Tuesday, November 19, 2019


Justice Robert Luck is going back to being Judge Luck. From the Florida Supreme Court, he moves from Tallahassee to Atlanta where he will join the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals, as Judge Luck. He was confirmed by the Senate Tuesday 64-31. 
Up for confirmation Wednesday is Justice (soon to be Judge) Barbara Lagoa. She is also headed to Atlanta. Perhaps they could split a moving van? 

Forever moving on up...


  1. This is actually good news. Luck was horrible. He will fit in just fine in a federal appeals court where they never have an ounce of respect for defendants. Now, he's out of the State system. Yes!

  2. I disagree. Right after Luck joined the Supreme Court he was confronted with a court that brought up recently decided cases and was quickly reversing them based on the new justices and Luck wrote forceful dissents.

  3. I find it amazing and That luck had had such a rapid rise at a young age. I do not see anything that speaks of any great intellectual capacity which set him apart from the other few judges we have that have similar abilities. And I think of late Alan Schwartz who by all accounts was extremely smart but was held back from higher office because of his abrasive conduct and was mean-spirited.

  4. Rump, Luck dissented in one case on only procedure grounds. I challege you to uncover another case where he broke with the rightwingers on that court. He's a rightwing ideologue.

  5. 947 if luck is a rightwing ideologue, who would be a comparable leftwing ideologue? Just curious.

  6. Robert Luck is no genius. He's just a federal prosecutor who is super conservative and caught the eye of a republican governor and next thing you know....

  7. Luck has that squeaky clean, holier than thou, whiz kid aura that Republicans love. He exudes confidence and decisiveness. Unlike Schwartz, he is not socially awkward. But he is dangerous on the federal court because he is well on his way to making very bad law.

  8. Do these judges really move to Atlanta? Or Tallahassee for that matter. They hold oral arguments all around the circuit to accommodate lawyers and with courts now becoming so high tech, physical presence is almost irrelevant.

  9. Nice man. Never stole a freight train as Neil Rodgers used to say but only 13 years since graduation from law school.

  10. Judge Luck is an extremely intelligent legal scholar. It is a shame he doesn't agree with the philosopher kings who know so much more than the rest of us.
