Thursday, May 28, 2015


That was no E.T. outside the back of the REGJB this morning. It wasn't Buck Rogers or a NASA trainee on a jet pack. 

It was just a man serving coffee to bleary eyed lawyers. 

Welcome to Miami. See it like a native. 

Super Herald scribe David Ovalle was on the scene and snapped the pic. 

Over/under on some over-officious cop arresting the coffee/superhero? We give it a week or less. 


  1. How do I obtain a parking pass for Lot 26?

  2. It's 26 easy steps, but less just get to the last one- put your name on the list, pull out your calendar and mark a date three months….and eleven years later and your pass will arrive.

  3. Regarding Judge Ric Margolis' blog statement about his wearing sandals to court under his robe .... and another comment about not wanting to see his feet .... I have seen Judge Alan Postman having a pedicure.

    That Sir was no treat. I also saw Judge Martin Greenbaum at sidebar clipping his toe nails.

    I have now retired with significant PTSD and a service dog. It wasn't pretty and I will be emotionally scarred forever....

  4. Who knows what's in that guy's coffee. No way. MPD should run the guy off.
    It might be better than ABP, but at least I know who to sue.

  5. Real fake former judgeFriday, May 29, 2015 11:16:00 AM

    I skate to where the puck is going not where it has been.

  6. Beats standing in line on the 7th floor.

  7. We practice law in a very strange place ...
