Friday, October 16, 2020


 Sometimes, to pick up some extra spending cash, we blog about stuff in Mr. Markus' milieu. 

The Breaking news from the secretive Federal Judges' Friday Conclave is that they have suspended jury trials until APRIL! YES. APRIL. April trials bring May sentencings the AUSAs like to say (but not when we walk into a courtroom). 

Let us turn serious for a moment.  We address the Judges of the SDFLA: 

Bravo!  You may be a co-equal branch of a government that has lost their mind (temporarily) but you have placed science over hysteria. Good for you and more importantly- THANK YOU. 

This virus is bad. It kills people and as we enter a second wave and much of the country moves inside where the virus propagates,  our  federal judges have recognized what the official policy of Florida's  State Court Judges have not- that it is dangerous to be inside a closed courtroom without adequate ventilation and no case is worth dying for. 

The judges of the SDFL have listened to the science. Now maybe they can speak to one certain judge who is not sure that climate change is real. 

BTW - one last thought. Didn't the president say he has "one of the great memories of all time"?

Then at the town hall meeting in Miami on Thursday night why couldn't he remember if he had a covid test on the day of the last debate a few weeks ago?


  1. Look at it more positively. If somehow the people elect Drooling Joe and his crooked family into office, the Democratic virus may be cured!

  2. Hey does this mean Moreno will finally reinstate my client's bond?

  3. Has anybody in state court dropped a speedy demand? A noe?

  4. Anyone not making it rain speedy demands is a spineless flunky.
