Monday, June 22, 2020


Good Monday morning. Let's put a positive spin on the news. 

The USA has the most new cases of Covid-19! Woo-Hoo! We're Number ONE. AMERICA FIRST baby! And speaking of most new cases, Florida is battling it out with California for the most new cases amongst the states. Both are over 4000 a day, but as Governor Never Go Low Ronny D mentioned, California has more people, so Florida rightfully should claim the NUMBER ONE spot. If we try- if we crowd the beaches and flood the Wall Marts and don't wear masks (which are for wimps and Biden voters) we can do this! 

Meanwhile the President gave the best, biggest, no one has ever seen anything like it, political rally this weekend in which barely anyone went to. Hopefully, that portends the same for his votes. 

DOM is showing his politics with his last few posts. Check his blog out- it's not always a dry analysis of the 1977 committee notes on Money Laundering. 

David Ovalle tweeted that Miami-Dade, entering phase two, means, inter alia (he didn't use that term) that jury trials should be starting in 30 days. Not so fast Mr. Herald.  There are whispers of a super-star staffed committee working on re-starting jury trials. But, and this is our own opinion, we think we are a ways off. From reconfiguring the jury room on the seventh floor, to social distancing in the courtrooms (which is a polite way of, inter alia, declining an invitation to chambers as well as side-bars) jury trials are as far off as a 182 game baseball season.  Oh, there might be a 60 game season, and there might be a few test trials here and there, but that Monday morning "who's ready?" gathering in the old REGJB?  To quote one of our favourite Presidents- "Not gonna happen. Wouldn't be prudent." 

Other good news? Well, there is NASCAR, that liberal, Northeastern, intellectual exercise of watching cars go round-n-round-an oval for a few hours. In response to their only Black driver Bubba Wallace getting them to abandon the Confederate Flag...someone hung a NOOSE in his NASCAR garage. Yee-Haw! 

Let's think how this went:
Bubba Wallace (BW): Isn't it about time for NASCAR to stop displaying the Confederate flag? The Confederacy fought to keep slavery, and that's a might bit offensive to people of color. 

NASCAR: Well, normally we'd say no. But considering the country went up in flames recently, ummm...sure. We will do that for ya. 

NASCAR Fan: Someone tell that asshole that he don't know no history and needs to be learned some. The Confederacy fought for State's rights and stuff and the Civil War  don have nuttin to do with slavery and my grandaaddy fought with Robert A Lee and I'll be dammed if I'm going to take that flag down. And why is a black guy allowed to be named Bubba anyway? Gladys! Gladys! Get me that rope I've been keeping on the's behind the not that refrigerator ....the other refrigerator on the porch, the  one on top of the truck tires with the old oil cans on top. 

America. Love it with your mask off or we will hang a noose in your work place. 

Happy Monday. 


  1. All jury trials suspended until at least the end of the year. Got this from Judge V. Diaz. Probably applies to criminal as well.

  2. Who left the noose in Bubba's garage. DEFUND NASCAR.

  3. Rumpled 7.7 to 9 million watched the rally on Fox, You Tube. And other platforms. Any numbers available from Biden?

  4. Yeah, bit 8.889 million of those was the Kpop people from Korea. He said he handed out 1 million tickets. Bard Parscale promised him the moon, standing room only, overflow stages outside and what he got was a Wednesday Marlins game attendance. I'd say sad, except he's gone out of his way to make the country hate him. Read Bolton's book. He wants less testing because it makes him look bad- doesn't matter if people die. You have eyes grasshopper, but you cannot see.

  5. How many people watched Bolton yesterday?

  6. What are the odds the noose is a black person or white "social justice warrior" attempting to create a scandal, versus a real racist? Seriously...what ya think...50/50?

  7. Rumpole: Those are the media reports, not some dumb crap from Korea. You know, they do media sweeps to figure out who is watching what, so that is the source, not the Trump Campaign. You are a real Yellow Dog.

  8. I watched the rally to look at the crowd go crazy when he throws his RED meat out to them. It is a good diversion from catching up on my criterion collection movies. Sort of like watching NWA wrestling from the 70's.

  9. You owe the readers of this blog an apology for sarcasticly joking about the virus which is devastating to THU US and Florida economies, will kill millions worldwide (Brazil), and is spreading through Florida like a brushfire.

  10. I am not joking about the Virus. I am absolutely terrified this Virus will rip through our country and kill millions. However, amongst the Governors of many states, I seem to be the only one who is worried. Those idiots, along with their neo-fascists followers who reject science and reason and think they have the Constitutional right NOT to wear a mask and have turned a virus into a Red state vs Blue State issue, I am MOCKING those moronic beliefs which will kill millions.

    Sarcasm is all I have left in the bag when reason, science, and expertise of people trained to handle a crisis like this have fallen on deaf ears.

    Imagine the President at some big rally, announcing theatrically- "I have made a decision that will end this Virus and Mask nonsense. I have decided to a FIRE .....DOCTOR......ANTHONY....FAUCI.....OUR PROBLEMS ARE OVER!!!!"

    Would there be stunned silence at the tragedy of such a move, or cheering and mindless screaming in support that we haven't seen since Hitler was speaking to crowds in Berlin in 1938 promising Lebensraum (Living space) to the German people- which was just a euphemism for invading countries.
