Thursday, January 06, 2011


Before we get to the topic of the post, a little house keeping.

BLOOM (nee Ward's old division) SETTLES IN 6-2.
We called Judge Gayles "peripatetic" the other day, and now we hand the same moniker on Circuit Judge Beth Bloom. She has traveled from her comfy confines of DUI court in 6-8 to a small courtroom on the third floor, but now she finds a new home back on six, 6-2 to be exact, the old chambers of Judge Venzer. So if you have followed us this far, then be advised if you had a case in Judge Ward's division, you should now report to Judge Bloom in 6-2. Got it?


Congress decided to read the entire constitution today (yes, your congressman or woman can read) and we say they should have been required to read the entire text. What with original intent and strict constructionism, why not read this from Article I, Section II, para 3?

Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons.

That's what the framers clearly intended, and original intent an strict construction maintain the beauty of the document, right? So while they're at it, remove all the female members of congress, since they didn't have the vote at the time the constitution was written.

DOM has a crush on someone other that Paris here, and SOFLA covers the re-nomination of Fed PD Kathy Williams here.

That guy twisting in the wind up in Davie? That's Dolphins coach Tony Sporano. Someone have a heart and cut him down, will ya?


  1. Meatball Blog is DOA.

    What happened?

  2. I like Bloom and wish her nothing but the best. She's got some talent and can make a good judge. I just hope she can check her ego and accept the fact that the lawyers in Circuit know far more than she does (I was not at all impressed with her debut in County; she seemed to think she knew it all when she really didn't have a clue). IF she can do this, I think she'll do very well. If she can't..........


  3. I agree. Beth is a very good judge but, too state oriented and I don't think it was right putting first time DUI people in jail for 30 days after a jury trial.

    Other than that, she bends over backwards to be fair.
    Good luck Beth.
