Wednesday, May 29, 2019


Yale's Skull and Bones. The Trilateral Commission. The Free Masons. BPOE. 
The names of these secret societies are whispered, not spoken. Conspiracy theories abound. 
And now in Miami, the  doors to another secret society are being pried (slightly) open. 

Where else can you go to meet charter members of the Merrick Garland fan club? Where can you see Mr. Markus expound upon Madison's Federalist Papers 10 and 14 or hear earnest discussions about the committee notes to the federal sentencing guidelines? 
Wanna hear a debate about Judge Hirsch's use of Guy de Maupassant in a ruling on a motion in limine? 

There's only one place where all these wonderous things occur, and now it's open to you: John and Jane Q Public, Esq! We speak of course of the monthly meeting of the Miami Chapter of the FACDL (motto: Dues, dues, dues!). 

On Wed, May 29, 2019, 6:10 PM Michelle E <> wrote:
Dear membership,

FACDL-Miami meetings are always open to our general membership, not just the Board of Directors. Below is the schedule of meetings and locations for the upcoming year.
If you have any issues to be raised at a meeting, please notify me a week in advance so I can include it in the agenda.

June 19, 2019 - Federal Public Defender's Office ("FPD"), 50 West Flagler Street, Suite 1700, Miami, Florida 33130
August 21, 2019- Law Office of Wahid Vizcaino, 2103 Coral Way Ste. 304Miami, FL 33145

September 18, 2019- FPD
October 16, 2019- Office of Wahid Vizcaino
November 20, 2019- FPD
December 18,2019- Office of Wahid Vizcaino (meeting may be replaced with state PDO lunch and toy drive) (special showing of Gideon's Trumpet, staring Henry Fonda)*
January 15, 2020- FPD
February 19, 2020- Office of Wahid Vizcaino
March 18, 2020- FPD
April 15, 2020- Office of Wahid Vizcaino
Because altruism is our middle name, and because we live to serve, here are some items we believe should be placed on the agenda: 

Item: The elevators in the REGJB stink;
Item: Lattes while waiting in line at the attorneys window on 9- why can't they have caramel to drizzle on top?
Item: Placing court files on line for downloading- can anything be done before the Jenna Bush/Chelsea Clinton administration in 2028?
Item: How soon until wifi/2g service in the REGJB?

* Not really, but it's a cool idea. 


  1. Some of my muses;

    1. There should be access to booze or some type of intoxicant before entering 1/3 of the court rooms in the RJG building;

    2. Bailiffs should serve ice tea to the lawyers while waiting at the calendar calls

    3. There should be an assortment of dirty magazines in the judge's chambers to allow waiting lawyers to more easily pass in an old time barber shops

    4. The requirement for the bullshit 3 certified copies to Corrections must be a scam where a group of asshole Clerks and Corrections officers split the illegally gotten proceeds at the end of the year

    5. I entered that new elevator (with the different buttons and displays), saw two student from San Dimas High School named Bill and Ted, freaked out and took the stairs

  2. You forgot about the most secret society of them all: the US Atty's office for the SDNY. Its power over the country is so vast and unknown that even the John Birch Society overlooked them when compiling its list of co-conspirators out to destroy all that is pure and sacred in the good old USA.

  3. ARe the rumors true? The REN (A venue) FOOD TRUCK to hit the streets by July 4??
    Please please.
    Imagine kobe beef hot dogs on fresh baked potato bun rolls- the homemade ones with tiny chucks of potato in them; Kobe beef sliders with yakatori mushrooms; flash fried scallops with dollops of caviar on top; home made almond butter ice cream with organic small batch cream from Wisconsin; kiwi scooter pies; burrata pizza; long island line-caught stripped bass cheeks; fluke sashimi; fire roasted chicharrons….and MORE!!

    oh please oh please oh please make it so shumie...

  4. Bring back Millennial Me.

    I am writing this comment here so as not to disrespect any of the worthy people mentioned in any particular obit post. But this blog is starting to look like the newspaper of a retired lawyer's community center. Just a bunch of obits/memorials to old friends and "get off my lawn" rants about what the old man who runs the blog doesn't like. (Let us not be confused - 40 may be the new 30, but over 50 is still old. And over 60 is no age to still be practicing law full time.). The way its going, you may as well rename it the "Justice Villages Blog."

    Rump, I love the blog and have been reading it for more than a decade. But some fresh blood never killed anybody. Don't stop doing what you're doing. Just, bring back Millennial Me. Or someone else. Or someone more. Write all the obits to all the old friends. AND let a 30 year old keep the blog alive.

    Written as a friend of the blog, not as a "hater."
