Wednesday, November 20, 2019


Florida Supreme Court Justice Barbara Lagoa has been confirmed by the Senate (motto: "Please don't use Latin phrases like Quid Pro Quo, it just confuses everyone") and she is now United States Circuit Court Judge for the Eleventh Circuit. The vote was 80-15. Judge Lagoa is way behind her colleague Judge Luck on the seniority list since Luck was confirmed yesterday. That means in the all important choice of chambers and a parking spot, Luck picks first. We're not sure, but this may also mean she must also bring Dunkin Donuts and coffee to practice for the veterans. 

Meanwhile, in Tallahassee, the Florida Supreme Court has forlornly hung a "Help Wanted, inquire within" sign on the door. 
"Applicants should be self-starters, motivated, with good research and writing skills and should work well with others in a goal-oriented teamwork based office." 

It's hard to get good help to stay these days. 

It's not the impeachment. It's not global warming. For those who wake up and put on clothes that are not khaki (can't wear khaki into FDC unless you are "invited" in via an indictment), it may be more important. Schedule that spin or Pilates class. Go to Joes Takeaway for the best breakfast on the beach (Rumpole may be espied there from time to time, thumbing through Le Monde), but don't head downtown and don't go to FDC because you will not be allowed in. 

FDC Visitation will be closed (cerado) on Thursday November 21, 2019. So don't go.  Do some research for those briefs that Judges Luck and Lagoa will soon be reading (and probably denying. We mean if we're going to tell it like it is, then lets speak truth to power and all of the other nonsensical bromides people say). 


  1. What's a "United States District Court Judge for the Eleventh Circuit"?

  2. I know it's totally not PC, but I;m watching the impeachment hearings and this DOD official Ms. Laura Cooper is a total hottie. Mousy hot. But #hottie

  3. I too have a hard time understanding why Robert Luck moved up so fast. I had a few cases in his circuit courtroom and he was no shining star. He seemed to care less about the pain the defendants sometime feel. At least now, he's in a place where he's not messing with state law.

    Lagoa, no problem with her. She made sense and was always respectful to everyone. Good luck to her!

  4. I was in front of Luck several times and I never got the impression that he was overqualified for the position of circuit court judge. Or district Court of Appeals judge. Or Florida Supreme Court judge. But somehow he has bypassed all of it. Never underestimate the power of belonging to the Federalist Society while a Republican is in office

  5. The D's pay taxes. The D's vote for legislators. The same for the R's The legislators pass bills for spending this tax revenue. That's what they did for the Ukraine. The gift was bi-partisan. The President signed the bill into law. If the President did not like this bill then he had a right to veto. He did not veto. Accordingly, this grant of funds for the Ukraine to procure military equipment is the will of the people. It does not matter if any individual citizen is against this gift. No citizen, Trump or otherwise, has the right to condition delivery of this gift to the Ukraine. The President is then charged with distribution of this money within a reasonable time and without condition. The taxpayer money was not supposed to coerce the Ukraine into becoming an extra-legal Republican PAC against Biden and his son. That is exactly what happened. Trump admitted as much.
    The Trump decision to withheld this military funding for his political self-interest an impeachable offense. The President's behavior was an outrageous breach of trust. The President is a fiduciary elected by the people to execute on the will of the people.

    R's are unbelievably hypocritical. If a D President employed this same tactic against an R candidate, then the R legislators would press for impeachment, and removal in the Senate.

    Do not forget the Muller probe. Muller said that there was evidence that candidate Trump colluded with the Russians for negative campaign marketing against Hillary, but it was for the House to pursue this claim. I think that the D's ought to add the Russian fiasco to the Articles of impeachment.

    Trump has this idea that if a particular course is good for him, then it is good for the people. He sounds like dictator. And, what is good for Trump is frequently not the will of the people. Stop this sh*t storm. Get rid of this Chito in chief. R's, grow a spine.

  6. The R's will not grow a spine. They don't have one in the first place and couldn't care less about their responsibilities to be able to. America will vote them out. The demographics and their behavior will lead to that. The only question is whether as a party they will survive.
