Friday, January 07, 2011


No more "Happy New Years". Really, it's been a week now. Enough. If you see us in the hallways, a simple "hi Rumpole" is sufficient.

Everyone see the new kiosks outside of the parking lot across from the REGJB? It's for the automated pay system for the parking lot and there are three or four of them equipped with their very own "blow away in a hurricane" tent. Your tax dollars at work- enjoy.

Someone keeps emailing us the most unusual circumstances surrounding the recent appointment of a Circuit Court Judge. It involves an elevation from county court and the "ol'switcheroo" at the very last minute by the Governor. If anybody can confirm this, send us an email por favor. The Colonel of County Court is working on this one.

You can commit anyone of dozens of third degree felonies and get a diversion program. You can probably get PTI for some second degree felonies (bad check cases?) but under no circumstances can you get diversion for a misdemeanor DUI.

We$$$$ have $$$$$no $$$$ clue$$$$$$.

But as the JAA Broward Blog notes, Orlando has been running a very successful DUI diversion program for a while now and Judge Pollack (the daughter of the late great Dade Attorney Paul Pollack) has been working hard to bring it to Broweird County.
It will be quite an accomplishment if she can do it.

Wild card weekend this week and I have a suspicion we might just not pick any losers for a long time to come. Time to smack down Mr. you know who is is running his federal blog flappers very loudly.

Don't quote us on this, but we think a bevy of new judges arrive Monday. Be nice.

Enjoy the weekend. Three day holiday coming up next weekend for MLK day.
See You in Court.


  1. Listen, Every fucking party to the DUI PTI program approved it but, one.

    John Fucking Rivera, PBA president.

    Why you ask? Did they want more punishment? No.
    Did they feel the arrests were not worth it for just a PTI result: No.
    Did they feel disrespected: No.

    They did not want to give up the fucking overtime.

    Those fucking cops and that jerk union boss don't care about justice. They only care about money.

    Now, if a cop gets a DUI.....
    Wait.... that almost never happens because they are after all, above the law.

    Last week two Metro cops went to prison for stealing from a drug dealer. John Rivera went on TV and blasted Rundle for proscuting but, they got a conviction so, John, when will you become something other than a thug who always thinks cops are above and exempt from the law?

    I am having a bad cop day. Sorry.

  2. No PTI in DUI cases. We were a hair away from it being instituted in Miami-Dade in October 2009. Pat Trese had taken it to Kathy. Everything was imminently ready to go. UNTIL the cops heard about it. They raised such a bitch that Kathy backed off. While they sang the public song of "How can you de-criminalize DUIs?", what they were really saying is "How can you take away my overtime $$$$?"

    Pure and simple, the cops de-railed it. MADD was on board as they are in Orlando. They favor it for exactly 1000 reasons per case..
    I mean $1000 per case goes to MADD in Orlando.

    Go figure. Money talks.

  3. I think you are being too harsh Rumpy-- many people may have missed the opportunity in wishing you a Happy New Year such as myself. Happy 2011, friend.

  4. If they institute DUI diversion, it will likely only be for breath cases (probably excluding high blows) and it will take away business from defense attorneys as clients now think they do not need a lawyer.

  5. Rumpole:

    Care to comment on the new rules that we "may" see this weekend during the NFL Playoffs. I am wondering what brillant strategies head coaches will be coming up with in playoff OT games.

    I can see the blank stares now when, the receiving team gets the ball, takes it down the field, throws an INT, which is possessed, returned and fumbled back to the original team with the ball. They go on to score a FG. They win. The other team does NOT get an offensive possession. That seems to be one of the peculiar interpretations of the new rule.

  6. Silent RumPy! I see a record setting road victory for my Heats tonight! What you got to say about that???

  7. Hi Rumpole. Happy New Year.

  8. Rumpole, HAPPY NEW YEAR!

  9. yes, 6:53, the HEAT is on. It's been great watching them. I always support the home team, wherever I am. But the real story of this weekend is the continuing saga between EXPOSITO and REGALADO. These two crack me up. and today I saw a clip that the chief wants to have officers act like predators. that's from the horse's mouth. Either he doesn't have a command of the English language or he's an idiot. I'm not sure which it is. I will pay $49.99 to watch that smack down on ppv between those former friends.

  10. i cant believe that the dui bottom feeder bar didnt work to kill this idea. it would kill there 10k a pop business

  11. Yep, we had PTI for DUI but, the police killed the idea and yes, it was the money from overtime that killed it.

    Just once, I wish the police would be in favor of justice and not just them winning and them getting big bucks in overtime.

  12. they ought to pti these camera tickets..anybody beat one yet???

  13. you all have really missed the ball on the PTI DUI issue.

    very simple, simpleton defense attorneys who charge their client money to roll the dice on the cops not showing up so that they can lie and say they "won" a breakdown killed the program.

    these are the men (and a few women) who cannot actually lawyer......but they can certainly lobby and make a fuss if their bottom line gets hurt....

  14. 3:51, go over to John Riveras office and look around, you'll get a good feel for who he is and what kind of organization the PBA is. His office is something straight out of an '80's mob movie, gaudy furnishings, gold fixtures, black marble etc. It looks and feels like a mob office because it IS!

  15. Rumpy, when the Heat slow started the season, you had plenty to say about them but now that the team is setting team and NBA records, you are Silent Rumpy! What gives? Do you hate to give credit where credit is due?
