous said...

On point?? Have you seen western Florida? There is debris fucking everywhere from Helene and he diverted resources to another state. All political. He’s a child.

Rumpole said...

Send me an email and I’ll let you try your hand. Just know I’ll eviscerate you if you write as poorly as your last missive was written. Chump.

Scotty Saul said...

8:52 AM It is not easy too dedicate the time, meticulous research and editing, finding a large audience and maintaining quite the following . No it is not in any way accurate that anybody can maintain a blog. As a rare, guest contributor, I put serious effort into trying to create entertaining posts yet I contribute maybe 2-3 times a year. To regularly write an array of interesting, provocative, informative and edgy articles is a huge accomplishment...especially if Rumpole is also a full time lawyer, has a family and a private life. Your post is the ultimate in silly Monday morning quarterbacking ...it is very challenging to replicate a long-time, successful blog

Anonymous said...

If Sam Slom was here right now, the court would be open and if you decided to leave town to save your life, he'd issue a bench warrant.

Anonymous said...

Rumpy, nothing to say about the substantive complaints (from many) that you’re an insensitive prick so you deflect by resorting to personal attacks. Typical pattern ole Rump. You’ve always been a pompous douchebag to those of an older generation, but I’m glad that the youngsters get a chance to see the fragility of your overinflated ego.

Incidentally, nice use of the word eviscerate. Totally cool dude! Was that Shakespeare or Terminator? Betcha been wanting to use it for a while.

Anyhow, let me try a more refined response, a prose worthy of thy intellectual pedigree, in the hopes that my poor penmanship does not leave a lasting scar in thy ginormous encephalon:

Ah, thou dost summon me with thy keen intellect and prose so refined! Verily, I tremble at the thought of thy evisceration. Pray, allow me to bestow upon thee an email, that thou mayest wield thy merciless quill upon this humble scribe. Fear not, for I shall endeavor to elevate my humble craft to match thy lofty standards, though I am but a chump in the grand tapestry of thy brilliance.

Now back to street ole me: 🖕

Rumpole said...

What bothers you the most is that I was smart enough to create the blog and write exceptional pieces to high acclaim and you’ve done nothing of note in your sad life.

Anonymous said...

Rumpole - you have done a most honorable job with this blog. Brilliant analysis. Fair comment. Few mistakes over the years. Hold your head up high and continue to rock our world.

Anonymous said...

So bitter…… so much anger….. maybe find a channel for that…..

Anonymous said...

A prose?

anonymous said...

Don't mess with the Rump. You are no match for his wit, stamina, passion or intellect.

Jay Kolsky said...

With the courts closed today, I’d like to tout a read that inspires, and should be mandatory reading for all new ASA’s and PD’s. Dan Slepian’s Sing Sing files. The older Justice Building warriors, would benefit as well , for the renewal of faith in our “Justice System “.
As for Rumple’s eloquent words of thought and mind provoking commentary, I say continue to have at it.

Anonymous said...

One bite rump. Everyone knows the rules.

Anonymous said...

As a presumed contemporary, and one of Rump’s longest-standing fans, I just want to react to the comment that “Any cigar smoking, scotch sipping chimp can replicate” the Blog. 💯 wrong, but more importantly, even IF true, Rump blazed the path, and no one HAS replicated it … Give up, 8:52, you’re no match for Rump!

Rumpole said...

I think imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. And I would welcome the competition (*yawn*) like unless John Steinbeck comes back to life and starts a blog about the justice building where you gonna find a better Ritter ? (For you slow mags types yeah I dumbed down the writin at da end )

Anonymous said...

1) putting together a well-read blog and keeping it going for 20ish years is a hell of a thing. Pat on the back to Rumpole.

2) This is statement is also true: "Rump, time to retire dude. Pass on the torch. Let others with a less cynical view, a more optimistic streak, greater level of tolerance, and shall I dare say…more moderate (and not only politically), take the helm of your crown jewel blog."

These two things can, and are, both be true.

Although I don't think there is anything immoderate about Rumpole's politics. Screaming from the mountain tops against Trump is about as immoderate as doing the same against Hugo Chavez. Remember, Chavez, Putin, and Hitler (among others) all came to power after legitimate elections. The people were blinded by the populist cult of a "strong" leader who opposed their country's institutions and sought to return their country to some real or imagined lost glory.