Thursday, April 25, 2024


SECOND UPDATE- We beliece the former Judge is back in his original race. We begrudgingly compliment him for recognizing the error in judgement his recently exhibited. 

UPDATE: THE JUDGE WITHDREW HIS CHALLENGE  as such we removed his name and replaced it with an initial because he does not deserve publicity good or bad. 

The aforementioned former judge at the top of this post, who was in a county court multi-candidate race, removed himself from his contested race and went into a circuit race. 

There is every reason to believe that this slug did this because of the information he has that leads him to believe that the Judge he filed against is currently battling an illness. (See disclosures below). 

Some thoughts. 

A coward dies a thousand deaths, and we will do  all in our power to see that this coward is soundly beaten at the polls. 

We are calling upon the Miami legal community to shun the coward who did this act which shows a complete lack of character and has no qualities that would allow him to claim he should be a judge.  When he walks into a room at an event do not shake his hand. Do not acknowledge his presence. When he gets up to speak at any event he is invited to, stand up, turn your back to him, and wait until he finishes speaking. Do not interrupt him. The silence and the shunning will speak volumes. 

The John F Kennedy Library Foundation annually issues Profiles in Courages awards to individuals who "demonstrate the qualities of politically courageous leadership.

There is no award for a coward so desperate to hold on to office he is clearly unqualified for that he would use the supposed illness of a colleague to run against her. 

Now a couple of thoughts and the disclaimer. 

First, we will not name the judge this coward is running against. Her illness, if true, is a private matter unless she decides to make it public. 

Second, let's assume she is ill. One might ask why shouldn't a healthy judge who can work full time run against someone who's ability to work may be impaired by an illness? 

Good question. 

Here is the answer. A man does not kick a colleague when they are down. A man does not take advantage for his personal and political benefit the illness of a friend or a colleague. A man stands and fights for his spot on the ballot and doesn't slink off from a fair fight to pick on an injured colleague. A man of honor and integrity does not do such a thing. 

If the judge who the former judge has decided to run against is too ill to work, it is her decision to resign from the bench. Honor and decency demand such a thing. She came to the bench exceptionally well qualified and is spoken of as one of the best judges in Miami. She has earned the right to handle her illness her way. A man with dignity and honor would accord her the respect she has earned. A coward does not. 

A slug does this. A man with no honor and integrity does this. A man who has none of the attributes of a judge does this. If this person does not have the courage to fight for his seat, how can we expect him to have the courage to make a politically unpopular decision on a case. This is a man so desperate to reobtain power that he will do anything to keep it, and that leads us to reasonably believe and aver that this person will never make a legally correct and politically unpopular decision. This is a person who has shown this community that he would never place his job as a judge in jeopardy to do what is right. 

This is a nearly unspeakable act of vile cowardice and political avarice. 

This man is the prime example of the "cold and timid soul" that Theodore Roosevelt was speaking about in his famous Man In the Arena Speech. 

This act of spineless cravenness will long be remembered for the maneuver we have described. May he lose 100,000 to 1.  

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.

We hope he reads these words, looks in the mirror, and knows all that he is not and can never be. 


Anonymous said...

Shitty move from a shitty man.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

How do you know he didnt jump into the race knowing nothing about any health condition, simply because she hasn’t raised much money or campaigned at all? And then honorably jumped out when he was advised there is a health condition? My experiences before him on the bench were always positive- smart, pleasant, sound on evidentiary rulings, drafted his own orders well and quickly. I hope you have a legitimate basis to write such blistering comments.

Anonymous said...

I’m no fan of Janowitz, but how do you know that he was aware of the judge’s illness? This is the first time that I heard she was sick so it seems like a bit of a stretch to call him out on the blog like this unless you know for a fact that knew of the illness

Rumpole said...

Because these are things I know. I know he was immediately called by many miami lawyers who chastised and shamed him and I know what he didn’t do was deny knowledge of her possible illness. And also there is this. One of my rules for defending a case is that there are no coincidences. He didn’t just happen to file against the one circuit judge who is rumored to be facing health issues.



We have read the correspondence between Mr. Janowitz and the Division of Elections. He has requested to be redesignated back into the County Court Group 29 contest where he originally had filed.

Cap Out .......



As of 4:45 pm today, Janowitz is officially back in the race for County Court Judge Group 29. He has filed all his Qualifying paperwork and he paid his qualifying fee. He is running against Christopher Benjamin and Alina Salcines Restrepo.

Cap Out .......

Anonymous said...

"It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you'll do things differently.” Warren Buffett. Janowitz ruined his reputation with this calculated last minute, miserable, cruel move. Janowitz has no business being any kind of judge. Janowitz will lose his County Court election. Great job CAPTAIN & Rump in exposing this lout.

Anonymous said...

How many ASA’s want to be judge? It’s get the hell out Dodge time! Time to look at State Farm openings.

Anonymous said...

Calling the Shumie on Scotty j. Beam him up Capt.

Anonymous said...

Rump are the dolphins going to get a quality o lineman tonight ?

Rumpole said...

I don’t think so. I’m thinking punter or running back

Anonymous said...

J is better than an MVZ

Anonymous said...

Chop Robinson rump. Is chop a chump ?.

Rumpole said...

Best first step if any edge rusher Plays fast and violent. Fastest 40 or any d lineman in draft. Disruptive. Raw. One year starter. Needs coaching. High upside. High floor.

Anonymous said...

Chop Chop Rumpy. If the draft is here, it’s almost time to activate your Fantasy Football league.

Anonymous said...

Does the J maneuver involve a proctologist? Asking for a friend.

Anonymous said...

Why did Judge Hanzman not apply for the 3rd DCA opening. He would have been appointed by the Governor?

Rumpole? Captain? Thoughts?

Anonymous said...

Does State Farm and All State win at all cost? Their legal unit is former ASA’s

Anonymous said...

That's judgment without the e in the middle. The most misspelled word in the legal community

Anonymous said...

If you have a pipe leak, yes they will win at all costs.

Anonymous said...

Hanzie is getting 20 grand a day to mediate. And he's booked solid. Why would he ever look back?

Anonymous said...

This may be a bit too cut throat, but why is running against a sick judge wrong? If the judge is too sick to run, it might stand that he's also too sick to fulfill his duties. And a judge who cannot fulfill his duties, for whatever reason, is probably the exact judge that should draw opposition.

Anonymous said...

Uh…I’m sorry. Are we all better off because RBG decided to hang in there despite her illnesses?

The seat belongs to the people, not the person holding it. If the judge can do the job, which includes running, great. If not, they shouldn’t complain.

I don’t know J, sounds like he sucks and that is the broader problem.

Anonymous said...

I don't know Judge J at all. But your post calling him such horrible names is grossly unfair. Whether sick or not, no judge has a right to a seat on the bench. If a person is running for judge, it should be because they really want the position and think they would be good at it. So why not file against an opponent that you think you can beat? That is not dishonorable, it is not cowardly, and no one deserves to be "shunned" for it. And now, because the internet is forever, whenever someone looks up his name, they will likely find this mean-spirited post.

Rumpole said...

I stand by my comments. I did not write that the other judge had a right to be a judge.
And filing against a very qualified judge - who probably tried more cases in one year of her career than J tried in his entire career - is a dastardly and cowardly act when he did it SOLELY because she was rumored to be ill.
It shows a lack of character and a desperation to be a judge such that he would never make a decision that was legally correct but could hurt his career. Address that issue if you would like to continue this discussion.

Anonymous said...

No Rumpole, it does not show a lack of character or any of the other things you say. As has already been said, if the judge is too sick to run, then she's too sick to do the job. Running against such a weak candidate is not cowardly or dishonorable in the slightest. It is the point of judicial elections (or among them) to get rid of legacy judges who used to be great, but are not so any longer. A prior comment correctly pointed out RBG. Think also in a different branch of Diane Feinstein or now Mitch McConnel, or countless others who can't properly do their jobs anymore.

I think you're letting your personal feelings get to you. I don't know who the sick judge is, but I think we've all heard that you are married to a judge. Is your wife sick (I certainly hope not, and if she is I sincerely hope for her speedy recovery)? Is this sick judge a friend of yours or of your wife's? Because the low blow attacks here are WAY too emotional to be the result of reasoned thinking.

Anonymous said...

Luckily Marrero is not one of 9 people deciding the future direction of the country, so it’s a little different that RBG.

Anonymous said...

I know Judge J and spoke to him just before he switched. And I will stick up for him. He was told some things but absolutely did not do it because of any illness. In fact the rumors are why he debated doing it because he didn't want to seem like he was doing it for that reason - he was told she was ok and fine and able to campaign and that it really wasn't an issue. But he had other points and said he was not going to bring anything up personal. I told him not to do it, but I think he listened to the wrong people. If you know him, you know he is a decent and good human being. And when he saw she had a ton of support, he quickly moved back. Yes a mistake, but at least get your facts right. He has a ton of trials in his career and was a good judge. But you make it seem like he is worse than Racist Rosie or any of the other idiots who we bash on a consistent basis. Just not true.

Rumpole said...

2:47 you heard what?. lol.
Moving on
Have you read my blog long ? If you have then you would know that I am very particular about the judiciary because I’ve spent my life appearing before judges. So when I see something I say something. In the last election cycle I went after a judicial candidate first name Rosie who had no experience or ability but filed against a very good circuit judge based on her name. Rosie made things worse by saying things at public forums implying that she was an African American but using a term for that that went out in the late 1960s. Rosie won and proceeded over the next two years to be so bad that she was forced to resign in disgrace or be removed by a pending JQC complaint.

And you can see me reacting to bad candidates running against qualified candidates in every race cycle for nearly 20 years. Because I care. And because the rules are judges and judicial candidates cannot do much more than say their name and experience. And because a circuit judge can order someone executed. And I am offended when I am defending a client who is facing death or life in prison or a long min man before a judge who never tried a case. I devoted almost 4 decades of study to hone my skills. They did nothing other than be born with a good Miami name to win an election. Which btw is uniquely not something at issue here.

My point being I use my platform to call out hypocrisy when I see it. Like why does a judge of Latin descent run against a very experienced African American judge who before becoming a judge was a top prosecutor / trial lawyer ? Answer- because the candidate thinks the judge cannot raise a lot of money. That’s from a campaign about a decade ago. I ran to the defense of the judge and he won reelection.

It seems you’re not a long time reader. If you were you would know that I did what I did because when I see hypocrisy I call it out. Loudly. Now I offer you this. If you have a defense of Mr J email it to me and I’ll post it. And also please email the husband of the judge that you think I am and explain your reasons. We could (I’m guessing ) both use a good laugh.

Nd finally this. Tell me and everyone here what the low blow is ? Calling him a slug ? Because that was me being restrained based on what he did. He decided to run from a fight That’s a coward. He planned to run against a former colleague because he thought she was sick. There is no other reason to file against her. That’s what a slug - or worse does. A person without integrity or character. And that’s what I believe. And I’ve been speaking out about these types of people doing this crap since about 2009.
QED (you don’t know what it means. Google it )

Anonymous said...

Rumpole: It is my understanding that Judge Rosie played hookie too often, and while we all know how hard you worked to try and re-elect Judge Tunis, she was a nasty, overbearing, rude, insensitive judge who was a horror to appear before. She was as bad as a circuit judge s she had been good as a county judge. If you don't like Rosie, that is O.K. It is your blog, but don't try to recreate Judge Tunis into something that she was not. If she performed to the degree that she should have, no one would have run against her. She didn't and she lost. GOOD RIDDANCE

Anonymous said...

Judge Hanzman was an outstanding judge who performed very well in Criminal and in Civil. I suspect tat after he performed the Miracle at Surfside, he was just emotionally beat, and he is a man who looks for bigger challenges. If he gets 20k a day, I am sure that he is worth it. We sure got more from him than many public servants.
Furthermore, I recall being at a dinner when Judge Hanzman was getting a well-deserved award and accolade only to have the speaker have to shout to be heard over the rude lawyers talking above the speaker. Perhaps that drove home to him the value of public appreciation.
Finally, why would anyone want to be on the Third District?

Anonymous said...

Rosy was chased to Ft. Myers 🤣

Anonymous said...

no one is getting 20k a day for mediating.

earl rogers said...

Hanzman definitely gets $20K for one day of mediation. I have the receipts to prove it, and, at least in my case, he was worth it.

Anonymous said...

Please. Hanzman? Schmuck if I've ever seen one. Left his JA out to dry when he quit. She had 3 months left to retire.