Friday, August 26, 2016


Unrelated Update: A client writes in about the late Stuart Mishkin.
We sometimes receive comments from posts posted long ago. Sometimes we think they deserve to be read by everyone. 
The late Stuart Mishkin (click on his name for our original obit) was an REGJB regular, and this comment-written by a client- captures a wonderful side of him.

I just found this post. Mr. Mishkin crossed my mind after watching unsolved mysteries on t.v. In 2003, my then boyfriend got into some trouble an ex provoked him into. We were recommended to call Mr. Mishkin by our bondsman, Paz. We did after learning the hard way with a learned lesson and a horrible traffic lawyer my husband used. Mishkin was so caring of the case and us. Intimidating none the less, bit still sweet as pie. He even offered to marry us if we were still together a year later. We actually got married in May of 2008. Ironically so. Been together since Oct 2002. If it wasn't for Mr. Mishkin defending my husband back then, I wonder if things would have turned out the way they have. He kept us together, helped maintain our bond and strength through trying times. We are forever thankful. May he rest in bliss! Brian and Ada on

Like so many plaintiffs before him, he went to court with the promises of untold riches whispered in his ear by his attorneys.
His day in court.
Justice, that elusive concept, would finally materialize.

But Judge Bagley saw it different on Friday, ruling that Judge Bloch's lawsuit to toss his opponent off the ballot like some cheap suit a Hialeah courtroom hack dons  didn't have a leg or ballot box to stand on.

Bloch had brought suit against one Marcia Del Rey, she of the failed internship at the State Attorneys Office (too much work) and partial ownership in a string of hot-sheet motels that rent rooms by the hour, and dreams of amazing carnal knowledge in jungle themed rooms (so we have been reliable informed).

But it was Bloch who was short-sheeted and perhaps the receiver of a crude four letter colloquialism for sex when Bagley ruled that before the court could consider the very drastic measure of disenfranchising the voters of Miami-Dade who have Del Rey on their mind, Bloch should have filed an ethics complaint.
Florida has an ethics commission! Who knew? It's like hell having an ice skating rink. 

So now it's down to ballots at noon and the votes will be counted and we shall see which scion of a family fortune reigns supreme on the circuit bench for the next six years.

Stay tuned- voting ends this up coming week.

Enjoy the no-storm weekend and we will see you in the voting booth next w


  1. Odd that Bagley took the case. I figured a recusal was in order and the matter would be sent one county north or south

  2. From the Keys News -

    "The truck owner, who reportedly told others he received $2,500 from Brennan, told the Free Press “the papers don’t know half the crazy sh-- that’s gone on” before claiming he didn’t know the payout amount and hanging up the phone.

    The sheriff’s office estimated the damage to his truck at $300."


  3. I voted for La Rubia. Tough call, but the Walsh endorsement and lawsuit put him behind her in the end.

  4. I am still of the opinion that if you have 37 million, you need to be getting blazed on a yacht and not schlepping in the REG. Dude.

  5. Cincinnati Stu, the original riverboat trial attorney gambler. Remember him well. He is missed.

  6. I used to try cases with Stuart. He had his own style for sure. He would cross informants and at some point just shout at them "you're just making this all up, right?" and of course they would say "no" until one day one of them said "yes" and I'm not sure who was more surprised- the prosecution or Stuart.

  7. Saw Bloch's ad today. If reelected he will keep our community "safe." La Rubia has my vote.

  8. I've spent many a wonderful night in those motels. The heartshaped Jacuzzi's and erotic movies are first class and a true public service. What has Bloch done to improve the wellbeing of the citizens?

  9. That law suit was a joke.
    If was filed just to make a big deal about her running a bunch of whore houses.

    That being said, I still voted for Bloch with my fingers squeezing my nose.

    Hey, judge Bloch, we still all remember how much of a horses ass you were at the County Attorney's office. Learn from this, if you win.

    Also, how much did you pay John Walsh for his endorsement?

  10. Gotta love the Mishkin.
    Won't see his likes this way anymore.

  11. Mishkin & Golembe- one of the 80's criminal defense powerhouse law firms.
    Remember it well.
    There's an apartment building over the land that use to have a house that was their firm. Every time I see it I call it "Mishkin Towers".

  12. Was going to note vote for neither but then I thought about it and the John Walsh endorsement pushed me to vote for Del Rey. What does Walsh stand for? To me his message is more "every one accused of a crime is likely guilty and should be sent away" and not "innocent until proven guilty." I don't need another criminal court judge with that mentality.

  13. "Bags" doe not give a rats ass about other judges. He is a strange bird, but he does his homework and rules accordingly.

  14. For $1 million dollars, Judge Bloch, I will join your campaign staff.

  15. Del Rey's campaign was an economic bonanza for the campaign business community in Miami-Dade County. I voted for Bloch, though, because he had the cajones to give bond to the homeowner who shot the cop thinking it was a burglar.

  16. Jason CryBaby Bloch just appealed Bagley's order dismissing his complaint. He's got some chruzpah. That whiner deserves to lose! I'm voting for La Rubia.
