Wednesday, July 04, 2018


Rumpole has quietly decamped to the Basil Street Hotel in Knightsbridge, London, where we have escaped the Miami heat, and rooted for the lads, who emerged victorious Tuesday, in a shootout over Colombia. The game was especially exciting, with the Colombian team tying the game in literally the last seconds on a corner kick and beautiful header. Two over-time periods later, the score was still 1-1 and England faced the dreaded shootout, in which the national team has suffered heartbreak in 1990, 1996, and 2006. But Tuesday was different and The Three Lions roared and England emerged victorious. We raised several glasses of stout and sang Rule Britannia and God Save The Queen, and reveled in the victory, even as our fellow revelers in the pub gave little thought to the upcoming anniversary of the loss of the Thirteen Colonies in 1776. 

Fifty years to the day after they signed the Declaration of Independence, Presidents John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, the last surviving Founding Fathers, passed away on July 4, 1826. When Adams died, he was reported to have said about his old friend, and then rival for the presidency "And Jefferson Lives". Adams did not know that a few hours earlier Jefferson had passed away as well. 

While the pedestrian blogger would be tempted to quote "we hold these truths to be self evident..." we are far from pedestrian. 
Instead, as the times dictate, we publish the portion of text that talks about when it is the right and duty of citizens to rise up and abolish governments that "becomes destructive". (Hmmmmm, what governments  have recently become destructive by separating children from their families, and glorifying ignorance over science by denying global warming?)

Words from a time well gone that have special relevance today. 

That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government.

From Free England, from whence the colonies once broke free, and where now the English once again, along with the French and Germans (but not America), light the darkness of oppression with the principles of freedom and humanity, fight the power!


  1. England is no longer a free country. It is an oppressive surveillance, total-control society where the state and the collective rule supreme.

  2. A few things:

    RUMPOLE is such a great writer that we must assume that he is a Judge Fred Moreno law clerk.

    #2 - I am grateful that RUMPOLE is working over the July 4th holiday and heard my cries of desperation when he left me with no updates of commentary over the weekend. I really check the blog 100 times on a Saturday or a Sunday hoping for an update on Judge Amy Steele Donner’s hair color change or where in the world is Judge Stan Blake or how many countries can Bon Vivant Judge Martin Zilber visit in 3 days.

    RUMPOLE, your blog FEEDS me. Without it, I die. I leave it to you now Sir. Please - give your masses the information it needs. Don’t just say “let them eat cake”.

    God bless you on your travels to Britain.

  3. 3:24 am. I do not disagree about the video surveillance and Big Brother connotations. It is a small island we inhabit, and it is easily monitored. It does bother me. But England stood alone once before in 1939 when America was dominated by isolationists. And now once again America is dominated by likeminded, dim-witted "America-First" isolationists and England, along with France and Germany and the smaller European countries now stand for the Freedoms that America once promised the world. England and France and Germany stand against Russia. Like Ronald Reagan once had this country do. Now our president plots with dictators. He admires them and hugs them. Roosevelt and Truman and Eisenhower and Reagan stood firm against dictators. They knew America needed to lead the world. Now we have a President who belittles our allies and calls small countries "shit-holes". In London we attended a gallery of Haitian art- this from a country our president called a "shit-hole". We talk to people from Africa and Asia they ask, earnestly, how this could have happened to America. And I think of those disaffected, poorly educated, poor, white middle aged men who have been told time and time again that foreigners have taken their jobs. And I tell them it's too long to explain. But I look at England, and truly wonder maybe we should buy property here and apply for citizenship.

  4. Thank you Rumpole. And in the spirit of our Independence, from the proprietors of The Ren (A Venue) a farm-to-table food with hand-crafted micro-brew beers and drinks, comes our wishes to all of your readers for a safe and happy holiday.
    We remember fondly sharing this holiday with all our loyal patrons. The food was awesome. The drinks flowing and fantastic. And the company of our friends even better.

    And we are excited to announce that coming in 2019, maybe, just maybe, all your wishes for the Ren (A venue) to return, with all your fav drinks and menu items, and some mind-blowing new ones (like a whole menu crafted around The Impossible Burger!) will come true.

    Stay tuned and rock on and eat clean and play hard.

  5. Only a total traitor talks of moving abroad on the fourth of July when our beautiful country needs us. Frowny face!

  6. OMG my mind will explode if the Ren (A Venue) returns. On the last 4th they were open they had these baby Lamb ribs from New Zealand- organic and grass fed. They barbequed them with locally sourced mangos and jalapenos from Homestead that was an amazing BBQ sauce. They also had Truffle fritters which I cannot even describe how they melted in my mouth.

    The fresh berry cheesecake with homemade coconut graham cracker crust was delicious and I had several of their "smuggled" Havana Rum mojitos with fresh mint from Madagascar.

    I'd do anything if the Ren (A Venue) would return.

    Puhleeze….do this guys. The food in Miami sucks since you left.

    A Fan

  7. 11:47- Just making contingency plans. Who knows what those yahoos in the US will vote for next- abolish elected presidency? Make a public pledge to Jesus Christ being my savior and G-d before I can be a citizen? Burn books? Renounce science in the name of prayer?
    It's not as farfetched as is sounds. look at the polls and percentage of people who think this is Christian country or who are in favor of abolishing the bill of rights (except the second amendment).

  8. Right. England standing for the freedoms America onced promised. Like imprisoning its citizens (asshole Tommy Robinson) for reporting on rape trials and charging people with criminal conduct for speaking words on Twitter. If those are the principles American once stood for then good riddance. I’ll take a free press over the authoritarian state the English currently impose on reporting regardless of the nonsense I hear on Fox News and MSNBC. I’ll also take our current First Amendment jurisprudence over the “hate speech” regulation that occurs in England, France, and Germany because any idiot knows that what constitutes “hate speech” is always in the eye of the beholder and I don’t want or trust either Donald Trump or Barack Obama regulating what I can say. These are but a few examples of the regulation and oppression these countries subject their citizens or “subjects” to on a daily basis. Your dislike of Trump has blinded you to many of the freedoms we have in spite of Trump that these European countries do not. It’s your opinion and blog and you are entitled to it obviously but I’d rethink the wisdom of this post, or at least your premise that these countries stand for the “freedoms America once promised.”

  9. 5:09 makes a great point.

    And its not that Rumpole's original post is "wrong" either.

    Freedom is a messy and non-linear thing. We have more freedoms in some respects and they have others. Rather than trash talk one country as "freer" than the other, we should be looking at what the Europeans are getting right and wrong and holding up our "wins" as examples for what we want to do about our "losses."

    (Sorry about all the quotation marks. Guess its just that kind of morning.)

  10. Can't wait for Rumpole's post about how much smarter he is than the Supreme Court justice nominee.

    Except if he nominates Judge Emas. He's a member of Mensa. He MIGHT be smarter than me. I didn't apply to mensa. It's the old Groucho Marx joke that I wouldn't join any club that would have me.
    But seriously, Emas would be a great pick.
    It's more likely Trump picks me- I mean I can talk that Federalist crap better than anyone. After all I am an objectivist in some ways. But Emas would be great.

  12. Any reader of the blog in the vicinity of Basil Street Hotel in Knightsbridge, go say hi to Rumpole.

  13. Rumpole is not Emas. No footnotes.

  14. Emas, really?

    Have you read his opinions? He's become Leslie Rothenberg Jr. He simply isn't fair.

    He was horrible in circuit court too. Very pushy and very smart. That's a dangerous combination. It's like having Judge Alan Schwartz back but, at least Alan could let a bad guy go if the law mandated it.

  15. I can’t take it ...

    Rumpole takes off for the holiday weekend and I have no update on blog comments. I’m dying Rumpole. Please. I gave up TV, reading, my dog and family to constantly monitor for updates on the beloved blog.

    The blog is my life. Please do weekend updated for God’s sake.

  16. England is going to choke

    Too many Tottenham players on the team

  17. 5:09 right on point. Rumpole knows the facts you speak about but it does not really bother him because he assumes the speech codes will be policed by folks who go after people and groups he politically hates. He loves to mention book burnings all the time, but never mentions all the books the left-wing in this nation censors and removes from schools and libraries. Trump has turned Rumpole into a phony.
