Monday, October 05, 2020


 The Supreme Court is now in session, albeit with eight justices. Some are old and some are young and will be there for a while. 

The Republicans want to replace the recently deceased RBG, and they are correct in doing so. The rules clearly state that a justice CANNOT be replaced in an election year, UNLESS the justice who dies was appointed by a Democrat AND the president making the appointment is a Republican. What is so hard about that to understand? Why must irresponsible liberals call Republicans hypocrites for not giving President Obama's selection even a hearing when they now insist on quickly confirming the notorious ACB? Why are they being hypocritical when the rules are the rules? 

 There are a couple of good cases on the docket, including another round of Obama-care lawsuits. Again, we do not see the problem. Most Americans now have affordable health care but if the Republicans repeal affordable health care- especially during a pandemic- things will only get better, right? 

Speaking of doing away with health care, the President is sealing the case for masks are for wimps. Social distancing is for others. Washing hands is for others. But getting sick and getting access to every new treatment to save your miserable life? That's for the President and only the president. BTW- Christ Christie got sick and "voluntarily checked himself into a hospital as a precaution." Which everyone who doesn't feel well should do.

If you are not feeling up to snuff, head over to Mount Sinai or Baptist or Mercy and just tell them you're voluntarily checking in for a few days. Ask for a room with a view and make sure the cable works. It's the right way to go for the average Joe or Jane feeling a bit under the weather. Duh! Why people insist on dying at home with Covid is one of the great mysteries of 2020. 

So here is our first Monday in October. Masks not needed. The notorious ACB should be confirmed. Obama care should be killed especially during the pandemic, and when that happens trot over to your local hospital and check in for a few days. The Fontainebleau is getting old these days anyway. 


  1. I am an originalist but this health care case is a political stunt. Easy 6-2 decision and if Barrett makes it, 7-2. I would not be surprised if it goes down 9-0.

  2. In 29 days, America fires Trump. In a landslide.

  3. RUMPOLE ... why are you sending Covid sick patients to my Fountainebleau Hotel?

    I don’t need this aggravation. I only received $97 Million in government stimulus. Send them to the Castaways Motel in Sunny Isles. They have a charter fishing boat dock. Much more fun for the Miami Covid “Losers”! Or perhaps a cruise on Carnival?? Come on Man!

  4. 9:31 Don't place too much cash on it

  5. Nothing on Rebull being reappointed? He got royally screwed and should have never gotten opposition. Great karma on folks involved in opposing get him out only to have him reappointed.

    1. Karma will be he loses again in two years. DeSantis screwed up royally by cutting this deal. He also screwed all of the other highly qualified county judges, who unlike Rebullshit didn’t lose an election. Sad day in Florida.

  6. @1:19 There were plenty of reasons to oust Rebull. The fact that he was appointed within days
    after the Governor received a list from the JNC reveals how the system has been broken.
    The fix was in and the jnc went through a selection process which was meaningless, and certainly disheartening for judicial applicants. A judge who engages in payback against his
    opponents, as YOU are suggesting he should, just buys more problems. I'm hoping the judge
    actually learned from this experience.

  7. Hayden O'Byrne has mancrush on Thomas Rebull --> Hayden O'Byrne begs Robert Fernandez to push the Governor to reappoint Rebull --> Rebull gets reappointed --> Hayden O'Byrne owes Fernandez a favor.

  8. "The Office of the State Courts Administrator has concluded the operational plans in its possession are confidential and exempt." Do these pinheads think that is going to help? Nothing instills public confidence like a confidential plan for our safety.




    An individual who worked in the locations and on the dates listed below has tested positive for COVID-19.

    Persons identified as having been in close proximity to the confirmed individual are being notified and will be asked to take all necessary precautions.

    Richard E. Gerstein Justice Bulding, 1351 NW 12 St.:
    Courtroom 1-04: 9/23/2020, 9/25/2020, 10/2/2020 and 10/5/2020
    Courtroom 1-03: 9/25/2020 and 10/5/2020
    Room 8300A (Criminal Operations area): 9/25/2020

    Joseph Caleb Center, 5400 NW 22 Ave.:
    Courtroom 2-01: 10/1/2020

    North Dade Justice Center, 15555 Biscayne Blvd.:
    Courtroom 2-03: 9/22/2020 and 9/29/2020

    Persons who were in these locations recently should follow self-monitoring steps for the next 14 days as outlined in the Centers for Disease Control website at:

    Cap Out .......

  10. After all of the crap talked about Rebull on this blog, I think a front page announcement of his re-appointment is merited (even if its to trash the appointment).

  11. That is some rebullshit.

  12. Who gives a fuck? I think the people who read this blog are pretty used to rolling with the punches. Hopefully the guy will do better his second go around.
