Wednesday, March 19, 2008

THE 110

Judge Farina has concluded that the 11th Judicial Circuit will have to FIRE 110 court employees to meet the current budgetary cuts!!!

From the Chief Judge's latest email:

On Tuesday, March 18th, we began to evaluate the impact of the proposed budget cuts on the judicial branch's budget and our ability to carry out our responsibilities as required by the State of Florida's Constitution. Quite candidly, as we endeavored to reconcile our obligation to provide justice for all with the inadequate resources provided by the legislature, we reluctantly came to the realization that we would have to take drastic measures in order to maintain some semblance of a court system that is accessible and effective. Towards that end, based upon the dire revenue forecast for the judicial branch generally and the Eleventh Judicial Circuit in particular, in addition to other cost saving measures, we may have to eliminate approximately 110 positions from this Circuit's workforce as of July 1, 2008.

Undoubtedly such extensive loss of personnel, approximately 33% of all state funded employees, will have a profound effect on the manner in which we have customarily provided services to the public, in that we may have to, at a minimum:
Prioritize court operations to ensure that we carry out our constitutional mandates. Thus, reducing, and possibly eliminating those functions that enhanced the quality of our services, but are not constitutionally or statutorily required. Reduce the ratio of support personnel for every judge: judicial assistants, case managers, staff attorneys, court interpreters, circuit court mediators, court reporters, general magistrates and related AOC administrative support. Further reduce, and in some instances, eliminate our expenditures for supplies, (Rumpole notes: there go the cappuccino machines for chambers!!!)publications, and travel. (Rumpole notes: No more travel??? A dozen robed readers just fainted. No more "working" conferences at the Four seasons???? Times are indeed hard.)
Defer furniture purchases and other renovations indefinitely (except for life, safety, and health matters). Reduce technology services.

Indeed, these are challenging times of catastrophic proportions; but the battle for fair and equitable treatment, as the third, co-equal branch of government, is not over. Together we can and must confront the daunting task of preserving our judicial system by doing "Whatever It Takes" in a consolidated, coordinated manner.

(Rumpole notes; Here comes our Chief Judge "taking it to the streets". He's a real 60's type radical!)Therefore, we encourage you to: Contact the Miami-Dade legislative delegation requesting adequate funding for the court system, and impress upon them the impact these reductions will have on citizens' access to the courts and respective services. Attached are the names and addresses of our delegation members. If you personally know local business persons, members of voluntary Bar Associations, members of Chambers of Commerce or other organizational leaders, contact them for their support and commitment to reach our Miami-Dade delegation members on behalf of the courts. Explain to your family and friends how the budgetary cuts in the courts will affect their lives; urge them to contact their legislators.

And by all means, continue to provide high quality, first rate services to the public. (Especially you security screeners.)

Attached are documents that provide a comprehensive profile of the court system and the myriad of services provided. Please use this information to express how these services will be adversely impacted by the proposed cuts. As always, if you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please contact either one of us, preferably by telephone. Thank you for your continuing understanding, patience and cooperation during this very difficult period in the history of Florida's justice system.
Joseph P. Farina
Ruben O. Carrerou


  1. Farina write that 33 percent of the court work force will be fired. If you are a court employee reading this, try this out: wheb you go to work tomorrow look to the left and look to the right. Of the three of you, two will be gone by July 1.

  2. Uh, 5:11, only one of three will be out. That's 33%. Good thing you went to law school... Who does your billing?

  3. Mr. fake happy can't spell and can't do basic math. 2 out of 3 is 66% not 33%

  4. we know why you're a lawyer and not a doctor. 33% means 1 our of three will be gone, not two. Still horrible.

  5. Budget Cut Solutions for Judge Farina:

    1. Do away with traffic magistrate's.

    2. At the branch Courts 1 baliff per 2 Judges. We already have the Miami Dade Police at the Court.

    3. Alot of the traffic cases can be handled via the internet in "no contest" pleas. Those who want a trial hit them with max fines for wasting the court's resources.

    4. All criminals convicted of white collar crimes give them a choice, A.) prison or B.) Hefty fines. With all the crooks in Miami Dade we could rake in millions just on these non-violent criminals. Lets get real and stop giving the Roy Black's of Miami the money and give it to the Courts. Sorry Roy.

    5. Sell Rumpoles Boat. (Just kidding).

    6. STOP! Judge Pinero petty cash for Dannon Yogurt. Should save us a bundle.

    7. Take up Judge Cohens plan and ship all the Cuban's back to Cuban. According to her that will clean out the Dade County Jail. (Do not blame the messenger she said it not me).

    8. Half of all campaign money collected by judicial candidates be payed to the court. Thats at least 5 million.

  6. And KFR has real expensive campaign fundraisers!


    To 12:38 am who stated that:
    "The race for the Clerk's office just got tight."

    You're exactly one month behind me.



    The race for the Clerk of the Court just heated up.

    Democrats Harvey Ruvin and Darrin McGillis have now to contend with a Republican opponent.

    Enter JOHN BABUN.

    Do not know much about him other than the following:

    He lives in south Dade County and owns an office condomimuim with one Ignacio Bernal. The two are officers in a corporation called JCIL Management.

    He used to work for Coastal Construction Products - I do not know if he still does.

    Darrin, you better raise some more money if you plan on beating both Ruvin and then Babun.

    CAPTAIN OUT .....

    Tuesday, February 19, 2008 5:47:00 PM

  8. and to 5:11 PM...

    Where did you take math classes?

  9. I did'nt think there were 110 court personel working in the building

  10. Hey "Captain annoying" who the F#@& cares.

    I was pointing out the web site for the new clerk of court candidate.

    Rumpole for the last time block this SOB. I go through 100 asprin a week reading his annoying B.S. that the Herald, Sun Sentinel, DBR, New Times or another blog already wrote about. The guy steals information and post like he was the source. GIVE ME A BREAK ALREADY!

    Why we are on the subject of blocking can ya please block that looney tune Jack "the wack" lawyer?

  11. Case managers, staff attorneys, circuit court mediators, and related AOC administrative support as useless gits and need to go.

    The judges have been empire building for too long, All these "case managers" do is make cases more expensive for the parties and demand useless paperwork. Our civil courts will be better off when they are gone.

    As for "judicial assistants" they should go too. All a judge needs is a well paid legal secretary.

  12. Did you see the new paneling in the elevators?


    I am going to quote higher fees

    Budget crunch my ass!

    Let us all chip in a penny and replace the elevator lightbulbs so you know if they are going up or down

  13. to 7:29

    take Advil, they work better. And while you're at it, take a look at my post on Scanziani and then read the DBR or take look at my post on the new drug that the legislature is trying to outlaw and then read about it in the Herald or on the AP wire service.

    But thanks for pointing out Babun's web site.

    Now you'll most certainly need 200 aspirin as will McGillis and Ruvin.



  15. glad to see none of the judges we all complain about have any opposition. 6 more years of some of these people is what we all deserve

  16. I emailed Mr. Thompson. He denies having filed to run against Judge Tunis.

  17. captain, I must agree that your act is getting tired. Someone once called you a yenta, and I couldn't agree more.

  18. It's tough in the spotlight, eh El Capitan? You should see the comment about me that I don't print.

  19. the elections website reflects no such filing against Tunis, nor FIGAROLA, SCOLA, OR BUTCHKO!

  20. I do not think this is funny. We must be serious about letting go so many court employees.

    We need them. They make little money and most are very nice to us and help us solve problems.

    We should fight to save thier jobs.

    I am writing to Republicans in the House and Senate to find money for them.


    The Florida Supremes decide JACK's case:

  22. COURT sanctions JACK THOMPSON!!!!


    John cant file any more pleadings without another attorney signing them--otherwise he may be subject to contempt of court and additional sanctions....

    What say you now John?

  24. glick for judge. Party at Tobacco Road after work.

  25. Captain: Don't let these bastards get you down. The person who "needs to take aspirin" because of your postings needs serious psychiatric treatment (apparently, he/she is so compelled to read your postings that he/she just can't help himself/herself). I for one appreciate your postings (while a couple have been silly or redundant, most have been good).

  26. JT sanctioned by the court today.

  27. I wish Rump would issue a similar order on this blog.

  28. Jack running for Judge LMFAO...Fisrt you have to be a member of the Florida bar and in good standing... NOT!

  29. Most government workers in Miami-Dade County are lazy anyway. All they want to do is go to lunch, not be available to answer the phone, go home, and then get paid.

  30. Most government workers in Miami-Dade County are lazy anyway. All they want to do is go to lunch, not be available to answer the phone, go home, and then get paid.

  31. I'm sure everyone has seen, but the FSC opinion on Mr. Thompson came out today. Quite an interesting read.


  33. Prediction, Jack violates the order by filing 12 pleadings - a motion for rehearing, motion to stay pending appeal to the feds, motion to "oh g-d please leave me alone I am tormented enough," "motion to motion," etc...

    Now forget the Final Four Brackets, here's the question, who does Jack hire to represent him?

  34. jack, do you have the nads to file something with the supremes and face possible contempt hearing?

  35. Dude, I never sign my own pleadings anyway.

  36. Jack, may I respectfully suggest you retain Joseph P. George, Jr.? I hear the Florida Supreme Court really likes him. He recently won a big case there.

  37. Bye Bye Monica Johnson :(

  38. Ya know, looking back at the comments posted regarding John Bruce's latest tantrum, I have to say it's rather a hilarious thing for him to compare himself to Ted Bundy.

    While I can't look at the exact documents (no way that I know of anyway) on , looking at the old dockets for Bundy's case, I'd say, at least in regards to the number of filings, Bundy was far better than John Bruce has been.

    As to Bundy's demeanor and capability (or lack thereof) in court or the quality of his filings, I can't attest to. But in quantity, Bundy certain seems to have limited himself.

    While I'm sure the courts have allowed individuals the Right to defend themselves, I have no doubt that the QUALITY of their defense has also been taken into consideration as to whether a defendant has been allowed to continue as their own counsel or not. Disruption of the court, in filings or in person within the court itself, really should be taken into consideration.

