Monday, June 03, 2019


Louis Jepeway was so much more than we realized, and thus we break blog precedent by running a second obituary. Our information has been obtained from the excellent obituary in the Miami Herald here.

Here are  some facts we learned from the Herald: 

Louis Jepeway and his father convinced Bennett Brummer to run for Public Defender in 1976. The rest, as they say, is history. He was a mensch,” Brummer, now retired, said of Jepeway Jr. “He was a charming iconoclast and non-conformist"

Louis Jepeway wrote an article for the Miami News about defending a client in  capital case. He ended the column thusly

“The attorney who attempts to prevent the state from murdering a client seeks to cleanse our society and to affirm our highest value, the sanctity of human life. He does not know if he will be successful. But the effort itself confers honor, dignity, and meaning upon an unreceptive society. An attorney has no nobler calling.”

Louis Jepeway was a philathropist: 
Jepeway’s financial support of progressive causes, including legal services for the poor, the Boys Club of Miami, and the ACLU. “He was always very generous, but he didn’t want anybody to know,”

Louis Jepeway received an award from the ACLU for his legal work: 
Jepeway Jr. was honored with awards from the ACLU Miami chapter for his advocacy of civil liberties and civil rights, the Theodore R. Gibson Memorial Fund for “his efforts to foster a oneness among Miami-Dade’s multi-ethnic communities,” and Legal Services of Greater Miami for his contributions to “equal justice under law.”

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We didn't know Lou as well as others. What a wonderful and meaningful life he lived. Rest in peace. 

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  1. Thank You for highlighting the wonderful traits of this humble, lovely man. We need many more like him. I wish I had spent more time with him.

  2. Louie fought the battles that mattered no matter what the odds, and he was both a mentor and inspiration to countless lawyers. For public defenders, he was for all intents and purposes our general counsel, whether it was for pro bono help, or to save us from contempt of court or Bar proceedings.
    He was also the king of extensions and serve no brief before its time.
    We joyously celebrate his life and deeply mourn his passing.
    Karen & Elliot
