Saturday, March 20, 2021


 What's in a name? Why in Taiwan it's free sushi- apologies to our beloved Bard who notably wrote " Tis but thy name that is my enemy....What's in a name? Would not a rose by any other name smell as sweet?"  (Juliet to Romeo,  Act II, Scene II, Romeo And Juliet)

Would a rose by any other name smell as sweet and taste as tasty as free sushi? 

In Taiwan a person can change their name three times for free. 

Enter Taiwan Sushiro which offered free all you can eat sushi to anyone with the name Gui Yu in their name, which means...Salmon. Since Taiwan allows three free name changes, SALMON CHAOS has occurred with the government issuing an official request to the good citizens of Taiwan to stop changing their name which is swamping the Taiwan Government's name change bureau. 

Anyone with a national identity card with the name Gui Yu  in it can waltz into the national sushi chain and have a full meal for free. All you can eat. One enterprising young man brings his friends, and charges them half the menu price for the free food he orders and has to date made over $2,000.00, which when the promotion ends and he changes his name back, will buy him a lot more sushi.  The late REGJB Judge Michael Salmon, a true legal scholar, would have enjoyed a trip to the Island nation and free sushi (although we have no idea if he even liked fish). 

Here is the article on the Salmon Chaos in Taiwan. 

And coming Monday.....a problem in the clerk's office that technology could solve. What will be the result?  


  1. Love the shout out to Judge Salmon, one of the better Judges to ever serve in the RGJB.

  2. The judge did like fish, including salmon. I should know, I'm his daughter! Thanks so much for the shoutout.
