Saturday, May 30, 2015


The annual self-congratlatory FACDL Banquet is tonight. 

Cocktails will be consumed. 
Speeches will be made. 
Awards will be bestowed. 
Dinner will be served (salmon or steak?)
Judges angling for support will mingle. 
A capital time will be had by all. 

And thankfully, continuing a long and distinguished streak, we were not invited, and shall not attend. 

Enjoy the weekend.

See you in court. 


  1. everyone stroking each other.; Judges getting a free meal and a night out to impress their husband/wife with attorneys kissing the ass of judges who cannot make a living in private practice and have reached the Peter Principle.

  2. And miss the Battle of the Band's?

  3. Judges pay for the meals now. So get your facts right.

  4. Dear 6:06. Judges do not attend for free. No one kissed this posterior. Left hubby at home. Made a nice living in private practice. Go fuck yourself.

  5. You're so cool making fun of the facdl banquet....shocker you weren't invited.

  6. 10:06. I would never join a club that would have me. -Groucho Marx.
    You on the other hand need to get your GED before college and law school is just a dream.

  7. Rump - your intro was too long.

  8. Amazing! Great job! You're the Best!


  10. Would you HIRE Damaris Del Valle if you were staring at 30 years?

    Would you tell your significant other to sell the car, sell everything to pay Ms. Del Valle?

    How many of the previous winners would you hire to save your ass from a first degree felony?

    FACDL is nothing more than the same group of people from High School voting themselves into the yearbook.

    1. YES, YES, and sounds like you're just bitter. Get over it, she's a rock star and no, I don't work for the Miami PD.

    2. Wow! You're still so jealous of Damaris Del Valle. That's why you are always picking up her leftovers...Maybe you should trot down to her office and ask her to teach you how to actually try a case!

    3. 3:25pm- you should be more worried about hiring a good divorce lawyer once your spouse finds out about your cheating!

  11. Rumpole. I usually wait until December before I award the Annual Stupidiest Comment of The Year Award, but I am breaking with tradition this year.

    Congratulations to 3:25 PM.

    CAP OUT .....

  12. The answer to 3:25's question is that the beauty of America is that if you are indigent, you do not have to sell your car or anything else to be represented by a highly skilled lawyer that can walk you away from a 30 year sentence. I'll stack DMar's mad skills against your sorry ass any day of the week, and twice on Sunday.

  13. 3:25 here. Hey "Captain", shouldn't you be busy compiling a list for us of the 26 attorneys who are thinking of talking to their spouses about running for County Court vacancies in 2017?

    Beyond that, I don't know what use you have.

    CAP OUT....

  14. Only a lawyer (Captain Justice at 6:32 PM) would call somebody else stupid and then incorrectly spell the word calling them stupid. You have to love Miami's lawyers!

  15. I would hire all the lawyers who received awards over 90% of the criminal defense bar.

  16. 3:25 is a total piece of shit. To call out a young layer like that. Sign your name, asshole.

  17. stroke them all. "plead them".....Ernie Yocum

  18. The total asshole is Rumpole that would allow 3:25 personal attack against a young lawyer to be posted without that person putting their name on it.

  19. I don't see it as s personal attack. Stupid yes. But I don't censor stupid.

  20. 3:25 I guess that would make you the pimple faced kid that got stuffed into lockers, regular swirlys, and ignored by everyone, even the teachers. Go cry to your mommy that you didn't get an award, just like you did when no one wanted to be your prom date.
