Wednesday, October 07, 2020



The Vice Presidential debate is Wednesday evening and we will be live tweeting our observations @justicebuilding on Twitter. 

In order to prepare for our live tweet event, we offer this bit of VP Trivia. 

VP John Nance Garner famously said 

A) The Vice Presidency was not worth a worm bucket of "spit" or a word that rhymes with spit;

B) The Vice Presidency was a snooze-fest;

C) The Vice President's heart started when the President's heart stopped. 

2) Who was President when John Nance Gardner was VP?  FRANKLIN ROOSEVELT 

3) Which Vice President was also president without being elected to either position? FORD 

4) Which VP decried the Nattering Nabobs of Negativism? AGNEW 

5)  Who beat JFK for the VP spot in 56? ESTEES KEFAUVER 

6) Name the only VP to first lose election for the presidency and then win? NIXON 

7) Name the last VP to win the election for the presidency and then lose an election for the presidency? GHWBUSH 

8) Name the VP who won and election to the presidency and then declined to run for a second elected term? JOHNSON 

9) Name two VPs who were governors of NY ROOSEVELT AND ROCKEFELLER 

10) Name the last two VPs who decided to not run for the presidency?  (Not 100% sure on this one- will discuss in the comments section).  CHENEY AND WE THINK DAN QUAYLE. 


  1. Fake Judge Elect Rosy AponteWednesday, October 07, 2020 10:23:00 PM

    Vice Prsident Pense says Trump has Jwesihs grandchilkids and that is tru and they all make lots of mony and are rich

    1. What do u get when u combine FACDL and AOC ? A plea

  2. Boy did she look good last night and boy is he good a dodgeball.

  3. Fake Judge Elekt Rosy AponteThursday, October 08, 2020 9:48:00 AM

    Fake Judge Elect Rosy Aponte has jumped the shark.

    Fake Judge Elekt Rosy Aponte standing by.

  4. 3) Gerald Ford, who succeeded 4) Spiro Agnew

    7) George H.W. Bush

    9) Nelson Rockefeller and someone else.


  5. Biden could also be an answer to the last question. He did not run in 2016 following his two terms as Vice President. I guess it depends on how you word the question. Certainly Cheney did not run in 2008 or anytime thereafter. Quayle did not run in 1996 or anytime thereafter (he lost as VP on the ticket in 92 to Clinton/Gore).

  6. Gardner said "the vice presidency isn't worth a warm bucket of piss." (Not spirit)

  7. To Captain Justice. Quayle ran in '96 in the R primary.

  8. 9). actually, Rockefeller, Teddy Roosevelt, and a guy named George Clinton were governors of New York and then VPs

  9. 4:46 p.m. the vice-presidency is worth a lot of buckets of diamonds when the president has dementia and the speaker of the house is already preheating the 25th Amendment oven for him.
