UPDATE TWO: THE IMMUNITY OPINION IS OUT! : "We conclude that under our constitutional structure of separated powers, the nature of Presidential power requires that a former president have some immunity from criminal prosecution for official acts during his tenure in office. At least with respect to the President's exercise of his core constitutional powers, this immunity must be absolute. As for his remaining official actions, he is also entitled to immunity. At the current stage of the proceedings in this case, we need not and do not decide whether that immunity must be absolute or instead whether a presumptive immunity is sufficient. State v. Winton 522 So.2d 463 3rd DCA 1988"
UPDATE: Good Monday morning. We expect the Supreme Court (Motto "Can anyone loan Clarence their private plane and yacht for the summer?") to issue its decision on the Trump Immunity appeal today.
The President's performance in the debate last week was dismal. And that is being kind. Let's get that out of the way. He was awful, and he is likely too old to be an effective President. Our choice would be the nomination of the Vice President, or Pete Buttigieg the Secretary of Transportation, or Governor Gavin Newsom of California, or Governor Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania, or Governor Jared Polis of Colorado, or Mutt Romney, retired Senator from Utah.
But the reason we will vote to reelect the president is the competency of the government he has built. During the past three and half years we have had one secretary of state, one secretary of defense, one attorney general, one secretary of the treasury. In fact, President Biden has had one of the most stable administrations in Presidential history, Which means the country is being run by professionals. As opposed to the prior administration which had:
Four Chiefs of Staff; Four Secretaries od Defense; Three Attorneys General.
The list of who the former president fired is extensive. And why did he fire them? Because they were good and decent people who openly expressed loyalty to the Constitution and the nation over the president. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson was fired via Twitter. He called the President a "a dumb son of a bitch". The first Secretary of Defense- Jim Mattis- an aesthetic Marine who lived a quiet, bookish life in between his loyalty to the county and Corps resigned when he would not agree to the troop withdrawals the president wanted. And attorney General William Barr, the second of the Attorney Generals, resigned when he would not agree with the President's crazy legal theories about the election the president lost.
Roughly 75% of the former president's original cabinet was gone by the third year of his term. And this from a man who bragged about hiring the best and brightest. And what we learned is that the former President does not want the best and brightest. He does not want a "Team Of Rivals" like Lincoln's cabinet, meaning he does not want independent thinkers who do not agree with him. He wants lackeys. And when North Korea is about to invade South Korea, or Russia threatens to invade Poland, or the economy edges to collapse, what we need are professionals in the room. People who are the best in their field and have spent a lifetime preparing for the moment when their country and the world needs them most. And what we know for sure is that Joe Biden will staff the government with those professionals. And the former President will not.
We do not know if our republic and democracy will withstand four more years of a presidency by someone who open disdains the freedoms of our democracy. Someone who wanted to know why he could not call the military out to shoot the Black Lives Matters Protesters in the legs. Someone who admires, of all people, Vladamir Putin.
These are dangerous times and we are very very worried.
There is a major Hurricane in the Caribbean. It went from a tropical storm to a Cat 3 within 48 hours, the fastest increase every recorded in a hurricane. Why? BECAUSE THE OCEANS ARE OVERHEATING BECAUSE OF GLOBAL WARMING.
Which is another reason we are voting for the current President. There are approximately 30-45% of the American public who are so ignorant, so uneducated, and so frightened by global warming that they only way they can deal with it is deny it, and vote for morons who chant drill - baby- drill.
The ice caps are melting. The oceans are the hottest they have ever been. And we have a major political party who believes that all of the news reports on global warming are engineered by Hillary Clinton, Hunter Biden, and ANTIFA.
It looks like Berly will miss Florida.
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BELOW (prior post) - the Cleeny order.
Gavin has ruined California. Have a visit to LA or San Fran or Oakland.
Biden is better than him.
Biden dismal as the Sao.
Really sad to say I called the Shumie on Biden. Great guy. But his time is past.
What about Hansy/ Colby? A strong ticket. Hansy brings Florida. Colby California. Fiscally conservative. Socially liberal. Give these guys a chance and Hansy wouid wipe the table with Trump. It wouldn’t be a fair fight.
You missed Andersen’s book when it came out.
The Enperor’s new clothes.
Hear. Hear.
For a nation that produced Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Dwight Eisenhower, George Marshall, etc, how could a man with no heart or soul like Donald Trump even get elected in the first place. These are dangerous times, indeed. As for me, count me in for Joe Biden. I will not let a poor debate performance change my mind. Why would anyone want a return to the utter chaos of another Trump tenure?
Love the cite to the Winton case. A judge lost in time and history but never forgotten. A county court legend in his own time and mind
And it's almost time for our SAO Midday RALLY!
Can I get a woo woo for Presidential Immunity?
Can I get a woo woo for prosecutorial immunity??
Can I get a State is ready for trial and let's pick six ?
Can I get a state is revoking all plea offers if the defendant wants a trial and will be seeking max??
And can I get a the state evaluates each case on its merits and does not seek a trial tax your honor?
Woo WOO!
This is Fake ST and your SAO MIDDAY RALLY y'all-
ST is ouuuuuuuut!
25th amendment is an order re Biden - he’s not there.
I cannot believe that the Supreme Court bit the bullet on the Seal Team Six hypo. Under this decision, using his core power of controlling the military, the President can order Seal Team Six to assassinate anyone he wants. Cannot look to President's motive. Cannot claim it to be an unofficial act just because it breaks the law. Cannot use the official act as evidence of another crime. Absolute immunity. Wouldn't even enter into a presumption analysis because it's an enumerated power/core function.
You are voting for Biden because you are a card-carrying pinko and have never looked at any issue except through Demo lenses. Time to start sitting shiva. By the way, even under this new decision, Biden's storage of secret documents stolen from the Senate will still be there for some prosecution.
You are voting for Biden because you are a card-carrying pinko and have never looked at any issue except through Demo lenses. Time to start sitting shiva. By the way, even under this new decision, Biden's storage of secret documents stolen from the Senate will still be there for some prosecution.
Meanwhile, we have a new Third DCA judge. No reporting on that? You and Captain are ASLEEP AT THE WHEEL.
Completely true.
Other than working for Bush (George Herbert Walker) and Reagan - you’re 100% right
You’re also a blind dumb moron who has never understood conservatism and never will. And when I write that Trump is an altruistic collectivist statist you will blink in stupidity never having heard that term and not understanding it in the least.
Can you stop reading the blog ? There’s a bunch of websites devoted to the Hunter Biden ~Jack Ruby conspiracy to get Obama who was born in Africa elected so he could invent the science behind global warming and funnel government money to bill gates so that when the Hillary Clinton created COVID virus was released by Venezuela they could inject you with a tracking device.
Also birds aren’t real. You’ve never seen a baby pigeon if you thunk about it.
You have many more deep and important things to thunk about then the drivel I write. Move on dot org asshole.
Rumpole, good points about Biden and the stability of his cabinet vs the mass insanity, revolving door quality of Trump's cabinet.
I hated the debate performance of Biden. It looks like time has caught up with Biden at the worst possible time. I hate Trump with all my being but his performance was far better that Biden's. Trump was more alert, better at everything even if everything he said was a damn lie. But it is not what you say. It is how you say it and Trump's presentation was far better than Biden's.
I am still going to vote for Biden no matter what. Weekend at Bernie's Biden is still better than madman, evil Trump.
Long time reader of the blog. I value your views. Rumpole, your honest opinion. If the presidential election were held next week or on its regular day in November, what Democrat do you believe right now has the best chance to beat Trump? Biden, Kamala Harris, or Gavin Newsom? And why that particular person over the others? Thank you for any input.
Rumpole: You are so brilliant. It is amazing that someone did not pull you out of your position as an APD and offer you a deanship of Harvard or Yale or maybe even a presidency. rather than respond to my post which is obviously upsetting you because of the manifest disrespect of such a learned and wonderful person, you could have just waited for the continuing outpouring of praise from your small, but devoted corps of camp followers.
ST can I get a whoop there it is
Miami is headed in that direction. Thank god for the Cubans that got here pre 1980.
Imagine Trump at the D-Day commemoration where according to him, all the “losers and suckers” are buried there
ST can I get a Kathy is the greatest prosecutor in America? Hip hip horay!
Who’s the greatest prosecutor in America?
whooop there it is fake ST in da house.
Harvard ? Yale ? I told you I don’t deal with collectivist statists. U of Chicago. Yes. But they cannot afford me.
A victory for voters who can now:
1) Finally see what only Fox News dared expose and
2) Be allowed to vote for either candidate despite failed attempts to weaponize the judicial branch.
Good morning best team in America. I just want to let everyone know that Kathy is the best prosecutor in America.
“We” say the right to vote is at stake in this election. I’m not voting for Dr. Jill or administrators or staffers. Their names aren’t on the ballot. Why get Biden’s dismal performance in the debate out of the way? His performance will get worse. Truth is, Trump is the only way to stop Democrats from lying to the American people and themselves.
This thread must be a parody. Biden is entering late stage dementia and we still have people blatantly ignoring the enormity of the danger that poses. Nearly 50% of the party wants him to drop out. Can I get a Fake ST whoop whoop for low voter turnout at the polls? Can I get a massive defeat in every single battleground state? Vote RFK Jr.
Woop woop woop raise the roof. Fake ST here with some proof.
First , can I get an every defense attorney has my cell woo woo?
And every defense attorney can call me if they wish hoo hoo ?
How bout a little state seeking max to start our day ?
And let’s hit it dawg with the state is revoking all pleas woop woop !
Now go out there and revoke some bonds and do justice cause remember you be working for de most ethical office in the nation y’all
Fake ST in da house.
There’s coffee and donuts for everyone. Help yourselves.
Love that Ted Mastos has the courage to post under his name. The guy is a gem.
I don’t mean to hijack a post, but are we going to talk about the SAO’s new head of training writing Death Penalty Smut books yet?
Anyone that votes for trump has an intellectual or character deficit or both.
Gov. Desantis appointed Kansas Gooden, a 2008 St. Thomas graduate (meaning she is probably in her early 40s) and civil practitioner with no criminal experience, to the Third DCA. This is to replace Judge Hendon. There are no black judges on the Third DCA anymore. Judge Trawick was on the finalist list and not appointed. Ms. Gooden is listed as a Federalist Society member and has spoken at their events.
Did you know that Kathy is the best prosecutor in America. Heck yeah!!!
Biden is unfit for presidency and Trump
Will win because the idiot dems gave us Biden. Eat it now folks. We will have 4 years of freedom and gas prices we all can afford. You have no idea how many judges prosecutors and defense are voting for Trump. They may just not tell you. But it’s going to happen.
Yes, these new things called Hurricanes are very scary.
When Judge Mastos stops pounding the hallways, it will be a great loss to REGB. He is a jewel and an inspiration to all of us, even if he supports Crooked Joe
Trump hating blog libs :
Biden put more blacks in jail in the history of America with his crack laws and got elected as vp in part by being against gay marriage. Today he is pro war against Russia and Palestine.
I would trust my sixth grader to run the United States before I would trust Biden. His brain is a wet noodle.
We should not rely on shadow proxy advisors to run the nation.
Tell us more
Article 1, Section 6 of the US Constitution specifies that Members of Congress have a limited immunity from arrest and being questioned for speech or debate in either House of Congress. Article 2 , as well as the rest of the Constitution, has NO mention of ANY form of Presidential immunity .
Just saying, for all you strict interpreters of the Constitution .
1145 am you are getting called out. It’s NOT “shadow proxy advisors “ you unmitigated liar. It’s the secretary of defense. Secretary of State. National security adviser. Those are the people your messiah kept firing after he hired them thinking they would be more loyal to him than the country. Did you ever wonder why every lawyer he hires and every member of his cabinet are awful and yet he bragged about hiring the best. Can anyone be that poor a judgment of character and ability ? The answer is no.
He is so dumb and insecure that anyone of ability and substance threatens him. Lincoln took his political adversaries into his cabinet. So did Obama. Trump wants lackeys. And that will endanger our country. Presidents need people who will stand up to them and tell them when they are wrong. People who are secure in their abilities are not frightened of that. Any questions- then read the books written by the people who worked for him. And then do us all a favor and stfu and stop reading my blog will not post anymore of your arrant (look it up genius ) lies.
Trump didn’t take us to WW3. Looks like Biden is headed there.
Rumpole, .
Richard Klugh is Trumps lawyer. He is the best appeals lawyer in the United States.
eports are coming out that staff is concerned with JB cognitive decline in last year or so, particularly in past 6 months. Remains to be seen how he holds up over the next 4 months.
Surprised Republicans are not yet yapping about the 25th Ammendment, which by all accounts an objective argument could be made. This must be b/c they figure they have better odds against JB than a replacement.
In any case, were JB to get re-elected, I'm afraid he wouldn't make it very far into his second term. Godspeed to him.
Go replace Biden for hair gel Gavin he’s run California to the ground. He has the highest taxes in the country. Highest homeless population.
I would literally rather have no president than have Trump as president. If the government grinds to a halt for 4 years, that would be better than electing a man who attempted an auto coup (see threats of criminal consequences if the secretary of state of Georgia did not "find" 10,000 false votes for Trump), who has unabashedly stated that he would be a dictator on day 1, who attacks the credibility of our democracy (see repeated and ongoing lies about a stolen election), and who is tearing down the credibility of our judiciary by repeatedly (and without evidence) saying that judges who do not rule in his favor are corrupt.
Donald Trump is a Chavez/Putin/Castro style dictator wannabe. He has no love for this nation, for democracy, or for the constitution. He believes only in himself.
1) the homeless population is rising everywhere
2) the year-round 70 degree weather in CA certainly contributes to people sleeping on the streets much more safely without the extreme weather conditions in the majority of the country - only getting worse under conservative planet burning policies
3) to ignore Biden’s cabinet and the stability of it in favor of Trumps PUBLISHED DICTATORIAL AGENDA shows how terrifyingly unpatriotic maga nuts really are.
May God have mercy on us all. We are the dumbest group of humans to live on this planet and are an embarrassment to all those who came before us.
Kamala Harris 2024!
You do know that damn near literally fucking everybody in congress voted for the Anti Drug Abuse Act of 86…. And Obama/Biden passed the Fair Sentencing Act in 2010, right? Your statement is ignorant.
Absolutely disgusting.
Hey Rump, you sound like a limp wristed soy drinking liberal. The kind who shouts and gets angry just because people don’t agree with your point of view. You go right ahead and vote for Biden. And I’ll go right ahead and vote for Trump, baby! I just love the taste of your liberal tears.
Glad to hear you’re voting for Joe Biden. Oh, wait!
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