Monday, August 29, 2016


Two items caught our eye as we repaired to our Labour Day retreat a week early for some well earned rest (just ask the AUSA in Virginia about the tax case that went **Poof** if you see her).

Item One: Colin Kapernick, NFL QB, refused to stand for the national anthem this weekend and further announced that he would continue not to stand because he doesn't believe this country treats people of colour with equality and fairness.

Item Two: Anthony Weiner, former representative and current Twitter addict will be seperating from his wife, Huma Abedin, close aide to Hillary Rodham Clinton, after the NY Post revealed yet another "sexting" scandal.
Abedin and Weiner in happier times
Good for Mr. Kapernick we say. Not because we agree with his views or his manner of protest. We don't- at least as to his protest. Men and women, including men and women of color died in wars so the national anthem celebrating our values could be played. But it is not in the easy protests that freedom and democracy are tested. It's not in issuing the permit to allow the Green Party to picket a nuclear power facility that democracy is tested. It is in ensuring that Nazis can march in Illinois, or that the Klan can stage a rally, that the real limits of democracy- no matter how odorous and repugnant the political ideals being advanced- are tested. 

Not to compare Mr. Kapernick's thoughts about race to the American Nazi party or the Klan. Kapernick's concerns are much more well placed. But it is in the disruptive nature of the protest that we applaud Mr. Kapernick. Living in a free society gives its members the right to stand and sing, or sit, and we are all so much the better off for it. 

As to Mr. Weiner and his proclivity to sext pictures of, well, his you-know-what, it's about time his long suffering wife said "enough". Bill and Hillary Clinton's marriage endured the ups and downs of Bill Clinton's philandering, while Ronald Wilson Reagan's first marriage did not endure the problems he had with Jane Wyman. Such is life.  A man committed to family values becomes the first divorced president, while an adulterer managed, somehow, to save his marriage. 

Ms. Abedin has a great future ahead of her- perhaps as President Clinton's chief of staff. Certainly as Ms. Clinton's special assistant. Such responsibilities come with a West Wing Office and security clearances. She has suffered enough. Good riddance. 

Lolling around into Labour Day- will be soon print our recommendations for good holiday reads. Any other topics you faithful readers want addressed before the holiday? Like who is coming to replace Judge Brennan? We've heard - in no particular order- Bronwyn Miller, David Miller, Mavel Ruiz, or the Notorious RBG. 

See you in court in a few weeks.


  1. He must be fucking nuts to show his dick in an email.

    Some guys never stop thinking with the wrong head.

  2. Brennan is taking Zilber's place in Dependency . . . so won't he take her place in crim?

  3. Wait, brennan is going to work with kids and poor families in need? Who thought that was a good idea!?

  4. Fuck that football player. If you want to protest oppression, use your 19 mill salary to do something about it. Not standing during the anthem is in American. If you don't like America, get out. ( but he wouldn't dare leave that 19 mill per year)

  5. Great. That's all we need. Another judge with a chip on her shoulder and in dependency court? Now she can damage whole families. yeah and who thought that this is a good idea?

  6. I guess #IStandWithColin doesn't really work here?
