Tuesday, June 23, 2020


This is what winning looks like. 
This is what the after-effects of holding one of the greatest presidential rallies in history looks like. 

Now, this may be fake news. Upon walking in the door of the West Wing, Melania may have said "did you get the diet coke and Ring Dings I asked for?" 
This may be the walk familiar to millions of husbands, of a man returning home from work who has just realized he did not get his wife the Ring Dings she asked for. Lo any man who returns home empty handed when Ring Dings have been requested. 

Or he may have gotten his ass kicked by the very low turnout in Oklahoma- whose citizens mostly decided to stay home because they didn't want to get Covid-19 and die. 

Speaking of which, Florida's numbers for Sunday were approximately 2.800, down from 4,700 on Saturday. Governor Flatten What Curve? Ronny D is disappointed. He knows by riling up the troops with more mask-less visits to the beach and Wall-Mart, we can get those numbers back up. 

Senator Harris of California is considered to be the front runner. We really want to know why former President Obama could not be Biden's VP? If Biden was impeached or resigned Obama could serve out his term. Co-presidencies have been considered before. 

REGJB Flash-Back Trivia:
Name the only African-American female judge to serve in the REGJB to also service on the 3rd DCA? 


  1. Yes Judge Green is the only African American female judge from the REGJB elevated to the 3rd DCA that we know of.

  2. Good Morning Mr. Runpole:

    How is your stock market short doing for you? Wouldn’t you have been better off buying Apple, Amazon, Home Depot and Nvidia 90 days ago and just remaining overweight in those positions?

    I think that despite how you objectively feel about the poor politics, lack of leadership, no statesman like Kennedy or McCain, unprecedented unemployment numbers - you must be compelled by the rapid progress of us going into phase 3 clinical trials on a vaccine in July. Also, the Fed has flooded the marketplace with incredible liquidity.

    It’s not just the Fed. Look at the European Central Bank and the Bank of Japan. Money flowing.

    Maybe you didn’t consider the TRILLIONS being saved in money markets. Historically high savings by Americans. That money saved - at 0 interest rates - are going to RUSH into the equity markets.

    Trump (through Mnuchin and Treasury) will print money for consumers to spend and lend to corporations to hire folks. No foreign workers allowed here to work.

    Bottom line - I ask you again. Holding cash from February 2020 until now? Will you admit HARMFUL ERROR?

  3. "Senator Harris of California is considered to be the front runner."

    Really? Alright then. But in the current atmosphere, is the whole "Kamala a cop!" theme that dogged her presidential run going to come back and bite again?

  4. Remember, plus the 7.7 million who watched on T.V., some even from their basements.

  5. Rump (as i predicted) WRONG about the bubba noose story. Waiting for a full retraction and heartfelt apology for demeaning nascar fans!

  6. I am not sure I can demean Nascar race fans. Between eating pork rinds, boiled peanuts, swilling beer in stained white T Shirts and scratching themselves in their private areas while laughing at a comic book and burping, and planning to drive to Wallmart in their pickup Truck with the "You can take my gun when you pry it from my cold, dead, hands" bumper sticker, calling them racists doesn't really scratch the surface of their character.

    Or am I wrong?

    Did Stephen Hawkings wake up early in England to tune in to the Alabama 500?

    Did Maya Angelou pause her poetry to watch the Yee Haw 200?

    Do all the research scientists at John Hopkins place bets with the software engineers in Silicon Valley about whether someone who's last name is Petty (can't make that up) will win the Dixie/Robert E Lee 600 at Talladega?

    You tell me .
