Thursday, October 15, 2020


 We know you wake up and log on expecting top flight writing and scintillating wit examining the legal issues of the day like no one else does (with apologies to our friend and compatriot Mr. Markus). 

But we tell it like it is and the news is not great. First- today is tax day.  😡If you got an extension like Rumpole did in in July to keep your money in high yield commercial paper, then today is the day you pay the piper and Uncle Sam. Sorry but pay those taxes. We had a good year last year. This hurts. 

Second, the virus is now in an official second wave in Europe. Here are the numbers: 

France (which has a real President who knows how to lead) declared a state of emergency and a night to morning curfew. France has exploded from 12,000 to 25,000 cases a day and the President is moving to clamp down and expand ER capacity in anticipation of hospitalizations that come ten days after the infection (unless you get treated at Walter Reed).

Germany has seen daily infections triple from 2,000 to 6,000 a day and the R rate ( the rate of infection spread) explode. As we all know by now, when R<1 then the virus dies out because each person. 

UK: New infections are headed to double from 10 to 20K a day. New strict lockdown measures are being imposed. 

Italy has exceeded daily numbers from the spring when it was the face of the crisis and Poland, the Czech Republic, Spain and Portugal are all imposing lockdowns to deal with exploding second waves. 

Meanwhile in Florida, we plan to stream people into our courts for trials, and then send them out for lunch and dinner at open bars and restaurants. It is PARTY TIME in the Sunshine Virus State. FYI Hospitalizations in the US are at a two month high. But don't worry. It doesn't mean anything. No need to wear your mask. Kiss a stranger and have fun. It's all fake news. 

Third- the presidential race is tightening. Not only is Florida in play, but we have seen some quality independent polling (albeit a Republican unit) that puts POTUS up 1-4%. It is the same white, uneducated and disenfranchised voters (mostly men) who do not show up on polls, but who turned out in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Florida for Trump in 2016 and there is specific targeting going on (including geo-spatial) that is driving them to the polls for early voting. All those long lines are not just angry democrats. 

Fourth: The Notorious ACB, who we all learned yesterday has "read about global warming" but has no opinion about it because she says she is "not a scientist", refused to say that there should be a peaceful transition of power after an election, and would not opine that a president cannot pardon himself (although there is a long standing opinion from the DOJ during the Nixon presidency that a president cannot pardon herself), will be your next Supreme Court Justice in time for Halloween. BOO!  

Query: If you cannot have an opinion about global warming because you are not a scientist, does that mean that 1) You cannot root for a sports team because you're not an athlete; 2) You should not leave a house on fire because you're not a fireman; 3) You should not have an opinion about getting an operation because you're not a doctor?  In other words, according to the Notorious ACB, you cannot rely on experts and empirical data to make decisions. You can only form opinions and make decisions in the singular area you are trained in. And this genius will be sitting on the Court for 30 years. It's why we drink. BTW after a long layoff (plantar fasciitis) we have started running again. Yes we have a Peloton, but there is something about the rubber meeting the road that just does wonders for a body.

BUT we have some good news. (Blogger tip- always finish on an up-note): Apple's 5G phone is here and nothing expresses our joy more than the brilliant Steve Martin and this scene: 


  1. I want to run the table on this/ Blong included

  2. Fake Judge Elect Rosy AponteThursday, October 15, 2020 1:44:00 PM

    I want to address the pryor comments in yestardays blog that my statments are racismist.
    I myself am a colored women as I have said in publix many times. So I am racismism because I am myself colored. And I will work as a judge of the 11th sircut to be racismsims and make sure there are opportynties for all colored woman as I myself and megan sparkle are both woman coloreds.
    Please dont be a hatter but a helper ok? It is almost 2020 and wes all must work for jury tryals and to be together for racismisms and be peacful and have more bonds for like umm people who have been arrested.
    Pleze see my ads on "" to hire one of my paragliders legal esperts and i can wurk on youre case until my other job strts December 31, at 11:59 eve.

  3. The Captain Reports:


    After a successful pilot launch, the Miami-Dade Courts’ Online Case Resolution program will continue to be offered to Miami-Dade drivers for an additional 6-month period.

    Online Case Resolution (OCR), first launched as a pilot this past April 30th, allows drivers who received civil traffic citations for proof of insurance, driver’s license, or auto registration to resolve their cases without coming to court.

    With OCR, drivers who have requested a court date for their civil traffic citations can simply upload the required documents from their cell phone, tablet or other Internet-connected device. A traffic hearing officer will then review the documents and dismiss the case if the documents are found to be in compliance.

    Drivers who wish to participate in OCR for their eligible civil traffic citations must request a court date. Once they have received their notice of court appearance, they may follow the instructions on the notice for how to resolve their cases online. There is a convenience fee for participation in OCR.

    More information, as well as training resources, are available on the Miami-Dade Courts’ Online Case Resolution page (, or by phone at 305-548-5333.

  4. Yes, what makes a good judge is their scientific opinion on the earth's climate. Before De Santis appoints anyone else to the DCAs he should also demand that they opine on the Large Hadron Collider.

  5. 3:33 you are so fucking dumb.

  6. I still hate Tunis. I am so glad I voted for the idiot to replace her. She has not changed at bit. She's still out of control and will not shut the fuck up and listen to a complete sentence from anyone without interrupting.

    Any chance she will leave early? Please!!!!
