Sunday, October 11, 2015


Our apologies for not posting the survivor pools last week. Trials and all that have us preoccupied.
Here are the updated versions:

2015 week five b pool copy from Justicebuilding

And now our picks:

Browns at Ravens: Take the Birds at home -6.5 and under 44, quoth the Raven about the Browns, you will win nevermore. 

49ers at Giants. The Niners stink. In free-fall; disarray. The Gints had a nice win at Buffalo. So revert to the mean. Take the visiting miners +7. The Giants aren't that good. 

The Raiders might, just might beat the Broncos, which they haven't done since forever. Not sure about this, but we like over 44. 

The Chiefs light it up at home over the slumping Bruins. 9 is a lot of points to give, while the over 44 seems nice. But we are going to take a deep breath and give the 9 as well. 

Court is closed Monday, honoring Napoleon Bonaparte Broward's reign as 19th governor of Florida (tis true, you can look it up). Captain, river pilot, sheriff, Governor, proponent of plan to drain the Everglades, thus cementing Broward as the originator of weird, wacky, and thoroughly bad plans for Florida, which is why Broward named themselves after NPB. 


  1. Fuck Broward.

    Backwards ass cesspool of public corruption, abuse of office and power, and general embarrassment.

  2. Chicken Parm You Taste So GoodSunday, October 11, 2015 1:25:00 PM

    Colby looking like a genius with pick of Bengals over seahawks. Now there's two words you don't see often together.

    Chicken Parm You Taste So Good

  3. Bengals losing at halftime. Colby looks like a dofus. I like this kid chicken parm but he'd better not fall under the spell of cheese head.

  4. sir barf a lot (colby's mutt)Sunday, October 11, 2015 4:18:00 PM

    OT Bengals game. don't count us out yet.

  5. sir barf a lot (colby's mutt)Sunday, October 11, 2015 4:26:00 PM

    we're still alive arf arf arf arf (spinning in circles)

  6. Real Steve's Pizza Delivery GuySunday, October 11, 2015 6:07:00 PM

    I just went on Colby's Facebook page and his dog looks thrilled with life out west, but why does Colby make him wear a Bengals jersey? Not right.

  7. Breaking Rumpole- Woodward quotes Alexander Butterfield as saying Nixon knew the bombing of Laos and North Vietnam was a failure. You have often said Butterfield was the key that unlocked Watergate. Comments Rump?

  8. I will address this and Woodward new book at a later time. The memo released was Fascinating to say the least.

  9. Butterfield was a g/d traitor.

    AL Haig.

  10. Who is butter field? What century are we in

  11. The REN a venue open or closed today? Was thinking of having a few and some appetizers and watching the game tonight. Anyone know?

  12. Chicken Parm for breakfast. Yum. Arf Arf (spinning in circles chasing my tail).

  13. Closed permanently, we earnestly wish.

  14. As most of your readers know, the 50th anniversary of Can's first show in Cologne is rapidly approaching. I'm thinking of arranging a celebration at ren (a venue). If your readers are interested, please let me know.

  15. senor rosenthal, no vengas a America, aqui no hay justicia

  16. Im offended that some people are celebrating "indigenous people" today. Those people you call "indigenous" crossed a land bridge 1500 years ago and genocided my people who were already living here. They brought disease and warfare. These so called "Native" Americans -- you think they just rose up out of this soil? They arrived and slaughtered the people who had real claim to this land!

    Today should be about the FIRST people to settle this continent. They, for all time, have total and complete claim to this land and all its resources. Any other peoples who came later --- villains!

    All land should belong to the people who first touched it. Everyone back to their homeland.
