Friday, October 09, 2015


Make no mistake about it we are in the midst of a Constitutional crisis of immense proportions.  Not so much in what the Constitution says or means, but whether it will survive as we know it.  You say, "Oh Professor, you are ranting and raving about nothing."  Am I?

A democratic republic struggling to recover from a recession bordering on depression.  A small party of radical politicians came forward, and decided that using the democratic process was the way to power.  They preached nationalism.  Told the people what the problems were, and who was to blame.  Certain ethnic groups, homosexuals, and non-Christians were responsible.  We have to expel these problem makers and purify our beliefs.  Some engaged in revisionist history to support their positions.

Their leaders were bombastic, passionate, loud, exhibited the anger of the rank and file and spoke of greatness and military superiority to an uneducated electorate.  They claimed they could fix it all (never saying exactly how), and all they needed was to have the power to do it.  After reaching less than 35% of the vote, but enough seats in the legislature to stalemate and paralyze the government, the majority, believing they could control these radicals to do their bidding, gave the party the power it wanted.  Appeasement and hubris.

You think I am talking about Washington today.  You would be wrong.  It happened over 80 years ago.  Not here, but in Europe.  We are not supposed to use the "N" word (not that "N" word), or the "H" word, but the parallels are uncanny.  If you don't believe that Carl Rove and his ilk don't study how this can be accomplished, and have taken stock of the human condition you are wrong.

Wake up America.  History does repeat itself

BTW - Ben Carson you are an imbecile.  The "N's" did not take power because the Jews did not have guns.  (And of course a few handguns and rifles would stop the power of tanks, artillery, machine guns and rocket propelled grenades.  Do you not know of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising?) Read above.  They took power through the democratic process.  You are not Jewish, you don't know what you are talking about, and don't use my people to justify your idiocy.  You are beyond arrogant.  You are a moron.

I am angry.  Can you tell.


  1. chicken parm you taste so goodFriday, October 09, 2015 12:54:00 PM

    Judges Off so much better. Rumpole is so much a better writer than the contributors.

    Chicken parm you taste so good....

  2. who was that klu klux klan guy on the stern show?

    Wake up white people? He used to bellow that.

  3. So you have to be Jewish to understand history? There is some hubris right there.

  4. Professor,

    Carson's comment was idiotic, but your semi-hysterical rant is almost as bad. This country's biggest problem are the screamers on both side of the aisle railing about their respective opposition. It's disgusting. Sorry to see you join the yelling.

    Nothing will change until we dispense with the name calling, comparisons to Hitler, demonization of minorities, etc.


  5. We hereby demand chicken parm you taste so good be the guest blogger and idiot professor and dumb captain be removed.

  6. I second that. Get rid of the trashy bad writers.

  7. Chicken Parm You Taste So GoodFriday, October 09, 2015 2:24:00 PM

    Thank you. I gratefully accept your nomination. If approved I promise to write excellent posts. The quality of posts today is very poor. Rumpole's needs to do something and do it now. The professor and Capt need to be removed. I will write more and better posts.

    Vote chicken parm you taste so good.

  8. I tasted the best chicken parm ever at the Ren (a venue)

  9. "Professor", Hitler took power through the democratic process but used gun control to consolidate it and hld on to it. Dictators don't like armed populations because that makes it more difficult to subjugate or exterminate them. I don't know what you teach but, obviously, it is not history.

  10. Love chicken parm. Hate captan and professor. Dislike Kenny and colby too. Real and fakes. Banished them all.

  11. Chicken Parm I like the cut of your jib MI amigo. Keep it up.

  12. 2:58 p.m., do ypu like calling the Shumie and going to the Ren a venue.

  13. Hitler DID NOT take power through valid voluntary and free elections. You need to read history gun nut. Try first the Rise and Fall Of the Third Reich. Go from there.

  14. Check out Godwin's Law or Reductio ad Hitlerum--whoever has to resort to Nazi comparisons has lost the argument. Come up with something better than this or Democrats are doomed.

  15. Best Chicken Parm Sandwich: Steve's Pizza
    Best Chicken Parm (period): Prime Italian
    (ask for the Leon Cut)

  16. I can't believe Judge Gladstone dies after a distinguished career ... and he only gets 5 comments on the Blog!


  17. Why is the meatball sub so underrated dear Kenny W?

  18. The Ren (a venue) serves all religions, races and creeds. No chicken parm on the menu tonight, but happy hours all day long. Chef Miguel serving up his usual fare which makes chicken parm seem like dog food.

  19. 4:16 pm. I don't think the lack of comments was a snub on his reputation as one of the greatest protectors of children in our community as anyone ever has ever been. I just think that 90% of the readers of this blog never had the honor to appear before him because of their youth.

    To understand the respect that he has in our community all you have to do is drive by the new Juvenile Courthouse and see his name, (and Sy Gelber's), on the walls of the building.

    2:24 PM - I thought my post, "Cubs Win Cubs Win" was well written and well received. Just imagine if the Cubbies manage to find a way to win 11 more games over the next four weeks; the biggest name on the Internet and everywhere else around the world will be Bob Gale, (a Cards fan by the way).

    Cap Out .....

  20. Who remembers JUDGE JOHN GALE?

  21. All caps? Check.

    Four exclamation points in a row? Check.

    And we haven't even gotten past the headline yet!

    Here comes another rant from "The Professor" about a Republican politician, hyperventilating through his bad-writing about how this particular Republican (take your pic) will DESTROY THE CONSTITUTION or FORCE JEWS INTO CONCENTRATION CAMPS or whatever other wacko shit the "Professor" is hysterical about today.

    Seriously, this guy is a lawyer? And a teacher?

    Frothing at a famous black brain surgeon not to disrespect "my people"... Littering a paragraph in which he attacks an African American with the phrase "the N-word" and expecting people will think first of "Nazism", instead of -- you know -- the real N-word.

    Professor, it's one thing to be a devout Democrat. A committed leftist. A true loyal partisan. But it's another entirely to be dumb and a bad writer.

    As soon as I saw the exclamation marks I knew this was going to be: 1) A "Professor" post 2) a post about a Republican 3) hysterical, and 4) confusing, with bad syntax, tortured analogies and lousy diction.

    Hang it up, old man. Let your wife hear your rants as you stare at Fox News in disgust. This blog shouldn't be the receptacle of your vomit anymore.

  22. 12:39, John Gale was the administrative judge of the civil division.

    Trivia question: What was his real name and why did he change it to John Gale?

  23. Galardi? But why did he change it? Great man and great Judge.

  24. Turn the page professor. You've been fired

  25. Gilardi.

    He didn't want to sound Italian.

  26. The Stern show KKK guest was Daniel Carver.

  27. Gale's uncle was a us district judge in the southern district of NY. I tried a long jury trial in Albany before him and he was a great trial judge and held the prosecutors feet to the fire. He would sit in Ft. Meyers in the winter as a visiting judge. He disowned any relation to Gale. Who did Gale try to give him head when he was a judge? She later became a judge as well. Anyone know?

  28. Gallardi changed his name to Gale when he was a sportscaster and his boss asked him to change it because it sounded too Italian and was too long.

  29. Gale was also a good friend of Rocky Marciano along with many celebrities, like Al Martino, who I met many times and had dinner with him, his wife Judy & the Judge.Also a big supporter of the NIAF for which he raised money for the kids scholarship fund. The Judge was a who's who in Miami and very well connected.
