Sunday, July 08, 2018


Favourite legal movies... 
Rumpole's:  "The Verdict." Paul Newman. Miles O'Shea. Jack Warden. James Mason as Ed Concannon the villainous insurance defense attorney-opposing counsel. Paul Newman calls him a "good man" and Warden responds "A good man? He's the prince of fucking darkness. He'll have a dozen people testifying they saw her water-skiing last weekend." Newman's client is in a coma having been given the wrong anesthesia because the doctor mis-read the admitting form.  A legal Rocky story. 

David O. Markus's Fav: "A few Good Men". Rumor has it he watches it on the eve of every trial. 

So you say you want to be a blogger? Enjoy the fame and fortune and the blogging groupies that follow The Captain around posting on Snap-Chat his every move? 

Well now you can. 
Rumpole is off next month to parts unknown. Not England, fair England, she of Wi-fi access in every Pub and Pret-a-Manger
But places like, perhaps Everest, where there's a motor-cycle tour up to and near the bottom base camp. Or, perhaps, the boarder of Thailand and Laos, where once upon a time in a previous century, a young Rumpole wrote movingly of the battles of the Hmong against the Communist. 
Or even the Kamchatka Peninsula, where a dip in the Sea of Okhotsk could restore a battered blogger's soul. 

The point is we are not expecting internet access. We will not be blogging about the pedestrian effluence of our REGJB, the comings and goings of Judges, and lawyers, and defendants and jurors. 

Can you fill the void? Can you step up, like Lou Gehrig did and make Rumpole a modern day Wally Pip?  Maybe fame and fortune await. Life doesn't present many opportunities. This could be one. 

Apply within.


  1. Rump, what do you think of fed ct nominee who when a pros would say he loved to put people in prison. What do you think of criminal defense lawyers signing a latter supporting him.

  2. The Verdict is great drama. I always thought Anatomy of a Murder was closest to the real thing.
