Wednesday, August 31, 2016


If he is analyzing his defeat, Judge Bloch should start by looking in the mirror.
First, based on his financial situation, he received a significant amount of criticism for asking lawyers for donations.
Second, he ran a poor campaign. Personally, we never received a phone call asking us to vote early which is where he lost the election coming out of the gate. There was- to our knowledge- no early get out the vote campaign, and no follow-through phone calls to supporters on election day to ensure they voted. We didn't see one poster, one television commercial-nothing other than one mailer. So on what did he spend his money? No idea.
Third, he got only negative publicity from the lawsuit to knock Del Rey from the ballot. Civil lawyers who were his supporters opined that the lawsuit was weak at best.

As to the citizens of Miami-Dade electing a candidate who resigned from the SAO as an intern because the work was too hard, and then lied about being a prosecutor....we have only one quote: "Oh the humanity"....see below. This is a disaster as a pick for judge. Someone who couldn't work past five now, someday, may be given the power to sentence someone to death? Really? This is the best and brightest of our legal community?


  1. I think we should wait and give La Rubia the benefit of the doubt. Let's see how she does. Hopefully we will all be pleasantly surprised.

  2. Who do we blame? Judges are not chosen after careful screening or any form of peer review. They know the right people to get appointed (usually after being political hacks or big donors), or they use their personal wealth to sway the selection / election process.
    Can we change it? Do we have the political clout to make a change? Do we care enough?

    My cynical and personal view is that we are more likely to have Hillary appoint Trump as our next ambassador to Mexico. I could be wrong -- I just do not think so.

  3. Again with this lying about being a prosecutor during her campaign. She's been saying she's an ex prosecutor for years in her cheeseball advertising in that rag "el clarin".

    Why doesn't someone dig up all the old El Clarin ads and submit those to the bar?

  4. You actually like receiving phone calls telling you to vote? That's weird dude. Nothing worse than Tele marketer calls

  5. This is the post mortem from Jason Bloch's Facebook page:

    "I would lose an election every day if it meant I would get the outpouring of love and support that you all have shown me since the results were announced. I am honored to have been a public servant to Miami-Dade residents for 22 years. I am incredibly grateful to my family, friends, colleagues, campaign team, the many organizations that endorsed me, our volunteers and supporters, and the more than 110,000 people who cast their ballot for me. Congratulations to Marcia Del Rey and I wish her the best as a judge on the Miami-Dade County Circuit Court Bench -- Jason"

    Now, go get your shinebox.

  6. What are the odds that Bloch puts in for Stan Blake's seat? And what are the odds that Scott appoints him again?

  7. The JNC will not nominate him after his behavior and the lawsuit




    Gov. Scott has been sent the names of six attorneys by the JNC to replace Judge Jacqueline Schwartz. They are:

    Ramiro Areces
    Alexander Spicola Bokor
    Raul Cuervi
    Elijah Levitt
    Joseph Mansfield
    Julie Harris Nelson

    The Gov has 60 days to name the replacement.

  9. You can hope lead turns to gold. Try it and see what happens. it remains lead. Marcia Del Rey has lied from day one. So if past behavior is any indication of future behavior she will continue on that same streak. she hasn't EARNED the benefit of the doubt. She is a walking insult to all those who actually work.If she wants respect let her earn it and not by looking at people as if they are hired help.

  10. That was a very classy post by Bloch.

  11. We need Dan Lurvey to save us all.

  12. El Clarin from a couple years ago:

    ex fiscal estatal = former state prosecutor

  13. Ms. Del Rey has appeared before me on a couple of occasions. Although it was not on any substantive matter (probably just a sounding or motion for continuance type of thing) she was very pleasant, quite reserved and professional. If she's misspoken in the past, hopefully this was a wake up call and she will be more careful going forward. I say be patient.

  14. Ramiro is the son, and a very talented lawyer.

  15. Ramiro is the son. 7years in practice, no jury trials and he wants to be a judge, He is way out of his class. Surprised he made the cut. Must be some political muscle going on here.

  16. I just think its hilarious, that we'll have a judge who will forever be known as "La Rubia" (outside of the courtroom of course). Peroxide Blonde judges, "that's so Miami"

  17. Elijah Levitt is the former ASA and current AUSA? If so, I've watched him in trial and he doesn't know his ass from his elbow.

  18. Misspoken? She claims to have experience as a prosecutor when she spent a month as nothing more than a trainee, and her resignation letter explicitly said she was not cut out to be an ASA. That's not misspeaking. That is intentionally lying about your experience and qualifications for personal, material gain. A clear example of moral turpitude, repeated ad nauseum in advertisements for her law practice and her candidacy for the bench. She should absolutely be prevented from ever taking the bench.

  19. Marcia Del Rey has made a career based on lies. Why does any one think she will be any different if she takes the bench? She will play favorites and in that game innocent people can be hurt. She is a fraud. Why should a compulsive liar and spoiled brat like her be able to sit on a bench? And if it offends her or her family to read or hear these things then let them look in the mirror for who is to blame. I've seen state attorneys and public defenders in court work hard for years making not great money. But they worked and did their jobs. This girl couldn't hack it for a month? How dare she think herself better than those attorneys? How dare she think herself better than the attorneys who actually work? All that money and she can't buy herself a career or any class.

  20. 7 years out of law school. Not married, no kids, no jury trials or litigation experience makes one "talented". But his mother sold amway, had never been in court and got elected. So on that basis I guess he is as qualified as his judge mother. What a sad state of affairs we have on our lack of talent bench. Good judges are few and very far between. And its getting worse.

  21. We aren't just lacking for talent....we are starving for it. Good judges are an endangered species in this county.

  22. After that stupid billboard with John Walsh, ridiculous lawsuit and just being abnoxious on the bench, you can't say he didn't deserve to lose. I would never vote for someone plastering billboards with John Walsh's endorsement- who cares? Does that mean he will be a harsher sentencer or he has money and connections to get an endorsement that makes no sense. His moves were pretty dumb played and such a person does not deserve to be a judge.

  23. Neither does an attorney who lies about being a state attorney or where she gets her money from. She doesn't deserve it either. But I'd rather deal with Bloch then that chick, any day. You think she won't run favors for her family with those motels that are known to law enforcement and not for their great rates. She comes from a family with a sense of entitlement. And a family that disparages those can't speak up.
