Thursday, September 01, 2016



A special prize to the first reader that can name the Judge above (no googling)

And your next County Court Judge, Part One, will be:

Judge Fred Seraphin or Challenger Milena Abreu

The final tally of votes with all 783 precincts reporting has Incumbent Judge Seraphin up by 689 votes.

SERAPHIN - 105,779
ABREU       - 105,090

An automatic recount of the votes cast for the County Judge, Group 5 race in the August 30, 2016 Primary Election, will be conducted, pursuant to Section 102.141(7) and 102.166, Florida Statutes. The members of the Miami-Dade County Canvassing Board will oversee the recount process commencing at 5 p.m. on Thursday, September 1, 2016, and continuing in succeeding days as needed, at the Miami-Dade County Elections Department, 2700 NW 87th Avenue, Miami, Florida.

Miami-Dade County Canvassing Board Members:

Honorable Shelley J. Kravitz, County Judge, Chairperson
Honorable Andrew S. Hague, County Judge, Substitute Member
Christina White, Supervisor of Elections, Member

And you next County Court Judge, Part Two, replacing Judge Jacqueline Schwartz, will be one of these six names sent to Governor Scott today by our local JNC:

Ramiro C. Areces; 7 year member of The Florida Bar (TFB); small firm lawyer in Gables

Alexander Spicola Bokor; 11 year member of TFB; Miami Dade County Attorney's Office.  Handles litigation cases and has worked as legal counsel for Miami Dade Dept of Transportation, Public Works, Property Appraiser and Tax Collector; formerly with Jones Day and Kozyak Tropin

Raul Cuervo; 30 year member of TFB; with Carlton Fields; insurance defense; commercial litigator

Elijah Levitt; 12 year member of TFB; AUSA; former ASA (remember the cat killing case)

Joseph Mansfield; 13 year member of TFB; ASA

Julie Harris Nelson; 20 year member of TFB; insurance defense attorney with ROIG Lawyers; former ASA

The Governor has 60 days to name a replacement.

JAMES "JAY" HOGAN .........

 Please join us for

A Celebration of Hogan


The Biltmore Hotel Country Club Ballroom

Friday, September 2, 2016

Eleven a.m.

Remembrances welcome



  1. His name is Robert Rosenberg, former Broward County circuit court judge.

  2. I agree. Originally from Michigan came to Broward late in his career.

  3. Really hate to do this, but I think it's time to call the Shumie for Milena. Don't think she can make up almost 800 votes. A shame. Fred Seraphin deserved to lose.

  4. Seraphin did not deserve to lose. He may be a bit of a jerk on the bench but he is a jerk to both sides and does not just follow whatever the State wants. He gives pro se litigants a fair trial (often finding them not guilty), gives a great defense oriented voir dire in trial and runs a tight ship in his courtroom. I like Milena too but weren't there other much worse judges she could have run against? And if you want to beat an incumbent you better raise more than 20k.

  5. I hope Joe Mansfield gets appointed. He's been an ASA with common sense and perspective.

  6. LMAO @ that pool of candidates. One guy has been licensed for SEVEN YEARS! SEVEN YEARS! I don't think the ink on one's bar card even dries before 10 years.

    The rest are insurance defense lawyers or present/former ASAs.

    Insurance defense is the most mundane and repetitive area of law. As for the ASAs trying to be lawyers, great, more ASAs who can't fathom having to actually work in private practice so they want to take the easy way out and collect an easy check.

  7. Since when, exactly, did a judge being a jerk become acceptable? Does the fact that he is a jerk, equally, to both sides make it okay? Please do explain!

  8. 7, 11, 12, even only 13 years in practice and they might get a judicial appointment... I think we need to change standards. Minimum of 15 years practicing. Not disparaging any of these candidates in particular.
    But let's improve the quality of the judiciary.
    And the jnc probably needs improving too if, looking at that list of potential candidates, these were the ones they thought were the best.

  9. Does anyone know if Spicola-Bokor is related to William N. Spicola, Governor's current general counsel and his wife Ashley, who works for the Governor?

  10. My prayers are for Joe Mansfield as well. He is an all around great guy and
    will be fair to both sides.

  11. True or false: Seraphin made a snide remark about Abreu's divorce on the campaign trail?

  12. when someone says an ASA has common sense and perspective I know what that means--they give away the courthouse

    1. No, actually it means they do the right thing and not prosecute innocent people. You must be an ASA from Broward commenting!

  13. Common sense and perspective does not mean jumping in on a case that should never have been brought by the state and was merely prosecuted in order to appease the PBA and John Rivera. Tried to ruin a guy's life. Fortunately, 10-minute not guilty verdict.

  14. Since when does tampering with and paying off a victim = cleared?

  15. What's the status of the Seraphin-Abreu recount?

  16. Abreu, showed that she can really connect with voters and is not afraid to campaign.
    So, she spent 20k, no mail, no t.v. and no phone banking,no high powered consultant and while Seraphin, had mail, radio,the Miami Herald endorsement,the PBA and the UTD endorsement and Al Lorenzo doing absentee ballots and ground operations and spent over 100k and barley won.
    Ms. Abreu either completely out worked him or he really isn't respected much or both.
    Yes, I voted for her and many of my friends did as well and hope that she decides that it was worth the effort and try's again.
    As for Judge Seraphin, I truly hope this has been a humbling experience and he grows from it. Humility, is a great gift and not many have it in the election world, time will tell.
