Monday, June 21, 2010


We received an email from a Judge. Can you tell who wrote it? Play for valuable prizes. We'll post the answer with a surprise tomorrow.

I had something interesting happen last friday as I entered the hallway to 524 on the 5th floor. Two Metro cops were exiting as I was entering, so I didn't need to enter the security code. I was attired in my standard civilian judicial garb, very long hair, jeans, no tie and sandals. One of the cops who closely resembled Gorilla Monsoon, said to me in a rather unfriendly tone. "You don't belong here" I replied "Why not?" He goes, "This is a restricted area" I go "Then why is my name on this door"? ... Wow, talk about a guy with a harpoon stuck thru his chest. It reminded me when years back, Carney was driving into the bldg. and his car rode over some grass, some cop said "Hey asshole". Carney rolled down his window and replied, "That's Judge asshole to you".

Rumpole says: We love the anecdote about the late Judge Carney. That was just like him, wasn't it?

Good Monday morning, today is the first day of summer and the longest day of the year. It would have to fall on a Monday, huh? Good luck to all of you labouring in the REGJB for truth and justice. Today is a travel day for Rumpole, but we will monitor the comments and get them up as soon as possible.


This is on the JAAB Broward as a re-post attributed to the

Including the circuit and county courts, there are 90 judges in Broward County. Of that total, there are only five blacks (there are six Hispanics). Seventy-nine judges are white. Of that total, 47 are Jewish. In your wildest imagination, do you see any way for that disparity to afford equity for people of African descent?

Suddenly, a pack of Jewish lawyers and prosecutors has decided to bankroll some of their group to run against all the black judges on the Aug. 24 primary ballot. Jewish “friends” of the black community plead that they are aghast at what’s happening, and profess their continued support for the retention of black judges.

Hey, you’d better wake up, black people. You know darn well what someone says before they vote, and what they do when they actually vote, could be two different things. Keep on trusting what other people tell you they will do as opposed to what you need to do for yourself, and you will forever be victimized by other people’s self interests."

Rumpole: these are dangerous words. Yet they reveal feelings that run deep. And since the facts support the sentiments that the article expresses, this must be discussed. Why is every African-American judge who was up for re-election this year in Broward challenged? Why was Circuit Judge Elijah Williams, who is a good a judge as you will ever come across challenged? You may remember Judge Williams spectacular resignation from Chief Judge Dale Ross's Diversity Committee, which we reported here, and in which Judge Williams famously stated "he would no longer carry the white man's water." You will also recall that Judge Williams donates a portion of his judicial salary to charitable organizations in Fort Lauderdale.

All in all the situation in Broward stinks to high hell. One way to address this matter is for lawyers in Dade who care about the judiciary to financially support those Judges in Broward like Elijah Williams who should never have received opposition.

Yes, you read that right. Rumpole is advocating on behalf of some Broward Judges.

And you thought you had seen everything.


  1. Classic. Judge Zwieg

  2. had to be judge adrian.


    Jane, you ignorant slut .....

    Point - Counterpoint

    Rumpole, while I agree that Judge Elijah Williams is one of the best and brightest in Browierd, I do not believe that there was any conspiracy to run the black Judges off the bench in that County.

    There were three black "incumbent" Judges standing for election. The first, Kenneth Gillepsie, is 41 years old and was appointed to the bench by Governor Crist in January of 2009. So, he has one year on the bench and has never faced the voters. The attorney that filed against him is Mayor Oliver Parker of the "fine" City of Lauderdale by the Sea. Mr. Parker is not Jewish.

    Judge Williams drew Alan Schnieder. I do not have any clue who he is, but I agree that Judge Williams deserves our full support.

    Judge Mary Rudd Robinson has been on the County Court a long time. She is a very nice person and does a good job. Having said that, you should also know that she has applied to the Broward JNC for open Circuit Court seats numerous times, but I'm not sure she has ever made it out of committee. She has drawn some doofus by the name of Jordan Breslaw (fka Jordan Jordan). Mr. Breslow/Jordan was kicked off the ballot last week by Judge Garrison sitting on the case out of Palm Beach County.

    There are 19 contested elections in Broward, so those strong words thrown around by Al Calloway were just Al Calloway being Al Calloway.

    BTW, that first story sounds like Judge Margolius was in the house.

    Cap Out ....

  4. Please also tell Judge Ric Margolius to stop selling his CD's in the cafeteria.

    It just does not look right even though he says the money goes to charity.

    I remember a stupid Metro Cop who saw a black guy in a marked unit going north on I 95 and he called in a 315 cuz he thought the guy had stolen the police car.

    Go fugure, it really was a metro cop who just happeded to be black and was heading home and was not speeding....

  5. Oliver Parker is campaigning on the premise that somehow people are being appointed to positions they are not qualified to serve on. While he's not Jewish, its strange that every time someone goes to attack a minority, the language is always one of "lacks qualifications." Parker is a cookie cutter Broward Republican politician and campaigner - one of the usual suspects.

    Parker was a Lauderdale by the Sea commissioner, vice mayor and then mayor but left very unpopular as I understand it, so much so, they sought a recall petition at one point.

    "I’m not targeting Gillespie because he’s a minority. I’m targeting Gillespie because he’s inexperienced. He shouldn’t have been appointed in the first place," Parker said.

  6. As for Gillespie's qualifications, he has 4 years as a Magistrate for the Seventeenth Judicial Circuit over Dependency and Family Law cases.

    United States Senior Trial Attorney for the EEOC for 5 years. Broward County Assistant State Attorney for 3 years. Federal Investigator for more than 2 years with the EEOC.

    While I know that many may complain that inexperienced lawyers becoming judges are a bad thing, I'm not really sure how one can make the argument that 12 years of this caliber of experience is unqualified?

    It stinks of racial targeting.

  7. copy the civil blog much?

  8. Oh my, Mr. Slave. Twitter me! Twitter me timbers!!!

  9. This idiot, Aronfield is a real ambulance chaser and could not try a case if he had too. check out his stupid hat in the pic. and he wears ugly shirts with his name on it in public. what a clown. Isnt he the one who brought his mommy and daddy to court when judge gordon was going to hold him in contempt. still wearing mommys skirt and shoes now. a loser for sure.
