It's been a fairly chaotic week or so, culminating with a weird start to Friday.
Which story has your attention?
1) Scott Scheffler, the number one ranked player in the world in golf was arrested in a traffic fracas gone wild- the type of incident we think of as "Only In Miami". Scheffler was on his way this morning to play round two in the PGA Championship tournament- one of four of golf's major tournaments. There was tragically a traffic fatality outside of the course. Scheffler - with his PGA player sign on his car- drove up on a shoulder to go around the traffic. A police officer "lost it" and "attached himself" to Scheffler's car, screamed at him to stop, and then arrested him for a bunch of felonies. Scheffler was arrested, booked, and released and made his Tee Time and birdied the first hole. Clearly a story that should have happened in the Magic City,
2) Sam Alito- Supreme Court Justice- had an upside-down American Flag outside his home two weeks after January 6. The upside-down flag is a MAGA-stop-the steal symbol. So Sammy boy is an election-denier. Kinda makes sense. We already know he doesn't believe in global-warming, so why shouldn't a Supreme Court Justice believe that a dead Venezuelan dictator used a company to hack voting machines? A former mayor of NYC believed it.
As one of our senior-status federal judges is wont to ask: "What say you?"
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Picture from the NY Times identifying the Flag as being flown outside Alito's home on January 17. |
3) The comments are on fire about our recently re-elected State Attorney hiring old-time prosecutors to right the ship in her much-maligned office. Does she need old blood or new blood?
Maybe start with an ethic course.
T/F Prosecutors can get witnesses together to review their discover to coordinate their testimony? If you answered T, there may be a job for around NW 12th street.
We've decided to call the Miami SAO the Miami-Broward SAO. They act the same as Broward, so why not call them that? Like the "victim wants max" and "we know you're client is probably innocent but my supervisor said let the jury decide" crap they peddle now is straight out of the playbook from North of the Border since before we started going to court.
The sad thing is that it didn't used to be that way under the "she who shall not be named" former SAO- Janet Reno. *
They've done everything but rip her picture down from the wall to ruin the office she built.
Shame shame shame.
* There's a bunch of DeSantis drones reading this and saying to themselves "who?"
Rump, I got some unfortunate news for you; although your heart is in the right place, this is an “ on it’s surface “ response In reality, the veteran lawyers wishing for the good ol’ days don’t want to accept that the world has changed, the practice of law and criminal law has changed and many things you don’t like are reflective of this evolution The change is not always good, for this is the way it is And , whatever flaws are with the Miami SAO, that office is superior to most of the others
didn't everyone used to get the max just for going to trial? quit whining
1:42 that is an odd comment and we hope you don’t work there or are one of her “many trusted advisors” including her “own portion of very respected defense bar who supports me and what I did” and she has told anyone who will listen. Yes they may be better than others but does this not concern you. How about everyone works together to do better.
Oh yea she corners you at an event, gives you a list of defense attorneys (know your names are out there) who she says believes the judges are seeking revenge and nothing more. So WEIRD. Everyone nods their head and walks away from the old lady who has turned a bit cray cray. Who is feeding this monsterEGO and not being honest. Keep going folks and it will get uglier. Stop talking and fix this SHIAT and maybe you all have a chance. What young ASA would want to come work for this office. Come work for Carlos!
De ja bu - been cornered in that conversation before - defense attorneys please know she name drops us all as the wind blows left and right. Be careful what we say.
Yup! We have all been cornered at recent public HHs or events and told “just between us” that Rothenburg, Srebnick, Black, Fingerhut, Riesenstein, Faxidomo (Hey Jude) are among a very big pool of well respected defense attorneys who believe that that the Smith order was retribution for the fight a fight she got into with the BIG jefe years ago. How wacky does that sound to any of us for such a smart smart lady.And give Wolfson some credit for not throwing her and office completely under the bus. Bet she is regretting that soft succulent meat bone she threw them now. I like Cathy for the defense and want her to stay compared to the other SA nuts and compared to Broweird but who the HELL is advising her and who is control of the stinking sinking stinging ship.
There are still some very ethical and hard working ASAs who work very hard so let’s not lump everyone together. Not fair. And do you thinks it makes them want to stay there. Think before you speak.
Can we please get an official report from FACDL on meeting with The SAO. I agree with the previous commenter that you all have to be transparent. Will you release an official statement or will we all be left to guess?
She needs honest blood Rumpy, whether old or new. She needs to be brave and listen to the uncomfortable.
Nobody answered the question what does Tom Boman do for that kind of money. So Steven and Tom handle recruitment at a combined salary of almost 400k a year. And yet the office is too poor to pay folks or reward their long time dedicated annd ethical lawyers. Do they want to push them out….
How many of us have been cornered by her at a cocktail party LOL SMH.
Very said for a lady who has had a good run to fall from grace so quickly because she is getting rotten shady advice from her administration. There are many questionable things going on at same time in the courthouse and on that 3rd floor. Coincidence?
Was a certain high money recent hire of a former ASA a favor to a certain very connected former ASA spouse??
Bowman was useless and incompetent as an ASA. He was only brought back because his wife is tight with KFR. You can now add Arrojo’s salary to the list of overpaid generals and that’s why there isn’t enough to pay those who do the daily heavy lifting.
Bowman has no follow-through and certainly doesn’t answer emails.
Her list of inside trusted advisors are Daisy, Steve, Rosen, and Hoague - in that order. Arrojo may displace one or some of these. But Daisy is La Madrina. She flies under the radar to the outside world, but inside she has the most power and influence of all.
No way she is conoodling to Jude - SAO hates him for what he brought out in Only Fans and VH1 cases. Both of those ASAs have lost their credibility in front of those Judges.
FACDL meeting with Kathy did not go well. Next steps are coming.
None of those defense attorneys are advisong her because she would never listen to them.
Meeting did not go well.
I once tried to discuss a Brady issue with her involving a couple of her prosecutors. She did absolutely nothing about it all the while pretending it would be addressed. SMH Same old, same old. Nothing will change unless new and respected lawyers are brought in.
Heard meeting was awful. Took no responsibility for nothing and refused to acknowledge even the slightest issues. Could anyone get her to voluntarily step down please so we can do some real work???
Stop complaining about Kathy!! But someone should tell her to stop talking so much trash. Looks like it’s not helping her win back the defense bar. No way any of those people are saying any of that to her. They are all well respected and so are Sayfie and Wolfson. If she is repeating it she is taking some bizarre artistic license for who knows what reason. I like the old girl. Leave her alone you Rumpy folllwers.
Mr. Talpins appears on this blog occasionally, and gleefully shares his cell number for anyone who “has issues with his prosecutors or their misdemeanor cases in county court”. Yet behind the scenes he is said to gaslight, attack and ridicule the defense bar and nearly every county court judge as well as the Chief Judges for being incompetent and/or unreasonable and/or fill in the blank, copying his emails to everyone and anyone in an attempt to either win them over to his plight, be devisive, prove he is right or knows better than all of us. He is known to stick his nose where it doesn’t belong, micromanage his folks from a distance, with little to no actual substantive support or training, and said to be found behind his keyboard sending offensive and inappropriate back and forth emails rather than addressing matters in the correct forum like a courtroom, a meeting room, in pleadings, the appeals court etc. If this is all true and this is reflective of Kathy’s new administration and leadership style, please someone try to talk with her. SMH
Is it bad I’m so old I don’t know who Bowman is ?
If a couple of judges and carlos called the Shumie on Kathy would that be enough to sink her?
Heard the last minute negotiations to keep the big easy e elortegui out of her race were intense to say the least.
Guy making too much cash in retirement to come back to this hornets nest. SMH.
Enter Bowman
Hey rump. Let’s do an upside down flag secret symbol thing.
Everyone who disapproves of the unethical conduct of the state attorneys office should end their posts and texts and emails with
I think it’s time for me to make a public statement.
Remember the end of animal house at the parade where there is a riot and one guy is running around yelling at everyone to remain calm? Ignoring reality.
That’s me!!! Fake ST. It’s all good. Call my cell if you have an issue with a prosecutor. Hehehehe. I’ll handle it promptly (by trashing you behind your back to the Asa you’re complaining about).
Overheard at a random bar in midtown- hey I have Talpin’s cell
Response - like who doesn’t?
I tell ya I got a million of em. Don’t forget to tip your waitresses. 5ey work hard too.
You probably know him by his alter ego identity: Esther’s Jacobo Rubio’s husband
You have to give it to Kathy, though, she has some big cojones for bringing back Audrey and assigning her to Corey Smith case. She essentially replaced MVZ with MVZ II. That’s her parting gift to Wolfson and her big FUCK YOU to everyone else.
That is made up by her. Nobody could/would possibly believe that. And when she does say it, you should perhaps be explaining why that is not logical. If she doesn’t have the right Generals speaking truth to her, some one else needs to. Can’t we all just get along! And Fake Steve Talpins, that was funny as sh*t.
“Just between us” that is funny. She is one of the biggest gossips ever and will never keep a confidence.
Andrea Wolfson for State Attorney!!!!!
Hi Ho hi Ho to work we go
Hey Rump what was the issue with the intern in Miranda?
It’s Bagels on Sunday with your fav ASA. Meet me at Coral Bagels for a cuppa Joe and a schmer and let’s dish on the courthouse. Just text me. Everyone has my number.
Meet me as I power walk around the Graham everyday. Ten laps to stay fit.
LOL and working part time fully from home at 55k. Must be nice. No one else gets a part time job at SAO where you work fully remotely; and I guarantee she is not doing that much because she never did while she was in the office.
That’s interesting. La Madrina was MVZ’s supervisor. How did that turn out.
What a sad way to end her legacy and more is coming out very soon.
Recent Brady allegations against Audrey in front of De La O so it makes sense.
Some of these comments are naive. You can’t give Kathy advice she doesn’t like or want. It’s all purposely structured that way and structured for her to invoke plausible deniability whenever necessary. Spent years playing that game and it was exhausting and discouraging and felt like you needed a hot shower every time you left that place. Happy to be out of that dysfunctional morass and not circling that dirty disgusting drain.
SAO is no longer even avoiding any questionable appearances (impropriety, conflict, business as usual, etc) and they’re definitely sending a message to the bench and the defense bar (you took out MVZ, we give you Audrey; you ask for reform, we double down and give you more of the same old, etc). Typical lame duck term.
Kathy always seemed to be more in touch and avoid the fringes. Today she acts with impunity in fringeland. So what has changed? Her advisors. Her generals, who don’t have the operational or political experience to counsel, much less lead, such a large government entity. Let’s not forget, these people are career lawyers, bureaucrats, who, prior to being in management at the SAO, have never had any real world experience in running anything - not even a small law firm. Some have never even been in private practice or even understand the practice of law from any other perspective.
Before, Kathy had more seasoned advisors, plus an entire generation of experienced elders, like Zerlin, Horn, Brill, Hoague, Cagle, etc., who seemed to keep that office operating within the lanes. People with diverse employment experience and tested leadership skills who helped run that place with more efficiency and integrity. Even during the worst of times and embroiled in the inevitable scandals, the type of off-the-rails approach and constant questionable ethics of today don’t compare to yesteryear.
Today, Kathy is surrounded by a different breed of advisors. La Madrina (her right hand and most trusted advisor), Talpins (a yes man), Rosen (who came back from retirement to inherit a mess he never experienced before, but enjoys keeping busy), Hoague (the saaviest of all, but whose intellect and experience threatens Kathy), and Cuervo (who?).
These are the people who have been instrumental in tarnishing Kathy’s legacy and the reputational demise of the SAO. But at this stage, on her last act, Kathy doesn’t care. Why would she? She’ll soon be out. And so will her generals. And new light and breath will reign at the SAO. It can only get better from here.
Yes and after I walk ten laps around the building because I work 70 hours a week propping up my own career because I don’t really give a shit about whether prosecutors turn over documents in the state’s possession as long as more work is not created for ME because I have more work to do for ME and about ME. My short little legs also run around the SAO telling EVERYONE that the Republican legislators who love ME and the Gov who loves ME credit ME with writing Kathy’s well written position paper on the pretrial release project and that’s why the Judges don’t like ME and run shitty incompetent courtrooms. Yay for ME! ME! ME! ME!
First off having Jose back is great for the defense bar-he always was a voice of reason-second I don't deal with Steve Talpins since he took over Misdemeanor but got to know him quite well when he was an AC-he tells it like it is, always been honorable and will listen (but not necessarily do what you want)-the attacks on him and well as several other prosecutors need to stop-just because they are good at what they do and don't bow down to us does not make them unethical-98% of the felony ASA I know are good decent people doing their job like we do- unfortunently there is the occasional bad apple but in my experience very rare.
Hi Mr. Rumpole.
Can you please “like” and comment upon some of my various Facebook and Instagram posts?
I would get great credibility if you did so.
Also, isn’t it that time of year for your Wall Street review and selections?
Nvidia? Apple? Tesla? AI craze and implications? Musk? Crypto future?
Also, can your post your thoughts on this “Longevity” methods to live a longer and healthier life? For instance, Dr. David Sinclair and his work at his Harvard Medical School lab?
And finally …. Take a STATIN or not?
Thank you Rumpole Sir. We all look forward to your careful guidance.
Fake Steve Talpins: hey I got your back Mitchell, until I don’t.
The fact that these new chief assistants have literally ruined this lady’s legacy is pathetic. This is just happening in the last year or two. If Don Horn was still here people would have been fired or held accountable and nothing by these chiefs because they value their friendships in the community and the ridiculous amount of money they are making.
Yep. True.
Imagine if the ASAs had raises tied to their performance/number of motions filed/depos taken like the kids and cronies in Carlos Martinez’s office do. Yikes! Could always be worse.
It is great that Jose is back. Let’s see if La Madrina and others will allow him to exert the type of influence and, hopefully, institutional change that is necessary. Steve isn’t an unethical ASA. He’s a formidable opponent in the courtroom. As a top General, however, he’s not very influential. If for no other reason, because La Madrina is the final word among the Generals.
Lastly, no one is claiming that all, or even a majority of, ASAs are unethical. On the contrary. Most are ethical. However, no one can deny that the level of unethical behavior, ignorance of basic concepts, bad faith anf questionable judgment, seems to be at an all time high. That is not a coincidence nor the result of having hired some bad apples. That is an institutional failure of and by the administration. Not even KFR’s fault. Her chiefs are squarely to blame. They run the day to day, training, etc.
It was embarrassingly painful to watch the fools assigned to the OF model case, stuttering and unable to make cogent arguments. Clueless about the most basic legal principles and brazen about exercising their power and discretion.
It was equally shameful to watch seasoned ASAs cross ethical lines because their behavior has been tolerated. MVZ should not have been allowed to put on that dog and pony show, much less in the presence of the chiefs, yet he was allowed to represent the office even when they knew of his misdeeds. Mitchell did not dissent because he’s either equally ethically corrupt or because he didn’t feel confident that he would find a receptive ear.
And, most recently, an old member of the Corey Smith team is brought out of retirement rather than inject fresh and independent blood into a hot potato of a case. Same ASA who’s being rumored to have been involved in a Brady violation case recently.
Come on! What else is going to come out?
These aren’t occasional situations. No one wants them to bow down to anyone. But our clients and the system in general deserve better from their public officials. Besides, many of us are also constituents. This isn’t too much to ask.
But I suppose we can wait for the next shoes to drop and then, maybe, some here and at the SAO will finally stop drinking the Cool Aid and admit that fundamental change is needed in that office. Otherwise, it’s gonna be a long 4 years.
There are two hiring practices at the SAO: fresh out of law school or recycled. Nothing wrong with recycling. Recycling is good when those who return have a reputation beyond reproach, like Arrojo. But the current recycling style (MVZ, Audrey, Bowman, etc) is the best evidence of the dysfunction and lack of leadership. Historically, there have been experienced, respected and reputable alumni from that office (not retired) who would’ve returned in a heartbeat, even for a fraction of the salary, but they haven’t fit the profile. And I bet it wasn’t KFR who refused to bring them back.
Thanks for commenting, Jude
Mitchell has no more allies in the office.
Talpins and level headed do not belong in the same sentence.
Fake Steve Talpins here. I’ll appear ethical until you catch me red handed. Then I’ll tell you I didn’t mean what I represented because I’m just too busy to do my job and not make misrepresentations to the defense bar in multiple cases.
What if that same general you call honorable sent an email to the defense saying I’m turning this over to you even though you are not legally entitled to it because it was never in the state’s possession and because of grit and grind we discover the state had the information for years and never disclosed it …. Ethical or need an ethics course?
The fools assigned to the Only Fans case were being supervised and directed by Hoague in an effort to cover up the flagrant breach of attorney client privilege by the state in that case. The ASAs are fearless in that office because there are bo consequences.Hoague frequently speaks out of both sides of her mouth and will tell you whatever she thinks you want to hear. She has broken flagrant promises she has made to several defense attorneys.
Mitchell has tons of allies in the office idiot.
@9:26 why so mad, Frank?
Or as MVZ said, they needed a black face for recruitment. Yep.
@12:41 I can’t stop laughing.
12:41 something a wife would post.
I don’t think Don Horn liked Mitchell very much.
Me me me ne me me me
TikTok TikTok TikTok
Talk to me Talk to meeeee
Excuse me. Prosecutors are overworked and underpaid. So stop it!
Yea stop picking on them! If they were paid fairly they would practice fair! Not their fault! They act their wage. Waaa waaaa waaaa boo whoo
The problem with recycling is the mind starts to deteriorate after a certain age. Clear example Joe Biden.
No one really likes an asshole.
How about the abusive behavior ASA’s have over their support staff. If you complain about it you become the problem and they get rid of you.
Doesn’t surprise me. He spoke terribly about women as well and was banned from teaching across the pond because of the sexual harassment complaints.
We need to stop electing women to any positions of power. Its quite apparent the 19th Amendment was a mistake. The Judicial System has gone to crap when women were permitted to become lawyers and Judges. There I said it.
@ 11:10 am. Arrojo great for the defense bar? You must live in a cave. Look at the state of affairs at Miami-Dade, all the reports that he mysteriously closed at the SAO that let bad actors avoid prosecution (FDLE and the Feds always having to save face for the Miami SAO), his shenanigans as a PBA lawyer and those ghost/make believe dockets. He is only great at hiding stuff, protecting evil and influential people, and damage control. Why do you think KFR put him in the Miami-Dade Ethics Commission and now wants him back? He is loyal to the office, not to us taxpayers. This is a strategic move and not a move to promote transparency or improve anything. Don't kid yourself.
Oh, because clearly, the real solution to prosecutorial misconduct and systemic issues in the judicial system is to roll back women's rights and prevent them from holding positions of power. That’s a genius plan, right? Clearly, the mess we're in is all because women have been allowed to participate in the legal field and not because bad actors at the Miami SAO (women and men) have created a culture of unethical practices. Why fix real issues when you can blame women instead? Bravo!
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