Monday, May 18, 2015


From: Katherine Fernandez Rundle > Date: May 15, 2015 at 6:10:50 PM EDT 
Subject: List of Miami Beach Police Officers Involved in Offensive Conduct 
 Attached is the list of the Miami Beach Police Officers involved in offensive conduct referenced in my May 15, 2015 letter. Thank you. 

Katherine Fernandez Rundle State Attorney Office of the State Attorney 1350 NW 12 Avenue Miami, FL 33136 (305) 547-0535

What we have here is a systemic failure. 

This department is diseased. 

How does one laugh at racist jokes in their spare time, and then act fairly and decently and investigate crimes accurately during their work?

Would  any lawyer accept a juror who in their spare time attended Klu Klux Klan meetings? "I'm a racist in my spare time; it's kind of a hobby. But I can be fair…." 

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” 
― Martin Luther King Jr.


  1. Bradymania! Here's hoping that PD makes Brady and public records act requests for IA files on all 14. Rundle's prescription for weeding out bad cases sadly lacking: look only at cases in which the cop was the only witness, or in which the defendants were black or female? The investigation was ongoing for quite some time. If any of those cops knew about it, they would work extra hard to bust heads and make cases to curry favor with the bosses. Maybe they'd bust more white and hispanic heads to prove they weren't biased. And no one but defense counsel knows the importance of a particular cop's testimony, given other evidence, to the state's case as a whole.

  2. Really? Laughing at what you call a "racist" joke is the equivalent of being in the KKK? What about laughing at a joke about Muslims? Or fat people? Or female judges? Or defense attorneys? Or Jews? Or lonely divorcees? Having laughed at any of those -- ever in your life -- does it disqualify you from being a Florida attorney?

    I'm all for getting my clients' cases dismissed for any reason I can, just like the next guy. But spare me the self-righteousness.

    More troubling than off-color jokes (which can indeed be troubling) is our national culture moving towards a place where leftists patrol humor.

    See, for example, the reaction to the new Daily Show host, or Dongle Gate, etc etc.

  3. I'm sure that no black person has ever made a joke about white or hispanic people.

  4. . . .the difference is that this country does not have a history buying/selling/breeding white people for profit, much less castrating them and handing them from trees - often under the auspices of "law enforcement".

  5. Instead of playing the plitically correct b.s. game, the SAO should be investigating the illegal uses of force, illegal arrests and overtime abuse by the Miami Beach P.D.

  6. Issue is not that jokes were made and shared. Issue is that we believed that cops would carry out their responsibility as being cops without any bias. And because of the jokes, it calls into question every arrest and conviction that came about based on their testimony.

  7. What happened to Fate? She was such a babe. I pictured a tall icy blonde.

  8. Dis is bullsheeeet! They can express themselves however de fock they want! First Amendment rights!

  9. OMG to the nth degree with all this political correctness bullshit! We have all told or laughed at some joke or story at the expense of someone or some group. This country had national best sellers called Gross Jokes, etc. We all have gone to comedy shows where everything and everyone is up to being the target of the joke and laughter. So get off your high horse of righteousness and confront true bigotry where it is and not demean those who suffer or are victims of it by equating everyone who has laughed at a Helen Keller joke or Mencia joke as being members of the KKK!!!

  10. Nice to see a good Jewish boy in the list....disgraceful.

  11. Timely . Louis CK Getting a world or crap for his SNL opening monologue .

  12. Our jewish friends have taught us that Racism and other forms of inhumanity are preceded by verbal and written dehumanization. There is a link between words and actions. Read Hanna Arendt. It is not surprising that a organization that communicates in this manner would also commit all sorts of outrages against its citizens. Dehumanizing blacks, jews, latins or any other group leads to murder. I don't find it funny.

  13. Spanish-language comedy shows that air on primetime have all sorts of politically-incorrect jokes and skits based on race, gender, age, religion, national origin, etnicity, disability, sexual orientation, etc. and everyone laughs at the jokes without taking them seriously or getting bothered by them. Maybe white people should shed their guilt and politically-correct hypocrisy and have a good laugh too.
