Sunday, March 21, 2021


 Here is all you need to know about the Peach State:

You can legally buy a gun, receive it the same day and commit mass murder- as we have just seen. The shooter in the most recent case bought the gun on the day he went off. 

The Georgia legislature is currently debating a law to prohibit voting on the same day of registration. 


Buy a gun get it same day and kill a whole bunch of people- OK in Georgia. (The right is in the bible somewhere)

Register to vote AND vote on same day- NO WAY (A communist Democratic LGBQT Vegan Liberal Clinton California Chinese-Mexican immigrant Covid-mask wearing Fauci  plot to undermine our American Democratic values of shoot to kill). 

That's all you need to know about our northern border state. 


  1. Didn't you hear the good old boy sheriff? That poor white guy just "had a bad day" and to blow off some steam by wasting eight people. Cops certainly know what it's like to have to kill people because you have a chip on your shoulder.

    You know the rules in 'Murica. Black people with ballots will always be way more dangerous than white people with guns.

  2. While Georgia is on your mind, before the blood has even dried, another fresh rampage...
